Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3821: Wan Jianfeng

Chapter 3821 Wan Jianfeng

The blazing white flames burned before they burned the seven people, and the faces of these seven people showed incomparable fear and horror.

The whole body is trembling constantly.

This is not a force they can resist at all. The flames are not burned, but they feel a tremendous heat.

Like the whole person, they must be burned to ashes.

Despair, unwillingness, trembling...

All kinds of complex emotions appeared in their hearts.

It was at this moment that the white flames rolled and swallowed seven of them directly.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

"Ah! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"


The screams of pain continued to reverberate between the world, sounding extremely sad and tragic.

"Spare... Spare life..."

"Don't die, Lord Nine Nether God! Forgive your little life. Ah!"

"Ah! Great Lord Nine Nether Gods, forgiveness. Ah!"


Among the white flames, there was a sound of begging for mercy.

These seven people, since they are already on Shi Feng's kill list, Shi Feng will naturally not spare them their lives.


"Look! Look! The city's mansion is on fire! The city's mansion is on fire!"

In the city's main palace, fire shines into the sky.

The blazing fire caught everyone's eye in the city.

"White fire, what a terrible white fire? Could it be the Lord of the City, what kind of flame magical skills have he practiced?"

Someone shouted.

"This... this is too strong! If this is really the power of the Lord of the City, then the Lord of the City's martial arts will definitely enter a new realm?"

"Could it be that the death of Young City Master Yan Qu stimulated the potential of this city master and made the city's anger explode?"


Everyone in the city, gathered their eyes on the side of the city's main palace, and began to discuss.

The Yan Family of the city master has been practicing flame martial arts since ancient times.

So seeing this raging fire, they reminded them that it was related to the master of the city.

However, some people seemed to see something and said: "I am afraid this is not the fire of the city master Yan Cheng."

"How to say? If it wasn't the fire of the Lord of the City, whose fire was it?"

"Yes, brother, what do you see? Tell me about it."

"The Lord of the City, the fire once repaired is indeed not a white fire.

And this fire is really very strong, so terrible. "

After hearing the words of these people around me, I just saw the white fire person, and then spoke, saying:

"According to the rumors, the Nine Nether God Lord has vigorously killed the powers of the Supreme Realm outside the Chaos God Land, using various forces.

And one of the forces is the white fire. "

"Nine Nine Divine Lord has a kind of power, is it the white fire? Could it be..." When the man's voice fell, someone immediately realized what, thought of, and understood.

"Nine You God Lord entered the city's palace and began to kill the people in the city's palace?"

"However, it was clearly seen that the Nine Nether God Lord entered the Temple of Transmission.

Since the Nine Nether God Lord entered the teleport temple, the teleport temple has now been deactivated.

Some people say that the Nine Nether God Lord has already left our Aoyan City. "

"Is this...Isn't the Nine Nether God Lord doing it? Exterminated the Young City Lord Yan Qu, is this to kill the entire City Lord House?"

"Look at it! Have you noticed that the entire city's main palace has been burning more and more fierce, and the fire is spreading.

This fire is constantly burning away everything in the city's main palace.

In other words, that is to say, this is really not the fire of the city's Yan Yancheng. "

When this word came out, everyone immediately noticed this.

Indeed it is!

"If you say that, it really is, Lord Nine Nine Gods, killing in the city mansion!

This... this... Yan Qu, the young master of the city, offended the Nine Nether God Lord, this is, the entire Yan family was affected.

The Yan family was destroyed. "

"Hey! Yan Family, who has led us to Aoyan City for so many years, will we really be removed from our Aoyan City from now on?"

"This, really... really... is hard to say in a word!"


It was almost dusk.

But this world is still full of fire and white.

In the raging white sea of ​​fire, Shi Feng stood proudly.

The seven **** people devoured by the fire have turned to ashes in the fire.

Shi Feng's thoughts moved, and the white flames in the eyes of Aoyan City suddenly disappeared in people's eyes.

Without the white sea of ​​fire, people have already seen that the splendid city's main palace has fallen into ruins in their eyes.

The vast city's main palace disappeared in this way.



"His! Hiss! Hiss!"


The sound of Dao Dao breathing coolly rang continuously in Aoyan City.

Despite the burning of the flame just now, the world was still hot.

But there are countless people who feel cold.

Yan Family, from now on, has really been removed from Aoyan City.

From now on, Aoyan City really has no Yan family.

Just because of the speaker, I offended a fundamental offending existence, Jiu You! God Lord!


In addition to the temple of Aoyan City's teleportation, it is already full of vocals here.

"City Lord's Mansion turned into ashes! We clearly saw the Nine Nether God Lord entered the Temple of Transmission. What happened, and what happened?"

"I don't know. Could it be that the guards in the temple made the Nine Nine God Lord dissatisfied, so the Nine Nine God Lord destroyed the city's palace in one go?"

"Which...if that's the case, who is the guy with no eyes?"

"Hey, in any case, the city's main palace really doesn't exist anymore."



And just as everyone was talking about it, a dull metallic sound rang out here.

People saw that the gate of the closed temple suddenly opened at the moment.

Then, a black figure flashed like lightning and entered into it quickly.

"Boom!" There was another sound, and the metal door closed tightly.

Muliang, Xiaohei, and Nine Nether Demon, who were still waiting in the shrine, suddenly saw Shi Feng appear beside them.

"Roar!" Seeing the owner return, Nine Nether Wraith uttered a low roar.

"Yu Ming Brother." Mu Liang also shouted at Shi Feng.

Followed by: "Everything is solved."

"Well, those people have been killed by me." Shi Feng said lightly.

It was this lightly written sentence that fell into the ears of the guards of the temple, and their faces suddenly changed.

"Welcome the return of the Nine Nether God Lord!"

"Welcome to the return of God Lord!"

"Welcome God Lord!"


After hearing the words and learning that the man came back, the guards immediately shouted.

Although Shi Feng left the teleport shrine for some time, the guards still knelt on their knees and dared not get up.

Chapter two

"Okay, you all get up now." Shi Feng said lightly to them.

Hearing this sentence, their face changed again.

Originally, they wondered whether this man would directly wipe out everyone after he returned.

Because for this one, killing everyone is no different from killing a few ants, just waving your hand.

However, at this moment, he asked himself to get up.

That is to say... he waved his hand casually to himself?

"Thank God Lord!"

"Thank you God Lord!"

"Thank you Lord God! Long live Lord Long live long live!"


The guards quickly shouted and shouted, thanking Shi Feng.

Then, the body of kneeling one after another, slowly got up.

But they all got their heads down and bowed.

"God Lord, where do you want to go, here will open the teleport altar for you."

The guard commander who had just been born was bending over to Shi Feng and asked respectfully.

"Let me do it," Mu Liang said to him.

For the hopeless abyss, Mu Liang was extremely afraid.

He doesn't want to have any accidents, he wants to get rid of all accidents directly.

"Since you don't want to trouble yourself and want to do it yourself, the little one waits for someone, so he stands here and waits."

The guard commander said again.

"Come on, Youming Brother." Mu Liang said to Shi Feng.

"Well." Shi Feng nodded gently.

The figure suddenly flashed.

"Roar!" When his figure flashed, the Nine Nether Wraith also turned into a black shadow and disappeared.

Muliang and Xiaohei flew together, and flew towards the altar.

At this moment, Shi Feng and the Nine Nether Demon have stood proudly on the altar.

After Muliang and Xiaohei fell, Muliang personally manipulated the teleporting altar.

And the guards knew that they didn't want to wait for others to approach, so they naturally stood still.

Adjust the coordinates!

Inspire the Yuanshi in the altar!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Suddenly, the entire altar began to tremble.

The tremor became stronger and stronger, and the sound of trembling became louder.

It was at this moment that a purple light soared up from the altar, and all the figures on the altar were swallowed in it.

"Congratulations to God!"

"Congratulations to God!"

"Congratulations to God!"


After seeing Ziguang rushing up, the guards shouted again.

The body that stood originally, then bowed down towards those.

This is already the last project.

They are naturally not troublesome.

As long as that person leaves, it is sunny!

I really don’t have to die.

For them, this is really a disaster.

And one of the young guards has heard such a sentence, and there will be a blessing after all!

"If it really doesn't die this time, then I will definitely be able to fly Huang Tengda from now on!

After I fly Huang Tengda, I will marry ten wives! Do not! Fifteen! Rotate every night! "

In his mind, a beautiful portrait immediately appeared.

When thinking about these, his whole person became a little hot.


Under the glorious eyes, Ziguang completely rushed out of the temple, disappeared into the temple, and entered the endless sky!

"Whirring whirring!"

"Huh! Huh!"



Finally, the killing **** was sent away, and the guards in the temple were finally relieved.

The hearts one by one finally relaxed at this time.

There is even a body sitting directly on the ground of this temple.

"It's dangerous! This time, it's really dangerous."

"Yes! Almost finished! We, finally survived."

"Yeah, it feels really good to be alive! Very good! Hey!"

"Now, the city's main palace is no longer there. Let's add up. Let's go out in the future?"

"Don't think too much. Although Yan Family is not here, Ao Yan City should have a new city owner soon.

We are in the temple and we are familiar with this place, and we should continue to use ours.

So rest assured. "

"Uh... that's what I said, I really thought about it."


Each has its own destiny and its own life.

In the future, they may meet better city owners and follow better people.

It is also possible that some of them will stand out, or they may encounter tragic encounters.

Everything... still that sentence, each has its own life, the future is unknown!


Night, slightly cool!

The cold wind rustles!

Shi Feng and Mu Liang are standing proudly in the darkness of the night, looking at a male peak in the distance.

"This peak is named Wan Jianfeng! Wan Jian returned to Zong, and he was in Wan Jianfeng."

Mu Liang pointed to the Xiongfeng.

"Well, let's enter tonight." Shi Feng said to Muliang.

"First... wait a minute..." Mu Liang quickly said to Shi Feng.

"Oh, what's wrong? What did you feel?" Shi Feng asked him.

Every time Muliang looks like this, it should be.

"This time, it's okay." Mu Liang shook his head slowly at Shi Feng.

Follow him and say, "It's just me... suddenly a little nervous."

"Uh..." Shi Feng said softly, "uh", and followed: "So it is."

He, the mother who has not been masked, is in this Wan Jianfeng. Next, he will meet his mother. It is normal to be nervous.

From small to large, I don't know how many times I fantasized about my mother's appearance and the moment when I met my mother.

"Then you should change slowly, and when you relax, we will enter this Wan Jianfeng." Shi Feng said to him.

"Huh." Mu Liang responded gently.

Followed, turned his head to look at Shi Feng, said: "Thank you, Brother Yum."

Hearing this, Shi Feng suddenly grinned and said, "I have said it many times. Between you and me, why thank you.

Say thanks again, that's outside. "

"Oh, huh!" Shi Feng said, Mu Liang grabbed his head with his right hand, and looked a little silly, laughing.

"From now on, no matter what the matter is, as long as you get what you need, you can just ask me." Mu Liang said.

"Rest assured, there should be more places to use you in the future." Shi Feng said to him.

"Okay, Youming Brother, almost, let's enter." Mu Liang said.

"Well!" Shi Feng nodded softly when he heard Mu Liang's words.


Then the two figures moved at the same time and flew forward.

It's just that after he flew away, he still left a black figure.

"Wang Wang! Wang Wangwang! Wang!"

Xiaohe flew away when he saw Muliang, and screamed in the rear quickly.

"Ha, forget this guy!"

(End of this chapter)

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