Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3795: Where is self-confidence?

Chapter 3795 Where is self-confidence?

When Barlow also raised the dark magic staff in his hand, Spear Song and Yan Aoci also raised the staff in their hands.

Six powerful magicians, once again confronted each other.

Just like whoever starts magic again, the battle of magic will start again.

Although, these six magicians have been hit hard!

"We will retreat!" At that moment, the Arafa spoke again.

"Arafah!" Barlow shouted angrily when he heard the words.

It seems that he doesn't want to retreat yet.

"Tonight, if you really want to die here, then slowly be here!" Arafa had not spoken yet, and Yan Aoci said coldly to Barlow.

A sneer sneered.

Hearing Yan Aoci's words, Barlow slowly converged on his face.

Speaking of death, no one wants to die.

"Okay! Retreat!" Following, Barlow spit out these two words.

Then, looking at the three white-robed magicians in front, he said:

"If you dare to use magic on the three of us when we leave this place, then you will die endlessly and be buried here together."

The three white robe magicians did not speak. They lay on the ground, holding their staff and staring closely at the three.

Later, three evil magicians were seen, and their figures slowly fluttered together.

As they slowly fluttered, Loisa's three white robe magicians also floated up.

Led by Arafah, the three evil magicians gradually drifted away from this world, and gradually disappeared into the dark jungle, and disappeared into the sight of the three people.

"Hoo! The three guys are finally gone."

After seeing the three men disappear completely, Spear Song sighed heavily.

Raising the hand of the ancient wooden staff, slowly lowered it.

Loesa and Krett also gently put their hands down.

They also knew in their hearts that after those three guys retreated, these days would probably not come.

It was also bombarded by the demon, and in today's state, no one needs to be strong enough.

"Tonight, it's really ... it's dangerous." Kritt also said.

Although the demon really retreated, although he was still alive.

When I think of the previous scene, I still feel lingering.

At that time, I really thought that I really would die.

"I really don't know what happened, why did the demon suddenly disappear."

Loesa still frowned tightly and said.

Until now, she still couldn't understand.

"Perhaps, what happened to the devil." Spear Song speculated wildly.

Then he said, "But no matter what, we all escaped that disaster."

"Um." Loahisa and Kreite nodded slightly when they heard the spear song.

"Huh?" But at this moment, Crete seemed to realize something suddenly, and the face on his face changed suddenly.

"Those two guys!" Thinking of this, he suddenly turned around, his body facing the Holy Mountain.

With this move by Kreite, Loisa was suddenly aware that she also turned around at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, three eyes, all condensed on the holy mountain, condensed on the mountainside of the holy mountain, the three figures.

The three figures they looked at at the moment were naturally Shi Feng, Leng Aoyue, and Mu Liang.

"They are coming towards us, and the comers are not good!" Mu Liang had already seen that the three people in white robes flew towards this side.

Despite the war just now, these three seem to represent justice, and the other three are evil.

But that is all relative.

Now these three men have fallen into his eyes and can no longer stand justice.

He even felt that Ling Ran's murderous intention came to the side.

"Danger!" Mu Liang called again.

Afterwards, he looked down at the Destiny Divine Plate in his hand, and the magic needle on the Destiny Divine Plate turned again.

"Fero! There are ominous signs!" Mu Liang shouted again.

"Um ... but ..." However, Mu Liang's face changed again when he called those words.

"In the fierce, it reveals auspicious! No, the sign of death."

"Couldn't these three people especially want to kill us?"

Muliang secretly said again.

Soon, three white postures had floated.

Kreite then pointed the golden staff in his hand and pointed at Shi Feng three people, and sipped coldly: "How do I tell you!"

Meaning, I said that they were not allowed to approach the Holy Mountain!

Now, not only is it close, but it has already come to this holy mountain.

Originally, they brought Shi Feng and Leng Aoyue here, but now they have Mu Liang and Xiao Hei.

They just didn't care.

In their eyes, this person and this dog are nothing but ants among the ants.

More ants than these two.

"The situation was urgent just now, and the other side was extremely dangerous. We were forced to come here." Leng Aoyue said.

"Every humble person, even if they die, must not step into the holy mountain. Now that they have stepped into the holy mountain, they have committed the crime of death."

Corret spoke again coldly.

"Don't forget Corret." However, just after Corret said this, the Loisa said so.

Following, Loesa said again: "It was indeed an emergency just now, and it was justifiable."

"Loesa!" When he heard Loesa's words, Corret turned his head and sipped at him:

"Now, it is not a time of kindness and kindness at all. Holy Mountain, except the three of us, will never allow anyone to step in.

Did you forget? "

"But they just came here, they didn't ..."

Loesa said this, and just before he had finished speaking, he listened to Corret and drank her words:

"This time, they came here.

Next time, who knows where these ants will go.

Now that they have committed the death penalty, if they are kept, I am afraid they will cause serious trouble. "

"Loesa, actually, Crete was right." After Crete said, the spear song that had always been smiling on his face also spoke at this time.

Spear Song said: "In the battle just now, if these three guys went there, we couldn't prevent it at all.

This time there was such an accident, who knows when the next time Arafah will arrive.

Who knows what will happen next time.

Therefore, these three cannot be left. "

All smiles have disappeared from the face of this spear song.

Some are serious, serious, and murderous.

"But ..." And this beautiful blonde woman Luo Aisha, it seems, still can't bear to kill Shi Feng three people like this.

It seems that although this woman is powerful, it is indeed kind.

It seems that the magicians of the spirit demon continent are not the kind of innocent people killed indiscriminately.

Chapter two

"Hey!" Then, he listened to this Luo Aisha, sighed heavily.

This sigh sounded a bit helpless.

If both Krit and Spear Song are going to kill these three people, they can't stop them with their own strength.

But they ...

"Just a moment ago, it was indeed an emergency! Under the sweep of such terrifying forces, if they did not enter the Holy Mountain, they must have died.

So, this is entirely justifiable, but they ... "

Luo Aisha secretly said in her heart.

The conversation between these three people has always been heard in the ears of Shi Feng, Leng Aoyue, and Mu Liang.

The meaning in these three words is as if the lives of the three of them have been completely in their hands.

"Oh!" And at this moment, a sneer of disdain, as if hearing a joke, suddenly sounded.

After hearing this laughter, Krett and Spear Song suddenly looked at the person who made the laugh.

The person who issued this laugh was naturally Shi Feng.

"It's funny?" Corret sneered and asked Shi Feng.

"Oh!" Then, the spear song also made this laugh.

The spear song has naturally come to a conclusion. This person's laugh is doomed. He and his two companions must die!

"It's really funny." Shi Feng smiled and replied to this Crete.

After saying this, he said again: "Ben Shao really doesn't know, where are you, so confident.

Did you wait for me as a ants? "

Shi Feng even asked about this powerful big magician.

And when he said this, it seemed that he didn't take this great magician into his eyes at all.

Coret did not expect that the ants would dare to speak to themselves like this.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the golden staff in his hand and pointed at the three people in front of Shi Feng: "You, this is, humble, ants!"

After finishing this sentence, Kerret no longer wanted to talk nonsense to them.

He just wanted to prove by strength, what is a ants!

Humble ants!

A terrifying magical power appeared on his golden staff, rushing towards Shi Feng, Leng Aoyue, Mu Liang.




Feeling this powerful magic, Leng Aoyue and Mu Liang's face suddenly changed drastically.

Body and mind tremble.

"Brother Nether, even at this time, this powerful presence is also provoked! This brother Nether ..."

"Master, this is ..."


Tao Tao thought, Yu Muliang and Leng Aoyue rushed.

"Hey!" Loaisa sighed again.

This person collided with Kerrit so much, she already knew that they could not survive.

I myself can't save them.

Crete's face, with a cold chill, seemed to be covered with frost.

On the face of the spear song, the corners of the mouth cracked slightly, and the sneer grew more and more.

In his eyes, the three ants were no different from the three dead bodies.

He couldn't figure out, this guy, who had the courage to know where he came from, dared to confront the most irritable Krett.

This is so-called, tired of living?


"Oh!" It was just that when the powerful and terrifying magic was about to hit Shi Feng's three people, the three great magicians even heard that burst of laughter again.

The man stood proudly on the holy mountain, his body still motionless, the disdain sneer on his face, the more he came, the more he came.


Suddenly, he heard a dull sound, and suddenly rang.

After hearing this sound, the faces of Loesa, Krett, and Spear Song changed again.

"Evil ... demons!" Lou Aisha exclaimed.

"Come back, that demon, come back!" Spear Song also exclaimed.

"Ah!" Coret opened his mouth in shock.

When faced with Shi Feng just now, the high magical face that stood above him disappeared instantly.

Immediately afterwards, he even felt that the powerful magic he had rushed towards those three people disappeared completely.

It seems that there has never been an ordinary one.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!"

"Wow! Wow! Wow!"

"Dang Dang! Dang Dang! Dang Dang ..."

With the appearance of the "boom" sound, a burst of dull and violent roar followed by a repetition.

The whole world was shocked and boiled extremely violently.

The three powerful magicians have shown extreme shock, extreme hardship, and even pain.

But in contrast, Shi Feng, Leng Aoyue, Mu Liang, still standing on the holy mountain, motionless.

They don't feel anything strange at all.

Although the noise was very loud, it was very violent, but ... it did not affect them at all.

"Ji! Daji!" Muliang shouted immediately after the Destiny Plate.

"Master, what's going on?" Leng Aoyue asked Shi Feng.

"Young Master!" And when Leng Aoyue asked that sentence, an unusually hoarse voice came from the sky.

Leng Aoyue raised his head, and immediately saw a huge dark figure that covered the whole sky.

But this figure is still extremely vague.

"Little Lord?"

"Little Lord?"

"Little Lord?"


At this moment, Leng Aoyue, Muliang, Luo Aisha, Krett, and Spear Song also made a call at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, all eyes fell on the young black figure.

"Evil ... he, calling you the young master?" Luo Aisha said in a horrified voice, her face full of shock, and asked Shi Feng.

"Otherwise?" Shi Feng asked her instead of answering her.

"Why?" Loisa asked again.

"Impossible! Impossible! Impossible!" And Nacret kept shaking his head and said the words "impossible" constantly.

The person in front of him is just a ants, but he can just squeeze the existence of death, such a powerful demon, so called such humble ants as young master.

It seems that this Creat is very difficult to accept.

He didn't want to accept it at all.

He, from the bottom of his heart, looked down on the person in front of him.

"Why is this happening?" The spear song was calmer than Corret, and asked Shi Feng.

"Because, I was his young master." Shi Feng answered this sentence to them.

"You!" Kritt spit out again.

But soon, a shocked and unbelievable face appeared suddenly.

Leng Leng hummed: "Well, this is just an exquisite illusion, I have to admit that this illusion is indeed extremely exquisite, so exquisite, that even we can be blinded.

Huh, and look at me, how, break it! "

Speaking of the last sentence, he could say that he screamed loudly.

Then he saw the staff in his hand and waved it up sharply, "Broken!"

The sound of breaking the word, back to the sky, as if the whole world, will soon be broken under this word ...

(End of this chapter)

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