Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3840: The request of the Holy Old City Lord

Chapter 3840 Request of the Holy Old City Lord

"Help?" Shi Feng grinned and sneered after hearing the old man's words.

Looking at him, it seemed that he didn't believe the gibberish of the old man at all.

And Shi Feng's appearance also fell in the eyes of this old man called Chikaru. Seeing him like this, Chikaru was busy:

"You really don't get it wrong, as I said below, every sentence is true."

"Oh, then you talk about what I want to help you." Shi Feng said.

"Will you take a step?" Chikaru said again.

But when he heard his words, Shi Feng frowned slightly. Instead of deciding on this, he turned his head and looked at Wang Muliang.

Taking a step away from what the old man said, Shi Feng believes that it is very likely that he has colluded with those Protoss and set up a large formation to allow himself and others to enter.

The strength of this Protoss is unknown, and Shi Feng does not dare to care about it.

Come to this sacred city, everything is careful.

Mu Liang lowered his head, his eyes were still fixed on his destiny plate, sensing Shi Feng looked up, he raised his head, and then nodded to Shi Feng.

Mu Liang saw from the God of Destiny that this old man is not at present dangerous.

Mu Liang so signaled that Shi Feng replied to Chikaru: "Yes."

But after saying these two words, Shi Feng added another sentence: "If you dare to have any tricks, you will make you regret coming to this world."

Shi Feng's words are really cold and full of awe-inspiring intent.

Chikaru in front of him, the old body shivered involuntarily, he quickly said:

"Dare not beneath! Absolutely not beneath it! Underneath, I know your horror strength of the Nine Nine Saints. I dare not dare to find my own way."

"Dare not be the best, you can lead the way." Shi Feng said.

"You guys!" Chikaru made a "please" gesture to Shi Feng when he said this sentence.

However, the direction he requested was not the direction of the sacred city, but the right.

Shi Feng turned his head and looked at the vast prairie on that side.

There is no end in sight, except for flying silhouettes, and no other buildings besides the beasts in the prairie.

After staring for a while, Shi Feng's figure moved first.

Shi Feng just moved, and Chikaru, who was gesturing, also moved, flying beside Shi Feng.

Leng Aoyue, Mu Liang, and Red and White Swordsmen flew behind them.

While flying, Mu Liang still stared at the fate of God's destiny.

If the magic disk shows unexpectedly, he will inform Shi Feng immediately.

Along the way, everyone said nothing.

Chikaru's old face looked dignified.

After flying for a while, Chikaru said: "Nine Nine Saints, this is it."

Hearing his words, Shi Feng immediately took a picture.

The people behind them also stopped flying.

I saw a curved magic wand that looked as old as Chikaru, was taken out of the void by him, and then moved slowly in a circle.

With this action of his, I saw the world where they were, and suddenly waved up.

The space began to twist, spin, and boil.

Shi Feng's double eyebrows twisted up again, and he had made a mistake, and bombarded the old man next to him as scum.

Gradually, gradually, the sky began to dim.

It was just a blue sky and white day, and just this moment, it entered the night.

However, Shi Feng knew that his own people did not enter the night, but were taken into another space by this old magician, isolated from the world where they were.

The faint green fire was ignited by the fire around them, like a cluster of ghost fires.

"Welcome to the arrival of the Nine Nine Saint Ancestors." At this moment, an older voice than Chikaru sounded.

Shi Feng saw that the two figures were flying towards them.

A figure, wearing a loose golden robe, his face wrinkled like crumpled white paper.

But although he was old, there was a king's breath. At first glance, it was not an ordinary person.

The other old man, dressed in a white robe larger than Chikaru, rickety, with a thin face, even looked a little gloomy.

"This, is the lord of our sacred city, Disca!

This is the Prophet mentioned before with you, Giorro! "

Chikaru pointed to the two in front, and Shi Feng introduced.

Di Saika, wearing a gold robe, heard Chikaru introduce Shi Feng and smiled and nodded to Shi Feng.

The old rumpled face looked full of kindness.

The gloomy Giorro was still a gloomy old face, as if everyone owed him a lot of money.

However, nodded to Shi Feng.

Shi Feng was more interested in the Prophet called Gioro, but this man knew that he would come to this sacred city and let Chikaru meet there.

This is definitely a person who is extremely proficient in fate.

Although, the people of the Spirit Demon Continent practice magic, which is different from those of other worlds.

However, Shi Feng felt that this Gioro, the soul at the moment was extremely weak, as if it had reached the end of the lamp and dried up.

It feels like Shi Feng.

"Let's talk, what do you want me to do here?" Shi Feng went straight to the door and asked the Sacred City Lord Desaika.

"Nine Nine Saint Lord, we, want you to help us, deal with the Protoss!" Desaika also answered directly.

Respectfully replied to Shi Feng.

"Against the Protoss? Is the Protoss not your master?" Shi Feng said.

"Because, the Protoss has forcibly ruled our Spirit Demon Continent, and I think you will help us with your powerful power and give us all freedom in the Spirit Demon Continent.

No one wants to be a servant for others, so I want you to help us, expel the Protoss Powerhouse on the Demon Continent, and help us seal the space passage of the Protoss into the Demon Continent. "

As he said this, Dicasser's old face was full of seriousness.

Think carefully too, as the master of the sacred city, rule the vast territory of the spirit demon continent.

The forces and magical powers he controls are the strongest in the entire spirit world.

Therefore, he was the ruler of this spirit demon continent, but he was subject to the Protoss and became a servant of the Protoss.

This feeling is indeed repressive.

I’m afraid I’m not willing to be replaced by anyone else.

"Then talk about what strength the Protoss has reached the strongest in your Spirit Demon Continent now." Shi Feng asked him again.

However, although the old man behaved so earnestly, it was reasonable to say that.

But Shi Feng will never believe him completely.

Everything needs to be guarded, who knows if these old things set themselves.

"In the battle of the Shenzhou Continent, the Spirit of the Devil Continent Million Magic Legion disappeared, and the strongest of the Protoss was also destroyed by you in that battle.

A few days later, the Protoss sent three people and came to my sacred city.

The breath of these three people is definitely deeper and stronger than the baby!

But we are low-level, and we don’t know how powerful these three are. "Di Saika said again.

third chapter

There is a stronger existence than that **** woman!

It seems that if the fruit is as expected by Shi Feng, the Protoss will definitely not give up.

And, three came at once!

"These three are now in the Holy City?" Shi Feng asked Desaika again.

"Yes, that's right!

But they have already ordered, let us gather together the spirit demon mainland magic army, and fight the war again!

Faced with their strength, we dare not follow, the 800,000 Magic Legion has been assembled, there is no accident, you can start in two days. "Disca said again.

Two days later, fight against the Shenzhou Continent again!

It seems that it is really time to come by now.

"If it is as you said, I am willing to fight those three Protoss!" Shi Feng replied.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, the old faces of Desaika and Chikaru suddenly rejoiced, and Desaika said, "We know that the Nine Nine Saints You will agree."

"But..." And when his words just fell, Shi Feng said "but".

The smile on Chikaru's face immediately froze, and he quickly asked Shi Feng: "But what, Jiuyou Shengzu, just say it."

"The cultivation practices of the three people, you will have to ask me before tomorrow! Also, Ben Shao really hopes that you are sincere. If you dare to take Ben Shao Shao, the consequences, you must have known the consequences."

Shi Feng said.

"Despite your peace of mind, the Nine Nine Saints, we are absolutely sincere. If there is a hypothesis underneath, let the great divine **** punish the descendant, so that the eternal life will not be superborn, and the eternal life will wander deep blood **** and be demonic. Gnawing."

Talking, this Diceka directly took a poison oath.

"Well." Shi Feng nodded when he heard his poison oath.

He followed his eyes again, and looked at their Prophet Giorro, saying:

"Your prophet, since you can predict that Ben Shao will come here, I must have great ability to predict.

How did the prophet predict this battle? "

"Below, already... powerless." Hearing Shi Feng's words, the gloomy Prophet Giorro finally spoke and answered this to Shi Feng.

And his voice was extremely hoarse, as if he had a mouthful of sand in his mouth.

It is also extremely weak and powerless.

"Oh!" Shi Feng narrowed his eyes and said "Oh" softly.

Di Saika said to Shi Feng: "After the Battle of Gods, Giorro did his utmost to burn the natal magic and predict the future of the spirit and demon continent.

Gioro predicts your arrival is one of the future trends of the spirit demon continent. After that, Gioro's soul power has completely exhausted. I am afraid that it can no longer survive this winter.

Hey! "

When it came to the end, Di Saika sighed deeply.

It can be heard that his old sigh was full of helplessness.

"Oh." Shi Feng said "Oh" again.

It seems that this old thing does not seem to deceive yourself.

That Giorro is indeed a sign of not living long.

For their psychic continent, they also fight.

"Then, Nine Nine Holy Patriarchs, you will wait here, and then you will return to the Holy City here to see if you can learn from the three protoss strong men's mouth.

In the next, I can only try my best, whether it can be out, or not, depends on luck. "

Disaca said again.

"Let's go." Shi Feng only said this lightly to him.

Hearing the words Shi Feng, Desaika looked again at Chikaru, one of the ten stewards of that sacred city.

He said: "Chikaru, you are here, waiting for the nine ancestral ancestors to send, whatever the ancestor needs, you must do your best to complete."

"Don't worry, old town master!" Chikaru replied.

"Huh." Di Saika nodded.

Chikaru followed him for so many years, and he was extremely relieved of Chikaru's work.

"Nine Nine Saint Lord, then go down." Diceka clenched fist at Shi Feng.

It's just that his clenched fist is extremely stiff, and it looks weird.

It seems that this is not the etiquette of their spiritual demon continent.

However, knowing that Shi Feng is coming, learn from it.

Subsequently, Nagioro also held a fist at Shi Feng.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the two old figures, gradually disappearing in the eyes of Shi Feng.

In this way, Shi Feng five people and one dog, settled in this dark space temporarily.

"Let's practice separately." Shi Feng simply said to them.

After saying this, he has completely ignored the others.

The figure moves so that you can sit cross-legged here.

That's it, just enter!

Whenever there was time for spiritual practice, Shi Feng decided not to waste it.

Even if it gets stronger, it's a little bit.

For him, the stronger power is too important, too important.

Seeing Shi Feng settled here, Leng Aoyue didn't say anything, also like Shi Feng, sitting cross-legged here.

"Wang! Wang Wang! Wang Wang Wang Wang!" However, at this moment when Leng Aoyue was settled, only listening to the little black dog, and suddenly barked at this moment.

"You guys, don't make noise, you are hungry, just be patient."

Hearing Xiao Hei's cry, Mu Liang said angrily to him.

Suddenly hungry at this time, it was really embarrassing to him.

"Wang! Wangwang! Wangwangwangwang!" But for Muliang, Xiaohe seemed a little dissatisfied.

It was as if the dog barked and protested against him.

"You dead dog, I didn't eat it. The dry food on the way was already eaten by you." Muliang said again.

"Wang Wang Wang! Wang Wang Wang!" Then, the little black dog turned his head and looked at the woman in red holding him.

"I... don't have it either," the woman in red said. "I, I haven't eaten fireworks in the world."

Just before Xiaohe’s head turned to the man in white, he replied in advance: "I am also the same master."

"Wang Wang Wang! Wang Wang Wang Wang!"

Hearing the two's answers, Xiaohei cried again.

They didn't understand, only Mu Liang knew that the dog was scolding the two of them.

"I prepared food for you next morning, and it is the most elaborate preparation by our holy city master chef." At this time, Chikaru suddenly said out loudly to them.

"Wang Wang Wang! Wang Wang Wang Wang!" Hearing Chikaru's words, his little black eyes suddenly lighted up, then looked at him and yelled.

"Hehe." Chikaru smiled amusedly.

Then he saw his right hand and moved in the darkness.

Suddenly, he saw an object in the distance and flew towards this side.

"Wang Wang Wang! Wang Wang Wang Wang!"

Old and far away, Xiaohei smelled the fragrance floating over there.

He is a dog with a keen sense of smell.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that he broke free from the red woman's arms and threw towards the side.

"Wang Wang Wang! Wang Wang!" Soon, his cheerful dog barking came.

It seems that the food Chikaru prepared for him made this dead dog very satisfied.

It's a joy!

(End of this chapter)

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