Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3803: Holy Scripture, Missed With You

Chapter 3803, the holy book, has no chance with you

The fuzzy giant shadow disappeared, and several people in Shi Feng began to wait.

For that fuzzy giant shadow, for the devil in their mouth, Shi Feng still did not understand from beginning to end, what was his name, what was his origin.

Shi Feng asked him, he didn't say.

Today, Shi Feng has the soul veins of You Tian Emperor, the remains of Sha Ye, and the inheritance of the demon.

Therefore, he is not quite sure whether the devil is a subordinate of these three.

Shi Feng guessed that it should be ... You Tiandi's subordinates existed like Tian Gui and Huang Quan.


"The dark eye's induction is indeed true. This holy mountain has collapsed!

Crete's breath disappeared, could it really be dead? "

The Shi Feng people in the air above the ruins suddenly heard a voice of evil.

After hearing the voice, Shi Feng's face appeared disgusted, and then looked at the voice.

Soon, he saw three dark and evil figures in the distant jungle.

The three evil magicians who fled from here last night are reproduced.

"Loesa, Spear Song, and Crete?" At this moment, another voice sounded.

And it was the evil great magician named Arafah who issued this sentence.

The three flying shadows soon came to a stop not far away.

"Arafa! Balo! Yan Aoci!" Looking at these three people, Luo Aisha, who was already angry, spit out hard at them.

"Yo, what's wrong with me, Loaisa, how do you feel so angry? Do you want me to help you put out the fire? Hey, hey hey

The Barlow said, looking at Luo Aisha wretchedly.

As he talked, he laughed extremely frivolously.

"Fuck, guys, how dare you come?" Loaisa said angrily again.

"We are just curious, Holy Mountain, how did it fall? And Kerritt, how did it die?"

The Alpha asked.

When he asked this question, in fact, he was also testing, Krett, did he die?

If Krit is dead, hum!

Arafat naturally believes that the three of them can already control everything here!


If you do not retreat, you will also be slaughtered by demons. "Loesa answered coldly.

"Demon? That demon, came again later? Even destroyed the Holy Mountain? Killed Krett?"

Arafa showed curiosity and asked her again.

"Then, how did you escape that disaster?" Araf asked again.

"Let's talk nonsense, is to advise you better to leave, otherwise, you will also be killed by the demon."

Hearing the words of Loesa, the three Arafah will naturally not leave.

There was even a smile on his face.

Look at this situation, look at the sadness that Loesa exudes, it seems that the Creat is really dead.

The possibility of dying is great!

It ’s best to die, even if Nacret did n’t die, they were not afraid at all.

So at this moment, it is simply impossible for the three of them to leave like this.

"Want us to leave, it's easy! Give that thing over and we'll leave immediately." Arafa said again.

However, just after Arafat said this, Barlow disagreed, saying:

"Arafa, that's not okay! In addition to that thing, the beautiful Loesa, I must get it today.

Hey, hey, that **** Krett, really dies well, dies well! Haha, hahahaha! "

Talking, this Barlow, Yang Tian laughed.

It was really happy to see him like this.

"You! You!"

Looking at Barlow's schadenfreude, Luo Aisha really became more angry.

Immediately afterwards, she pointed to Shi Feng behind her and said to the three evil magicians:

"Don't ask us for the thing you want. Now, that thing is on him."

"On him?"

"in his body?"


Hearing Loesa's words, the three dark magicians followed Loesa's instructions and looked at Shi Feng.

At the moment when their eyes fell on Shi Feng, they immediately twisted their brows, all showing their doubts.

The existence of a divine double-celestial realm, which thing is on him?

"Loesa, you're making a joke, it's not funny at all." Yan Aoci, the dark magician who has always spoken less.

"That's how you guys can give that thing to him." Barlow said the same.

I don't believe it at all.

"Now that Kraut is dead, you should also know that that thing is no longer protectable by you two.

Just give it up, my patience is very limited. "

Speaking of this sentence, Arafat's tone also began to cool down.

In the icy words, there was already no denial.

It can be heard that if Loesa did not surrender that thing, they would probably start to do it.

"Actually, Loesa is indeed right, that thing is indeed in my hands now."

At this time, Shi Feng spoke at the right time and said to the three evil magicians.

In order to prove that the thing is indeed with him, he saw a flip of his right wrist and a white classic, which appeared instantly.

The divine light immediately enveloped.

"Sacred Code of God!"

"Sacred Code of God!"

"Really the holy code of God! Really the holy code of God!"

Looking at the "Sacred Book of God" in Shi Feng's hands, the faces of the three Arafas were shocked.

Unexpectedly, really, in his hands.

The terrifying colors that appeared on the faces of the three evil magicians only appeared for a moment, and were hidden by them.

Although, they still did not want to understand why this holy code of God would appear in the hands of such a weak person?

"I'm afraid, it's a mystery!" At that moment, Yan Aoci seemed to suddenly want to understand what he was doing, and he was talking to Arafah and Barlow.

"What do you say?" Arafah asked Yan Aoci quickly.

Even Barlow looked at him puzzled.

"Hum!" Yan Aoci sneered, then sneered, and then uttered to the two of them:

"Krett is dead, Loesa and Spear Song, naturally understand this divine code, they can't hold it.

So, he pulled the kid out and made a mystery, wanting to let the kid scare us. "

"Oh, that's what it is." Arafat nodded.

"Let's mistakenly think that this kid is actually hiding strength?" Barlow said.

Yan Aoci's sneer was even worse, saying: "There is no other good way. They have nowhere to go. Just think about it, and take a fight."

"Then next, look at this kid's wonderful performance!" Araf smiled knowingly and said.

Chapter two

"So, take out the sacred scriptures of God?" Arafar uttered an order to Shi Feng with a tone that he could not refuse.

"The Holy Scripture of God has already started with me, and you, have no chance with it." Shi Feng said to Narafah again.

"Oh, is it?" Barlow said with a smile.

"I want to see how we have no chance."

When Barlow said this sentence, the suspended figure fluttered suddenly, slowly drifting forward and forward.

He floated to the front to get the divine code.

At the moment Barlow flew forward, the dark staff appeared in the hands of Arafah and Yan Aoci.

They immediately raised the dark staff, eyes, and landed on Loesa and Spear Song.

They naturally, Barlow used to find the kid to the Holy Book of God, Loesa and Spear Song, will certainly shoot.

If the two men have a change, powerful and evil magic will be urged by them immediately.

It's just that Barlow was getting closer and closer to the kid, while Loesa and Spear Song remained motionless.

Looking at them, it seems that there is really no intention to move.

"It's still a mystery!" Yan Aoci said again.

He is extremely sure of his own judgment.

Among the three, he thought that even the three of them thought that Yan Aoci's brain was the best.

"It seems that they know that it is useless and no longer plan to rebel." Arafah gave Yan Aoci a voice.

"Well, maybe this is also the case." Yan Aoci nodded slowly.

"Okay, stop playing any bells and whistles and hand over God's Holy Code."

Barlow was only half a meter away from Shi Feng. A tall figure appeared to Shi Feng.

At the same time, he saw his hand protruding forward, using his mysterious evil magic, and a plume of black mist began to run on his palm.

As if the kid in front of him was disobedient, dark magic would be performed on them.

"I have just said that the Holy Scripture of God has started with me, you, have nothing to do with it." Shi Feng said.

"Death is coming, still pretending!"

Barlow originally thought that he had come by himself, and this kid would surely obey God's holy code.

But I didn't expect it to happen, but this kid is still like this?

As he said that, Barlow's black misty running hand suddenly moved towards Shi Feng.

"Not right! Not right!" Suddenly, Yan Aoci, who was not far from the void, suddenly said such a sentence.

Not only Yan Aoci, but even Arafat, also saw something wrong.

Too unusual!

That kid was so calm, calmly, that made them feel uneasy.


Suddenly, a dull metal collision sounded at this moment.

The sound of this voice, Yan Aoci and Arafah, suddenly changed their face suddenly.

The sound really seemed to shock their hearts directly, and they were deeply in their souls.

"Come, that demon, come again!"

"Ah!" Immediately, only a very tragic scream was heard from the front.

Yan Aoci and Arafat had heard that the scream was Barlow's voice.

Barlow, who was covered with dark evil mist, covered his whole body under their gaze, even ... directly bursting open.

A powerful dark magician, so, dead?

"Retreat, rewind! Rewind!" Yan Aoci immediately shouted in shock.

At this moment, it is not permissible for him to say more, Arafa knows what to do.

The two dark bodies flashed violently.

It's just that when their figure just flashed, "Wait! Wow! Wow!"

"Dang Dang Dang Dang! Dang Dang!"

"Dangdangdangdangdangdang ..."

The dull collision sounded again.



Two shouts came out of the sky where Arafah and Yan Aoci disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the two disappeared figures reappeared and fell to the ground below.




Two bursts of sonic booms shook the entire ruins of smoke.

"I said, since the Holy Code of God has already started with me, already, it has nothing to do with you."

Then, they heard that young voice, and then came along.

After hearing the voice, Arafu raised his head in Yan Aoci, looked up, gazed, and then stared at the young figure.

Looking at the figure at this moment, the expression on their faces and their eyes are completely different from the one just now.

"You, who the **** are you?"

"Can it be you, who is the incarnation of that one?"

Arafa and Yan Aoci spoke one after another.

The incarnation that Yan Aoci said was naturally that Shi Feng was the incarnation of the demon.

Therefore, when Barlow attacked him, they would hear the dull collision sound.

"Avatar? Think too much." Shi Feng answered them like this.

Then he said, "Then, it's just my subordinates."

"Your subordinates?"

"Your subordinates!"

Hearing this sentence, the expression on the face of Arafah and Yan Aoci changed dramatically again.

What kind of horror and power is that demon, and it turns out to be his subordinate?

So, this one is stronger than the demon?

How strong will this be?


These thoughts flashed through Arafa and Yan Aoci's minds.

I really didn't expect that this time, I actually kicked such an iron plate.

But, how can such an existence exist with Loesa and Spear Song?

Did n’t Loesa say, Krett, was n’t he killed by the devil?


"Okay, you two should also go west." Shi Feng said to Yan Aoci and Arafah.

When the words just came down, "Wow, wow! Wow!"

"Dangdangdangdangdangdang ..."

The sound rang again.

Hearing this life-threatening voice, Arafah and Yan Aoci's faces changed dramatically again.

"No! Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

"Do not kill me!"


The two of them quickly pleaded with Shi Feng and looked sad.

But Shi Feng was indifferent to their pleading.

These two are not really good things. They are cleaned up like rubbish.

So as not to go out from this magical Nathan in the future and harm the world.



Arafa and Yan Aoci, who were begging, had already felt the power of terror.

Suddenly screamed in pain.

Immediately afterwards, the roar stopped abruptly.

These two dark and evil great magicians, and thus, fell!

After exterminating it, Shi Feng's body moved slightly, and the Nine Nether Ngong Gong worked again ...

(End of this chapter)

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