Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3765: The Nine Nether God Lord returns


Leng Aoyue's breakthrough, an individual in the holy land was obviously very excited.

If today's great changes and disasters come, this one will become more powerful. Everyone has greater hope to survive this great disaster.

Leng Aoyue's howling sound has stopped, replaced by a frantic momentum.

The spirit of the God King's Eightfold Heaven Realm is completely different from the past, as if one place a day.

At this moment, Leng Aoyue is also feeling his new powerful power, but on his face, he is dissatisfied, and said softly:

"Shenwang Yazhongtian, still, not enough!"

If it was on the continent of God War, it was already invincible among invincibles.

But now in this chaotic world, he has learned that the demon people of the spirit demon continent, the way of the soul, have reached the level of the gods.

In the face of the God Realm, the eighth heaven of the Divine King is basically unbearable.

Facing that existence, I am afraid it is just a ants.

"Hey!" Thinking of these, Leng Aoyue sighed softly.

Shi Feng has been standing next to Leng Aoyue, seeing Leng Aoyue like this, as if he has seen through his mind, and said:

"Relax, you have a solid foundation and extraordinary talents. Now you are returning to the war for the division, which not only helps you destroy those invaders, but also makes you martial and step into a higher realm."

"Master." Leng Aoyue's face suddenly moved when he heard the words from Shi Feng.

He remembered the power that the master just showed, and asked aloud, "Master, how far have you reached your cultivation practice now?"

"For the martial arts, body, and soul, they have all entered the realm of the gods, but on the true combat power, Shi Feng can activate the power of the six heavens of the gods, and even the strongest of the seven heavens of the gods can also fight one ! "

Shi Feng answered Leng Aoyue.

With his own combat power, the power of the five gods can be exploded.

The celestial demons arrayed under the sky can reach the sixth heaven of the gods.

And the three heads and six arms manifested in the black lotus have obtained two mysterious weapons. In fact, Shi Feng is also not sure, how much combat power this thing has achieved.

I am afraid that there can be the power of the seven gods.

"Can fight against the Seventh Heaven of God!"

"A battle with ... the Seventh Heaven! The Seventh Heaven!"

"This this……"

"This is too fierce?"

"I ... didn't you get it wrong? Holy Ancestor, is it really the Seventh Heaven of God?"


The words that Shi Feng said were not only heard by Leng Aoyue.

All the disciples around the heavenly holy land also heard in the ears.

Suddenly, the faces changed suddenly, one by one, revealing incredible.

Even the evil guardian of the Great Guardian, Yan Miu, Ling Yunzi, Split Sky, Long Pian and others are almost the same.

The Seventh Heaven of the King of God, it is invincible in their hearts.

Not to mention the powerful gods.

However, this one is saying that he can fight the seventh level of the heavenly god.

This ... this too ... is really too much.

Suddenly, this one was like a sky in their eyes.

"If our holy ancestors really have such power, our heavenly holy land, our souls on the mainland, have been saved!"

An old Tsing Yi shouted.

The old man Shi Feng still had some impressions. At that time, the three guardian fate fate and the **** of the gods split the sky and took themselves into the treasury holy land to find the required weapons. The old man, sitting on two high platforms before guarding the Fuku.

At that time, they were like two living fossils.

"Can it be the one who saved the world in my hexagram?" And the three-eyed baby Tianguazi, who had never spoken, secretly murmured to himself.

"Master, you actually ... have this kind of combat power!" Leng Aoyue, who had just stepped into the realm of Divine King Liuzhong, was also surprised.

He knows that today's masters are very strong, and he has already surpassed himself once again.

But he didn't expect it to be so terrible.

"Huh." Shi Feng nodded.

Following proudly, "So, you can rest assured that all the disasters are over.

Heavenly Waste Holy Land will step into more brilliant glory! "

"Holy Ancestor!"

"Nine Nine Holy Ancestors are powerful!"

"Nine Nine Holy Ancestors are powerful!"


Hearing Shi Feng's words, all the disciples in the Heavenly Waste Holy Land shouted involuntarily.

Knowing the true strength of this man, everyone knows that this man, this word, is not just talking about it.

With him, the world will surely be settled.

"Okay, let's go, leave here, go back to Tianhuang Holy Land first." Shi Feng, and then Leng Aoyue.

"Well, Master." Leng Aoyue nodded.

Subsequently, Shi Feng took the lead in his body shape and flew up.

Immediately afterwards, a figure followed him, and they all began to fly.

Shi Feng and Jian Tong flew back to the skull of Yan Yan, and Leng Aoyue also came, looking at this magnificent dark big skull with a terrified look.

Following, also following Shi Feng, fell beside the master.

"Leave." Shi Feng spoke lightly.

"Yes, master." Skull Yan Shensheng responded.

The body of the huge skull suddenly moved.

Shi Feng led the disciples of Tianhuang Holy Land, and once again hurried through this Tianhe River.

Although the ancestor of Tianhe died, the large array in the water was still there.

But under the protection of Shi Feng, this violent force in the turbulent water could no longer harm any of them.

One by one, the shuttle is smooth all the way.

Soon afterwards, they all flew out of this Tianhe.

Afterwards, he flew all the way in this mutated chaotic battlefield.

From the beginning to the present, Shi Feng has remained vigilant and did not dare to carelessly.

Nowadays, it is the same to fly in this mutant fission battlefield.

This mutated world may encounter unexpected crises at any time.

Dangerous, weird things are everywhere!

However, it is indeed as he expected, this way back to the sky and the holy land, really dangerous and dangerous!


Among the endless ruins, silhouettes flew out of the ruins.

"This ... this is our ... Holy Land?"

"The Heavenly Waste Holy Land is so true!"

"Those **** demons! Actually, destroy the heavenly holy land like this!"

"Damn, it's abominable!"


When the disciples of Tianhuang returned to this holy land of ruins, they shivered with anger.

For them, the Holy Land is like their home.

Cultivate in the Holy Land, grow, and become stronger step by step.

Once, witnessing the splendor of the Heavenly Waste Holy Land, all ethnic groups came to the dynasty.

One by one, they are all proud of being disciples in the holy land.

But now, the Holy Land has become so.

This is simply hatred!

Nowadays, they really want to tear the demons who destroy their homes.

Chapter two

"Holy land, it can be rebuilt in the future.

As long as everyone is still alive, this is the true heritage of our holy land. "

Shi Feng looked at the disciples in these holy places and said.

"Well, the holy ancestor said yes."

"Yes, there are two holy ancestors, and we are there, the heavenly holy land is here."



Hearing Shi Feng's words, the angry holy places one after another slowly began to calm down their anger.

"Aoyue, tell all the creatures in the Shenzhou Continent, no matter what race, you can come to our holy land to take refuge.

However, the comers must obey the orders of the Heavenly Waste Holy Land. Shi Feng said to Leng Aoyue.

"Tu'er knows what to do." Leng Aoyue Shen Sheng responded.

Shi Feng's words were heard in the ears of other disciples in Tianhuang Holy Land. Although they were human races, they did not like to unite with other races.

But I also know that union is the trend nowadays.

And whoever dares to veto the decision made by this one.

After that, Leng Aoyue began to explain.

Soon afterwards, dozens of disciples from the Heavenly Waste Holy Land flew out of this ruin and flew in all directions.

These disciples naturally conveyed Shi Feng's words to the spirits of the world on the continent.

The Shi Feng people stayed here and started waiting quietly.

If the news spreads successfully, it is estimated that there will be many creatures coming here.

And the news that these gathering spirits were gathered by the demon people, the demon people of the demon continent, and the protoss from the demon continent, I am afraid, they will come again.

In the future, this once holy land of heaven, and now the ruins of heaven and earth, will become the main battlefield in the battle between the gods and the demon continent.

The next day, it was waiting.

Shi Feng found a stone pillar and printed it into his martial arts sentiment. He directly bombarded the stone pillar in the center of the ruin and erected it high.

When Leng Aoyue and the crowds of Heavenly Waste Holy Land sensed the martial arts in this stone pillar, their faces began to change dramatically.

If you get the best!

They already realized what this stone pillar meant.

After this day, it will surely become the treasure of heaven and heaven!

Next, an individual began to sense the martial arts perception in the stone pillar.

Those who can survive in the holy land are all talented.

There are also evil reasons, wonderful words, fate of happiness, split sky, and dragons, all of which are extraordinary talents, among them dragon and phoenix.

Believe them, there will be higher achievements in the future.


Since this time, Shi Feng has been sitting suspended in the void, Jian Tong sitting beside him.

There are also the Nine Nether Demon, who have been there.

Skull Yan, located under him, guarded him silently.

However, although Shi Feng practiced, the Solomon's lamp was always in hand, and he kept in touch with the dust in the Tianheng Continent and the ghost resentment in the gods.

According to the news from You Chen, although Tianheng Continent collided with another continent, the two continents have always lived in peace.

On the other side of the Gods Realm, Shi Feng had just gotten news from Ghost Resentment, beyond the extreme north of the Chaos God Land. Now, there is a group of people again, and once again launched an offensive against the Hunyuan formation.

"Ao Yue!" Shi Feng suddenly called.

Leng Aoyue, who was not far from the sky, heard the master shout, and immediately flew over, stopping in front of Shi Feng.

Clenched to Shi Feng and said, "Master, the disciple is here."

"There is something wrong in the Gods Realm, I will go back. Next, Skull Yan will keep in touch with me, if there is a strong enemy coming, I will come as soon as possible." Shi Feng said to Leng Aoyue.

"Well, Master, please go." Leng Aoyue said.

When Leng Aoyue finished speaking, the Solomon's lamp in Shi Feng's hand was shocked.

The fierce purple flame swept out of the Solomon's lamp, forming a purple flame vortex.

"I'll go too, don't leave me behind." Jian Tong quickly shouted to Shi Feng when he saw it.

"Roar!" Even the Nine Nether Underworld Demon uttered a low roar.

"If you want to go, let's go together." Shi Feng said to her.

"Hee hee." Hearing Shi Feng's words, Jian Tong immediately grinned and looked quite happy.

She was really worried just now, this guy, once again throwing himself here.

He has not done this kind of thing.

"Skeleton, take charge of Solomon's magic lamp." Shi Feng lowered his head and said to Skeleton below.

At the same time, he threw the lamp of Solo in his hand to him.

"Master, rest assured." Skull Yan replied.

He stretched out huge black bone claws, and put the falling Solomon lamp into his hand.

Subsequently, Shi Feng's figure moved into the purple flame vortex.

Jiantong followed the Nine Nether Wraiths and followed him into the Purple Flame Vortex.

The duo and the demon rushed through the sea of ​​purple flames.


In a gloomy and cold world, the cold wind roared violently.

Ghost resentment, Jiuwei demon Ji, Mi Li, now these three clan supreme, and then lead the three clan strong, standing in this extreme north.

Looking at the chaotic chaos of the Hunyuan, the Nine-Tailed Fairy Ji looked disturbed and asked the ghost to complain:

"Ghost resentment, who really told you that it is coming soon?"

As the leader of the large formation, she can clearly sense that the people who attacked this time and the power of the attack are stronger and stronger than the previous one.

I'm afraid it won't take long for these people to break through this chaotic array.

If this is the case, then they, I am afraid, will be lost.

I really didn't expect that they, who were once supremely chaotic gods, now come to such an end.

"Relax, he did tell me that he will be here immediately." Gui resented Jiuwei demon Ji.

"Hopefully, he can hurry up and come back." At this moment, even the digression that had been little talk, uttered words and said this sentence.

"Huh?" However, just after Lili's voice fell, the huge black face suddenly moved.

Then, looked up to the sky.

Immediately afterwards, Ghost Resentment and Nine-Tailed Fairy Ji also sensed the anomalies in the sky and raised their heads.

Soon, a familiar purple flame vortex appeared above the sky.

"He, he's back!" Ghost grudge suddenly called.

"Finally, I'm back." After seeing this purple flame vortex, the nine-tailed fairy Ji finally relieved slowly.

The carrying heart slowly let go.

Then they saw that Shi Feng and a charming red figure fell from the vortex of purple flames.

"Princess!" Ghost complained, and quickly shouted respectfully.

"Divine Lord!" Jiuwei Yaoji, also called out.

"Nine Nine, Divine Lord." Mi Li shouted.

"Nine Nine God Lord is back! Nine Nine God Lord!" All the spirits behind the chaotic gods behind them also shouted ...

(End of this chapter)

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