Chapter 3807 Proud Team

Jeff, the head of the celestial pirate regiment, fell in Shi Feng's eyes, and the way of the soul was nothing more than a heavenly heaven.

In other words, he should be a magician with a tenth-level god.

But at this moment, this Jeff may have the world's first peerless style, standing proud, holding his chest with both hands, overlooking the world.

And the most crucial thing is the sentence he said to Spear Song: You are not even the triple **** of the heavens?

He made his own magical cultivation, as if it were far above the triple heaven of the gods.

"My magic cultivation is naturally not the triple sky of the gods." At this moment the spear song began, and replied to that Jeff.

"Since you are not even the triple **** of heaven, then you, wait for the absolute power under my control to easily destroy it."

Jeff said.

And when he said this, he saw his arms around his chest separated, and then, slowly dancing in the void.

"It turns out so!" Seeing Jeff's action, Shi Feng knew what he was going to do.

It was also clear that he, where he came from, was so proud that he said the words of the heavenly deity, triple sky.

This guy, he at this moment, urged the ancient formations blessing this continent.

There was a surge of energy, "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Boom Boom Boom!" The whole land was violently stirred at the moment.

"Ah! Aah!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"



There was even a faint cry and cry from the land.

Shi Feng felt that a great force had condensed around him.

Then his right hand became a claw, as if he had caught the power of this great abyss continent in his claws.

The whole paw shivered fiercely.

"Except that the woman can live for me to enjoy! The others, all, will be destroyed under the power of my Jeff!"

Jeff uttered angrily. When the words fell, he saw his shaking hands violently move, and he grabbed down angrily.

Rolling madly force, immediately rushed towards Shi Feng and slammed down.

As if everything in this space of heaven and earth will be crushed.

"Oh!" However, in the face of this terrifying madness, the spear song made a very disdainful laugh.

"Yi Jie Tian God weighs the heavens, relying on the great protection of the Demon Continent, he thought that the world is invincible?

It's ridiculous! "

While saying this, Spear Song's right hand flicked upward.

A raging flame was thrown out by him violently, rolling in the sky, burning in the sky, and heading towards the depressed ancient array.

"Humph!" With the help of a large array, Jeff, who launched this powerful blow, saw the spears of resistance, and issued a very disdainful hum.

He said again: "The light of fireflies, dare to compete with Haoyue ... competing ... competing ..."

When Jeff talked about the word "scramble", he could no longer "scramble".

He saw in sight that the force he had launched was actually burnt to the ground under the flames of this man.

He really felt that the force protecting the continent of Moyuan, indeed, had disappeared completely.

"You! You! You are not the triple **** of the gods! Your magic cultivation has been reached, the gods are the four heavens!"

Jeff, he shouted in shock and disbelief.

In the entire spirit demon continent, the strongest one is in the three heavens of the gods, which is known to all magicians on the spirit demon continent.

The magical figures above the triple sky of the gods, only, exist in the legend.

However, Jeff now sees it with his own eyes, and feels the horror of that flame.

The reason why he believes that this power of flame is the magical power of the four-level heaven of the gods, that is, the ancient formation he has just controlled is the power of infinitely close to the four heavens of the gods.

Many and many years ago, about a few hundred years ago, there was once a magician of the heavenly triple heaven, and there was some friction with the Lord of the Demon Continent at that time.

The great magician threatened to use his magic to destroy the one himself.

As a result ... as it is today, the Lord of the Demon Continent is waiting outside the formation for the arrival of the great magician. Eventually, with this ancient protective horde, the great magician is exterminated.

The head of the pirate regiment, Jeff, learned that the pirate thousand-man regiment led by Clara, one of his powerful men, had been sent to secretly track the situation of these people and collect intelligence.

It was finally determined that the killer with fire was the pinnacle of a triple heaven of a god, and his identity was unknown.

The three heavens of the gods are, logically speaking, the existence of a pirate group that is difficult to offend, but Jeff was not reconciled. Someone killed his subordinates in his own sea area. If this hatred is not reported, how can he stand still.

The world, how would you think of him Jeff.

Later, Jeff grasped that the direction these people had been going to should be to enter the Demon Continent.

When he thinks of the Demon Continent, Jeff thinks about the legend, and now the Lord of the Demon Continent, many years ago, Jeff saved his life.

So Jeff thinks that he will help if he is busy!


Afterwards, Jeff had absolute confidence and could use the power of the great formation to build supreme majesty.

But the result ... but the result is ...

After the spear song's magical flame destroyed Jeff's formation, he continued to burn it upward, and burned towards that Jeff.

"No ... no ... don't ... don't ..." Jeff's expression on his face grew more and more, even his eyes widened, showing extreme panic, and screamed at him below.

It seemed unwilling to be burned to death like this, and it seemed to be begging for spears.

As the head of the Pirate Regiment, he is the king of the sea, with endless wealth and endless beauties, waiting for him to enjoy.

If you die like this, how can you be reconciled.

It's just that the spear song didn't mean to let him survive. The blazing flames were still burning, and I saw that Jeff was about to be burned by this flame.

"Hey, Eun Gong, I'm sorry, I almost killed you!" However, as the flame was about to burn to Jeff, a deep sigh suddenly sounded at this time.

When this sigh sounded, in a short time, I saw the slightly riotous Demon Continent, which was more violent than just now.

"Boom! Boom!"

"Boom, boom!"


There was a roar of noise, and at the same time, just beside Jeff, an ancient force that was stronger, fiercer, and more terrifying than just now was born!

The strength was just emerging, and I saw that the flames speared by Spear Song ... began to be extinguished constantly.

Chapter two

"Tenjin has five powers of heaven!" At this moment, Shi Feng, who had been watching the drama, suddenly said this sentence.

The spear song, although it is the great magician of the **** level of the nineth heaven, but he did not use his real magic power.

When Jeff launched his formation, he summoned a magical flame that could destroy the formation.

Therefore, this magical flame is only in the four heavens of the gods.

However, now it is not expected that it was once said that Mietian was the strongest spirit demon continent, and actually, there was the power of Mietian.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!" There was a heavy gasp in the air.

Although Jeff survived, his face was still covered with horror, and his mouth gasped continuously.

Thinking about the horrible flame just about to be burned on himself, he was almost burned to ashes, and he still felt terrified.

"Eun Gong!" Then, another cry came from Jeff's ear.

At the moment beside him, a middle-aged man wearing a black loose magic robe was suspended.

This person is now the master of this Demon Continent, Lanos!

"Blocked ... blocked ... was blocked by you ...?" Jeff asked Lanos in a trembling voice.

"Yes, Grandpa." Lanos nodded when he heard Jeff's words.

Following that, he said apologetically, "Sorry, Eun Gong.

Everyone knows that this ancient formation of Demon Abyss Continent has the power to destroy the triple gods of the gods. The world believes that the power of the ancient formation of the Demon Abyss is infinitely close to the four heavens of the gods.

Therefore, from the beginning of the ancestors, it has been claimed that the strength can be infinitely close to the fourfold heaven!

Eun Gong told me at the time that he wanted to use this formation to destroy the great magician of the one-day **** triple heaven, so I only passed half of the mystery to you!

But I did not expect that I almost killed Eun Gong you. Fortunately, I have been restless today, come and see! "

While speaking at this moment, Lanos also sighed deeply.

If the flame just burned his benefactor to death, he will surely regret his whole life, and he will live in regret in this life.

"Original! It turns out that this force has five gods!" Jeff said coldly.

Then he bowed his head again, then looked down, his eyes, and then stared hard at Spear Song.

At this moment, he is quite sure that this man's magical cultivation is in this power.

His flames were destroyed by the forces urged by Lanos just now.


Jeff grinned again, sneered, and said at the spear song:

"Boy, I really have to admit your magical talent, you are indeed very strong.

But it is a pity that you offended my Jeff, you are doomed today, there is such a disaster!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. "

Talking, this Jeff laughed again.

At this moment, he seemed to suddenly forget his previous embarrassment, that endless horror, that wailing, that pleading.

He returned to the king's posture again, with a proud look on his face.

The person next to him, who called himself a benefactor, was in control, and the gods had five powers!

With such power, this Demon Continent can really be said that no one can invade.

"Huh?" But at this time, Skull Yan made a weird voice, and he, all over him, raised a strange feeling.

"What's wrong?" Shi Feng asked him when he heard the voice of Skull Yan.

"That man is secretly operating a strange power and wants to try to manipulate me." Skull Yan said to Shi Feng.

"That person?" Shi Feng murmured, followed, staring at the Lanos again.

I saw him, his hands formed a strange handprint, a somber force, quietly flowing from it.

"Necromancer?" Shi Feng said secretly.

He once encountered some magicians who manipulated dead creatures when he fought against the mainland.

This type of magician is called a necromancer.

The breath of this person at this moment is very similar to those of the Necromancer.

And Skull Yan also said that he was trying to manipulate him.

"Master, help me!" At this time, Skull Yan's voice became a little uncomfortable and weak, and asked Shi Feng for help.

"Rest assured," Shi Feng said to him.

And when he said this sentence, his thoughts suddenly moved, the power of the soul worked, "Give me, break!"

Shi Feng shouted in a deep voice.

"Uh!" Under his applause, Lanos' body suddenly shivered and moaned from his mouth.

The fingerprints formed by both hands were forcibly separated by a force of shock.

"What's going on?" Jeff asked quickly after seeing Lanos suddenly appear abnormal.

This one must not have an accident.

"Actually, there is a big magician with three levels of gods." Lanos said this sentence.

And when he said this, he already looked at Shi Feng.

"A **** with four heavens? A **** with three heavens?" Jeff murmured when he heard Lanos.

Normally, the existence of the triple heaven of a **** is extremely rare.

But now it is not expected ...

"I don't have to worry too much, I will kill them all with the power of a large array." Jeff told Lanos.

"Well, I know, Grace." Lanos nodded.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that his claws were dancing slowly in the void like Jeff had previously.

However, under his dance, the fluctuations in the void are more violent than before.

An incomparable terror, incomparably powerful force, gathered in his palm.

Then he pressed down.

"You must be very lucky in this life, since you have achieved this level of magical cultivation that ordinary people simply cannot reach.

But you, unfortunately, came to the Demon Continent and were robbed. "

When pressing this force, the Lanos still said this slowly.

At this moment, he already thought that everything had come to a close.

"Today, there are really many self-righteous guys in the spirit world.

It is so ridiculous to control the five powers of the gods. It is ridiculous to think that the world is first, if it is placed in the era we used to be. "

Spear Song, said again.

This time, he didn't see any movement.

The powerful formation that was just pressed by Lanos, disappeared without a trace in this instant.

"Ranos, what's going on? What about power?" Jeff felt the abnormality and quickly turned his head to ask Ranos.

Just now, the power of terror that clearly destroys everything appeared, but only a few breaths appeared, just ...

"How is it possible? How is it possible ... How is it possible ..." Lanos seemed to be evil, and said these four words in his mouth ...

(End of this chapter)

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