Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3779: The real thing

Chapter 3779 The Murders Really Appear

Looking at the three-headed, six-armed body flying violently, Shi Fengdun sang in a deep voice: "Stop!"

When his voice sounded, the body of the black lotus flying upside down suddenly stopped at the moment, forcibly stopped the body!

Looking at the body of three heads and six arms, the cold face of the Protoss woman suddenly moved at this moment, saying:

"Oh? Under my power, it can be controlled."

"Good, good." She said the sentence again.

It seems that the body of Black Lotus can stop the flying figure, as if somewhat unexpected to her.

It is also enough to see that this woman is extremely confident in her own power.

After controlling the three heads and six arms, Shi Feng's eyes still stared at the woman.

Such a strong enemy, how to fight this battle!

"The source of all things!" Shi Feng, once again secretly calling for the source of all things hidden in the body.

When this call was made, there was no response at all from the source of all things.

Shi Feng again called this sentence: "Old things!"

After a while, it was still the same.

This volatile, volatile thing.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng raised his head and gazed at the black lotus.

Today, this is the strongest tool he can control, but ... under the power of the woman, there is no power to parry.

This time, what is good.

"Okay, let it all end, waste." Protoss woman, said this sentence lightly.

After she said this sentence, the beautiful little hand, which had always been fair and tender, lifted up again.

With the movement of her hand, she suddenly saw the void in front and waved violently.

Boiling like boiled water, the power of the waves swept forward, spread, devoured!

Large and large voids began to surge, like a wild wolf, and rushed towards the body with three heads and six arms.

"Broken!" Shi Feng said coldly.

This sentence seemed to be talking to himself, but also to the body with three heads and six arms.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

When Shi Feng drank those two words, he saw the three heads and three big mouths of Heilian's body, and at the same time issued a burst of angry roar.

Immediately afterwards, he saw these three heads and six arms and rioted again.

The six big hands, and then danced violently, rushed forward to meet the horror force launched by the woman.

"Humph, don't control yourself." For this Protoss woman, the most important thing in this battlefield is the body of the black lotus.

After seeing her power, she wanted to contend, and she made a very disdainful voice.

Just now, I have compared it with this thing. In this lower continent, it may still be considered strong.

But under his own strength, however, it is no different from paper.

"Is this adult, the Lord Protoss who came to our Spirit Demon Continent?

So strong! "

The magicians also sensed the power of the Protoss woman and said.

"It has long been heard that a Protoss descended on our Spirit Demon Continent and an extremely terrifying adult came.

It seems that this is the baby lord. "

"It's terrible ... it's terrible ... no wonder the great magicians of our spirit demon continent also have to submit to the Protoss."

The magicians of the spirit world all cultivate souls.

They naturally more clearly sensed how terrifying and powerful the power mobilized by the Protoss woman.

It's too perverted, it's too palpable.

"Is this one still able to withstand?" And the other side, the sentient beings of the Shenzhou Continent, said in a bit discouraged.

Just now they all saw it with their own eyes. After the woman appeared, she flew the dark giant with only one stroke.

The strength of the two is extremely disparate.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

"Roar roar!"



At this moment, the roaring sounds are still roaring from these three big mouths.

"Awakened?" Shi Feng said that secretly, sensing that square.

He could manipulate the three-headed, six-armed body, but it wasn't that he manipulated the three-headed, six-armed body to make these bursts of roar.

Usually, it does not have these big movements.

At the moment, it is.

Under the eyes of the public, the spirits of the sentient beings saw that the six big hands dancing wildly collided with the tumbling power of terror.


This collision not only made a loud noise, but every living creature in this world felt his body sloshing.


And the angry roar still roared.

"Block, block?"


"This ... this one, broke out?"

"Isn't it that the previous one didn't use his real power, and only then learned that the woman was strong at this moment, he only activated his real power."

Looking at the shocking scene, the sentient beings on the side of the war furiously cried out again.

I didn't expect anything to happen again!

There was no hope anymore, but it turned out ... the hope that had just been extinguished soon, and then reignited.

"This ... this ... that is to say, he, might have beaten that woman?"


"Blocked! It turned out that the power of terror was blocked."

"That man!"

"Just now, wasn't the dark giant easily struck by the infant baby? How could ... suddenly have such a powerful force?"


The magicians are also shouting.

"Sure enough!" While looking at the scene, Shi Feng said secretly again.

The guy who always pretended to be dead, himself, was still very strong.

At this moment, the horror power launched by the **** woman has begun to collapse.

"It actually broke my power!" There was not much change on the beautiful face of the **** race, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

The three-headed, six-armed body is still roaring, and its figure is still rioting.

Angrily rushed forward, violently rushed to the protoss black woman.

"I'm going to see how much you can bear." The Protoss woman said.

After saying this, he saw his posture move forward and move forward.

Wherever he passed, he left a beautiful afterimage.

In a flash, the woman flashed in front of the three heads and six arms.

When I saw the woman coming, the six big hands raised again, and then, towards the woman, I fell down.

The woman, with her right hand clenching her fists, confronted the horrible six big hands, but she came up with a fist.

Although the fist is small, it looks extremely delicate.

However, in this punch, there is a force that is extremely violent and as if to destroy everything.



The six big hands collided once again with the power of the white and delicate petite fist and the power of the two powerful things.

In addition to this burst of blasting, it was accompanied by a scream of pain and misery.

This cry is a woman's cry.

That is to say, under the bombardment of three big hands with six arms, the woman shouted.

Chapter two

Immediately afterwards, he saw the Protoss woman, and he fell down with six big hands.

With a snap, he crashed into the endless sea and set off the waves of the sea.

"Sir Baby!"

"Sir Baby!"

"Sir Baby!"

After seeing that scene, the three strongest magicians in the magic camp, as well as the magicians behind them, suddenly burst into shock, shock and incredulity.

Especially the three, they know the power of this Protoss woman.

For them, this is simply an invincible existence.

But now ...

"Victory? Did you win?"

"That woman was photographed? Who saw it just now? Is that woman dead?"

"Whether it is dead or not, the force collision just now is enough to confirm that this one is stronger than that woman!

Even if the woman is not dead, we are equal to victory. "

"Well, yes, even if the woman was not killed, this one slaughtering the woman is only a matter of time."

"Jiuyou Shengzu is worthy of being Jiuyou Shengzu! It is so strong, it is really too strong!"

"As long as we win this battle, we have the hope of expelling those demons!

Great, great! Under the leadership of the Nine Nine Saint Ancestors, the battle will reappear. "


The warriors of the gods that had been languishing once again were reinvigorated.

However, they were uplifted, Shi Feng's face, but still a dignified color, his eyebrows tightly twisted.

Just now, although the woman was bombarded into the endless sea, he knew that this battle did not end so easily.

That woman was not as simple as being bombed to death.

The most important thing is that since this woman is a Protoss person, but up to this moment, she has not really entered the fighting state.

In other words, this woman has not yet used her true power until now.

"Oh, huh, huh, huh."



The waves are surging in the endless sea. At this moment, people immediately heard and laughed a lot, and they continued to spread out from the sea, and echoed continuously in this world.

"I didn't expect that the Divine God really didn't expect that on this lower continent, there are still creatures, forcing the Divine God to manifest itself."

"Spiritual creatures on the lower continent, you can see the true body of the god, wait, even if you die, there is no regret."


As the voice fell, people heard a very sad, very tragic cry, and suddenly sounded.

"What's wrong with that woman?"

"He didn't die, just what she said just now, is she going to use her real power?

Just now, she still did not use her full strength? "

"It seems ... is this? But, why does this woman make such a painful cry? What is she doing?"

"Huh?" At this time, Tian Guazi beside Leng Aoyue's eyebrows twisted immediately.

"What's wrong with Tian Gua." Leng Aoyue suddenly discovered the abnormality of Tian Gua Zi and quickly asked him.

"It's starting, it's about to start." Tian Guazi replied.

"What started?" Leng Aoyue asked again.

"My hexagram image has begun to be fulfilled! I'm afraid it will really be fulfilled." Tian Guazi said again.

"You mean?" Leng Aoyue looked at the words of Tian Gua Zi.

Then, both eyes stared at the endless sea that fell to the **** woman.

At this moment, the sentient beings immediately sensed that an unmatched momentum suddenly rushed out of the endless sea.

"This is? This ... momentum ..." Shi Feng's face changed again.

Under that rising momentum, even his body began to tremble involuntarily.

"Good ... so terrifying!"

"God ... Lord Baby ..."

"Is this the real power of Lord Baby Infant?"


Whether it is the warrior of the Shenzhou Continent or the magicians of the Spirit Demon Continent, the body is shaking at this moment.

The heartbeat can't help spontaneously accelerating. Some people with low strength feel that they are about to suffocate.

Feeling so uncomfortable.


Under the eyes, people saw a huge body of darkness, rising slowly from the endless.

At first sight, it was like a dark giant mountain.

As more and more dark bodies emerge from the sea, they appear in the eyes of all beings.

"Ao! Ao! Ao!" Bursts of screams like fierce beasts, constantly screaming.

Today, there is still a beautiful black-haired woman, this ... is simply a huge fierce looking fierce.

The huge head, somewhat shaped like a dragon, is covered with a long horn above the top of the head, just like a handle with a dark sword.

The beast stood upright, covered with dark scales all over it, covering the whole body, shining with dark luster. It seemed to know that this body was extremely hard.

"Aw!" With the roar of this roar, behind the huge murderous creature, two black flesh wings spread out violently, covering the sky.

The already gloomy world immediately became darker.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In the sky, the mad thunder was still exploding.

At this moment, the explosion was more violent and frequent, as if the advent of this horrible murderous creature had been announced to the world.

"Sure enough! Sure enough! Sure!" Looking at the dark murderous creature, the Tianguazi beside Leng Aoyue exhaled three in a row.

"Holy Lord! This is it! This is it! The murderous thing I saw in my dream."

Even the three-protection dharma fate of Heavenly Waste Holy Land flew to Leng Aoyue's side at the moment, and said to Leng Aoyue.

His face, his eyes widened, was full of panic.

If everything in the dream comes true, then ... they, all of them, must die.

And yes, tragic death.

"Humble creatures, accept the power of my anger! Aw !!" The huge murderous creature appeared in the world.

It's just that in the end, Yang Tian made a scream of anger.

"Boom!" The thunder in the sky shook even more violently.

With a large mouth, the murderous creature saw a blazing black flame burst from its mouth.

The flaming black flames burned towards the three heads and six arms.

"Roar roar!"

However, in the face of this murderous creature, the body of three heads and six arms did not mean to retreat.

Three big mouths, still roaring violently, burst into a roar.

Then, continue to rush down, unexpectedly, directly greeted the black flame ...

(End of this chapter)

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