Chapter 3824

Bai Qi, the brother of Wan Jian Gui Zong, is the true descendant of Wan Jian Gui Zong.

In other words, he will be the future sovereign of Wan Jian.

Therefore, the sword that Wan Jian returned to Bai Qi was the best sword among the masters of Wan Jian, except for the elders.

It is said that this sword is infinitely close to the warrior of God King Jiuzhongtian.

As a result...the result was that this person was so casual that it broke at random.

In the eyes of everyone, it looks like a child's toy sword.

But they are very clear, this is not a toy! This is really the invincible sword.

"You! You! You! You!" Ai Jian was cut off and traumatized. Bai Qi spit out four "you" words coldly towards Shi Feng.

"You! What kind of magic tricks to use! Destroy my God of Heavenly Sword, you, will die today!"

This icy word sang again in Bai Qi's mouth.

After drinking this sentence, all the disciples of Wan Jian Guizong saw that Master Bai Qi, who had already moved violently, flew in front of them.

He was like a divine sword with a sheath out of front, and flew towards Shi Feng.

"Brother, get angry!"

"That is of course! This, of course, destroyed Master's God of Heavenly Sword, how could Master Brother not be angry."

"But this person is too strong, right? That one finger destroys the God of Heavenly Sword.

Brother, will he be his rival? "

"Don't you just listen to what the elder brother said just now? This person used evil magic to destroy the Tiangan Excalibur.

And since the elder brother said so, it should be him, who has already seen through this person's magic.

Therefore, without that magic, Master Brother will cut this person. "

"Actually, I rarely see the master angry.

But once the brother is angry, his opponent will surely be in a landslide! "

"This is inevitable! The master who destroys the heavenly sword, the master will never let him live this world!

Moreover, it was so wild in front of our Wan Jianfeng, this person, who had committed a crime of death early, deserves to smash tens of thousands of corpses! "


"Brother, will he be his opponent?" At this moment, the red woman in the red and white swordsmen murmured to the white man.

At the moment, he was worried.

I originally thought that the master brother is the real arrogant son, and killing this person is easy.

But it turned out...

"Now, it's not easy to say. I hope... Okay." The man in white also said uncertainly.

Concerns also surfaced on his face.

Earlier, it was the two of them who fought with that person. This person was really strong.

By no means simple.


Under the eyes of everyone, the master has turned into a fierce sword and stabs straight ahead.

The sword is unmatched, like everything in the world, it can be worn by this sword.

"Brother Master, it is Wan Jian Zhu Shen!" Someone exclaimed in amazement, sensing the fierce strength of that side.

Although they can all be regarded as genius disciples of Wan Jian's return to the sect, they are still incomparable with the master brother Bai Qi.

Whether it is identity or strength.

And Wan Jian Zhu Shen is one of Wan Jian's unique skills. In the younger generation, only Master Bai Qi is qualified to practice.

"No! Ten Thousand Swords God! Slay all gods that do not obey!"

"It's so strong! Worthy of being Wan Jianzhu God!" The young disciple in his early twenties had a look of extreme envy on his face.

This is the stunt he dreamed of, and today, he was finally lucky to see it with his own eyes.

After seeing it, my heart was more eager.


"Brother, kill!"


"Destroy him! This man is not worthy to live in the world."


All the Wanjian returned to the disciples, and then they rushed forward, screaming at their master, Bai Qi, who used Wanjian Zhu God and turned into a sword.

Bai Qi is getting closer and closer to Shi Feng and Mu Liang.

With Shi Feng there, Mu Liang's complexion has always been very calm, staring at the front, saying:

"Bai Qi, really worthy of Bai Qi.

The strength is indeed very strong.

It's just unfortunate that he met this one today. "

"Unrestrained." Shi Feng, speaking to Bai Qi, who was flying with thorns, said such a sentence.

After he finished speaking, he saw Shi Feng, raised his right hand, and said, "Let your elders with swords come back."

When he finished speaking, he saw the raised right hand and flicked forward.

Under Shi Feng's hand, all the sword power suddenly collapsed.

"Slap!" A very clear sound reverberated in the night.

"Ah!" Along with this crisp sound, there was also a painful roar.

Then, under the gaze of dozens of eyes, people saw the invincible master, even... like a sandbag, flying backwards violently.

Moreover, the painful roar just now was the voice of the brother.

And the man threw a slap at the master, and the crisp sound was...

"Brother, was beaten?"

"He...he...he moved at will, not only broke the ten thousand sword gods, but also the master..."

"How is it possible! How is it possible! How could there be such a powerful person in this world.

His roots, his appearance infer, his age, but only in his early twenties, even the master..."

"Who is he? Is he one of the top ten geniuses in the gods world?

But... if it is really a genius in the genius battle list, the brother must recognize it!

Who is he? "




Among the crowd, two men flew out and flew towards Bai Qi in the inverted flight.

Bai Qi's inverted figure was quickly picked up by these two disciples of Wan Jian's return.

And they saw that on the left face of the master at the moment, there was a red five-finger palm print, which was shocking!

Brother, it was indeed beaten by that person.

Moreover, it was indeed a slap in the face.

Bai Qi's body stabilized, "Ah!"

Immediately, an extremely fierce roar roared from his mouth.

The whole roaring night sky was violently stirred.

That young and handsome, like the appearance of a young fairy, has long ceased to exist.

The face looked fierce and grim, and even began to distort.

As the disciple of Wan Jian Gui Zong and the existence of one of the top ten battle list, he has never had anyone, so he dare to do this to him.

He couldn't stand it at all. He was slapped slapped in front of so many disciples by Wan Jian Guizong.

This... how to make yourself a foothold in Wanjian Guizong!

From now on, let yourself save your face.

Even if one day, he became the suzerain of Wan Jian's return, he would be criticized!

Bai Qi, really crazy at this moment, he really can't tolerate it.

Chapter two

"This man must die, he must die!"


Bai Qi said with a roar in his heart.

"The people here tonight, too, are all going to die!"

Even those who want to see themselves slapped in the face are also removed.

He has lost his mind and is violent.

"Ah!" There was another roar of anger, and Bai Qi's hands moved violently, throwing away the two Wan Jian who had held him back to Zong disciple.

Immediately afterwards, he saw his body and moved again.




The disciples cried when they saw the situation.

The blow just now was actually a verdict, and that person was already stronger than the master.

But my brother...

"With Brother's temper, such humiliation tonight, we are persuading and useless."

The man who previously called the red and white sword companions as sisters and brothers said.

"Hey, yeah! If we persuade at this time, I am afraid that it will also cause his dissatisfaction." Another disciple said.

"What should I do! The elders have something important to do. If you go on like this, brother, you might be killed by that person."

"Does he really dare to kill the elder brother? If he dares to do that, it will be the same as ours, and we will have an endless hatred!"

"In my opinion, he should not dare to kill the elder brother, if he really wants to kill, just now, he has already started." The woman in red in red and white swordsmen said.

"Well, this is the case." As soon as the red woman's voice fell, many people nodded and agreed.

They thought that if they really wanted to kill their brothers and broke the Wan Jianzhu God, it was not just a slap.

"Brother Yuming, it seems that this white deed has been maddened by you." Mu Liang said to Shi Feng.

"Then let him die." Shi Feng spoke lightly, responding to these two words to Mu Liang.

"Are you going to kill him?" When Shi Feng's words fell, Mu Liang's face flicked, and he opened his mouth in shock.

But soon, his surprised look calmed down.

For him now, if he wants to kill this white pact, then he will kill him.

"Let their elders come out and talk to me just now. Since they didn't comply, then they killed him, and then they brought out the old things of the ten thousand swords to come out."

Shi Feng still said to Mu Liang in a breezy look.

He and Muliang came here to find Muliang's mother.

Naturally, it is the most direct to call these ten thousand swords to the suzerain.

If you can't come out yet, then let them be their first day disciples and lead them out.

This time, Bai Qi used his sword skills, or his strongest stunt Wan Jianzhu Shen!

Crazy, he turned into a sword. Although he didn't have the fierceness just now, he showed a fierce brutality.

The momentum seems to be worse than just now.

This time, Shi Feng's movements were the same as before, with his right hand raised, facing Bai Qi from the flying thorn...

"He still uses this trick."

"He still wants to slap Master Brother."

"So I said just now, this person said to kill, but he didn't dare to kill the elder brother." Looking at that side, the woman in red opened again.

They also all believed that he, dared not return to their ancestors with ten thousand swords, and never died.

As the disciples of Wan Jian's return to the clan, they knew how powerful their clan was.

In the Gods Realm, I am afraid that there is no force to go back to the ten thousand swords with them.

It's just... this time, they, really, were wrong.

Shi Feng's right hand was lifted up and suddenly flung out.

"Boom!" A very loud sonic boom burst suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, they saw that their brother, who was too late to make a roar this time, exploded violently.

Torn apart, blood spattered, and stumps flew with broken arms.


"This this……"



The **** scene at that side directly stunned Wan Jian to the disciples of Zong.

His eyes widened one by one, and he looked at that side incredulously.

I feel that the scene in front of me is extremely untrue.

It's as if I was in a dream at the moment.

"This... won't this be true?"

"Big...our brother...was...was..."



The silent night also sounded a burst of breath.

"Big! Brother is killed! He, he, he killed brother! He, killed brother!"

The white man in the red and white swordsman shouted immediately.

And this burst of his voice made every one of his disciples return to God.

"Brother Master is dead! He, he, he is going to return to our ancestors, and never die!"


"This person, this person, dare to kill the brother!"

"This...I still can't believe it. Are we really dreaming? Brother, that's it, dead!"

This Wan Jian returned to the disciples, still feel very unreal.

Soon afterwards, the master came down smartly, already the only one in this world.

Like everyone else, they have lost their luster.

Once in Wanjian Jianzong, no matter where, as long as the master brother appeared, it would be the same.

However, it is such a great brother Bai Qi, actually...

"What should I do? We, what should we do!"


Grand Master Bai Qi was killed, and the disciples of these ten thousand swords were already messed up. What should they do?

"Don't worry about that much, let's run first, and then run!" said the white man, one of the red and white swordsmen, to the brothers and sisters of the same discipline.

This man is so bold that even his brothers dare to kill. If he stays here again, it will surely end in such a miserable situation.

He doesn't want to die.

After saying that, the white man's figure moved first, and again, he flew back quickly.

And just after he moved, the woman in red also rose wildly.

Immediately afterwards, all the physiques began to move.

They urged their fastest stature and flew towards Wan Jianfeng.

"Let your elders come out to meet me, otherwise, I will kill Wan Jianfeng."

Looking at the figures who fled and fled, for a time, Shi Feng had not moved, but he spoke and said this sentence.

This word, paused in the dark night, reverberates.

"Come on slowly." After that sentence, Shi Feng turned his head and said to Muliang.

"Well." Mu Liang nodded when he heard this from Shi Feng.

Followed, the two pacing into the void with both feet, walking towards Wan Jianfeng.

"Woo! Woo! Woo!" At this time, the little black held by Muliang in his arms, and then wooed Muliang.

As if still aggrieved, even dissatisfied.

He was bullied, and as a result, the two people let them run away.

(End of this chapter)

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