Chapter 3771

The difficulty of fusing the sky sword is also expected.

However, when one day Jiantong can successfully integrate this heavenly sword, her strength must be absolutely different.

"Come on slowly, sooner or later you can merge with it successfully." Shi Feng comforted Jiantong.

"Well, it will succeed." Jian Tong's face was firm and he answered after hearing Shi Feng's words.

"Keep on working hard, I won't disturb you anymore." Shi Feng said to her again.

"Well." Jian Tong nodded gently.

Afterwards, he saw the figure of Shi Feng, gradually hiding this fairy misty world.

Shi Feng left, Jian Tong's eyes still looked at the front quietly, and after a while, she slowly lowered her head.

Binocular, then looked at the sky sword suspended in front of him.


Shi Feng's mind returned to the subject. At this moment, he still sat cross-legged quietly on the ruins.

In a blink of an eye, it has been a month since we returned to this continent.

A few days ago, Leng Aoyue, the Lord of Heavenly Waste, called on all parties to the war to take refuge in Heavenly Wasteland.

"It is rumored that the Nine Nine Holy Ancestors in the Heavenly Waste Holy Land have returned and will unite the Heavenly Wild Saint Lord Leng Aoyue, as well as the overlords of all forces, to resist the demon and the Protoss together."

"But ... the strength of the demon and the clan, even the Nine Nine Saint Ancestor and the Heavenly Wild Saint Lord, plus our hegemony of all parties in the war, can't compete?"

"According to the news, the long-lost Jiu You Sheng Zu has returned strong, and now the Jiu You Sheng Zu has the power of air every second."

"so smart?"

"It must be great! If there is no absolute strength, I am afraid that the Heavenly Waste Holy Land will not call the gods and warriors to the Heavenly Waste.

According to very reliable information, not long ago, the Lord of Heavenly Waste, Leng Aoyue, took a group of disciples of Heavenly Waste to take refuge in the secret place, and the Holy Land of Heavenly Waste was destroyed into ruins. "

"What do you mean? There was no power in Tianhuang Holy Land a few days ago, so I began to take refuge.

And now that it is strong, so ... "

"Yes! There is nothing wrong.

In today's situation, if you want to survive, you must go to the Yinling Temple in Wanzhou, Western India. According to legend, an ancient monk was awakened and had terrifying strength.

Or, go to the Heavenly Waste Holy Land, where there is the Nine Serenity Lord. "


In the past month, there were major forces and race creatures on the mainland of Shen War, all of them came to Zhongzhou and came to this holy land of the past.

And they are already camping in the four sides of the holy land.

"Aoyue." At this time, Shi Feng whispered softly.

Shi Feng is meditating and cultivating these days, and his apprentice Leng Aoyue has not been far away from him, and he is also concentrating on the realization.

When Shi Feng shouted, Leng Aoyue's figure flickered suddenly and came to Shi Feng in an instant.

"Master." A cry of congratulations.

"How is the situation in the Shenzhou Continent now?" Shi Feng asked him.

"According to the news in front of us, ten days ago, the devil and the Protoss, with their full force, captured the Yinling Temple in Wanzhou, Western India.

As a result, the devil and the Protoss suffered heavy casualties in that battle.

So, those guys started to send troops again, and they have come to our heavenly holy land in Zhongzhou. "Leng Aoyue said.

"Oh." Shi Feng heard Leng Aoyue, "Oh," he grinned.

Then he said, "You can't beat the Yinling Temple. Do you think we are soft persimmons on our side? Do you want to pinch our soft ones first?"

"Huh!" Shi Feng smiled, followed, and then said to Leng Aoyue: "Observe the movements of those guys at any time, and return to me at any time."

"Tuer knows." Leng Aoyue responded respectfully.

"Huh." Shi Feng nodded.

Then, slowly closed his eyes.

Seeing Shi Feng's eyes closed, Leng Aoyue's figure flickered and disappeared in front of him instantly.

Returning to the original place again, Leng Aoyue also realized again.

According to those demon and protoss enter Zhongzhou, there are still some time.

I will seize the time and become stronger and stronger.

Nowadays, there are martial arts handed down by the master, and all the disciples in the Heavenly Waste Holy Land are ascending rapidly every day.

And his own understanding of martial arts is becoming more and more profound.

Leng Aoyue is confident that if Dan Tian's energy is enough, he can step into God King Nine Heavens in one fell swoop!


Time, slowly, slowly, past.

In a blink of an eye, more than a month passed.

Shi Feng, then slowly opened his eyes from cultivation.

As soon as the thought moved, everything in the Heavenly Waste Holy Land and everything in the Heavenly Waste Holy Land appeared in his mind.

After a few months, Tianhuang Holy Land slowly began to rebuild.

The ruins have been cleared, and new buildings one after another appeared in the holy place.

And these new buildings are all built according to the style of Tianhuang Holy Land.

Even the construction location is the original location.

In addition, outside of Tianhuang Holy Land, there are more and more figures coming to Tianhuang Holy Land.

Or centered on the holy land of Tianhuang, and camped in the four places of the holy land of Tianhuang, slowly and slowly extended out.

As if endless, endless.

Not long ago, Zhongzhou, with its population, has become extremely prosperous again.

Oh, not only people, but also the creatures of all races.

Because the news of the Heavenly Waste Holy Land has been sent, as long as the creatures of the Heavenly Waste Holy Land, regardless of race, can come to the Heavenly Waste Holy Land in Zhongzhou.

It's just that the creatures who come to the Heavenly Waste Holy Land must obey the Heavenly Waste Holy Land's command.

"Fight, it should be approaching." Withdrawing the soul's thoughts, Shi Feng murmured secretly.

Then, slowly turned his head, and then looked at Leng Aoyue not far from himself.

Shi Feng exclaimed, "Aoyue, should you break through?"

Hearing Shi Feng's words, Leng Aoyue looked at him again, slowly shook his head, and said to Shi Feng: "It's not enough, Master."

"Oh? The Nine Nether Nether Forces in Dan Tian continue to be insufficient?" Shi Feng asked him if he saw anything.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, Leng Aoyue nodded and said, "Well."

"Oh, right." Suddenly, Shi Feng seemed to remember something.

Immediately afterwards, a black object that was very cloudy to pure was taken out of his hand.

"This is?" When he saw the thing in Shi Feng's hands, Leng Aoyue's eyes suddenly froze. He who practiced the Nine Nether Ghost Techniques, naturally saw the extraordinary thing in Shi Feng's hands for the first time.

"Master, this is Guiyin Sunflower Seed?" Soon, Leng Aoyue realized.

As far as he knew, the master had three ghost okra seeds, but all three were used.

Today, there is even one.

Hearing Leng Aoyue's words, Shi Feng nodded and said, "It's indeed a ghost yin sunflower seed.

With him, it should be able to help you enter the realm of heaven as soon as possible. "

When Shi Feng said this sentence, he suddenly shrank.

Immediately, the Guiyin sunflower seeds turned into a white light, and flew towards Leng Aoyue quickly.

Chapter two.

Leng Aoyue held out his hand, and put this ghost yin sunflower seed into his hand.

Hold it in my palm and feel it with all my heart.

A strong force of Yin spread throughout his body.

"Ghost Yin Sunflower Seed is worthy of being ghost Yin Sunflower Seed. It is really a wonder of the world."

At this moment, as the Lord of Heavenly Waste Holy Land, he had to express such emotion.

At the next moment, Leng Aoyue no longer hesitated and directly inserted this ghost yin sunflower seed into his mouth.

Immediately, bursts of yin power spread throughout his body.

Leng Aoyue instantly sensed that his whole person was in an extremely mysterious and extremely mysterious form.

"Open your mouth." Then, Shi Feng said to Leng Aoyue again.

Leng Aoyue, who was in a mystery, immediately followed suit.

Shi Feng shook his head again, and another white light popped out of his fingertips, and instantly flew into Leng Aoyue's mouth.

Last time, Shi Feng returned to the God Realm.

In the world of gods, he participated in that war. In that war, he killed so many powerful gods in their gods, the killers, and all the forces of the parties, famous big names. .

Therefore, Shi Feng had a lot of loot in that battle.

And what flew into Leng Aoyue's mouth just now is a **** god in the loot that he won!

Celestial Pill, as the name implies, is a magical elixir that has been refined by the cultivator of the realm of Tenjin.

I really did not expect that there would be such a master of the level of practice in this world.

In order to refine a Celestial Pill, in addition to possessing a superb skill of refining, it is also necessary to collect the heaven and earth treasures of that grade.

And the success rate of refining such medicines is naturally very low.

Shi Feng couldn't think of it. In that war, he actually got three Heavenly Pills.

However, if you think about it carefully, there are so many strong people, so many people with extraordinary status, and the result is three Celestial Pills. One can imagine how scarce this Celestial Pill is.

However, in order to make Leng Aoyue stronger, in order to allow him to break through a higher realm, Shi Feng will naturally not be stingy with such a **** god.

On the contrary, if you need it, Leng Aoyue will dedicate all the things you have to yourself, including his life.

At the entrance of Guiyin sunflower seeds, Leng Aoyue was already in a wonderful state. However, at this moment, such a **** god was added.

Leng Aoyue only felt that his whole body and soul were about to float.

Rolling to the power of Yin, rolling the Yuan Li, has begun to surge in his body, constantly rushing into his Dantian.

I only felt that his whole person's breath was beginning to climb continuously, continuously, and continuously.

"The Lord has a change!"

"There is a change in the Lord's side!"

"Yes, it is indeed the Lord's side!"


Leng Aoyue's breath naturally attracted a lot of eyes, and gazed over here.

Immediately after that, more and more Tianhuang disciples looked at this side.

"The breath of the Lord is constantly strengthening. Is it possible that the Lord will break through the realm again?"

"When the Holy Lord was on the battlefield of the Divine Split, Wu Dao Xiuwei had stepped into the God King's Eightfold Heaven Realm!

If it is to break through again, is it not to step into the King of Gods? "

Someone was surprised.

"God King Nineth Heaven! Is the Holy Lord about to step into God King Nineth Heaven?"

"If there is a great chaos today, if the Holy Lord can enter the God King's Nine Heavens, then our heavenly holy land will have a stronger combat power!"

"The Lord entered the eighth heaven of God King, but for a few months, will it make another breakthrough in such a short time now?"

"The strength of Jiuyou Shengzu, we all witnessed it with our own eyes, and all of us have benefited greatly from his sentiment of martial arts.

With him there, it is not uncommon for the Holy Lord to step into the ninth heaven of the King of Gods in these days. "

"Well, nothing wrong.

Our nine ancestors are here! "


The sound of Tao Dao has begun to reverberate in the Heavenly Wild Holy Land.

They have all felt that the sacred Lord of Heaven and Earth is cold and proud, and his breath is getting more and more fierce, like a fierce sword rushing out of the sky and rushing into the sky, as if to pierce the sky directly.

It was then that Leng Aoyue sat cross-legged and suddenly stood up.

"Roar!" A roar like a lion roared from Leng Aoyue's mouth.

Under the roar, the whole heavenly holy land shook violently with it.

"Booming! Booming! Booming!"

"Boom, boom!"


The whole land was shaken violently, as if a major earthquake were coming.

"What's going on? What happened?"

"Enemy? Has the enemy attacked?"

"Has the demon people already arrived? But according to the news, they will come after about half a month?"

"No, this movement came from the heavenly holy land, what happened?"

"Heavenly Holy Land, something big happened?"


Under the storm, all living beings outside the heavenly shrine shouted.

Then, I saw a group of figures began to break through the sky, flying wildly into the heavenly holy land.

Under the eyes of all eyes, the disciples of Tianhuang saw that after the holy Lord gave a roar, he saw his whole person suddenly rushed into the sky and rushed to the sky.

Suddenly, a white light flashed from him.

Sure enough, as everyone expected, that one, really successfully stepped into a higher realm, God King Jiuzhongtian!

"The breath on Aoyue's body is still rising!" But Shi Feng saw that after Leng Aoyue stepped into God King Jiuzhongtian, everything did not stop there.

He is still getting stronger!

The breath of the whole person has become more and more violent.

"Boom!" Suddenly, a roar like thunder, violently exploded in the sky.

With a pair of eyes, I saw that in the sky, there was a huge rift that was extremely huge and uncommon.

It was cut like a big pair of scissors.

"The sky is so different, could it be ... Heavenly Tribulation?" Shi Feng's eyes suddenly opened, and even cried.

Immediately afterwards, he and all the people saw that a huge hand appeared in the incomparably grievous big rift. This hand, like the hand of God, suddenly moved towards Leng Aoyue and grabbed down.

"Ah!" Leng Aoyue saw it, and roared loudly, and immediately, a punch violently blasted towards the huge hand.

"Boom!" A violent roaring sound suddenly rang at this moment.

Leng Aoyue's punch really bombarded that big hand.

However ... such a violent force, as if it could not shake this "God's Hand" at all, squeezed the big hand suddenly, and pinned the whole person of Leng Aoyue in it.

"Holy Lord!"

"Holy Lord!"

"Holy Lord!"


Dao Dao shouted, and then suddenly shouted in the heavenly holy land, face to face, and then changed a lot ...

(End of this chapter)

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