Chapter 3796

Krit has been very convinced in his heart that the shadowy figure that appeared in the night sky at the moment was just an illusion performed by the person in front of him.

Although, so realistic, though, I concealed my eyes and senses.

It also made the three of them feel very uncomfortable.

But myself, there is a heart to see through all this.

How could this demon call this ants master.

Does this ant deserve to be the master of this demon?

"The ants, that is, the ants, will only use this inferior trick!"

Corret said coldly in his heart.

If, the ants don't let that illusion, call him and call the young master, myself, maybe there is really a little bit of faith and will be cheated.

However, this stupid ant actually asked the demon to call him the young master, which was simply lifting a stone to hit his own foot.

But it is foolish!


With a golden staff in his hand, Krett stared tightly at the night sky and the huge figure when he launched the power of terror destruction.

Not only him, but even Luo Aisha, Spear Song, and both eyes stared at it.

"Is this really illusion?" Loesa said secretly in her heart.

But under the demon, the uncomfortable feeling of pain was real.

"It's illusion, it must be illusion! It must be illusion! It must be!"

And the spear song, which kept saying these words in his heart, began to pray in his heart, praying for the blessing of the great god.

Just now, he and Kerret, but the lives of three people Shi Feng.

If the demon is indeed the demon, Spear Song knows clearly what will happen next.

"Kreite must be right, how could such a ant make this demon call him the young master."

Spear Song secretly said in his heart, firmly want to make himself think, that is illusion!

And the pain and discomfort he has produced are nothing but illusions!


In addition to these three great magicians, looking at the horror figure.

Leng Aoyue and Mu Liang have all been watching him.

Mu Liang, who is holding the Destiny Disk, is already very clear that he is a friend in the night sky.

Leng Aoyue, although he has not yet figured out what is going on, he also knows that it is not an illusion in the night sky.

The so-called demon indeed called the master the young master.


"Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang ..." bursts of percussion, still Yu Yuqiang rang.

"Well?" Just then, an unusually strange sound came from the giant shadow above the sky.

Immediately afterwards, Loesa and Spear Song felt that the destructive magic that Coret had just launched had already disappeared.

"This ... this ... this is probably really ..." Loesa exclaimed again.

"The magic launched by Krett has never been able to get close to this illusion.

This ... this ... this is probably not really ... an illusion! "

Although he didn't want to accept this fact in his heart, spear song had to accept it now.

"Why! How could this be! My shattered magic!" The most shocking thing to say is that of Krit, who has always believed in the demon and is a phantom.

He, who controls the magic of destruction, has really felt that the power of destruction he has launched is instantly destroyed.

The force that destroys the power of destruction is horrible and evil.

That is indeed the power of the devil.

This, indeed, is the one who has endless years in this magical Misumi, making himself and others avoid the demon for countless years.

Thinking of this, Krit suddenly lowered his head, staring fiercely at Shi Feng and shouting loudly:

"How could it be! The ants, what means did you use to make this demon listen to you?

Hurry up, what the **** do you use in the end? "

At the moment, Krett seems to have become somewhat abnormal and a little crazy.

"Let it go!" Shi Feng had not responded to this Crete, but he heard the dull and angry drink in the dark shadow above the night sky.

"Ah!" Immediately afterwards, an extremely loud roar rang out from the mouth of Corret.

That face has become extremely distorted and looks extremely painful.

When he crashed down, "Boom" burst for a while, and Kritt crashed violently, and the ground was shocked.

Corret, who suffered an invisible blow, was not killed at the moment.

Still half life, already dying.

With the power of the devil, it is a breeze to get this Kritt's life.

However, he did not do that.

Because the young master did not kill him, he dared not make good claims.

After devastating Nacrete, Loesa and Spear Song looked at the man in front of her with more horror.

At this moment, there is no suspense, this person is really the master of the devil.

The devil is indeed real, indeed, obey his orders.

Although, they didn't even understand how he did it.


And at this moment, Loesa and Spears saw that the person in front of him suddenly grinned at himself.

There was an unspeakable meaning in this smile.

The spear song already knew very well, next, he, I am afraid to take his own surgery.

Tonight I experienced a catastrophe, myself, and finally survived that catastrophe.

Now, I never thought of ...

"Your Excellency, I don't know what to do and offend you." Spear Song immediately said to Shi Feng.

"Oh, then?" Shi Feng asked the spear song even more with a smile on his face.

"I ask you to let me go!" Spear song replied.

"Oh!" Shi Feng responded to him with another laugh.

Just ask, this guy and Nacret want their three lives.

If the three of them ask for mercy like the two of them, will they let them go?

The answer is undoubtedly impossible!

Therefore, Shi Feng, it is impossible to let these two people go.

"Ah!" Immediately afterwards, I saw the spear song's face, and there was also a look of extreme panic and extreme pain, and a cry of extreme pain.

Immediately afterwards, he fell like a Krit just now, and crashed to the ground.

Already, Shi Feng quietly just ordered the figure in the sky.

Therefore, this spear song did not sense any attack at all, and the whole person suffered extreme pain, directly hit hard, and fell down.

Shi Feng, the reason why he hasn't let the demon slaughter those two guys, he wants to know more about here.

There is also the holy mountain where he is now. He also wants to know what secrets exist in this holy mountain to prevent himself from entering.

Chapter two

After shaking Crete and Spear Song to the ground below, Shi Feng's face moved slightly, and finally fell on the face of the beautiful blonde beauty Loesa.

"I see." Seeing Shi Feng looking at him like this, Luo Aisa said so suddenly.

Followed by: "You do it!"

"You are beautiful and kind, I won't do it for you." Shi Feng said in answer to her.

But he will not forget that Kreite and Spear Song want to take their three lives, it is this Luo Aisha, pleading with them.

Let yourself three off.

Shi Feng, naturally, is a person with clear grievances and grievances, although this Luo Aisha is a magician in the spirit world, and a super powerful magician.

But he will not start with her.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, Luo Aisha's beautiful and fair face changed slightly.

Following, she pointed to the two embarrassed and paralyzed figures below, like two muddy bodies, and said to Shi Feng:

"Then can you, for my sake, spare them both?"

"Don't spare them both?" Shi Feng murmured secretly, listening to Luo Aisha.

But soon, he slowly shook his head at Loesa and said:

"The two of them want me to die in this world, but anyone who wants me to die will never be qualified to live."

Shi Feng's voice was cold and absolute, echoed in this world.

Below the ground, although Krit and Spear Song were hit hard, their bodies could not move.

But the two of them have been listening to the conversation between Loesa and that person.

Just now, when they heard that the person said they wouldn't kill Loesa, and when they heard Loesa pleading for the two of them, they even raised some "life" hopes in their hearts.

I thought that for the sake of Loesa, that person would really let go of him.

However, at this moment, I did not expect that it was the person who answered so.

"Can't you just open the net?" Luo Aisha said to Shi Feng again.

"No! Impossible." Shi Feng answered the same way.

Then he said, "This matter must be mentioned again, these two people must die."

"Hey!" Loaisha sighed again when she heard Shi Feng's words.

Then, she said nothing more.

Seeing him so utterly incomprehensible, and listening to him so utterly indecisive, she also knew what to say was useless.

Then, he bowed his head again and looked at the two figures.

Since entering the magical messenger with them, they have been living together in the magical messenger for countless years.

Mutually taking care of each other, taking care of each other, fighting against each other, and going through heavy and heavy dangers.

There is happiness coming together, loss coming together, sadness coming together.

Now, I didn't expect myself to say goodbye to them.

No matter what people say in the world, Crete and Spear Song, but Loesa knows very well that these two people are really very good to themselves!

Good from the heart.

"Next, I want to know something, I hope you can tell the truth."

Shi Feng spoke again and said to Luo Aisha.

Although the words were so breezy, Loesa had already heard from the meaning of these words, and I had to say.

He, but there is that demon!

"You say, what do you want to know?" Loesa asked feebly.

"First of all, this holy mountain, in the end, what secrets exist." Shi Feng asked her.

"Sure enough." Luo Aisha smiled slightly, the smile looked bitter, said.

After bringing this man to the holy mountain, the three of them have always revealed the importance of the holy mountain in front of him, and he was not allowed to come close.

Therefore, he will naturally be curious about the Holy Mountain.

"There is the power of God in the holy mountain. I don't know how to tell you, if you want to know, go to the top of the holy mountain, there should be everything you want to know."

Luo Aisha answered.

"Oh." Shi Feng nodded slightly after hearing her words.

Then he said, "The three evil magicians are coming tonight and want you to hand over that thing.

So, what is it? It can actually make you six powerful great magicians, for him, at the expense of both defeats and injuries. "

At present, Shi Feng is most curious about the mysterious thing they got.

When he heard Shi Feng's words, Luo Aisha's face changed dramatically.

He actually hit his idea on that thing.

"This ..." For a time, Loesa didn't know how to answer him.

This, but it is worth three of them, to spare everything and spare their lives to protect.

For that thing, the three of them almost died in that place.

Especially for myself, almost, forever, forever, forever lost ...

However ... if you don't give that thing to this person ...

"Loesa, tell him." At this moment, they suddenly heard this weak and difficult voice coming from the ground below.

It was Nacret who issued this sentence.

"Yeah, Loesa, tell him." Then, suddenly heard the spear song also said.

"Hey!" Loesa sighed again at the words of the two of them.

Today, it is really helpless.

I am afraid that no one on the Spirit World will think that this legendary genius female magician has now fallen into such a situation.

Someone forced her to do so.

"To know the secret of that thing, you need to go to the top of the holy mountain.

And the two of them, and me, the three of us must be present at the same time. "

Speaking of the last sentence, Loesa pointed to Crete and Spear Song below.

"Oh?" Shi Feng's eyebrows twisted slightly after hearing her words.

"I'm not threatening you, but on the top of the holy mountain, there are magic marks that three of me broke into at the same time.

In this world, I am afraid that only three of me can be opened at the same time.

Even if you have this powerful and terrifying power, I dare to guarantee that the magic mark cannot be opened. "

Luo Aisha was very serious and said this to Shi Feng very seriously.

"Well, then the two guys' lives are kept first." Shi Feng said casually.

Immediately afterwards, he replied: "Go, go to that holy mountain to see what secrets there are."

After saying this sentence, he saw a slight flutter of his figure and flew upwards.

Leng Aoyue and Mu Liang, as well as the black dog Xiaohei, also quickly moved up.

At the same time, Crete and Spear Song on the ground below already felt a mysterious and overcast force enveloping themselves, and then pulled themselves and followed them into the sky.

Loesa bowed her head slightly again, gazing, and then looked at Crete and Spear.

For a while, she hadn't moved, she was waiting for Krett and Spearsong.

"Loesa ... My dear, Loesa ..." As we approached Loesa, Krett issued a resignation of sadness and sadness ...

(End of this chapter)

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