Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3778: Brunette woman!

Chapter 3778 Black-haired Woman!

The magicians, began to condense magic on the staff.

Needless to say, the Warrior Warrior, the strongest force, also rushed from them.

Although it is known that the magicians are extremely terrifying and powerful in their far-off attacks, they naturally will not sit still waiting for it!


At this moment, the old magician Ka Jie gave a deep voice.

The old, hoarse voice shook back in this world.

With the sound of this cheering, the wands in the hands of each magician slammed, and the dazzling and colorful, gorgeous, and extremely terrifying magic was launched by these magicians.

At the same time, the martial arts warriors also erupted the strongest force they gathered, ushering in the magic of the sky.

However, it is obvious from the momentum that those magical attack powers far exceed the strength of the warriors.

The magical attacks of these magicians are already powerful, and the spirits of the spiritual masters of the psychic continent far exceed the warriors of the gods war.

"No, I can't compete!"

"Yes, strength, the difference is too great!"

"We are not rivals of the magicians at all."


The forces have not collided yet, and the warriors of the miraculous warfare said such discouraged words.

"He still hasn't moved!" He followed, gazing at the black figure in front.

In this battle, everyone is counting on him.

However, at this moment, these magicians have launched the strongest magic attack, he has not yet demonstrated his power.

"But just now, it was indeed he who broke the power of darkness, he is really strong!"

Seeing that at the moment when all the magic and the forces are about to collide, Shi Feng sneered: "Now!"

As he said this, he saw a slight shock in his body.

The next moment, the black lotus appeared above his head, floating.

A huge black body with three heads and six arms suddenly rose from above the black lotus.

A violent momentum, turbulent world.

It is complicated to say, in fact, from Shi Feng's body shaking, to the three heads and six arms of the body manifested, but it happened between the electric light and fire.

Then, seeing three heads and six arms, he jumped up.

The speed is extremely fast, and it quickly merged into the power of the martial arts warriors.

The martial arts warriors immediately saw that when the body of three heads and six arms merged, the strength of the people's gathering had become completely different.

At this moment, the two waves of violent force collided together.

"Boom! Boom!"

"Boom, boom!"



That space, really incomparable riots, the earth and the earth violently shattered, and the void shattered.

"Block it!"

"Can you block it?"

"Can our strength contend with the magic of these demons?"

"Be sure to contend! Certainly!"

"We want to live! We can live only if we resist their strength."


The warriors shouted in their hearts.



"They ... the ants of the warring continent ..."

"Block it, our great magic attack, actually ... blocked by them ..."

"They actually ..."


Looking at the violent sky, at this moment, the demons have changed their faces.

After the collision between the two continents, it is only a few magical things to kill these warriors on the continent.

Killing is easy.

It was originally thought that in this battle, a million magicians were dispatched to kill these ant ants.

Just now, under the orders of Lord Kaji, millions of magicians launched magic attacks. What awesome and terrifying this is.

Many magicians believe that this battle can already be ended under this wave of magic attacks.

But it turns out ...

"No! No! Our strength!" At this moment, an incredible shock in the magic camp rang from the mouth of an old magician.

Immediately afterwards, another cry: "I ... our magic is suppressed! It is suppressed!"

"The magical power of our million magicians!"

"This ... this!"

"How can it be!"


There was a cry of exclamation, one after another, after another, the waves were rough.

In the magic camp, the faces of the magicians have changed greatly.

With their eyes wide open, they were horrified to see that the strength of the warrior warriors was beginning to destroy their magical power.

"We, fight back!"

"Break their magic."

"Haha, good! Good! We, suppress these weird magic."

"Great! Great!"


On the other hand, although the Warrior Warriors felt unbelievable, they were all excited.

Face to face, a smile appeared.

Suppressed their magic, which means that their own power has surpassed the millions of magicians over there.

This means that it is possible that you really do not have to die in this battle.

"Nine Nine Holy Ancestors are powerful!"

"Nine Nine Holy Ancestors are powerful!"

"Nine Nine Holy Ancestors are powerful!"


Someone shouted involuntarily.

Subsequently, more and more shouts shook the sky.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In the sky, there was still thunder and lightning.

But the violent thunder sound can no longer overshadow the voices of the gods and warriors.

Naturally, they all knew that the reason for this was all because of the three heads and six arms of the Nine Nine Saints.

In the end, under the eyes of all eyes, all the magic has been destroyed.

The strength of the warriors of the gods, as if under the command of the three heads and six arms, continued to rush forward, sweeping towards the million magicians.

On the other hand, the warriors have begun to gather strength again, and a new wave of attacks will probably appear soon.

"Exercise defensive magic with all your strength to stop their attack!" Yuan Ling camp's big magic card 桀, then shouted again.

Each magician suddenly raised their magic wand again.

Light curtains of different colors condensed in front of them instantly.

As if there were a colorful wall of light!

There are more and more light walls, more and more, there are millions of ways.

In the end, all the walls of light condensed together and turned into a huge magic light curtain, revealing a violent madness.

"Stop it!" Seeing that the power of the warriors of the Gods War was coming, a young magician screamed with exhaustion.

"It must be blocked! It must be blocked!"

"Those warfare ants must have exerted their full strength! As long as they block this wave of power, I am afraid that they have almost reached the point where the lamps are exhausted.

When the time comes, when we slaughter them, this wave of attacks must be stopped! "

At this moment, even the Maddie in the dark magic camp shouted angrily.

Chapter two

"That's it, is it over?" Shi Feng, still floating quietly, looking calm and indifferent, said secretly looking at the front.

But after saying this, he shook his head slowly.

Intuition tells him that this battle is not that simple.

I'm afraid it will change.

"Won, we won this way?" Behind Shi Feng, the Holy Lord of the Heavenly Source Holy Source Yuan Xie said aloud.

On the way up, several of them had previously doubted the strength of this one in front of them.

But now I didn't expect ...

"Yeah. This one has become so powerful." Xing Yao, the Holy Master of the Nine-Star Holy Land, also said with emotion.

"How did he make it?" The Lord of Heaven and Earth, God's Rebellion, also said.

The last battle of the endless Poseidon battle among the powerful, although they have seen the strength of this one with their own eyes, at that time, this one is already very fierce.

But compared with today, it is basically one place a day.

It's really hard to imagine that in just a few years, a person can be so powerful.

It would be hard to believe if it was not seen in person.



It was at this time that the body of three heads and six arms, and the strength of converging with the powerful warlords, hit the hard light curtain condensed by millions of magicians.

A tremendous loud noise reverberated violently in the endless sea, deafening.






As the power hit, he heard the sounds of moaning of pain and pain from these magicians.

Not only that, but the shapes of the magicians kept shaking.

His face changed again and again.

And that huge magic light curtain that seemed extremely hard, at this moment, "click click click click ..."

The sounds of crisp sounds kept ringing, and the magic light curtain, like an eggshell, kept breaking apart.


"Our strongest defensive magic."

"Broken! Broken!"



The cry of despair continued from millions of magicians.

The white faces were covered with horror.

This is their last defense. If this defense is broken, with their fragile body, I am afraid it is difficult to resist the wave of violent attacks.

Not only that, the violent attack is coming, and in front of it, there is another wave of violent force, launched by those warriors.

This is to destroy them completely.

"Boo!" This burst of crisp sound was the most violent.

The cracked magic light curtain finally shattered completely, and turned into a colorful light spot in the sky, which was extremely beautiful.

And this magic light curtain, although blocking some of the strength of the warrior warrior, but most of the power is still there. The strongest body with three heads and six arms is still intact.

Zhongli rushed directly to these magicians. The three-headed, six-armed body had already raised six large hands high, especially the two hands holding the dark soldiers were the most powerful.

Towards the millions of magicians, anger bombarded down.

"It's over, it's really over."

"It's finished."

"We, all will die here!"

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die. My beautiful Alyssa is still waiting for me to go back home."


The magicians screamed unwillingly.

Really feel that death is so close to myself.

This battle, I thought it was just a direct push, but I did not expect that it would enter such a situation.

"Huh, a bunch of waste, I knew you were unreliable!"

However, just as the three heads and six arms, and the powers are about to hit these magicians, they heard an unusually cold female voice, which sounded at this moment.

"Break me!" Then the voice rang again.

With this voice, I saw the strength of the warriors of the gods and wars, and they were constantly destroyed at this moment.

In the distance, Shi Feng has been in a calm complexion, and finally changed at this moment.

"Sure enough!" He said these two words.

"Boom!" There was a violent noise.

Although the power of the martial arts warriors collapsed, the three-headed and six-armed body transformed by Black Lotus was still intact.

Six big hands, still, smashed down like a thunderous thunder.

"Actually ... blocked!" Shi Feng said in shock.

The rage of that space is hard to see with ordinary human eyes.

But Shi Feng, who manipulated his body with three heads and six arms, was naturally in his induction.

Above the Magic Legion, there appeared a graceful woman dressed in black, with long flowing black hair, with an amazing temperament.

She fell into Shi Feng's eyes and gave him a sense of extreme danger.

Extremely extraordinary!

Naturally extraordinary, the power of the three-headed and six-armed body smashed down in anger, this woman lifted it with one hand, the space seemed to be frozen by her.

With that hand, the six big hands and the two violent soldiers in the six big hands were blocked.

It's unbelievable!

After three heads and six arms got the two soldiers, Shi Feng saw it for the first time, and someone could stop it.

"Sir Baby!"

"Sir Baby!"

"Sir Baby!"


When the woman appeared, the three strongest celestial triple magicians in the magic camp shouted at her with respect.

Already, the status of this woman in their hearts is not simple.

"The surname God?" The shouting over there suddenly fell into Shi Feng's ears, his brows suddenly twisted.

"That is to say, this woman is a man of the Protoss?" Shi Feng said again.

When he realized this, he became more aware that after the Protoss entered the fighting state, it would be covered with scales.

And this woman is still in the appearance of a human race. Obviously, she has not yet entered the state of battle.

But she did not enter the fighting state, but she blocked the three heads and six arms with a violent blow.

If she is put into combat, how powerful will she be?

At this moment, Shi Feng had realized the bad.

"Humph!" Hearing the cry from behind, the girl named Shenying didn't look back, and sneered coldly again.

Looks extremely proud.

Obviously, she is as strong as she is, and those who call it the great magician, she does not even pay attention to it.

"Give me, get away!" Then, the woman opened her mouth with three heads and six arms.

After she said this sentence, the little white hand raised slightly shocked.

Suddenly, the body of the huge black lotus flew back and forth violently.

Obviously, the two are not at the same level!

In this battle, such a horrible existence appeared!

"This is the horrible murderous thing that Tian Guazi guessed by the way of fate?"

(End of this chapter)

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