Chapter 3806 Jeff

When the flame appeared on the spear singer, it seemed that although it was not much bigger than the fist, the fire light shining from it shone the dark night world in the sea.

The whole sky and the sea, with the flames in the spear singer, caused boiling.

At the moment of this flame, the face and face of a person between the sky and the sea changed drastically.

"This ... this magical flame ..."

"This this……"

"Good! So strong!"

The pirates of the celestial pirates immediately shouted in shock, incredulously exclaimed.

Although at this moment, the flames in the spear song fire had not yet started, but they felt that they, the whole person, seemed to be about to be burned, feeling that they were about to be turned to ashes.

They already realized that tonight, they encountered a hard stubble!

"Quick! Run!" The man, who looked like a pirate leader, exclaimed at the moment.

When this sentence was shouted, the leader's figure took the lead and flew straight up.


"Go away!"

"Hurry, run away!"


Then, the sound of exclamation continued, and all the figures began to freak out.

"Oh!" The pirates looking at the flight fled suddenly, grinning, and gave a cold smile.

"I want to go if I'm annoyed? Is it possible!" As soon as the words fell, I saw Spear Song holding the palm of the flame, and suddenly grabbed it.

"Boom!" A dull sound, the flame, was crushed by the spear song directly.

But at this moment, "Ah!"





Then he heard a burst of screams and screamed in all directions.

I saw the pirates who fled, and above the body, a burst of blazing flames immediately burned into an individual fireman.

The flames are burning more and more fierce.

It also began to converge.

But in an instant, in the night sky, it turned into a sea of ​​flames.

The sea of ​​fire is still burning more and more fierce. Under the fire, it is as bright as the day.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

The cry of screams continued.

It stands to reason that with the magical power of spear songs, those pirates can instantly burn into nothingness.

Obviously, Spear Song did not intend to burn them directly at this moment, but used his mad flame to torture the pirates.

"Burn with fire, screaming in flames, what a beautiful cry.

I have been trapped in Magical Nathan for so many years, and I ca n’t remember how many years I have n’t heard such a beautiful voice. "

On the face of Spear Song, there was still a sneer, saying this sentence.

At this moment, he seems to enjoy this feeling.

Respecting and humility when facing Shi Feng before, it seems like a person has completely changed.

"Forget me! Ah! Don't burn! Don't burn! Forgive me!"

"Ah! Don't torture me like that anymore, so painful, so painful! Ah! I don't want to die, I don't want to die! Don't burn anymore!"

"Please, please, don't do it! Don't do it! Ah!"

"Ah! I know wrong! I know wrong!"


In the endless pain, the pirates of the pirate group began to beg for spears.

These violent flames burned the flesh, and it was possible to imagine how painful and torture they were suffering.

"These people dare to blaspheme my beautiful Loesa, this is exactly what they deserve!" Spear Song secretly said.

"Okay, let's finish as soon as possible. Let's go now." At this moment, Loesa suddenly opened her mouth and shouted.

"Okay, Loesa." Hearing Loesa's words, Spear Song replied.

It was at this moment that his mind suddenly moved.

"Hoo!" The burning sea of ​​fire suddenly rolled suddenly.

And at the moment when the fire was rolling, bursts of screams of pain and pain suddenly stopped suddenly.

Obviously, the thousands of pirates who killed the pirate regiment have all been reduced to ashes.

Gradually, gradually, the burning sea of ​​fire slowly hid into the night.

The red flames gradually disappeared.

Everything is attributed to peace.

As if in this night sky, nothing has ever happened.

"Okay, keep going." Seeing that the spears killed the people, Shi Feng, who stood proudly on the shoulders of Yan, suddenly said this sentence to him.

At this moment, spear song still showed proud colors on his face, but when he heard Shi Feng's words, the proudness on his face disappeared immediately.

Looking at him, once again showing the respect and humility of the past, he replied to Shi Feng: "Good lord!"

The speed of this change can be described as extremely fast, as if extremely skilled.

The whole person seems to have changed completely.

Immediately afterwards, hovering the empty skeleton Yan, the black skeleton violently rioted and continued to storm forward.

Spear Song and Loesa followed them and continued their journey.


"It's gone! The horror flame just now disappeared."

"I really don't know what kind of existence it is to control this horrible flame."

"This ... what kind of great magician is this? Is it the legendary magician of the triple **** level?"

"I'm afraid ... that's it. Only the strongest celestial triple-level magician in the spirit demon continent can launch such terrifying magical flames!"


This blaze of flame just burned in the night sky has already attracted the eyes of the sky and the sea, one by one.

The cries of surprise rang continuously in all directions.

Although the horrible flames have dissipated, the horrible heart palpitations of magical fire have been recurring in their minds.

It really is terrible!

"It turns out that this is the strongest tenjin triple magician!

This is the magic power I am after! "

A young man determined to become a three-fold magician of the **** Tenjin, suspended quietly alone in a night sky at this moment, looking at the direction of the previous fire burning, said secretly.

When he said this, his young face became extremely serious and determined.


Tonight, this sea of ​​sky is destined to be a sleepless night.

"Have you heard? One of the strongest pirate groups in the sea of ​​sky, the Tianji Pirate Group, offended a horrible existence a few days ago. The pirate group of thousands of people was directly burned to death by a horrible fire. Now! "

"I heard! I heard! It is said that the fire burned for three days and three nights!

The screams were repeated for three days and nights. It was really terrible! "

"Three days and three nights? It's not been so long since I heard it! It is said that it didn't take long to burn the pirate brigade led by Clara, one of the four masters of the Celestial Pirate Regiment.

"A few days and nights, in fact, it doesn't matter at all!

There are four heroes under the pirate regiment, Jeff, the pirate leader!

These four masters are all extremely close to the realm of the gods! As a result ... Clara, one of the four masters, and the pirates under him, were just treated like that ... "

Chapter two

"It is rumored that the one who burned the celestial pirates was the pinnacle of the triple heaven of the gods!

This time, it was entirely Clara and the pirates under his command that he was going to die! "

"The celestial pirate group is also full of vices in the sea of ​​heaven, which is also a retribution."

"I just don't know how Jeff, the head of the celestial pirate regiment, will handle this matter."

"Handle? Ha ha! Jeff, dare he? The other party, that is the legendary peak magician.

Not to mention the absolute strength of this one, the forces behind him are not at all dared to provoke the pirate regiment.

If Jeff wanted to deal with the matter, hey, it was just death. "

"Well, let him be Jeff's fierce name, this time, don't dare to do anything."


Time passes slowly, slowly.

In a blink of an eye, Shi Feng, Leng Aoyue, Skeleton Yan, Luo Aisha, Spear Song, and the Nine Nether Nether Demon had flown in this sea of ​​sky for half a month.

"Your Excellency, the former convenience is the Demon Continent!"

Spear Song flew beside Shi Feng, pointed to the continent that appeared in front, and said to Shi Feng.

"Well! I saw it." Shi Feng said to him.

In front of it, in addition to that continent, there are buildings that are reflected in Shi Feng's eyes.

The buildings of the spirit demon continent are mainly elliptical, falling in the eyes of Shi Feng, full of exotic style!

Spear Song saw that after the person answered, he didn't even glance at himself.

This feeling makes Spears really uncomfortable.

"Huh! What to pretend! If it really makes me one day, the strength is above you, hum, this person, I can be considered."

Spear Song secretly said in his heart.

"Magic Continent, there are enchantments!" At this moment, Leng Aoyue's eyes suddenly calmed down and said.

"You communicated with them in the past and let them open the boundary.

Otherwise, it is forced to break the boundary. "Shi Feng spoke with a commanding tone and said to Spear Song."

In this tone, Spear Song really felt very uncomfortable.

But there is no way ...

"Good lord, please wait a moment." Although unhappy, Spear Song responded to Shi Feng with a smile.

Skull Yan, his body stopped.

Luo Aisha, also stopped the flying figure.

Spear Song was alone, flying towards that piece of Demon Abyss Continent.

Shi Feng stared at his figure with both eyes, and after looking at it for a while, he slowly turned his head and said to Loisa:

"This person is really not a good person.

You should never choose this person in the future. "

Luo Yisha heard Shi Feng's words and didn't say anything.

She still doesn't quite care about Shi Feng.

Mainly because of him, killing Krett!

Seeing Luo Aisha ignored her, Shi Feng said again: "If at that time, he used the secret of the Solomon's lamp to let me let go of another person, in fact, I should keep my hand."

Until he heard the words of Shi Feng, Luo Aisha's calm and pretty face did not move.

"You!" The word "you" seems to be full of life.

"Kreite, he is no longer here. What are you doing now?"

Loisa said angrily.

"I just remind you that he is not a good person." Shi Feng pointed to the front again, and said to Loesa.

The spear song is now close to the Demon Continent.

At this time, several figures flew out of the Demon Continent. It seems that they should have negotiated with Spear Song.

"Humph!" Loesa groaned coldly.

Followed by: "You really shouldn't, kill Krett."

Although, for the woman who defends me, I have always had a good impression of her.

When she said this, Shi Feng didn't want to talk more and explain more.

Time is waiting!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

But at this moment, Shi Feng all of a sudden heard a very loud and violent laugh, suddenly reverberating in this space.

The sound was extremely loud, but it was audible, and the laughter came from the continent of Moyuan.

"Huh?" Loesa's face moved suddenly when she heard the rampant laughter.





Immediately afterwards, a screaming scream came from the front.

I saw that the people who had just negotiated with Spear Song suddenly burst into flames.

Yes, burned by the flame of spear song!

"We are in the past." Shi Feng said to Sk Yan.

"Yes, Master!" Skull Yan responded suddenly when he heard Shi Feng's words.

The black skeleton rioted again.

Loesa also flew ahead with them.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"


The laughter was still echoing.

This voice, like the voice of God, sounds a little ethereal.

"what happened?"

Soon, Shi Feng everyone approached the spear song, Shi Feng opened his mouth and asked him.

"Come to me for revenge." Spear Song replied.

"Revenge?" Shi Feng's face moved slightly.

But soon, he knew.

Half a month ago, the pirate group was encountered in the sea, and those thousand people were all burned with flames by Spear Song.

Along the way, there will be hatred with those pirates. If you look for spear and seek revenge, it will inevitably be related to them.

"Come out!" Suddenly, Leng Aoyue said this.

They saw immediately that there was a figure in the Demon Continent, which rose slowly.

This man, in his early fifties, was dressed in a black tabard, majestic, and revealed a violent, cold, and fierce atmosphere.

Great momentum, extraordinary status, extraordinary origin!

"I, Jeff, no matter who you are! The people who killed my Jeff, you, have to be buried!"

An extremely cold, extremely fierce words spit out fiercely from this person's mouth.

The sound, sounded ethereal, and then rippling in the sky.

"Death!" Looking at the person who appeared, Spear Song responded coldly.

"Looking for death? You are the legendary Triple Sky Magician!" Then, just listening to this Jeff spoke again.

Standing proud, he slanted his finger downwards with his hand and hit the spear song.

"Tianjin Mietian?" Spear Ge didn't think of himself, the magnificent magician of the heavenly **** Ninefold Heaven Peak, even this person was called Mietian.

For the proud of him, this is simply humiliating himself.

"Why, aren't you even the triple **** of heaven?" Followed, and only listened to that Jeff, his face, showing disdain.

"Different triple sky?" Shi Feng said gently.

Doesn't it mean that the most powerful magician in the spirit demon continent is not the triple heaven of the gods?

How is this person called a district?

(End of this chapter)

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