Chapter 3804

In this moment, the power of the souls of the three evil magicians were all swallowed by Shi Feng.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng only felt that his entire soul was once again in a state of unparalleled mystery.

The whole soul wants to be sublimated, but there is a state of faint shadow, and it has been suppressed by this state!

This is the so-called bottleneck.

Wanting to forcibly wipe out the obscure shadow has been difficult to do.

Just a little bit worse!

Just a little bit, the power of his soul can break through.

"Broken!" Shi Feng's mind suddenly sounded such a deep, thick sound, accompanied by an ancient hoarse voice.

Like a thunder, it suddenly exploded in his mind.

This is the voice of the devil.

Immediately afterwards, the power of Shi Feng's soul was thoroughly sublimated!

The way of the soul officially entered the triple heaven of the gods!

Soon, the soul stepping into the triple heaven of the gods is still engulfing, engulfing the pure soul power of the three great magicians.

After Shi Feng killed Corret, he devoured his soul power, and the soul power was close to Dzogchen.

It is conceivable that after killing these three great magicians, and engulfing their souls to truly attain the Great Consummation, they are also extremely wealthy, extremely abundant, and majestic.

The power of Shi Feng's soul is still running violently, and is still swallowing frantically.

Enhance, enhance, enhance again!

Soon after, Shi Feng stepped into the power of the soul of the triple **** of the gods, and even ... reached the state of great perfection again!

Really worthy, three, great magicians!

"Break again!" However, Shi Feng hadn't had time to stop, the "demon" shouted, and ranted again.

"Uh!" At this moment, there was even a moan from Shi Feng's mouth.

Even the empty feet of Aoli stand staggered.


"the host!"

Behind him, Leng Aoyue and Skull Yan heard, and immediately shouted.

However, Shi Feng quickly stabilized his body and waved his hand, indicating that he was fine.

It was at this time that the power of his soul was sublimated again.

Formally entered the god, the fourfold heaven!

Leng Aoyue and Skull Yan felt completely relieved when they felt the mysterious breath rising up from him.

At this moment, Shi Feng grinned suddenly, smiled coldly, and said secretly: "This time I came to this magical Mison, the harvest is not bad!"

It is not only the power of the soul that allows difficult breakthroughs, it directly enters the four gods of the gods, but it is also the complete control of the lamp of Solomon, which can urge the true power of horror flames of the lamp of Solomon.

In addition, I got that divine code.

Although said, it is a holy book that cannot be opened.

But if it can be opened, the contents inside are definitely not simple.

So, keep it first and talk about it later!

While thinking of these in Shi Feng's mind, suddenly, the devil's voice rang again:

"Young Master, you are ready. If you and them want to leave this magical Nathan, you can leave at any time."

"Well!" Shi Feng nodded slowly, and responded to the "demon" somewhere.

"This time, thanks to you." Shi Feng said to him again.

"Young Master, don't say that, it's your duty." The demon replied to Shi Feng immediately.

"You, will you leave with me?" Shi Feng asked him.

"Subordinate, can't leave here." However, he got the answer from the devil.

"Why?" Shi Feng quickly asked.

"Subordinate, it is not convenient to tell you."

"That's it! These guys." Shi Feng secretly said.

Tian Gui and Huang Quan are the same as today.

"Come on, don't say it," Shi Feng said.

When Shi Feng finished speaking this sentence, his eyes turned to the beautiful female magician with loose blond hair, Loesa.

Shi Feng asked her: "Do you want to understand? Do you want to leave this magical Nathan."

At the moment Loesa looked a little lost.

She didn't know what she was thinking at the moment.

When she heard Shi Feng's words, she recovered from her loss, followed her, looked at Shi Feng, and replied to him:

"Take me away from the magical Nathan."

"Well." Shi Feng responded gently.

Following that, he glanced at the spear song who was now beside Loesa and said to them:

"It's okay to take you away from the Magic Nathan, but I have to explain to you some things. After leaving the Magic Nathan and returning to the Spirit Demon Continent, you can't be enemies with me.

Otherwise, I will still kill you with my own hands! "

"You're relieved, I won't avenge Corret." Loisa replied.

"Your Excellency, you can rest assured that I will never be against you.

You have powerful subordinates, and now, Tian Luo Zi Yan, who is in charge of the magic lamp of Solo, is not so stupid. "Spear Song said vowedly."

"You have been in this magical Nathan for so many years, and you don't know the situation of the spirit demon continent today.

Do you know that Protoss? "Shi Feng asked these two people tentatively.

The psychic continent, turned to the Protoss.

Shi Feng wanted to get a preliminary understanding of when.

I first knew whether it was before they entered Magical Nathan, or after.

If they were before, if they were, they would belong to the Protoss and be faithful to that Protoss.

Shi Feng intends to close them directly.



When he heard the word Protoss, Loesa and Spear Song whispered slightly.

They frowned, as if remembering.

Listening to their voices, like the word Protoss, is quite strange.

"I, think of it." Spear Song said:

"I have seen in an ancient book that the Protoss is a brutal race invading various continents.

Once, our spirit demon continent also broke out in a war with the Protoss.

In the end, we still gathered the power of the powerful magicians of our spiritual demon continent to seal the gods! "

Hearing the spear song, Luo Aisha nodded slowly, and said, "There is a legend of the gods in the spirit world.

Many years ago, even in an ancient place, I met a strong person who claimed to be a Protoss with my friends and fought against one!

In the end, he failed to kill him and made him run away.

Listen to a friend of mine said that we have many psychic continents, and there are space channels for the Protoss to our psychic continent.

At that time, the man said, I am afraid that after countless years, the Protoss will re-invade our spirits. "

"Huh?" When Luo Aisha said this, she suddenly realized what she was doing and asked Shi Feng:

"Why do you ask the Protoss, could it be that the Protoss really invaded the Spirit Demon Continent now?"

When he heard the words of Loesa, Spear Song also realized that the young face suddenly changed at this moment.

Ancient books record that the Protoss is very strong.

If the Spirit Demon Continent is really invaded by the Protoss, I am afraid ... it will be another catastrophe in the Spirit Demon Continent.

Friends, relatives who are still in the spirit world ...

Chapter two

Hearing the words of Luo Yisha and Spear Song, Shi Feng had determined that the spirit demon continent had turned to the Protoss, it should be after they entered this magical Nathan.

"Huh!" Suddenly, Shi Feng grinned and gave out this chuckle, his face full of disdain.

"What are you laughing at? Can you tell me what the Spirit Demon Continent is now?" Luo Aisha said to Shi Feng with a pleading tone.

"Your Spirit Demon Continent has not only been invaded by the Protoss.

Nowadays, the human races on the Spirit Demon Continent have turned to the Protoss and become the Protoss' running dogs, helping the Protoss to invade other continents. "

Shi Feng replied to Na Luo Aisha.



The face of Loesa and Spear Song changed again at this moment.

"Continent of spirits and demons, surrender to the Protoss!" Spear song again.

At this time, Loesa also said, "Harry, the supreme and great magician of our soul continent, once left a message, the spirit demon continent, eternal life and eternity, will fight against the Protoss in the end!

And now, even ... "

"After so many years, how has the Demon Continent become!"

Loisa said again.

At this moment, she is even more urgent to go back to the Spirit Demon Continent.

She really wanted to see her relatives and friends who had not seen her for many years.

"Your Soul Demon Continent, there should have been some changes later.

It is said that the strongest magician today, but in the three heavens of the gods. "

Shi Feng, directed at them again, threw this bombshell.


"How can it be!"

The duo's complexion changed again and became shocked and incredulous.

At that time, their magic cultivation could not be compared with the present.

Almost in the fifth and sixth heavens of the **** of heaven.

But the older generation of magicians, who cultivated magic above them, are not a few.

Heavenly God Seventh Heaven, Heavenly God Eighth Heaven, and even Heavenly God Nineth Heaven, legend has ten fingers.

But now ... today's spirit demon continent, the highest level of magic cultivation, actually ... only in ...

What about those people? Where did they go?

"My father!" Loesa's pretty face changed suddenly at this moment.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, she has felt extremely bad.

Not only him, but also the spear song.

The psychic continent in my ears has changed dramatically.

"Please tell us more specifically, what is the spirit world now?

What about the magicians above the triple heaven? "Luo Sha again asked Shi Feng earnestly again."

"I do n’t know too much about your Soul Demon Continent. These, I just know from their mouths.

If you want to know what the Spirit Demon Continent is all about, you, go back and see for yourself!

I am still the same sentence. If you become my enemy, if you also become the running dog of the Protoss, I will make you regret living! "

When Shi Feng said the last sentence, his voice had become abnormally cold.

Filled with Ling Ran's killing intent.

He can let them out of this magical Nathan, but he must not let the animals that harm the soul out.

"I swear, I, Luo Aisha, will definitely not be the running dog of that **** clan! Otherwise, the gods will be punished by the sky, let me die under the divine power."

Luo Aisha raised her right hand seal, swore at Shi Feng.

"My spear song also swears here, if I become a Protoss running dog, let me die terribly under the burning flame of the **** of flames."

Spear Song also made an oath.

"Then let's go!" Shi Feng said to them.

After saying this sentence, he moved slightly and walked upward.

When Shi Feng moved, Skull Yan, Leng Aoyue, and Nine Nether Wraiths also immediately followed.

Nine Nether Phantom Demon's speed is very fast, just like a lightning, it quickly rushed to Shi Feng.

Shi Feng moved his hands forward slightly, holding the Nine Nether Demon into his arms. Then, his right hand gently stroked its smooth and soft hair.

Nine Nether Phantom Demon slightly raised his head and looked at Shi Feng, a pair of very enjoyable looks.

"We also followed up, Luo Aisha." Spear Song quickly said to Luo Aisha.

"Huh." Loyza responded softly.

The two also flew up at the same time.

Trapped in this magical Nathan for so many years, it can be said that they were thinking of leaving here at all times.

Now, there is finally hope to leave here.

But, at the moment, Loaisa always felt something was missing.

"If Krit can leave with us, then it's perfect!"

This is the voice of Luo Aisha.


When Shi Feng flew into the sky, "Wow!"

Suddenly, there was a collision, and there was a sudden bang.

At this moment, the collision sounded, Shi Feng everyone suddenly saw that this world, suddenly a very violent wave.

They seemed to have entered a turbulent wild sea.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!"

"Wow! Wow!"

Faintly, even the sound of the waves kept coming.

Even the sight in the eyes is a great change.

"This is, in the sea?" Shi Feng said suddenly.

"It is indeed entering a sea." Leng Aoyue said.

"Going to the sea!" Shi Feng shouted with a deep voice, and his figure rushed upward again.

"Splat! Splat! Splat! Splat! Splat!"

In an endless sea, Dao Dao suddenly saw the figure, flying out of the sea and flying into the sky.

Shi Feng, the Nine Nether Wraiths in his arms, Leng Aoyue, Skeleton Yan, Luo Aisha, and Spear Song all appeared in this sky at this moment.

"I can be sure that this is not an endless sea." Looking at the raging waves below, Leng Aoyue said with great certainty.

I don't know how he saw that this is not an endless sea.

Anyway, Shi Feng looked at it and didn't see it.

"This is the sea of ​​sky!" And Spear Song said so.

And since he recognizes this sea, that is to say, they are really entering this spirit demon continent at this moment.

After saying that, Spear Song said with emotion: "Finally, come back!"

"The sea of ​​sky." Loahisa murmured softly when she heard the spear song.

Looking at her sad look, it seems that there are still some stories with this sea of ​​sky!

After stunned for a while, Luo Aisa looked at Shi Feng and said, "Thank you for letting us return to the spirit demon continent.

Next, I plan to go back to my hometown to take a look. Let's stop here. "

"Your Excellency, thank you very much indeed this time!" Afterwards, Spear Song also punched Shi Feng.

Then he also said: "There is no banquet in the world, so don't go away!"

(End of this chapter)

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