Chapter 3815 Aoyan City

"Emperor, are you leaving now?"

This voice came from a distance.

When Shi Feng heard the call, he turned and looked at it.

I saw a figure in the distance, flying towards here, approaching quickly.

Shi Feng stared with both eyes, and the comer was a stranger, he had never seen it before.

In his early forties, he wore a white robe.

But this person's martial arts practice is at the peak of reaching the peak.

Soon, the man had arrived in front of Shi Feng and held a fist at Shi Feng: "Under the envoy of the Lord of Darkness under the Dark Continent, Hei Qing!

I heard that the Emperor appeared in the Western Regions. "

"Oh!" Shi Feng whispered when he heard this person's words.

With a grin, he said, "Your news is well informed."

Shi Feng appeared directly here with the Solomon's lamp. Except for the eight ghosts and the million ghost soldiers, no one else should have seen them.

However, this person knew that he had returned to Tianheng and appeared in the Western Region.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, Hei Qing seemed to hear what he meant, and quickly explained to Shi Feng:

"Don't misunderstand the emperor, you appeared here a few days ago, and the ghosts worshiped the ghost soldiers with great momentum.

The magma invaded the Tianheng Continent, and the Lord of Darkness also sent a million dark legions to help. Someone in our party heard the call and reported it to the Xia You. So, I learned that you were here. "

"Oh, that's what it is." Shi Feng nodded slightly.

Unexpectedly, the Dark Lord of this dark continent even sent people to help Tianheng.

This is interesting enough.

Hearing Hei Qing's words, Shi Feng's face eased a lot, and said to him:

"The Emperor has important things in his body. After all these things have been dealt with, the Emperor must go to your dark continent in person and visit the Dark Lord."

"The words of the emperor will be conveyed to our lord." Hei Qingdao said.

"Well." Shi Feng nodded gently, and then said, "Then let's go first, Emperor, let's go first."

As soon as the voice fell, Shi Feng moved his body into the vortex of purple flame that appeared around him.

Through the sea of ​​purple fire...


Shi Feng returned to the Demon Continent, and apprentice Leng Aoyue suddenly gave him a congratulation.

At this moment, Leng Aoyue is flying above the mountains, and he is still rushing to the sacred city of the spirit demon continent.

"Aoyue, how long will it take to get here from the sacred city?" Shi Feng asked Leng Aoyue.

"Tu'er had just made a preliminary calculation, and it would take at least a month to reach the sacred city."

"Well, a month." Shi Feng murmured secretly.

Then he said, "Solo's magic lamp will be a teacher."

Hearing Shi Feng's words, Leng Aoyue handed the Solomon magic lamp to Shi Feng.

After Shi Feng got the Solomon's lamp, he operated the lamp secretly, and then used the lamp to sense the location of Muliang, the gods.

Then, my heart moved!

I saw the magic lamp in his hand, and suddenly shuddered at this moment, a purple flame suddenly rolled out from the magic lamp, and immediately the stone maple was rolled.

Then, fiercely purple flame, with Shi Feng rewinded back into the magic lamp.

Shi Feng entered the magic lamp, and the Solomon magic lamp floated quietly alone. Leng Aoyue then probed his hand again, and then grabbed it back into his hand.

Following that, the figure flew again, and continued to rush to the sacred city of the spirit demon continent.


Between the gods, a gloomy sky, the clouds are rolling.

This world, seeing the torrential rain is about to start.

It was at this time that a vortex of purple flames suddenly appeared on this gloomy sky.

"Wang! Wangwang! Wangwang!" On the endless ground, the sound of dog barking sounded.

Muliang and Xiaohei who turned into **** dogs stood on the ground and looked up at the sky.

"Wang Wang, Wang Wang Wang Wang!" Xiao Hei continued to cry.

"Brother Yuming is here," Mu Liang said.

Saying this sentence, he lowered his head, looked at the Destiny Plate in his hand, and then whispered: "With Youming Brother, this trip should be no problem."

After saying this, Mu Liang looked up again, and then looked at the sky.

It was at this moment that a black figure suddenly fell in the vortex of purple flames in the gloomy sky.

When he fell, the whirlpool of purple flame jerked and disappeared into the sky.

"Boom!" Suddenly, a thunderous roaring sound blasted violently over the sky.

The purple electricity flashed, like a thunder dragon fluttering.

This world, finally at this moment, started a heavy rain.

Shi Feng ignored the rainstorm and landed beside Muliang.

Looking at Shi Feng, Mu Liang smiled slightly and shouted, "Brother Yuming."

"How far is that place?" Shi Feng asked him.

Hearing Shi Feng’s words, Mu Liang pointed with his hand and pointed forward, saying:

"As long as you pass this endless wasteland, you can enter Aoyan City, and you can directly transfer it from Aoyan City to Langkao City!

When you arrive in Langkawi, you are in the territory of that force! "

Mu Liang said these things, Shi Feng listened, and it felt like he had a long way to go.

However, Mu Liang added such a sentence: "We, we can arrive tomorrow!"

This sentence is much simpler for Shi Feng.

"Then go," Shi Feng said.

"Wang! Wangwang! Wangwangwangwang!" Shi Feng's words fell, and Xiaohe continued to cry again.

"Then let's go, hey." While Mu Liang said this, he sighed deeply.

This figure moved slightly and flew to the back of the little black dog.

"Little Black, let's go."

Hearing Muliang's words, Xiaohei violently moved and took Muliang up with him.

It is like a sky of dark lightning, soaring speed, extremely fast.

Shi Feng was still standing on the ground, looking up at Xiaohei.

He found that the speed of this little black flight was much faster than before.

And Mu Liang, a kind of worrying kind.

"Huh?" Mu Liang, who was sitting on Xiaohei's back, suddenly realized that Shi Feng hadn't followed him, his face suddenly moved, and said to Xiaohei:

"Xiaohei, Youming Brother hasn't come yet, we will wait for him."

While saying this, he turned his head and looked behind him.

Soon, I saw Shi Feng who was still standing on the ground.

Facing the gusty wind, raining heavily.

"Wang, Wangwang, Wangwangwangwang!" Hearing Muliang's words, Xiaohei yelled again, flying away as a body.

However, when Xiaohei had just stopped, Mu Liang suddenly saw Shi Feng flashing.

But the next moment of breathing, his ghost brother, appeared beside him.

The speed was so fast that Muliang was speechless.

Just now, but Xiaohei flew first, and, after flying for some time and a certain distance.

But he arrived with just one breath.

This speed is simply abnormal!

Although the speed of Xiaohei is fast, it has been countless times faster than when he met.

However, it still can not be compared with today's Shi Feng.

It can be said that none of them can compare!

Chapter two

"I thought you would not be able to catch up. It seems that I thought too much." Mu Liang smiled at Shi Feng again and said.

"I will slow down and walk side by side with you." Shi Feng said.

After he said this sentence, his figure hurried again with Xiaohei.

Facing the storm and rain all the way, Muliang said to Shi Feng: "The force we are going to is Wan Gui, one of the peak forces of the gods.

The disciples of Wanjian Guizong all focus on practicing kendo!

Sect Master Sword is harmless, but it is the existence of the God King's Jiuzhongtian peak.

But I know that this kind of existence exists in my eyes, but it is a vast sky that can not reach the summit, but in your eyes, you will be nothing. "

"Well, indeed." Shi Feng nodded softly when he heard Mu Liang's words.

It's nothing more than the state of the God King Jiu Zhongtian's pinnacle. This kind of existence, to kill, is just a thought.

"You are there, You Ming, I can finally see my mother." Mu Liang said again.

From small to large, I don't know how many days and nights I look forward to seeing my mother's picture.

And now, finally... finally, realized.

This is finally, great.

"Just... mother, how on earth is she? Is she beautiful?"

"Mother, once a generation of saints for Wan Jian's return to the sect, a generation of arrogance, it should be, it's pretty good.

"Mother, will he remember me?

After so many years, will he miss me? "

At this moment, these thoughts, again in Mu Liang's mind, constantly flashed crazy.

Despite these thoughts, these years have emerged involuntarily again and again.

"Father, it is gone. If the mother knows that the father is gone, will she be sad?"


Mu Liang really fantasized about what his mother was like many times.

What it looks like, it’s not gentle, it’s not beautiful.

"Mother, Liang'er is here. Liang'er will soon meet you. Mother, my Liang'er is really real. I miss you so much. I want to see you."


Thinking about it, Mu Liang gradually became excited.

His body shivered involuntarily.

"Wang! Wang Wang! Wang Wang Wang Wang!" Xiao Hei, who was still running all the way, suddenly felt Mu Liang shaking on the back, and he was shocked and yelled continuously.


Along the way, Shi Feng was extremely bland.

For him, that is what Wan Jian returned to, and nothing.

It's just that you just need to get on the road.

If that Wan Jian returned to the sect, he would make fewer kills.

If you don’t know each other, you don’t mind, let this ten thousand sword return to the sect, and disappear in the gods forever.


Time gradually passed, gradually.

The violent storm gradually stopped.

Shi Feng, Mu Liang, and Xiao Hei also flew out of the expansive wasteland.

"Brother Yuming, this city in front is Aoyan City." Mu Liang pointed to a giant city in the distance above the earth, and said to Shi Feng.

Now after entering this world, a lot of flying figures appeared in the sky.

And these figures all went to that Aoyan City.

"Here, it is still peaceful." Shi Feng said.

The power of his soul has been shrouded in the Aoyan City. This huge city is lively and bustling.

He still remembers that the Gods Realm collided with the Supreme Realm, and he saw many cities invaded by the Supreme Warrior.

That's really life, and the blood is flowing into the river.

After that, Shi Feng was "furiously rushing to the crown", and when he saw those who had no bounds, he killed them.

"This is also thanks to you, Youming Brother." Mu Liang said to Shi Feng.

Then he said: "Now, the Nine Nether God Lord is in the heart of every creature in the God Realm, but he is like a god!

You have slashed the powers of the Supreme Realm in the chaotic and divine land, and have completely deterred the creatures of the Supreme Realm.

Since then, the souls of the Supreme Realm have been divided into countless numbers, and they dare not come to the God Realm too much.

This Aoyan City should have been hit by disaster, and then it gradually recovered its prosperity. "

"Oh." Shi Feng lightly heard the words of Mu Liang.

Today's God Realm can do this, it is exactly what he said.


The figure flying in the sky, after approaching the Aoyan City, slowly fell down and landed at the gate of the city.

Then from the city gate, enter the Aoyan City.

Shi Feng and Mu Liang were no exception, and they fell together at the Dongcheng Gate.

Then from this east gate, entered this lively Aoyan City.

Entering Aoyan City and walking on the avenue is already full of vocals.

Any sound.

However, Shi Feng and Mu Liang still heard that some people talked about the topic of the Nine Nine Gods.

"Now the God Realm can be peaceful, indeed thanks to the Nine Nether God Lord."

"Yeah, I really didn't think that this chaotic **** land, originally full of notoriety, came out such a nine-nine **** god, and saved the gods."

"The name of the Nine Nether God Lord will surely be included in the annals of history in the future."

"However, what is the origin of the Nine Nine Gods? Before, we have never heard the name of the Nine Nine Gods."

"Yeah, the former Lord of Chaos God Land is not the Nine Nether God Lord at all.

This Nine Nether God Lord, as if turned out, saved this world. "

"In my estimation, this Nine Nether God Lord should be a low-key old man.

From a long long time ago, he has been hiding in a chaotic place, not asking about the world!

It was not until this time that the Gods Realm was in trouble, he was born. "

"You are not right? I heard that the Nine Nether God Lord is a teenager! But in his early twenties."

"Well, it's just appearance.

In the realm of the Nine Nine Gods, the appearance can naturally be permanently youthful.

If you are in your early twenties, how can you beat the strongest man in the highest realm, do you think it is possible? "

"Uh... this... this is..."

"You said, if we could marry the Nine Nether God Lord, how good it would be."

These are some women, whispering their words.

"How is it possible, what kind of character is Nine Nine Gods Lord, how can it be up to us.

It is estimated that even the virgins of the major peak powers, this Nine Nether God Lord may not be worth it. "

"I heard that Lord Jiuyou God is a bad old man. Are you willing to marry him?"

"What's wrong with the old man, the Nine Nether God Lord is so powerful, better than any, better than anyone.

As long as he is willing to marry me, I don't care what age he looks like. "

"Okay, okay. You don't have to dream in daylight, this Nine Nine God Lord, we have no chance at all, he is just a myth..."

(End of this chapter)

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