Chapter 3772

With such a horrible hand, the disciples of the Heavenly Waste Holy Land really worried that this pinch would crush their holy Lord.

And at this moment, the warriors who flew towards the Heavenly Waste Holy Land, as well as the creatures of all ethnic groups, also saw the scene where Leng Aoyue was caught by the big hand.

His faces changed suddenly, his eyes wide open.

"What is that? Such a terrifying hand, could it really be that the demon people attacked?"

"The Lord of Heaven and Waste, are all squeezed in their hands, what a terrible creature this is?"

"What about the Nine Nine Saint Ancestors? Why did the Nine Nine Saint Ancestors never show up to rescue the Heavenly Desolate Lord!"

"This ... what the **** is this? We have come to Zhongtian Tianhuang Holy Land for thousands of miles, is this place really safe?"


The cries of horror suddenly screamed in this world.

"Holy Lord!"

"Holy Lord!"

"Holy Lord!"



In the heavenly holy land, the voices of Tao Dao are still ringing.

And at this moment, I saw a figure directly breaking through the sky, rushing towards the horrible and endless hand.

Among them, there are more children of the cold family.

They couldn't stare at it, and that one, just died on that big hand.

Even if everything is done, it must be saved.

"Don't be impulsive!" But at this moment, they heard a young voice suddenly sound.

At the same time, an immense terror of immense pressure appeared, covering the sky.

One figure after another rushed up, suddenly stopped at this moment.

A black figure floated slowly.

The disciples of the heavenly holy land that flew up, as well as several descendants of the Leng family, immediately looked at that one:

"Holy Ancestor?"

"You can rest assured that Aoyue is not dead yet." Shi Feng spoke again and said to them.

"He, as you imagined, is so easy to die." Then, Shi Feng said so again.

After Shi Feng finished speaking these words, each of the Tianhuang disciples slowly calmed down.

Today, they naturally believe in what this one said.

"Holy ancestor, old ancestor, can he resist?" A descendant of the cold family spoke again and asked Shi Feng.

This person Shi Feng also recognized, but the descendant of Leng Aoyue, Leng Ruo!

A cold family genius who walked with himself in that year.

"Relax, I believe him." Shi Feng replied to Leng Ruo.

Then, he raised his head again, his eyes, and stared at the horror hand again.

He murmured secretly in his mouth: "Aoyue, I believe you for the teacher!

As long as you survive this robbery, you can fly into the sky! "


"That one! Just now, all the disciples in the Heavenly Waste Holy Land, call him the Holy Ancestor?"

"Can it be, could it be that this one is the Nine Serenity Ancestor? The Celestial Ancestor Leng Aoyue's teacher."

"It's him. It must be him. As legend says, so young."

"Well, he must be the Nine Nine Saint Ancestor! Undoubtedly, a few years ago, in our continent, there was a turbulent wave.

It was him, a generation of fierce men who was born, which caused the wild battle of our controversial continent. The forces, the powerful, collided in the endless sea.

In the end, it directly changed the situation on our continent. "

"Nine Nine Saints!"

"Nine Nine Saints!"


All the spirits suspended in all directions exclaimed again.

And those voices naturally came to Shi Feng's ears.

He has become accustomed to such calls.

Without looking, he continued to stand proudly in this void, and continued to watch the horror hand above the higher sky in silence.

Boundless hands, covering the whole world, revealing the infinite power to destroy everything.

The momentum is amazing, just like the sky!

"Ah!" However, at this moment, they heard a violent roar, and suddenly came out from that vast hand.

"Holy Lord!"

"Holy Lord!"


When he heard this roar, the Tianhuang disciples cried again.

Although, hearing that one's words before, it made them feel at ease.

And at this moment, after hearing this live voice, I really confirmed that one, and really alive.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" The violent roar followed immediately.

Leng Aoyue, who is in the big hands, must have been constantly contending with this big hand.

However, the louder the scream, the bigger hand seemed to squeeze more violently.

If you don't crush the creatures in your hands, you are willing to be willing.

Really, people are beating.

Countless people think about it, under the force of the horror, if you are in this big hand, I am afraid ... directly crushed?

However, the man ... even had the power to contend with it.

"Lord Aoyue, Lord of Heavenly Waste, deserves it, Leng Aoyue, Lord of Heavenly Waste!"

"Heavenly Lord, has always been extremely strong! Perseverance is even more amazing. Perhaps, he can really compete with it."

"This ... this big hand, what is it?"

"It is said that ... this is the Heavenly Tribulation of the Sovereign Lord!"

"Heavenly Tribulation? So Heavenly Tribulation? This Heavenly Tribulation is too different?"

"Nonsense! This is the man. Can the man's catastrophe be like us?"


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!" Suddenly roared again.

However, I saw that in this burst of roar, the horrible boundless big hand actually shuddered.

Leng Aoyue at the moment, can actually make him tremble?


Time passed slowly, however, the setting sun fell and the night fell.

The sky has been covered with stars.

However, that huge hand will cover up everything in the night sky.

But at this moment, the roaring roars like fierce beasts still did not stop.

The man in the big hand is still contending with it.

And this big hand, there has been no sign of retreat.

If you don't pinch the anti-celestial man to death, you won't go back.

However, if the sentient beings look closely, they will find that the big hand that squeezed the man has been shaking more and more violently.

"Sure enough, did not disappoint the teacher." Looking at the sky above, Shi Feng secretly said such a sentence.

He has become more and more convinced that the apprentice Leng Aoyue he taught has no problem with breaking that big hand.

"After so long, that heavenly holy land is still struggling?"

"Yeah, I can see this scene with my own eyes, Heavenly Wild Holy Land, come here in good faith.

Seeing such power, I have felt that my martial arts have already shown signs of breakthrough. "

"Well, everyone can benefit a lot from seeing such a catastrophe."


Tonight, it looks like a particularly long night.

There are more and more figures and creatures gathered in all directions in the heavenly holy land.

After a look, they stared closely at the sky.

Chapter two

However, the night is longer, and there are moments of retreat.

Between the sky and the sky, there was a mist of white mist, and the sky became bright.

Everything, gradually began to recover.

And at this moment, "Go!" Billowing violently, like a thunder exploding.

And just as the word "roll" sounded, I saw that the horrible hand holding the man's hand suddenly turned into a big shot.

Then, the grim rift that disappeared in the sky appeared again.

The big hand shrank inwards, unexpectedly ... retracted directly into that fierce crack.

A huge, fierce rift, as if a fierce dragon appeared in the sky.

However, this greasy dragon is constantly disappearing, cracking, and constantly healing.

At this moment, all eyes are naturally concentrated on the figure that appears.

That man who survived from the power of such terror.

Holy Lord!

The first strongest in mainland China!

Leng Aoyue, has now become the only one in this world.

Although, at this moment, he was scarred and looked broken.

Like a rag, the breath is also unusually weak.

Seeing that Leng Aoyue finally resisted the robbery, Shi Feng rushed straight up as soon as he moved.

The other disciples of the Heavenly Waste Holy Land, who were arrogantly empty, immediately rushed forward.

Shi Feng, the first to arrive, came to Leng Aoyue's side.

"Master ... Master ..." The broken Leng Aoyue saw the arrival, and suddenly made an unusually weak voice to him.

It seems that the whole person is powerless.

Looking at his posture, it seems that it is possible to fall down in this sky at any time.

"Don't talk, swallow." Shi Feng said to him.

In his hand, a rehabilitating **** king, Dan, was forced into Leng Aoyue's mouth.

The entrance of the elixir immediately turned into a vitality, surging inside Leng Aoyue.

Leng Aoyue naturally felt the mystery of this immortal medicine that Shi Feng swallowed to himself.

This pill, although it failed to reach the **** level, is also a half-step god!

It is one of the loot harvested by Shi Feng.

"Thank you, thank you Master." Leng Aoyue, still very weakly said to Shi Feng.

And when he said these words, he saw his broken face, healing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

It's not just the face, the whole body has begun to heal.

This trauma will not heal at all soon.

It's just that although the trauma has healed, under the sky-tribulation, he really hurt too much and too much. It may take some time to recover completely.

"Well." Hearing Shi Feng's words, Leng Aoyue nodded and said nothing more.

The relationship between mentor and apprentice used to be very deep. Although he was a teacher, he was sometimes a friend.

Being a teacher and a friend is also very delicate.

After swallowing that pill for Leng Aoyue, Shi Feng secretly sensed Leng Aoyue's breath.

Before the breakthrough, Leng Aoyue's martial arts practice was in the eighth heaven of God King.

After swallowing Guiyin Sunflower Seeds and Tianshen Pill, Shi Feng helped him successfully break through and stepped into the **** king Jiuzhongtian.

However, after the big disaster just now, Shi Feng secretly felt again that he had already stepped into a half-step god!

At this rate, coupled with Leng Aoyue's talent, coupled with the effectiveness of Guiyin Sunflower Seeds.

Leng Aoyue entered the realm of the gods in the future, I am afraid there is no suspense at all.

Sensing that he was so, Shi Feng was also relieved.

In the future, he will certainly become a big help for himself.

"Take care of yourself and recover well." Shi Feng said so to Leng Aoyue.

"Well." Leng Aoyue nodded gently.

The broken and greasy face has been restored as before.

Even, in the white, there is more blood.

Half-step **** magic medicine is really extraordinary.

The Tianhuang disciples who rushed up towards the sky, just saw the two ancestors were there, they were separated by some distance and did not bother the two.

At this moment, Shi Feng looked at them and said, "Come here, help him go down and rest."

"Yes, Holy Ancestor." After hearing Shi Feng's words, they responded one after another.

Then, came here.

Supported by Leng Ruo, a descendant of Leng's family, a group of disciples flew back to Leng Aoyue.

After Leng Aoyue left with all the disciples, Shi Feng also stood alone in the sky.

His eyes slowly scanned the figures of the Dao in all directions, and all the creatures who came to take refuge in the heavenly holy land.

Followed, he said:

"Wu Jiuyou Shengzu left the Shenzhan Continent for a while, but did not expect that the Shenzhan Continent was attacked by the demon. So, this Saint Zu came back and returned with this Sheng Zu. The celestial power of this ancestor.

This holy ancestor, even called you to come to Zhongzhou to take refuge. You will stay here with peace of mind. If you have this holy ancestor, you will be sure to keep you safe. If those devil and **** clan dare to come, this holy ancestor will definitely send you back to the west.

However, you must remember that after entering Zhongzhou, you must listen to my order of Heavenly Waste Holy Land. If you do n’t want to, you can leave now, if you do n’t leave, if you do n’t follow, then you will never be merciless! "

"Then I'm wild and holy, I will never show mercy!"

"Then I'm wild and holy, I will never show mercy!"


Shi Feng's icy remarks lingered in this world.

"Holy Ancestor, rest assured, I must obey the Order of the Ancestor."

"My family is alien, and the Nine Nine Saints of the Human Race are willing to take our family, which is grateful.

If there is a mission, you can always order Jiuyou Shengzu. "

A head of aliens with long horns, wide nose and wide mouth, covered in black.

This alien is the strong beast royal family.

I heard that this family, born with divine power, can lift up the mountain after birth, which is extremely violent.

"Holy Ancestor!"

"I wish to obey the orders of the Holy Father."


Followed, one by one continually rushed back to Shi Feng, one after another, constantly expressed his position.

There is no strange voice.

Hearing the responses of those creatures, Shi Feng nodded gently.

"Okay, let it go." Shi Feng said to them again.

"Retire, retreat next."

"Retire next."


One by one shouted in congratulations, and then, one figure after another, stepped back and flew to their previous station.

Originally Dao Dao's dense sky, soon, Shi Feng was left alone.

After a while, Shi Feng's figure also began to fall, gradually, gradually, back on the ruins of the previous meditation, and then crossed his legs, and then, sentiment.

The enemy hasn't arrived yet, so don't waste time and continue to practice.

Those open eyes slowly closed back ...

Time passes slowly day by day ...

(End of this chapter)

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