Chapter 3802

When Spear Song said that respectfully to Shi Feng, his right hand suddenly lifted up, condensing a very weird, showing a handprint of a sense of vicissitudes.

A strange power rose from his hand.

At the same time, Loesa also raised her hand.

The handprint concluded by Loesa is completely different from that of Spear Song.

However, what is revealed is also a sense of vicissitudes, but the strength is also completely different.

"You're left!"

Both Spear Song and Loesa have raised their hands, and only that Creat seems indifferent.

Still lying in the void.

Shi Fengdun gave him a cold drink.

Hearing Shi Feng's shouts, Krit's hand slowly rose.

The handprint and the power of the hand rising are also very different from Loesa and Spearsong.

Subsequently, the void began to twist.

Three mysterious forces rushed down to the holy mountain that had turned into ruins.





Dao's voice kept ringing.

Under their power, the stones are constantly broken.

The ground below was suddenly turbulent.

But at this moment, an extremely holy beam of light suddenly rushed from the ruins and rushed towards the sky.

Continuous storms, like a whole day, must be pierced by this beam of light.

Shi Feng immediately felt that an inexplicable sense came into his mind.

What it feels like, whether it is good or bad, happy or disgusting, even he himself is completely unclear.

Under that mysterious feeling, I also felt that I had become joyless and sad, extremely mysterious.

Not only him, Leng Aoyue, Jiantong, or even Skull Yan, his face changed.

It seems that they are also affected by this towering beam of light.

"Woo! Roar! Roar! Roar!" Nine Nether Wraiths burst into bursts of cry.

Emotions are out of control.

Shi Feng has already felt that this is indeed a very unusual thing.

"So, what the **** is that?" Shi Feng said, asking the spear song.

Spear Song now treats him with such an attitude. For his own life, Shi Feng naturally understands that he will tell him everything he knows.

"This is what God has left behind, and it is called the Holy Book of God!" Spear Song replied respectfully to Shi Feng.

When it comes to the words "Holy Scripture of God", the respect on his face is even worse.

"The Holy Code of God?" Shi Feng murmured these four words secretly.

"Take it out to me." Shi Feng said to Spear Song again with an irresistible tone.

"Okay, sir!" Spear Song answered again.

His raised hand suddenly burst into flames, and immediately turned into a big flame hand, and grabbed it towards the sky of holy light.

"Spear ..." Corret shouted at the sight.

He seemed to want to stop.

This is subconsciously wanting to stop, do not want to work hard to get the Divine Code, and fall into the hands of others.

Earlier, three evil magicians came, and they were willing to protect this holy scripture with life.

It's just that after he used the word "spear", he realized all this again. It was clear that this was no longer what they could stop, and he stopped.

Loesa looked at Coret's face, her beautiful pretty face was a little sad, and she shook her head slightly.

The big hand of flame immediately entered the divine light.

Soon after, I saw a white book, which was caught by the big flame, and then flew to Shi Feng, and flew to Shi Feng, and handed the white holy scripture to Shi Feng.

Shi Feng reached out his hand and grabbed it lightly, and then grabbed the "Sacred Book of God" into his hands.

The incomparably holy power circulates continuously in his hands.

The holy light above shone the whole maple of Shi Feng into a holy place.

As the holy scripture of God was taken out, immediately afterwards, I saw the soaring white beam of light, and it suddenly broke away.

Turned into a little holy light, little by little, gradually, gradually, dissipated in this world.

Holding the Holy Book of God in his hand, Shi Feng looked at the four distorted ancient characters written on it and began to read it gently.

He wanted to see what this so-called sacred book of God, which is a book of divine power, contained in it.

It's just that when Shi Feng was about to read it, he found that the pages were tightly bound together.

It was so entangled by an unspeakable mysterious force that it could not be opened at all.

"This, what the **** is going on?" Shi Feng frowned again, and asked the spear song.

"The three of us once tried to read this holy scripture. Even after using all methods, we couldn't open this holy scripture."

Spear Song answered Shi Feng again.

"Can't open?" Shi Feng frowned deeper.

"Your Excellency, you may be able to try the power of that one." As Mo Ge said this, he pointed his finger at the sky.

Pointed to the huge black shadow floating in the void, the demon they once spoke.

"With this power, perhaps, it is not always necessary to be able to open this holy scripture of God."

"Oh." Shi Feng nodded gently when he heard this.

Immediately afterwards, the thought of God, the holy scripture of God in his hand, rose from his hand.

Flying towards the one in the sky.

"Young Master, the subordinates are incompetent and cannot be turned on." It was just that when the holy code of God had just left Shi Feng's hands, he actually got the response from that one.

"Can't even you?" Shi Feng opened his eyes.

"No! Above, it is the strength of that one. He is stronger than me." The one answered truthfully.

"That one? Who is that one?" Shi Feng quickly asked him.

"His name, Qiu Ji! If the young master really meets him in the future, he will try his best to escape as soon as possible."

That one answered again.

Then, the holy code of God that just flew back down and fell back into Shi Feng's hands.

"Dome pole? What level of existence is he, and what level are you now?" Shi Feng asked him again.

"He, he is very strong. He is inestimable. He is so much stronger than me."

He answered this again.

When Shi Feng heard him answering this question, he felt that it was like saying nothing.

This one is already very strong, and even he is not an opponent, so naturally he is extremely strong.

This is not nonsense.

This guy!

"Your Excellency, what's wrong?" Seeing the Holy Code of God fell back to Shi Feng's hands, Spear quickly asked him.

Shi Feng and that one have always had a heart-to-heart exchange, so he doesn't understand what happened.

Shi Feng ignored the spear song, but asked the other one again, "So, are You Heaven Emperor, Sha Ye and Tian Yao the same opponent as you said?"

Chapter two

"Humph!" Hearing Shi Feng's words, the one known as the demon's existence immediately issued a disdainful cold hum.

He said: "The power of the master, since his ten dome poles, are not rivals.

Dome pole can't compare with it. "

"Okay, got it." Shi Feng nodded secretly.

It seems that the three bigwigs are powerful.

And he wondered again in his heart, what kind of existence of these three big brothers, so that they fell.

"The Holy Book of God, cannot be opened." Shi Feng replied casually to the curious spear song.

"Can't even this one be opened?" Hearing Shi Feng's words, Spear Song's face changed again.

"Yes." Shi Feng said again.

"It seems that our previous efforts were really in vain.

God's holy scripture, even if this one cannot be opened, then who in the world can open this holy scripture! "Song Ge sighed secretly."

The moment they got this divine code, the three of them were really ecstatic.

According to legend, as long as you have the sacred code of God, you can get the true power of the gods.

But it turns out ...

An unopenable holy book of God really made them feel love and hate.

But despite this, they have never given up hope, and try it every day.



At this moment, Luo Aisha spoke suddenly, but the moment when Luo Aisha just spoke, "Wow!"

A dull metal collision sounded at this moment.

"Ah!" Immediately afterward, a scream of sorrow reverberated.

"Ke ... Kritt!" Loesa turned back suddenly and looked at Kritt.

However, at this moment, Crete, the whole person, has already exploded, flesh and blood, broken limbs and violent flying.

A great magician in the realm of the tenth heaven of the heavenly **** has been destroyed.




Loesa screamed in exasperation with grief, her eyes wide open, and she looked at all this in disbelief.

At this moment, she really felt like she was in a dream.

Crete, who has lived with himself and been with him for so many years, has become like this.

The roaring sound, a slight meal.

When Loesa came to consciousness, she shouted loudly again: "Kreite! Ah!"

With her roar, the whole world was violently stirred.

"Hey!" Spear Song said nothing, flew behind Loesa, just sighed softly.

After a while, he said: "Luo Aisha, don't be sad, the matter is so far, it can't be changed.

Believe that Crete has spirit in heaven, and I don't want you to be like that. "

After destroying this Krett, the natural stone maple will not be missed.

The Nine Nether Nether Gong has started to work, and the power of death is absorbed by him violently.

Then Cyclonus blood began to flow towards him.

However, this is a magician who cultivates the power of the soul. The power of death and flesh and blood do not contain much energy.

But this soul power ...

The pure and powerful soul power was swallowed by Shi Feng instantly.

He could clearly feel that his soul, which had not broken through for a long time, was climbing rapidly.

Faintly, there are signs of a great consummation!

I'm afraid it won't be long before he can reach the triple heaven of the **** with the power of the soul of the second heaven of the god.

Sure enough, it's not easy!

"It's you, it's you! You, you can clearly plead for Crete, but you refuse.

If you were really pleading for Krett at the time, Kritt might not die, he would n’t die!

It ’s you, it ’s you! "

The emotional Loaisa began to blame the spear song.

"Loesa, calm down! It's not that I don't want to save him, but I know, really, I can't save him, Loesa."

"Luo Aisha, you also know that when Crete first saw this person, he was cold-eyed to this one. From that time, I am afraid that Crete wanted to kill him!

So, that one, wouldn't let Critt off. "

"Krette, calm down, you can't be reborn. Kritter is dead, and I'm sad, but I know, sad, it's useless."

Spear Song has been persuading her.

"Corret, woo, Corret." Loesa, crying sadly.

"Hey." Shaoge shook his head again and sighed deeply, saying nothing more.

"You guys, do you want to leave here with me?" And at this moment, Shi Feng's words came again.

Hearing Shi Feng ’s words, Spear Song quickly turned his head and quickly responded to Shi Feng: “Yes, I am willing to leave here with you.”

He has been waiting for this sentence from the beginning to now.

Unexpectedly, he was really willing to take himself away.

"It's you, it's you. You, why don't you let Keret go!

Why do you want to kill Krett! "

And Luo Aisha, turned his head and said these words to Shi Feng.

"It's him who wants to kill me, it's him who has died," Shi Feng responded to her coldly.

This beautiful woman is already like this, Shi Feng still has a cold look, no pity for the color of jade.

"Woo, woo, woo." Hearing Shi Feng's answer, Luo Aisa was crying more sadly.

"Think about it for yourself. Do you want to leave? Give you an hour to consider. After an hour, decide whether to go or stay."

Shi Feng ignored her after saying this to her.

Then he lowered his head again and looked at the Holy Book of God in his hands.

A holy book that could not be opened was no different to this obsolete book for him.

With a move of his right hand, he collected all the holy scriptures of God.

"Prepare, let's take us away from here." Shi Feng's thoughts moved again, and then communicated with the one in the sky.

"Good young master." He, without any hesitation, replied to Shi Feng immediately.

And after answering this sentence, he saw the sky, a sudden fluctuation, and then, the huge fuzzy shadow disappeared instantly.

The whole gloomy sky and earth suddenly lit up.

The blazing sun shines again.

"My dear." At this time, Jian Tong shouted to Shi Feng.

"Well, what's wrong?" Shi Feng asked her.

"Under the big formation just now, the power of my soul has soared, let me re-enter your space of mystic implements, and I will try again to merge the heavenly sword." Jian Tong said.

"Well, good." Shi Feng nodded.

Then, he saw Jiantong immediately turned into a white light, and then returned to his Xumi Mountain.

Following that, Shi Feng began to wait quietly, waiting for the response of the one.

To leave this magical Nathan, even that one needs to be prepared ...

(End of this chapter)

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