Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3822: Red and white swordsmen

Chapter 3822

"Wang! Wangwang! Wangwangwangwang!"

In the rear, Xiaohei screams more and more fierce!

grimace in pain!

Look at this fierce look, as if to rush to bite Mu Liang fiercely!

"Okay, okay, how angry?" Muliang turned around and flew back to Xiaohei.

"You didn't follow me when I saw that I flew away. What did you think?

Are you thinking about which bitch? Muliang said with a smile.

"Wang! Wangwang! Wangwangwangwang!" Xiaohei was still yelling at Muliang in an angry manner, and his dog's mouth was angry, revealing two rows of fierce dog teeth.

"Wang! Wangwang! Wangwangwangwang!"

"Where did the wild dog come from?"

While Xiao Hei was still roaring, he paused and only heard a young angry voice.

"Wang!" When Xiaohei heard that sentence, he was covered in dog hair, and suddenly burst at this moment.

Xiao Hei, who has always regarded himself as noble in blood, is a noble **** dog, which is not comparable to those dogs in the world.

At this moment, however, someone called him a wild dog.

At this moment, I saw Xiaohei turned sharply, looking in the direction of Wan Jianfeng, and kept roaring incomparably fiercely towards that side, "Wang! Wangwang! Wangwangwangwang!"

The hatred originally on Mu Liang was already transferred in this way.

At this time, Shi Feng and Mu Liang also looked towards that side.

They saw that in the night sky ahead, two figures appeared, slowly drifting towards this side.

Manifestation, one man and one woman!

They are not very old, about thirty.

Man, dressed in white, with a long sword on his back, floating in white, like a white sword fairy.

The woman wore a red robe and danced with the wind, like a red elf in the night.

"You are disciples of Wan Jian Gui Zong?" Mu Liang said when he saw the two.

"What did you say?" The man didn't reply, but asked Mu Liang instead.

Following a finger, he pointed to Xiaohei, and said, "Pull your crazy wild dog away quickly, don't spread wild here!

Otherwise, after! fruit! from! negative! "

When the man spoke of the last four words, every word, every word, had shown a cold killing intention.

His words may be nothing for him, but for Xiao Hei, this! It is simply further humiliating it.

"Wang! Wangwang! Wangwangwangwang!"

"Wang! Wang! Wang! Roar! Roar! Roar!"

Xiaohei screamed, and suddenly looked up to the sky, making a roar like a fierce beast.

Under the roar of Xiaohei, the night sky was stirred up.

Little black, the whole dog body, as if the momentum has changed greatly.

"Huh?" Shi Feng's face suddenly moved at this moment.

He sensed that this imposing black dog really became very different.

The combat strength has already climbed rapidly at this moment!

"Strange, why suddenly became so strong?" Shi Feng secretly said.

"Why are we talking about our words as ears wind? Such a wild dog, do you really want to be wild in my Wanjianfeng!"

An icy sip of coldness sounded.

It was the woman in the red dress who issued this pamper.

"Zheng!" A burst of reverberating sound was suddenly sheathed by the sword behind her.

The sword was red all over, and once it came out of the sheath, it burst into flames and the flames were burning on the sword.

The sword of flame melts into the flame, like a fiery meteor.

Before leaving Xiaohei, Xiaohei screamed, Muliang hurried back, leaving Shi Feng alone in the night sky ahead.

The sword, which turned into a red flame, passed by beside Shi Feng.

Then, toward Muliang and Xiaohei, continue to fly away.

"Xiaohei, it's really strange, the momentum is still rising.

The power of this sword has reached the supremacy, I wonder if this little black can block it. "Shi Feng murmured secretly."

At this moment, he still looked at it like this, completely meaningless to shoot.

"Ah!" Mu Liangdun exclaimed when he saw such a powerful force.

The complexion has changed!

"Wang! Wangwang! Roar!" And Xiaohei still roared fiercely.

Instead of retreating, the dog fluttered forward and swooped toward the fire.

"No! Don't! Don't let Xiaohei!" Mu Liang immediately anxious when he saw this, shouting at Xiaohei.

At this moment, the destiny disk in his hand immediately shook up.

"Xiaohei, don't resist it! Quit!" Mu Liang continued to shout.

However, that little black has become extremely stubborn and is still rushing forward.

In a flash, Hong Mang and Xiao Hei clashed up!

"Boom!" A dull sound burst suddenly sounded at this moment.

There was already some turbulence in the world, but it was already more violent.

"Little! Little Black!" Behind, Mu Liang was still yelling in shock.

The Destiny Divine Plate has shown that Xiao Hei, the ominous sign is coming.

"Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo! Wang!"

Immediately afterwards, there were bursts of painful whines.

It seems that although Xiaohei's momentum has changed greatly, he is still invincible in the face of supreme power.

Later, Mu Liang saw a figure, like a cannonball, flew down quickly, and swiped from the top of his head instantly, it was already black.

"Little Black!" Mu Liang shouted when she saw it.

The figure also moved quickly, and Fei chased to Xiaohei.

"Huh?" In the distance in the night sky, the woman with the sword of the flame slashed, and her eyebrows twisted.

The previous raging sword, after colliding with Xiaohei, the flame has disappeared, and now it becomes a red sword, suspended in silence.

"It seems that we underestimated this wild dog!

It seems that this wild dog is still good. "The man in white said to the woman.

"Well." The woman in red nodded when he heard this.

The eyebrow twisted above the pretty face stretched back.

She said: "Originally I thought that a fire sword would be enough to kill the dog in seconds.

But I didn't expect it to block my flame sword power.

We happen to be missing a pet, and we can just accept the trial. "

Hearing the woman in red, the man in white grinned and said, "I think so too."


"Little Black! Little Black!" On the other side of the night sky, Muliang had already taken Xiaohe in flight.

At this moment, Xiaohei has been beaten back to its original shape, and turned back to the thin black dog whose fur splits, and is being held in the arms by Muliang.

"Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo!" Xiao Hei looked very weak, whining at Muliang, as if full of grievances, and crying at Muliang.

Mu Liang looked worried, and said, "I tell you not to be so self-willed, this is better, and you will lose a lot."

Fortunately, you are still alive, if you have a short and a long one, how can you let me live. "

"Woo, woo, woo, woo." Xiaohei whispered still.

Mu Liang said that the face of the adorable puppy was even worse.

"Okay, well, don't be so capricious in the future.

Can't beat, we will run, isn't it fragrant? "

Chapter two


Xiaohei was still grieved, and his head rubbed Muliang's chest.

Such a cute, grievance, and cute look, it seems that it can't be associated with the fierce **** dog just now.

"Okay, okay, don't do this." Mu Liang continued to comfort him.

"Ah! Not good!" Mu Liang's complexion changed abruptly, followed by a scream of surprise.

He looked up suddenly, "Wang!"

Xiao Hei fluttered in Mu Liang's arms, and immediately sensed something, he quickly called.

Seen by one person and one dog, the red sword once again burned blazing flames, and again, flying towards them.

Xiao Hei Ling was keen, he already felt that this sword was not aimed at himself, but at Mu Liang.

The weak dog moved suddenly, and immediately broke free from Muliang's arms. The small dog was blocked in front of Muliang.

"Xiaohei!" Mu Liang saw this and exclaimed quickly.

Xiao Hei wants to block his sword for himself!

Mu Liang immediately stretched his right hand forward, grabbed the little black dog's tail, and then pulled it back, pulling it behind him.

This sword is so strong that Xiaohei was hit hard and could not stop it.

"Wang! Wangwang! Wangwangwangwang!" Xiao Hei screamed quickly, constantly struggling in Muliang's hands.

It's just that the injury was so heavy that he couldn't get rid of Muliang.

"Wang Wangwang!" Seeing that the sword of flame was about to kill, Xiaohei screamed more and more flustered.

"Well, Xiaohei, it's okay." However, Mu Liang was extremely calm at the moment, and said this to Xiaohei.

Hearing Mu Liang's calm words, Xiao Hei, who screamed, suddenly calmed down.


"The wild dog was injured, and there was no resistance from that wild dog. This sword is enough to destroy the owner of this wild dog."

The man in white said to the woman in red.

In his eyes, Mu Liang is nothing.

It's just a waste hiding behind the wild dog.

"Well." The woman in red responded casually when he heard this.

For her, there was no accomplishment in killing such a semi-deity waste.

It was just here, "Oh!" Suddenly, only a very clear sound of sword echoed again.

"Huh? My flaming sword!" Suddenly, I saw the woman in red.

I saw a black figure that appeared in front of the demigod waste.

Just now, he was the leader of the bomb and directly flew her flaming sword!

"You're looking for death!" The woman in red screamed at the front.

And at this moment, the white man's right hand condensed his sword, and pointed angrily at Shi Feng in front, shouting coldly:

"Boy, have you really decided that you want to be the enemy of my Wanjian?"

Shi Feng, these two people have already noticed him.

He already came here with the waste and the wild dog.

But they just saw that when he shot the wild dog, this person has been suspended in the night sky.

They naturally think that he has already drawn the line with the wild dog and the owner of the wild dog.

This is a very common thing. In this world, who knows that he is a disciple of Wanjian Guizong, he dares to be an enemy of Wanjian Guizong.

It is outside Wan Jianfeng!

So, they just ignored this person for a while, and waited to kill the owner of the wild dog first, and then talked after grabbing the wild dog.

Today, he did not expect that he actually shot, and that this man was so strong that he flew the flame sword with one finger!

"Go against your ten thousand swords as an enemy, then how?" Shi Feng answered this man's words very lightly.

"Then you are dead!" the woman in red said with a very cold voice.

If the face is cold and frost, the murderous awe-inspiring!

One finger flicked the blaze of flames, and she humiliated her.

It was like hitting her face.

"Zheng!" Punctured by the hand, the flaming sword appeared above her head.

"Zheng!" There was another crisp sound, and the sword in the white man's back was also sheathed at the moment.



Jian Jue pinched, cold words, drank from the mouth of the two at the same time.

Seeing the two swords floating above his head, he flew forward.

The man's sword turned into a white swordmans.

The woman's sword turned into a fiery red sword.

Dragging two long horses to practice.

As if two python dragons came out of the sky, they flew towards Shi Feng.

Such swordsmanship, the two killed together, even surpassed the supremacy!

It seems that the two of them are not ordinary people among Wan Jian's return!

"Red and white swordsmen! I know, these two are the red and white swordsmen of Wan Jian Guizong!"

At this moment, Mu Liang stared at the flying two swords, suddenly realized what was happening, and exhaled directly.

His mother was a disciple of Wanjian Guizong, and he was imprisoned in Wanjian Guizong, so he was naturally extremely concerned about this.

In recent years, Wan Jian returned to the sect, came out with two sword companions, walked in the gods world, and also broke out some famous halls in the gods world.

Seeing both red and white swords coming out now, Mu Liang immediately thought.

"Oh, I know now, it's too late." Mu Liang's voice suddenly entered his ears, and the white man smiled coldly and said.

It's just that after Mu Liang made that call, he didn't care, but turned around and said to the little black behind him:

"Xiaohei, look, I said it's okay.

Don’t forget, we can’t have an accident if there is Brother Ning.

But ah, just now I grabbed you and told you not to move, that is, I was afraid that you would do something impulsive to avoid accidents. "

"Wang! Wangwang! Woo!" Xiaohei yelled at Muliang, followed by another whine, and finally the whine was directed at Shi Feng in front.

The voice is still so wronged.

"Okay Xiaohei, Youming Brother knows."




Two swords sounded at the same time.

The white man with a sneer on his face originally smiled immediately on his face.

The two swords launched by the two of them killed all the opponents.

At this moment, actually... stopped directly in front of the person, unable to enter.

The most important thing is that he just stood there and never saw him shoot!


"You! Who the **** is that!" the white man shouted again.

"Retreat!" Immediately afterwards, he listened to the women around him.

Now, the other party's identity is unknown, and his strength is terrifying. He returned to Wan Jianfeng and reported to Shimen.

So young, it can be seen that there are very few red and white swordsmen in this world!

Immediately afterwards, they saw the red and white figures move at the same time and flew back quickly.

At the same time, their hands simultaneously pinched the sword tactics again, manipulating their flying swords to return.



It's just that two bursts of sonic booms sounded at the same time, and the red and white two swords broke at the same time...

(End of this chapter)

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