Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3767: Sword of Heaven

Chapter 3767 Sword of Heavenly Heart

Although the mystery ahead was mysterious, the man in white knew that Zhiyin Xunzun had a desperate means to ban surgery.

If the forbidden technique is applied to yourself, even if it is you, you have to avoid it and dare not resist it.

Therefore, this person should not be able to survive under the power of Zhiyin Evil Venerable.

As a result ... it was Zhiyinxie who died, and he lived well in this world.

"Could it be that his real means?" As the middle-aged white man said these words secretly, he slowly raised his head and looked upward.

Above the celestial demon array, the three-headed, six-armed giant was still standing proudly, standing between the heavens and the earth, immobile.

This body of three heads and six arms fell in his eyes at the moment, but it only revealed the heaven and earth.

But he also felt that this thing is definitely not as simple as Tenjin's heavy heaven.

Otherwise, this person will never sacrifice it.

"It seems that it is his real power when he urges this." Soon, the middle-aged man in white had decided.


In the celestial demons array, in addition to the emergence of golden armor battles, a stream of golden torrents, a series of golden lightnings, and a burning sea of ​​golden fire ... A magnificent force also constantly emerged Out.

Contend with the power of the mighty rush.

However ... there are too many strong players coming to attack this time, and the strength of this force is really fierce.

The celestial demon attacked the demon array, and gradually began to oscillate.

After all, this time, it was the two gods that made the sixfold heavens, and one **** with the fivefold heavens to contend with the big battle.

The other heavenly gods are fourfold, threefold, and twofold. All these add up to a dozen people.

"Roar! Roar!" Nine Nether Wraiths, who had been floating beside Shi Feng, had a furious roar at this moment.

"Don't move!" The look of the Nine Nether Wraiths wants to rush over and contend with the power of those people.

Shi Feng sensed it and hurriedly stopped it.

"Roar!" Then he roared again.

"Relax," Shi Feng said to him.

After saying this, the dark thunder and the raging white flames rushed out of him.

Gather the power of the demon slayer magic array, and resist those forces together.

"That's it! If we go on like this, we can break this boy and then kill him!"

The old man who contends with the five-fold heaven realm sky vault **** sect of Hundred Yuan, shouted again loudly.

As his shouts shouted, the power of terror was once again launched by these many powerful people, like a storm, and then swept madly forward.

Suddenly, Shi Feng, who was in the celestial demon array, only felt that the large array was getting more and more shocked.

"It should be soon." At this moment, only listening to the middle-aged man in a white jersey and then secretly speaking.

When he said this, his gaze still condensed on the black lotus that looked exactly like Shi Feng.

He still felt that this was his real method.

"All, destroy me!" At this moment, Shi Fengdun slammed.

With his applause, the three-headed and six-armed body standing proudly in this world finally moved.

Six big hands, violently bombarded down below.

Just like six black hills, it fell extremely violently!



"Boom, boom!"


Suddenly, listening to the bursts of violent roar, it suddenly sounded at this moment.

As if the heavens and the earth collapsed, as if the universe were upside down, as if the space was broken.

This piece of space has become extremely mad, with ordinary eyesight, it is impossible to see clearly the scene of this world.

"Sure enough, so!" Among the powerful, looking at the violent crit launched by the dark giant, the middle-aged man in white said again.

At this moment, it was finally determined.

"This ... this kid!"

"This kid actually blocked all of us."

"Our strength is gathered together, how powerful and horrible that is, this kid stopped it."

"Sure enough! Sure enough! No wonder even Yin Yinxun died in his hands."


Suddenly, there was a startling cry from the mouths of those strong men.

Although he knew that this kid was a little famous, he didn't think of ...

After launching the wave, the body of Black Lotus stopped the attack.

The whole body of darkness stood motionless in this world again and again.

At this moment, everyone looked at the body with three heads and six arms, which was completely different.

Unexpectedly, this was earlier, but in their eyes, the giant body with the heavy weather breath of Tenjin, actually, such a powerful force erupted.

"It seems that this battle requires your shot." At this moment, a tall, thin old man said to the middle-aged man in white.

The skinny old man who said this was actually like the nine princes in Tianqi Empire wearing python dragon robes.

Hearing the old man ’s words, the middle-aged man in white had a calm face, and he grinned again, responding:

"Well, I really need my shot."

Everything in that side, those words, also fell into Shi Feng's ears.

Originally, Shi Feng had also been paying attention to the man.

Hearing the man's answer at the moment, Shi Feng suddenly opened his mouth and said to the middle-aged man in white:

"You, dare to fight me alone?"

"Oh, fighting alone?" Middle-aged in white suddenly smiled when he heard Shi Feng's words.

"Dare!" Shi Feng asked coldly again.

"You can't fight alone with him."

"There is nothing wrong. Gathering our strength, plus you, will certainly kill him."

"Well, yes! But don't miss this kid's plan.

This kid is really cunning. "

"You can kill him absolutely, so why not challenge him?

Everyone, it is best not to talk nonsense to him, and then use all your strength to bombard him. "The old man of the Heavenly Sect Divine Sect also spoke," he said.


At this moment, these powerful men are still really worried, that one, will be headed out by the kid.

Just now, the kid had witnessed the power erupted with his avatar.

That is indeed horrible.

"This one is not necessarily ..."

"Why not fight alone?"

However, what the great powerhouses worried about still happened at this moment.

That one, actually, really answered it.

He really wants to play against him.

"This ... this ... this ..."

"You, there is no need to fight alone with him!" The old man of Heavenly Sect Divine Sect, said again to the middle-aged man in white clothes with a serious heart.

"Yes! Yes! There is no need for this at all!"

"Really! We all work together to kill it directly with the strongest power. Isn't it fragrant?"


Chapter two

"Okay, you don't need to say more, I have decided!"

Although those strong men continue to persuade this one.

But in the end, he still said such a sentence.

"But ..." The old man of Chuanqiong Shenzong wanted to say something more.

As a result, just when he said the word "ke", he saw the middle-aged man in white, his face suddenly cold.

The tone immediately became very cold: "Did I not speak enough?"

"I ... yes." Hearing the icy words, the old man Chuanqiong Shenzong finally lowered his head and said "Yes" respectfully.

After that, I will not say anything.

Although he is older than this one, this is a world where Wu is respected and whose fists are hard.

He was already very clear, and it would be useless to say anything.

The other strong men began to be silent at this time, fearing to anger the one.

In the whole God Realm, the one who dared to provoke this one did not have five fingers at all.

"Hey!" It's just that although no one spoke, there was a sigh in the air.

On the other hand, when Shi Feng heard the one who promised to fight, he suddenly smiled coldly.

To be honest, if those strong men add this, he really has no bottom.

But if he is fighting alone, he still has some confidence.

"Next, it's all up to you, you, you have to give me arrogance!"

Shi Feng raised his head in silence again, and then said to the body with three heads and six arms.

Although just now, the three-headed and six-armed body launched such a violent blow power, destroying the power of the powerful.

But he still couldn't see at all what level that power was.

"Okay! Really a man!" Shi Feng said again, to the middle-aged man in white.

After saying this, Shi Feng said again: "So, let's fight!"

"Wait first." However, when Shi Feng's voice just fell, the middle-aged man in white again spoke again.

"Oh? Why?" Shi Feng asked him.

The other powerful men also showed curiosity, wanting to know what this person wanted to do and what to do next.

Some people even prayed secretly in their hearts, hoping that he would wake up and stop doing stupid things.

In full view, the middle-aged man in white said:

"This is your formation. For me, it is extremely unfair, and the power will not be displayed.

Us, how about playing a battle? "The white man suggested.

"Hey." The person who originally prayed secretly sighed again.

"Then there will be a battle." Shi Feng replied.

"Go!" The middle-aged man in white shouted in a deep voice, only to see his figure, he flew back and forth.

At the same time, Shi Feng put away the Sky Demon Slayer, and his figure also stormed forward.

Nine Nether Wraith followed him.

When he stormed, Xu Mishan and the three heads and six arms remained suspended above his head.

With a mountain and a giant body, he rushed forward and rushed towards the strong men.

Seeing these guys, they kept retreating in a hurry.

This kid's strength is all seen with his own eyes, especially the black giant, which is all these people join hands, I am afraid that he can no longer suppress him.

And that one ...

The figure was frantic, and soon, Shi Feng's front made a way out.

This way, he stormed forward, unimpeded.

Those strong men dared not take action against him for a while, and he never did.

For him today, these guys have nothing.

As long as you kill the person yourself, you can play with them slowly.

Originally, Shi Feng was only holding a try and singled out the man.

Unexpectedly, he responded so readily.

It was far beyond his expectations.


The two figures, as well as the Nine Nether Demon, are flying extremely fast.

Soon, they flew out of this big group,

Flying into a vast void, the weather is bright, the blue sky and white clouds, and the sun is high, it is not that chaos.

Today, this world is already a good day.

Subsequently, Shi Feng and the middle-aged man in white stopped at the same time.

The Nine Nether Wraiths behind Fei and Shi Feng also stopped.

"Next, I am afraid that it will be a hard fight. You, go back to my mysterious space first." Shi Feng said to the Nine Nether Demon.

"Roar!" Nine Nether Wraith snarled, and then saw him flashing white light.

Shi Feng was directly sucked back into the mountains of Xumi again.

After doing this, Shi Feng looked at the middle-aged man in white again and asked him, "Can you fight?"

"Fightable!" And he simply answered these two words.

"Well, that's good!" Shi Feng said.

And just when Shi Feng and him simply said those few words, the figure also rushed out of the chaos.

They also began to look at the two figures, looking at the upcoming final battle.

"I hope he won't lose?"

"He, will he lose?"

"This ... it's actually not easy to say. This kid is really too weird, and the blow just launched was really too strong and too fierce."

"Um ... I really don't understand, why did he promise to fight alone with him."

"Maybe, this is invincible loneliness.

Everyone knows that in our supreme world, this one is equal to the invincible existence, and his opponent has been missing for many years without news. "

"This is a perverted heart. Invincible, you can enjoy invincible life and life."

"Okay, now we are here to say that these are no longer useful, only to pray, he can kill this kid."




At this moment, Shi Feng suddenly heard a very clear sound of sword-yin, and suddenly sounded.

This sword song seems to come from the sky.

"Sword of Heavenly Heart!"

When he heard the sword chant, an old man said the four words.

"Sword of Heavenly Heart? At the beginning, did he use the sword of Heavenly Heart?"

"It seems that he also attaches great importance to this opponent!"



When someone talked about the sword of the heavenly heart, when they heard the words of the sword of the heavenly heart, they saw these strong men, their faces, suddenly became very dignified.

It's not just them. At this moment, even Shi Feng's complexion has become extremely dignified.

Only the middle-aged man in white, standing proudly of the void, his face calm and indifferent, still hung with a faint smile.

"Come!" Shi Feng suddenly shouted, raised his head, and looked at the higher sky ...

(End of this chapter)

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