Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3825: Patriarch Xingling

Chapter 3825 The Patriarch Reveals Spirit

Shi Feng and Mu Liang paced forward and walked towards the Wan Jianfeng.

Xiao Hei still feels wronged.

"Well, Xiaohei, if it weren't for Youming Brother, we might have already died, and it would be great to be able to survive."

Seeing the wronged black, Mu Liang comforted him.

"Wang! Wang Wang! Wang Wang Wang!" However, Xiao Hei still grieved and murmured in dissatisfaction.

Having been with Mu Liang for so long, he knew very well that if there was any danger to his life, this guy would have already arrived.

They will not appear here.

"Okay, okay, look at you poorly." Mu Liang continued to comfort Xiao Hei.

Shi Feng and Mu Liang, who walked on foot, were getting closer and closer to the Wan Jianfeng.


The top of Wan Jianfeng is a simple ancient building.

Buildings are like a rainbow, highlighting the extraordinary power of this force.

Although there are many buildings, these buildings are not showing people's breath.

Already, it is a vacancy.

It is said that Wan Jian returned to the heyday, and these buildings were full of people.

Zongmen has a stipulation that if you want to stay at the top of the mountain, if you martial arts, you must reach the realm of God.

Nowadays, there are not many people who have reached the Sovereign Realm.

In addition to the thirty or so disciples previously, other existences that have now reached the realm of God King have either gone out, or have gone to a secret place with the elders a few days ago.

That is, there is something important!

At the center of the peak of Wanjianfeng, stands a huge dark stone monument, like a dark sword, straight through the sky.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Bang Bang Bang!"

"Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!"


At this moment, I only heard the sound of roar, and at this moment it rang continuously.

The disciples who fled back to Wan Jian's return to the clan fell in front of the dark stone monument.

As soon as the dark stone tablets fell, they all moved the sword tactics.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

As the disciples of these disciples twitched, the whole Wan Jianfeng, and then violently shaken up.

There was a violent roar!

An invisible giant sword suddenly appeared in the night sky and enveloped the entire Wan Jianfeng.

This sword is the great sword that Wan Jian returned to!

But before the endless years, they were laid down by their ancestors, and their power was infinite.

However, just the day before yesterday, because of some accidents, Wan Jian's formation was withdrawn.

These Wan Jian belonged to the disciples, and as soon as they returned to Wan Jianfeng, they immediately sacrificed Wan Jian to the array.

After offering a large array of swords, they withdrew their sword tactics.

"Whirring whirring!"




Afterwards, one by one gasped. Obviously, the sacrifice array just spent a lot of energy and was exhausted.

Immediately afterwards, one by one looked at the body paralyzed and squatted to the floor.

"Wan Jian's big battle now, this time, it should be okay." A disciple of Wan Jian Gui Zong slowly breathed and said.

At the moment when Wan Jian's great sacrifice took place, they were also relieved one by one.

"Well, no matter how powerful that guy is, he can't break Wan Jian's formation.

If he dares to break the line forcibly, he will surely be killed by Wan Jian. "Another disciple said.

"However, that guy is really strong! Even the master is dead.

I have never heard of it, there is such a person in the gods. "

"Speaking of such a number one person, I actually thought of a person." Suddenly, someone suddenly moved his face and opened his eyes, said.

"Who?" Someone asked him immediately.

"Do you remember the one who defeated the son of Jinguang a few years ago?" the disciple said.

"Defeat the Son of Golden Light!"

"Defeat the Son of Golden Light!"

"Oh! I remember."


As soon as the man's words came out, all of them changed in shock.

"Mist Omori, there is a celestial wizard who defeated the Holy Son of the Golden Light in order to win the Divine Lady. Not only that, he also used one person to fight the nine powers supreme!"

Someone exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes! There is such a thing, I have heard of it.

Moreover, it is said that the man is also extremely young.

Since that war, this person has disappeared, is it really that person? "

"I'm afraid it is! I am afraid it is! I am afraid that is the one.

Otherwise, the younger generations of the gods, who can easily kill masters and brothers, are the first and second geniuses in the arrogance list that day, and they simply cannot do it.

Only that person is possible! Oh my God, we are all swordsmen, we are not the one we faced before. "

"If this is the case, will our Wanjian formation be..."

After listening to the words of these brothers and sisters, a disciple of Wan Jian returned to the clan, and his face was worried at the moment.

Then he slowly raised his head and looked up, staring at the invisible giant sword.

Wan Jian Dazheng is strong, but the legendary one is even more ruthless!

With the power of one person fighting the supreme of the nine peak forces alone, who can do it in these **** realms?

Immediately afterwards, not only the disciple of Wan Jian's return to the clan, but others also showed their worries and looked up.

"Yes, we can't break the ten thousand swords. This affair was concluded by our patriarch personally.

Although the endless years have passed, Wan Jian Dazheng has not been damaged at all. "

The male disciple who previously called the red and white sword companions as sisters and brothers said.

But although he said so, he also raised his eyebrows.


Suddenly, the disciples shuddered.

Only listening to the sound of violent blasting burst into the night sky.

Shocked their hearts.

"Then... that guy... started breaking through!" Someone exclaimed again.

"It must be blocked! It must be blocked, Wan Jian Dazhen!" Someone began to pray secretly.

"Hey, it would be nice if the elders came back.

There are elders, and then urge Wanjian to form a large array, even if the man is in a vertical position, he will certainly be able to block him. "

"Everyone is relieved, I believe that Wan Jian's formation will definitely stop him!"

The man in white, one of the red and white swordsmen, said with a firm face.

Having said that, the man was the first to provoke him.

In other words, it was them who brought the disaster to their door.

At first, the three people just appeared in the night sky of Wan Jianfeng, and did nothing to do.

And they not only scolded the wild dogs and scolded the waste, but also intimidated the man with the power of Zongmen.


The death of Master Bai Qi, after all, has a great relationship with the two of them.

"Wanjian Great Formation, you, you, you must stop it!"

Although the man in white had a determined face, he still murmured secretly at the huge invisible sword in the night sky.

Chapter two

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

In the dark night, the roaring sound continued, stronger than a while.

Tonight, for all the disciples of Wan Jian's return, it is destined to be a sleepless night.

As the sound became louder and stronger, Wan Jianfeng's concussion became stronger and stronger. These disciples of Wan Jian's return to the sect had become more and more uneasy.

"Zheng! Zhengzheng! Zhengzheng Zhengzheng!"


Suddenly, I saw the sound of Dao Dao Jianming sounded continuously.

The invisible giant sword in the night sky shuddered violently at this moment, and turned into a mouthful of flying swords, which had risen wildly above them.

At a glance, Feijian had as many as ten thousand swords.

This is exactly the real killing power of Wan Jian's large array, with one sword turning Wan Jian!



Shi Feng and Mu Liang have now arrived at Wan Jianfeng.

Seeing that invisible giant sword fought against it, Shi Feng punched it directly.

After a punch, the giant sword cracked, and then he punched again and punched it.

The power of the great sword simply cannot match his strength.

At this moment, the giant sword collapsed, but it turned into a ten thousand sword, flew towards Shi Feng and Mu Liang, and came violently.

"To transform Wan Jian with one sword, this is the real power of Wan Jian's great slaying, Brother Ning, be careful."

Although knowing Shi Feng's power, Mu Liang reminded Shi Feng.

There was also worry on his face.

While saying this, he looked down, looked at the Destiny Plate in his hand, followed, and murmured secretly:

"Every brother of Netherworld, even if a sword is turned into a sword, there should be no problem."

Shi Feng's face remained calm and indifferent.

Hearing Mu Liang's words, he said: "Relax, it's hard for me to get close to these forces."

After saying this sentence, the white flames suddenly burned out of Shi Feng.

Burning away to the dancing Wan Jian.

With the emergence of this white flame, the night sky immediately flew into the sky, as bright as the day.

The hot and scorching breath swept violently in this world.


On top of Wan Jianfeng, these disciples have already felt the scorching power.

Face to face, big changes again.

Their bodies shuddered involuntarily under the force of this flame.

This is too terrifying for them.

This is still that the power of the flame is far away. If it is closer, I am afraid that you will not have to burn yourself, and you will be wiped out.

"Wanjian Dazhen, how is it now?" A disciple shivered and asked the brothers and sisters around him.

Originally uneasy, at the moment when the power of flame appeared, he had become even more uneasy.

"Sword array, is being swallowed up by the flame released by that one!

Our Great Sword array can't resist him at all!

not good! Not good! Ten Thousand Swords Formation, I am afraid that it will be broken! "

The woman in red, one of the red and white swordsmen, shouted at this moment.





When the voice of the girl in red fell, the other disciples were startled.

"Then... what should I do!"

"We, how should it be."

"Hey! Why, provoke such a ruthless person! Sister Red, Brother Bai, how do you provoke him!"

Someone opened the door and asked this crucial question for the moment.

Upon hearing this man's words, the red and white swordsmen felt guilty in their hearts.

But the woman in red still said so:

"It wasn't him who bothered us at all. It was he who saw us both, without saying a word, directly mobilized us against us.

Ruin my two red and white Excalibur.

Seeing him coming, our Wan Jianfeng was still so mad, and the two of us sent a signal. "

When the woman in red said this, her face was not red, her heart was not beating, her face was full of seriousness.

As if all this, it was really like what she said.

When the voice of the girl in red just fell, the man in white also said, "Yeah, this is exactly what Hong Jie said.

Hey, as long as I know this, I will let him kill him, maybe he killed me, and he has become so addicted that he won't start with us.

Hey! "

At the end, he sighed again.

The face of frustration and regret.

"Now it's useless to say that. Let's pray for Grandpa's blessing.

Also, try to call on the elders and return to Wan Jianfeng quickly. "

The man who called Hu Hongbai Jianlu as a younger brother and a younger sister said again.



"It can only be so! Hey!"


When the disciples sat on the ground one by one, after uttering this sentence, the figure of the squat moved, and instead they bowed before the dark stone monument like a sword.

Then, he threw his head at the dark stone.

"The ancestors show their spirits, the ancestors bless."

"Bless the Patriarch! Master, Uncle, Master, Uncle Master, several ancestors, return to Wan Jianfeng quickly!"

"Ten Thousand Swords, really can't break it! Really can't!"


As these people knocked their heads, they suddenly saw that the dark stone monument they had worshipped shuddered suddenly.

The people shook their hearts, and their faces suddenly moved again.

They raised their heads and looked at the dark stele with a shocked expression on their faces.

"Are the elders coming out?" someone exclaimed in surprise.

It turned out that their elders had something to do with it, but they got into this dark stele.

"Who is it, dare to break my sword!"

At this moment, everyone suddenly heard that an old, desolate drink echoed between heaven and earth.

Hearing this shout, everyone's face followed.

"The elders are out?"

"Which elder's voice is this?"

"I don't know, didn't hear it."

"It seems that the elders are really out."


People spoke one after another.

But at this moment, they suddenly saw a thick white figure, like a sword, stormed from the dark stone.

This man has a huge figure, just like a huge sword.

Wearing a white robe and white hair, dancing in the night sky.

Like an ancient sword fairy coming!

With his mighty power, once he showed up, he was already the world.

"Who is this?"

"this is?"

"This...this is..."

"Grandpa Grandpa! This is Grandpa Grandpa! It looks exactly like the portrait of Grandpa Grandpa!"

When a disciple of Wan Jiangui Zong recognized the huge figure, he quickly called out.

"Grandpa Grandpa, really Grandpa Grandpa!"

"Master Patriarch really showed his spirit, and he really showed his spirit!"


"See Grandpa!"

"See Grandpa!"


When it was determined that the huge figure was their grandfather, the disciples raised their heads again.

Respectful, pious...

(End of this chapter)

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