Chapter 3816

Although Shi Feng was outside the chaotic **** land, killing the powers of the Supreme Realm by force, the entire gods and the Supreme Realm have been around for some time, but in this Aoyan City, the voice of discussion about the Nine Nine God Lord , Still a lot.

"Brother Yuming, I really have to envy you." Mu Liang also heard these comments and said to Shi Feng.

Then he said: "Not only did I get the hearts of the sacred girl, but there was also a very beautiful confidant who followed me, there were so many women who wanted to marry you."

"Wang! Wang Wang Wang!" After Mu Liang said this, the little black who was walking next to him also issued "Wang Wang Wang", expressing his agreement with Mu Liang and expressing envy for Shi Feng.

But listening to these words, Shi Feng only smiled faintly, and said nothing.

The woman in the world wants to marry him.

For him, this kind of thing has long been used to it.

At that time, Nine Nine Great Emperor, the strongest man in Tianheng Continent, and many women who wanted to marry, there were already many.

It's just that there is no woman who can catch his eyes.

"This laugh is really enough to pretend." Looking at the smile on Shi Feng's face, Mu Liang said.

"Huh?" It's just that when Mu Lianggang just said this, he suddenly felt something and frowned.

At the same time, even the Destiny Disk in his hand shivered.

Mu Liang immediately bowed his head and looked down.

Shi Feng also noticed the fluctuations on the Destiny Divine Plate and asked Mu Liang: "What's wrong, what happened?"

"It's not a trivial matter, it should be on me, some minor troubles." Mu Liang said.

Binocular has been staring at Destiny Plate, still sensing.

Immediately afterwards, he saw his brows deeper and deeper.

"Trouble is coming." Mu Liang suddenly said again, and as he said this, he looked up.

"Oh boy, I came to my Aoyan City. How can I run out of my palm!" At this moment, a cold voice rang out from the front.

Shi Feng followed the voice and looked forward.

I saw that there were six figures walking towards this side.

These seven people all look young and have extraordinary temperament. It should not be easy to be born.

The person who spoke just now is a young man with a fat figure.

When looking at Mu Liang, there was a sneer on his face.

"It turns out to be you." Mu Liang also looked at them at this time and said.

"Oh!" Then, everyone else chuckled.

A pair who has decided to eat Mu Liang, look at them like this, these people should have hatred against Mu Liang.

"You can't blame me for the maze of chaos," Mu Liang said to them.

"Oh, don't blame you?" It was a young woman who said this.

Later, the woman said again: "In the maze of utter chaos, you almost killed us all in it.

Now you say, don’t blame you? Oh, you still have a face to say this? "

"Okay, Yingyue, Ji Yu, there is no need to talk nonsense with him. Take him down." Standing in the middle of the seven, the man in the gold-blue robe spoke indifferently.

When he said this, he seemed to be giving orders.

It can be seen that these people are headed by him.

"What's wrong? Has anyone offended these people?"

"Who's so unlucky? Did they offend these people?"

"It's those two people, it seems that they are two foreigners? It's really not long-eyed, even these little ancestors dare to offend."

"Unlucky, these guys, offended these guys in Aoyan City, but really bad luck."


Soon, the pedestrians in the avenue also discovered the situation here, and quickly uttered their voices.

The people who walked originally stopped because of things here.

In Aoyan City, these few can be said, but very few do not know.

In the entire Aoyan City, almost no one dared to offend these people.

"Which one in the middle, but our young master of Aoyan City, Yan Qu?"

"Yeah, it's Yan Qu! So I said just now that these two guys are going to have bad luck."

"Good!" Hearing the handsome man in the middle, the man named Ji Yu nodded immediately.

When he said this, he lifted his right hand freely.

He did not see Muliang in front of him.

Now that you know Muliang, you all know Muliang's strength.

He already knew that it was enough to deal with him.

"Roar!" Suddenly, like a tiger's roar, it suddenly echoed in this world.

"White Tiger roar!" After hearing this roar, countless people's faces on the road changed dramatically.

There are even countless people with unstable shapes and violent shocks.

Between the world and the sky, there was even a gust of wind, and there was a white tiger phantom appearing faintly above the Aoyan City.

"Ji Yu! He used Ji Family's stunt, and the white tiger roared!"

"The white tiger roared. According to legend, many years ago, the ancestors of the Ji family had the honour to see the ancient **** beast, the white tiger.

"Yeah! The Ji family has been based on the white tiger's fighting skills for many years! I didn't expect that I would be lucky enough to see such a magical skill today!"

"Good! It's terrible! It is worthy of being a descendant of the Ji family, and it is worthy of comprehending the combat skills of ancient beasts!"


The people on the avenue of Aoyan City changed their faces and shouted in shock.

Many people's bodies start to tremble and become unstable, and they even feel suffocated.

"Ji, you kid, but to deal with this kind of waste, even using the white tiger's roar, it is really a love show."

By the side of his body, a young man with the same demeanor said.

"Hey!" Ji Yu already smiled when he heard this.

Obviously, he just wanted to show off.

There are so many people here, not here, where else?

Under the roar of the white tiger, Ji Yu has become the only one in this world.

And that white phantom, the huge tiger claws probing down, had already caught Muliang.

Where tiger claws pass, the space is turbulent and boiling.

Although this tiger's claws did not kill, but with Mu Liang's cultivation base, if they were touched, I am afraid they would have to pay a heavy price.

"Huh, okay. If you weren't here this time, I'm afraid I would really suffer."

Muliang raised his head and took a long sigh of relief, said to Shi Feng beside him.

"I don't think it's necessary. You guys are so lucky that they can't even catch up with me.

Without me, you shouldn't run into them here. "Shi Feng, yes to Mu Liang.

While speaking this sentence, Shi Feng also moved.

A finger hole hit, seemingly casual, a normal hit, greeted the tiger's claw that was angry.

"Do not control yourself!" Shi Feng's move naturally fell in the eyes of Fang Jiyu, he said.

Chapter two

"He, do you want to contend with Ji Ji's stunt?"

"This foreigner, he would never understand how terrible Ji Family's stunts are."

"Yeah! But in this case, whoever it is, will face it? Only that he will soon be desperate."

"I think that the more he resists these younger ancestors, the more sin he suffers from, the more painful it will be.

Hey, it's really okay. When you come to Aoyan, who is not good to offend, they offend them.

I really saw today, what is called short eyes. "



Suddenly, only a burst of loud sounds rang out loudly in this area.

Almost the entire Aoyan City was shocked at this moment.

"Roar!" Then, the voice of Hu Xiao reverberated again.

It's just that his face changed one by one, and then at this moment, it changed a lot.

"Block, block?"

"This person, blocked the white tiger's rage, one of Jijia's white tiger skills?"

"This... is it really blocked? What is this...?"

"This man is so young that he can stop this white tiger's fury?"

"Who is he?"


The shouts were loud and loud, and many people showed incredible faces.

They just felt that if they fell on themselves, they might not even have hair.

But the young man in front of him, with just one finger...

"Isn't the Ji family released the water and didn't use their full strength at all?"

"Just seeing him move just now, should not have used his full strength.

But even so, it's not easy to stop it! "


"Actually!" Not only the onlookers on the avenue, at this moment, even the seven young men of extraordinary demeanor changed their faces.

Together with Ji Yu, they naturally understood how strong Ji Yu's white tiger was.

"Could it be that you have to do more business?" Ji Yu said coldly to Shi Feng, who pointed to the white tiger's claws.

The face is full of anger.

Originally, he wanted to show off.

As a result, this person turned out to be so faceless.

In Aoyan City, if these people around me, no one has ever dared to do this to himself.

"Move my friend, just move me." Shi Feng opened his mouth at this time.

"Humph! Good!" Ji Yu responded coldly with a response from Shi Feng.

Immediately afterwards, he saw his right hand snap into his claws.

With his use, the tiger claw blocked by Shi Feng's finger shook violently.

A stronger, more mad, more fierce, and more terrifying power has appeared above the tiger claw.

"Boom Boom! Boom Boom! Boom Boom!" The whole world, because of this anger, caused a violent shock.

The violent winds are more intense and fierce.

In an instant, Shi Feng and Mu Liang were in a hurricane.


"Rewind fast!"

"Come back quickly, the Ji family is real, we will go a little farther, so as not to accidentally hurt!"


The hurricane appeared and swept violently.

Seeing the people around, quickly shouted and retreated.

It's just that the hurricane just showed three breaths, and everyone was shocked to see that the unmatched hurricane suddenly collapsed.

The two figures devoured by the hurricane appeared again.

Not only did the hurricane collapse, they also discovered that the shadow of the white tiger suspended above it had completely disappeared.

This already means...

"Baihu's stunt is broken?" Some people, unbelievably speaking this sentence, his eyes were already staring extremely.

"That's it, it's broken easily?"

"This... this seems to be really broken? These two guys, are there really nothing at all?"


There are already a lot of people, and it is already shocked to speak.

"Uh!" came a painful moan.

People even saw this moaning sound from the fat young man Ji Yu in his mouth.

Ji Yu's body trembles, a ray of blood overflows from the corner of his mouth.

It seems that the White Tiger's combat skills were broken, and he suffered a backlash and was injured.

"Ji Yu!"

"Ji Yu!"

"Ji Yu!"

The young people around him shouted at Ji.

Shi Feng looked at the front of his eyes and said to them, "This person can't be underestimated!"

Aoyan City young master Yan Qu, his face is already full of coldness.

He knew that even if it were his own, it would not be so simple to break through the white tiger's roar.

However, this person...

In other words, this person's strength and talent are above himself.

That being the case...

"All people go together, kill! Do not keep alive!" At this moment, Ji Yu rushed to the young people around him and said this sentence coldly.

"it is good!"




When Yan Qu's words came out, one by one, he immediately responded.

"The spirit snake swallows the world!" Ying Yue, the only woman among the seven, screamed first.

Pinch with both hands!

A large blue snake appeared immediately above Shi Feng and Mu Liang.

"Sky Sword is furious!" A young man grabbed a sword with a purple light shining from the void and slashed down.

Daomang possesses the power to open the earth and slashes down towards Shi Feng and Mu Liang.

"Earth God's Fury!"


"Dragon and snake unite!"


Then, one by one, they launched their strongest strength.

This area of ​​Aoyan City has become extremely chaotic.

"Shenhu Possessed, Ao!" Ji Yu, who was bitten back, issued a burst of roar again at this moment.

This roar of tigers is stronger and stronger than before!


In the end, Yan Qu, the master of Aoyan City Shaocheng, finally shot.

The blazing flames burned out of him, and in a flash, a sea of ​​flames appeared.


"These powers! These talented teenagers, at the same time launch their strongest powers!"

"Yeah! Really, dazzling, terrifying! Can those two still stop it?"

"This world can stop the young people under the seven waves of power. I am afraid that only the gods of the gods genius battle list, right?"

"Yes, it should be. Too strong, too fierce! If I were in this power, I am afraid, now there is nothing left."

"To see this battle, today Aoyan City is not in vain."


Multiple forces, more and more riots.

Eyes closed, staring tightly, without blinking.

For many people, there is no suspense in this battle.

There are not many people in the whole God Realm that can block such power. Will these two people be among those people?

This probability is too low and too low, almost impossible!

It's just that when they think about it like this, they suddenly see...

(End of this chapter)

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