Chapter 3768 Sky Sword

Above the sky, the space surged, and a giant sword was born, just like the sword of the sky, containing the power of extinction.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" Even the nine ghost ghosts behind Shi Feng burst into bursts of roar.

It has already felt the horror and power of this force.

"Sword of Heavenly Heart! Appeared, Sword of Heavenly Heart!"

"Tianjianjian Wuxin's Sword of Heavenly Heart!"

"Yeah, the sword of heaven is one of the strongest sword skills.

As soon as the sword of the heavenly heart came out, only the man could stop the world.

But the man has been missing for many years and has never appeared. "

"Well, there have been rumors in the world that that person may have fallen into a vicious place.

If that's the case, no one in the world can compete with this one.

Under the sword of the heavenly heart, perhaps, this battle can be ended? "


As soon as the sword of the heavenly heart appeared, the strong men spoke involuntarily.

However, there are still many people who are worried.

The most important thing is because not long ago, I saw the strength of another kid.

"Jian Wuxin, can you really kill the sword of the heart this day?"

This is a problem that has surfaced to many people.

"I wish to be directly killed, a hundred!"


"Jian Wuxin came out with the sword of Tianxin, God, nothing wrong! The sword of Tianxin really launched the sword of Tianxin!"


There is a figure floating in the distance of this battlefield outside the Hundred Elements.

Zhiyinxun Zun is naturally also a transcendent strongman in the supreme realm. After all, it is the existence of the six heavens of the gods.

To Yin to Evil!

And now, such a strong man, and his men who have been cultivated as extraordinary people, have fallen into the chaotic **** land of this little **** realm, naturally undulating in the upper realm.

Many people in the Supreme Realm have even heard that the one who killed the Yin Yin Sovereign has slaughtered many powerful and disciples of the various powers of the Supreme Realm.

This time, the forces united and came to chase the gods in chaos, and they invited the strongest one in the Supreme Realm, Jian Wuxin!

As soon as the news came out, it naturally attracted countless people to watch the battle, but I did not expect that this time, I could actually see the sword of Heaven's Heart.

"It seems that the Exterminator to Yinyin Venerable is indeed a very strong existence! It can make the sword of the heavenly heart appear."

"That's a necessity! To Yinyin Zun, Wu Dao Xiu Wei, that's in the Sixth Heaven Realm of Tenjin!

And everyone in the world knows that he repaired the horror forbidden technique passed down by Yin Lao Xie Zun. Once the horror forbidden technique came out, he would be able to leapfrog the powerful enemy.

It is rumored that countless years ago, we had no upper bounds. In fact, there were three heavenly gods with seven heavens.

But that one, because he angered Zhiyin Lao Xun Zun, Zhiyin Lao Xie Zun's rage directly urged the forbidden technique, and the two powerful men fell together!

Think about it for yourself! "

"I really didn't expect that this little gods, such a strong man.

You say, can he contend with the sword of heaven? "


The sword of the heavenly heart appears, the sword of the heavenly sword has no heart, and his hands are still behind him, just like an unsheathed sword.

Under the eyes of everyone, the sky sword stabs down!

Heaven and earth are as if they were to be destroyed under this sword.

Terrorist and powerful!

"The sword of heaven!" Shi Feng murmured these four words secretly, his face became more and more dignified.

He was also not sure if he could stop this sword.

"It's up to you, this battle is winning or losing, I will bet on you!" Then he said aloud.

This sentence, he said to his body with three heads and six arms.

As soon as he said this, he saw the three-headed, six-armed body, and suddenly jumped up.

The six big hands rioted toward the sky, raging upward, and greeted the huge sky sword that had fallen.


A very loud violent noise suddenly rang at this moment.

Tiankun earthquake, Qiankun lost its color.

The ears of countless people buzzed.

The whole world shook like a mess.

The natural earthquake broke out suddenly, and disappeared suddenly.

After the day gradually calmed down, his faces changed suddenly.

"Actually ... actually ..."

"That's it ..."

"This ... this ... the sword of the heavenly heart ... even ..."

The cries of horror seemed to tremble.

Just now, everyone in this world saw the huge black three-headed and six-armed riot.

As a result ... the sword of Heaven's Heart was destroyed.

The huge body stands proudly between the world, as if it had never changed.

As if, a mad despise the world.

"Blocked! It was blocked like this." At this moment, even Shi Feng felt an accident.

He got the black lotus body after two mysterious soldiers, he knew it was very strong.

But the sword that fell that day was also powerful enough to make the heart palpitate.

He thought that even if the three-headed and six-armed body could stop it, I'm afraid it would be a big effort.

But I didn't expect that it would be so simple and effortless to block it so easily.

"It seems that I still look down upon you." Shi Feng said to the body with three heads and six arms.

He knew that this guy was actually audible.

"Actually ..." At this moment, even the sword, who had always been dull, didn't care, and his face changed slightly.

Even he was shocked.

"The sword is coming!" Suddenly, he listened to him with a deep voice.

"Zheng!" There was a sound of Jian Yin, echoing in front of him.

An ancient sword in bronze style was suspended in front of him.

This sword is the sword of the previous Tianxin.

It's just that the sword is now the size of an ordinary sword, and the sword doesn't care to reach forward, and then holds it in his hand.

When this sword was held in the hand of the heart of the sword, he saw him, and the momentum of the whole person changed dramatically, very fierce.

As if the long sword came out of the sheath, the fierce sword force pierced the sky.

The sky seems to be brighter at this moment, and the whole world is like a flash of sword.

"War!" Shi Feng drank.

When his shout sounded, the body of Black Lotus suddenly swooped down.

The six big hands, once again rioted together, blasted towards the sword strong.

"What are we waiting for!"

"Quick! We will use this moment to urge all our strength to kill it."

"Yes, that's right! Kill it and say it."

"This person cannot live in this world. We cannot lose this battle.

We can't afford it! "


At this moment, this voice sounded behind Shi Feng's large array.

Once again seeing the horror power of Shi Feng, these people can no longer stand.

At this moment, there was no opposition.

A force suddenly rose from them.

"Huh?" Shi Feng, who urged the body of Black Lotus to launch a fierce blow again, sensed the power fluctuations coming from behind, and suddenly opened his eyes.

"Despicable guys!"

"Humph!" After saying that, Shi Feng snorted coldly.

"Go!" He drank again, and Xumishan suspended above his head suddenly moved.

"Booming" a very violent sound burst, Xu Mishan, fell behind Shi Feng.

Chapter two

The celestial demon is laid out again.

Dao golden runes flickered, and a respected golden armor soldier reappeared.

Golden fire, golden water, golden thunder, golden demon wind ...

Bursts of powerful demon power continue to show up in bursts.

The celestial beasts demons array, once again contend with the power of those "despicable strong".

On the other side, after the three-headed and six-armed body slammed down, Jian Wuxin's hand held the sky sword diagonally upward, with a deep voice in his mouth:

"The destruction of the sky sword!"

When the sound of his drinking sounded, an extremely terrifying force of sword extinction erupted.

This sword destroys power as if it could destroy all living things and all strength.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

However, in the face of this sword with no heart in mind, the three big hands were still bombarded.

The sky shattered again.

"Ah!" There was even an extremely tragic cry of pain that sounded.

Soon, the pain stopped suddenly.

This sky is still a riot.

"Just now, did you hear?"

"That voice? That's ... Jian Wuxin's cry?"

"Okay ... it seems ... Jian Wuxin ..."

"Jian Wuxin failed? This ... won't it?"

"But, I heard the sound just now. Just now, I understand that the sword is careless!"



"Jian Wuxin!" Not only the crowd watching the battle there, but also the powerful players who had attacked Shi Feng, had heard that scream.

Face to face, madness again, all showing bad looks.

Jian Wuxin he ...

"Boom Boom Boom!" All the powers suddenly launched by the Zhongqiang have also been immersed in the monster array that day.

The riots, it seems, have become extremely unstable.

Earlier in the Hundred Yuan Array, when the guys were generating momentum, the old man of the heavenly vault deity of the five heavenly heavens of the gods used his power to counter the power of Hundred Yuan.

Other powers bombard the Sky Demon Slayer.

At that time, the celestial monsters were already unstable. If it were not for the three heads and six arms, the large formation would probably be broken.

But now, with the words of the old man of the sky dome, their power is naturally stronger and more fierce.

Seeing this, the demon attacked the demon array and began to collapse layer by layer.

The power of the heavenly demon is constantly annihilated, and the golden armor demon soldiers are constantly bombarded and re-transformed into the demon rune.


Sky Demon Slayer Demon Array, naturally has been in the induction of Shi Feng.

At this moment, he slammed again.

In the chaotic sky, that huge three-headed and six-armed body rioted again.

"Booming! Booming!" The violent and violent sound of violent, like a sky-splitting, sounded again.

This chaotic sky has become more and more chaotic.

Those who watched the battle could not clearly see the battlefield scene there.

"After all, how is it?"

"I don't know, I can't figure it out at all."

"You said, Sky Sword, has it fallen?"

"It's impossible. Until now, I don't think Sky Sword will fail."

"But just now, obviously ..."

"Perhaps it was Tianjian who launched a stronger sword move, so the sound of that sounded."

"Well, I think this explanation is the most reasonable.

But I have to say, that person is really strong! "


The forces that destroyed the celestial demon array once again collapsed under the violent bombardment of three heads and six arms.

Gradually, gradually, the violent sky fell silent again.

A look, suddenly staring at the void where Jian Wuxin was just now.

However ... there, Jian Wuxin no longer exists.

Only a bronze war sword was left, suspended in silence.

"Tianjian! Sword Wuxin's Tianjian!"

"Why can't I see the sky sword, but the sword without heart?"

"Could it be ... Could it be that the sword is unintentional?"

"Sword Wuxin! That is Jianwuxin, our strongest existence in the upper realm."

"Yeah! Yeah! Actually ... Actually ..."

"I depend! This ... this ... this really feels like a dream!"


"Sword doesn't care about him?"

Zhong Qiang, who launched a sneak attack on Shi Feng, was shocked again.

What a quietly suspended sky sword already means now.

"Not good! Not good! Even the sword has no intention ..."

"It happened, it happened! How should it be?"

"This this……"

"The sword is coming!" At this moment, Shi Feng's turn gave a cold voice.

The five fingers of his right hand were wide open, and a violent suction was produced in his palm.

"Zheng! Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!"

Suddenly, the sky sword shuddered violently.

It seems to be resisting.

"Humph, the sword!" Shi Feng drank again, and the power in his hand suddenly increased.

However, his suction power is the most fierce, and the sky sword has become more and more powerful.

"I don't know what to lift!" Shi Feng shouted coldly.

This sword is extraordinary, and the spirit in this sword is naturally extremely extraordinary.

"He is taking the Sky Sword."

"We can't let him succeed anymore."

"But ... can we still stop him?"

After someone said that, he looked up and glanced at the huge dark body.

This is already an invincible existence, as powerful as a sword and innocent ...

Gradually, Shi Feng felt that he was not strong enough to win the sword, and Tianjian struggled. Now, he has realized what he is.

"Go get it, and this way, the sword will fly away." Shi Feng thought, and returned to the three heads and six arms above his head and moved again.

Then he swooped down there.

Soon, one of the hands held the sky sword.

The two hands holding the staff and the dark iron chain rioted in unison. Two horrible giant soldiers suddenly blasted on the sky sword.

"Boom!" As if Thor was angry, thunder thundered.

Under the bombardment of the two major soldiers, the struggling sky sword immediately fell silent.

The spirit in the sword had already been destroyed, the body with three heads and six arms returned, and the hand holding the sword was loosened, and the sword suddenly fell to Shi Feng.

Shi Feng immediately stretched out his hand and held this bronze war sword in his hand.

At the same time, the thought moved.

The sword spirit collapsed, leaving a very pure soul power in the sword.

This is definitely a big supplement for Shi Feng's soul power!

Soon, soul power was constantly swallowed.

Shi Feng looked at the sword in his hand and secretly said: "I promised Jiantong earlier and gave him a god-level soldier.

This sword can just be given to her! "

This heavenly sword is a sword of unintentional warfare.

It is well-known throughout the Supreme Realm.

But for Jiantong, Shi Feng is naturally not stingy ...

(End of this chapter)

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