Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3839: Return to Genie, the sacred city that is about to arrive

Chapter 3839 returns to the demon, the sacred city that is about to arrive

Above Wan Jianfeng, Shi Feng's thoughts moved, and the avatar in the Xumi Mountain had returned to the main body.

Immediately after that, the white light flashed, and Shura appeared in front of him.

Shura, looking at Shi Feng, did not speak.

Shi Feng looked at him and said to him: "One of my avatars is now in Shura's inner realm. After you enter that world, my avatar can sense you. When the time comes, you will take my avatar and enter where you are. The world of Shura.”

"I, got it." Shura replied.

"Well, go." Shi Feng said.

After he said this, he saw Shura's figure move and his body flashed into the black stone.

After seeing Shura leaving, Shi Feng murmured secretly: "Well...I should go back to the spirit demon land too."

Leng Aoyue was still on his way to the sacred city of the spirit demon continent.

Since last night, Leng Aoyue has not contacted him.

At this moment, Shi Feng is waiting for the voice of Leng Aoyue, who is far away in the Spirit Demon Continent, to open the door of the space with the Solomon's magic lamp and pick himself back.

Waiting slowly, "Master!"

Suddenly, Shi Feng finally heard the cry of Leng Aoyue.

"What happened to you there?" Shi Feng asked Leng Aoyue.

"Some little things, the disciples have dealt with it, and the master need not worry." Leng Aoyue replied.

"That's good." Shi Feng said.

"Master, what happened to you?" Leng Aoyue asked him.

"Already, you can now open the door of the space with the Solomon lamp." Shi Feng said.

"Good." Leng Aoyue answered.

Far away in the spirit demon continent, he flew above the sky, holding the Solomon lamp.

It was at this moment that his heart moved, and the magic lamp in his hand fluttered.

On the top of Wan Jianfeng, before the dark stone monument, Shi Feng suddenly appeared a vortex of purple flames all over his body.

A strong force of space flows from it.

Shi Feng's figure moved, and he just wanted to enter this vortex of purple flames, but at this moment, "Brother Nether!"

"Brother Nether!"

"Wait a minute, Brother Nether."

A shout came from a distance.

When this shout was heard, it was Mu Liang's voice.

"Wang! Wangwang! Wangwangwangwang!" There was still a cry of dogs.

Shi Feng looked up and followed the voice.

Mu Liang, the red and white swordsmen, and the little black held by the red and white swordsmen appeared in Shi Feng's eyes.

However, after seeing Mu Liang, Shi Feng did not see his mother, Bai Rong.

"Could it be, what happened?" Shi Feng murmured secretly.

But looking at Muliang at the moment, it shouldn't look like this.

Three people and one dog flew towards this side.

Soon after, Qi Qi fell in front of Shi Feng.

Shi Feng looked at Mu Liang and asked him: "Have you seen your mother?"

"Well, see you." Muliang nodded.

"Your mother and son are rarely reunited. Why didn't you see your mother? How did you come back here?" Shi Feng asked him.

"Mother has something to do, and has said goodbye to me." Mu Liang said, followed by: "But my mother has agreed to let me follow you and break out of the famous hall."

"Come out of a famous hall?" Shi Feng grinned at the words of Mu Liang and said to him:

"If you want to follow me, I welcome you.

But I have to make it clear to you in advance. The road I took was bumpy. Maybe one day, I died in the battle. "

Muliang has a special magical power, but he can be lucky.

Controlling the Destiny Divine Plate, that supernatural power is more proficient.

Having him by his side in the future is a good thing for Shi Feng.

It's just that the road he took was indeed dangerous, and the enemies he encountered in the future were powerful and terrible.

First, it is the Protoss who do not know how strong it is!

Second, the powerful enemies of Sha Ye, You Tian Di, and Tian Yao may fear that they will meet one day.

As in today’s chaos, the continents are colliding, and even the ghosts are dignified and cannot be taken lightly.

"Well!" Mu Liang responded and nodded when he heard Shi Feng.

Then he said, "I know that the two of us originally belonged to people in different worlds.

Originally, I should have finished my life mediocre.

However, destiny made you and me meet, destined to make my destiny no longer ordinary, and I don't want to be ordinary.

I'm looking forward to fighting side by side with you, deducing good fortune for you, and turning good fortune with you. "

At this moment, Mu Liang's remarks were somewhat sensational in Shi Feng's ears.

However, his face was exceptionally serious and determined.

"Then go with me." Shi Feng didn't want to say more anymore.

Now that he has made a decision in his heart, he will be on the road together.

"Go!" Then, Shi Feng said so again.

After saying this, he saw his body move into the purple flame vortex.

Seeing this, Mu Liang turned his head and said to Xiao Hei, "Leave, Xiao Hei."

"Wang! Wangwang! Wang!" Xiaohei cried to the red and white sword companions when he heard Mu Liang's call.

This means that the red and white swordsmen also entered the space vortex together.

This time, the Red and White Swordsmen quickly understood.

Mu Liang's body moved, and after entering the whirlpool of purple flames, the woman in red also held Xiaohei and rushed in.

The man in white followed suit and shook his head slowly.

Immediately afterwards, it flashed into it.

Four people and one dog have all entered, and then they saw the vortex of purple flames, which suddenly rolled up and disappeared on the top of this Wanjian Peak.

Today, there are no living people on the Wan Jianfeng that looks up to.

Once the peak power of all gods and ancestors returned to the sect, the strongest elders all died, and there were no outstanding figures in the second generation.

The third generation, the best brother, is also dead.

In the future, Wan Jian will return to the sect.

It's just that for Shi Feng, they all blamed themselves.

You find yourself a dead end.


Genie Continent!

Leng Aoyue is now flying between the mountains.

He remained in the spirit demon continent, and continued to rush to that sacred city.

At this moment, Zi Yan scrolled, and Shi Feng, Mu Liang, Red and White Swordsmen and Xiao Hei appeared beside him.

Later, Zuo Luo Ziyan rolled up again, disappearing between the world.

"Master!" Seeing Shi Feng returning, Leng Ao Yuedun shouted at him.

"Huh." Shi Feng nodded.

In fact, he left the Demon Continent and went to the God Realm, but only a few days.

Therefore, there is still a long distance from that sacred city.

"How long will it take to reach the Holy City?" Shi Feng asked Leng Aoyue.

According to inference, it should take a few months to reach that sacred city.

"Master, we can reach that sacred city in about three days."

However, Leng Aoyue answered that.

"So fast?" When he heard this, Shi Feng looked at him.

It stands to reason that he has only been away for a few days and will not be so fast.

Chapter two

Leng Aoyue explained: "I found a mysterious dry well in a city called Kodak.

That mysterious dry well directly transmitted the city of Cowes, the silkiest realm of this spirit demon continent.

So, now we can arrive in about three days. "

The place names and city names of this spirit world are somewhat strange.

However, these are no longer important. If you can reach the Holy City in about three days, as long as you really shorten the distance.

It's a great thing.

"Well! That's good." Shi Feng nodded to Leng Aoyue.

"Brother Yuming." But at this moment, Mu Liang shouted with a deep voice.

Now, the Destiny Plate is in his hand, and he is looking down at the Destiny Plate with his head down, his eyes closed.

"What did you feel?" Shi Feng asked him.

"The road ahead is extraordinary." And Mu Liang answered these four words to him extremely shortly.

Mu Liangneng replied in this way. It seems that the way to go, that sacred city, will indeed not be simple.

However, this is already expected by Shi Feng.

The spirit demon continent led the magic army to attack the Heavenly Waste Holy Land, and finally, a powerful Protoss woman appeared.

It is enough to prove that the Protoss of such strength can enter this demon.

Since one can enter, it is certainly not a problem to enter a few more.

Moreover, the protoss woman died, and these strong men fell, the protoss side must have been known.

I am afraid that I will never give up on this, even if I cannot enter a more powerful existence, it is very likely that I will enter many of those strong men from the spirit demon continent.

The way forward, extraordinary!

In other words, the road ahead is extremely dangerous.

However, regardless of the way forward, since it has already reached this place, Shi Feng will also go to the meeting for a while!

At that time, he defeated the Protoss woman with three heads and six arms.

Now, he is more in control of Solomon, and his strength is also greatly increased.

The strength of the Protoss is strengthened, and he himself has not become stronger.

The five figures continued to fly all the way.

Between the mountains and the hills, the roar of fierce beasts kept coming.

The fierce beasts are keenly aware, flying over the five people of Shi Feng in this lofty mountain, they are naturally sensed by them.

It's just that Shi Feng's powerful soul power is shrouded, but when there is a violent thing that changes his own, the soul's power is directly shocked, and the violent thing is directly shaken away.

For others, this road is extremely smooth.

Late at night, they had flown out of this lofty mountain, flying over a vast prairie.

According to the map, this prairie is called Ganbaro Prairie, and that sacred city is at the very center of this Ganbaro Prairie.

After entering this prairie, the figure gradually increased.

All of them are blond, white-skinned psychic continents.

Dressed in strange clothes.

However, these people fall into the eyes of Shi Feng and dress up and look strange, but they see Shi Feng several people, why not.

For them, the five Shi Feng are also strangers.

However, compared with other places, once walking in the cities of the Spirit Demon Continent, those people saw Shi Feng's eyes and showed disdain.

In the Demon Continent, this strange person with black hair and yellow skin is extremely inferior.

But here, but the sacred city, these people know that the noble **** clan often appears here.

When the Protoss did not enter the fighting state, it was this strange appearance.

However, the Protoss is their master, and their strength is extremely terrifying and powerful.

All spirits on the mainland of the demon have to obey the noble **** clan, otherwise, it is the disaster of destruction.

"These people are all practicing the way of the soul." The white man explained to the red woman flying beside him.

"But you say more, I have seen it." The woman in red answered angrily.

"Wang! Wangwang! Wangwang!"

And Xiao Hei, who was sleeping peacefully in the arms of a woman in red at the moment, obviously heard him talking.

Immediately, they roared with dissatisfaction.

Hearing his roar, the woman in red and the man in white immediately shut up.

This feeling is really suffocating in my heart.

The man in white had vowed secretly in his heart that if one day let the dead dog fall into his own hands, he would definitely be paid back ten times.

During this flight, Mu Liang has not dared to slack off.

Now that he's running with Shi Feng, he wants to play well and make him feel useful.

He wants to make himself not so mediocre.

His eyes have been staring closely at Destiny Plate.

At this moment, the magic needle on the Destiny Divine Plate is turning faster and faster.

"Brother Ning, this time you must act cautiously, not carelessly." Mu Liang looked solemn and said this to Shi Feng.

"Relax, I know." Shi Feng replied that way.

"Welcome to the distinguished guests." At this moment, the five of them suddenly heard an old, respectful voice coming from the front.

Then he followed the voice and looked over.

Soon, they saw a white-skinned old man in a white loose robe with a rumpled face, who looked extremely old and was flying towards them.

The wrinkled old face was full of smiles at the moment.

"In one of the top ten stewards of the Lower Sacred City, Chiruka is here waiting for the distinguished guests."

The old man flew closer and began to introduce himself, and then they said to Shi Feng.

"Waiting here? You guys, know that I'm coming?" Shi Feng frowned and asked the old man called Chiluka.

"Yes, Lord Nine Nine Saints," Chiluka said again.

This time, he even directly called Shi Feng's name on the mainland of God of War.

Make Shi Feng look again.

This is really beyond his expectations.

Even Leng Aoyue is almost the same.

This is equivalent to saying that the whereabouts of others and others have been controlled by them.

The figures flying by Shi Feng, Leng Aoyue and Mu Liang immediately had a meal at this moment.

Shi Feng looked up and down at the old man in front of him.

"How did you know?" Shi Feng's voice was a little cold, and he asked him again.

"Our Lord the Prophet, knows everything in the world, as long as the Magic Legion was defeated in the Shenzhan Continent, it has been calculated that you will come to the Holy City."

The old man answered again.

"Oh, if you say that, you are ready in the Holy City?" Shi Feng sneered and asked him.

"Sir Nine Nine Saint Ancestor, don't get me wrong." But when he heard Shi Feng's words, the old man answered so.

Then say: "We, don't mean to fight you at all.

Instead, we need your help! "

As the old man said this sentence, the words sounded supremely pleading.

It seems that there is really something that needs Shi Feng to help.

(End of this chapter)

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