Chapter 3841 Holy City

The food prepared by the chef of the sacred city is arguably the most top-notch food on the spirit world.

At this moment, Xiao Hei, a bite of food, has been completely immersed there.

"Wang! Wangwang! Wangwangwangwang!" From time to time, his fast dog barking came.

Muliang looked at the side, slowly shook his head, followed, and he no longer ignored the dead dog.

He lowered his head again, then stared at the destiny disk in his hand, and continued to control Xingji.

However, coming here, the Destiny Divine Plate has been stable and nothing has changed.

But Mu Liang still dare not carelessly.

Time passes slowly, slowly.


Suddenly, Shi Feng, who was meditating, heard an old sigh and sounded in the darkness.

After hearing this old sigh, Shi Feng opened his eyes suddenly.

At the same time, only two old figures were seen, slowly appearing in front of him.

It was the return of the sacred city lords Diceka and Gioro.

Seeing Shi Feng open his eyes, Diceka shook his head slowly at him.

Looking at his appearance, it should be something Shi Feng entrusted to him.

Di Saika said: "Honorable Nine Nine Saint Lord, I really tried my best.

In their eyes, the following is just a humble servant, no different from a dog, simply not qualified to know everything about them. "

When Diceka said this, his old face looked like he was laughing at himself.

I can see that he should be in a bad mood at the moment.

It seems that he returned to the Holy City to see the Protoss and was humiliated or ridiculed by the Protoss language.

"Wang Wang! Wang Wang Wang!" However, the little black biting the food in the empty space there suddenly heard the words from here.

Especially the sentence, "Not even a dog", immediately aroused Xiaohe's dissatisfaction and shouted at this side.

Hearing Xiao Hei's roar, Di Saika looked at the other side, smiled bitterly in his heart, his old face apologized, and said to Xiao Hei:

"I'm sorry, I said the wrong thing now, I hope you don't mind."

Mainly this dog came with the Nine Nine Saint Ancestor.

This little black dare dare to treat this sacred city lord so much, even when he is in a bad mood now, if it is not because of Shi Feng, I am afraid it has already been roasted alive at the moment.

"Don’t mind, don’t mind, the delicious food prepared by the chef is also not to delay the taste of food."

Chiruka, the ten stewards of the Holy City, deserves to be the ten stewards.

His sentence suddenly broke the embarrassment.

I saw his voice just fall, and in the darkness in the distance, there was a burst of fragrance immediately.

Immediately after that, what appeared in the little black eyes was another delicious dish.

"Wang! Wangwang! Wangwangwangwang!"

The little black face that had just hung on the angry dog ​​face immediately changed dramatically.

His eyes, already staring straight at it, seemed to start to shine.

As for what was just "not as good as a dog" just now, he was directly left behind.

This guy, I am afraid that if there is delicious food for him, nothing is as good as a dog, then even a dog is not as good.

The dog's body moved abruptly and fluttered towards that side.

The speed of the flying is extremely fast, as if it is countless faster than in the past, it turns into a black streamer, like a dark meteor across the sky.

Shi Feng heard what the Sacred City Lord Disaca said, and he didn't speak for a while.

"Nine Nine Saint Ancestor..." Seeing that there was no sound, Disaika yelled weakly.

Although he didn't finish what he explained, he still hoped that this one could shoot, fight the Protoss, and return the true freedom of the Spirit Demon Continent.

Hearing Di Saika's shout, Shi Feng directly uttered: "Then this battle is called God of War!"

"This battle is called the God of War?" After hearing Shi Feng's words, Desaika's old face flicked.

Not only him, Chiluka, one of the top ten housekeepers, and Gisello, who had always had a gloomy old face, opened his eyes.

"Go." Shi Feng said this lightly again.

Chikaru immediately moved his right hand, and the ancient staff appeared in his hand again, swiping sharply.

This dark space was also turbulent.

But for a moment, everyone only felt that the world was bright.

Today, the world of the Spirit Demon Continent is near dusk, and the sky is a little dark.

But compared with that dark space, it is very bright.

"Wang! Wang Wang! Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang!" I saw Xiao Hei, still shouting "Wang Wang Wang".

Although, at this moment, he is still eating food, but just now, he saw the countless delicious food disappeared in front of him!

"Xiaohei, stop crying, don't be embarrassing." Muliang glared at him and said.

"Wang! Wangwang!" Xiao Mu became more angry when he heard Mu Liang's words.

The angry cry even revealed full of grievances.

"Jiuyou Shengzu, do you really want to directly call the God of War?" Returning to this outside world, the city owner Disaica, then confirmed to Shi Feng.

Shi Feng looked at him and asked rhetorically: "Did I just say it clearly?"

"Since this is the case, I will wait and avoid it first," Di Saika said.

This engagement is naturally crucial.

This one won better.

But if the war dead, let the Protoss know that they are with these three, then... they will never let themselves go.

"Huh." Shi Feng smiled aloud when he heard Disaika.

He naturally understood the old man's thoughts.

However, his ideas are beautiful.

Diceka, who wanted to retreat, didn't dare to move after hearing this laugh.

"Nine Nine Saint Ancestors, underneath, it is really forced." Desaika said to Shi Feng with a bitter face.

Then he said, "If the next person dies, it doesn't matter at all.

But if you let the Protoss know that you are with you, I'm afraid that the spirits of the entire Spirit Demon Continent will suffer. "

"So what does it have to do with me?" Shi Feng asked him back.


"These people in the Spirit Demon Continent are running dogs of the Protoss race. After entering the war of God, they do whatever they want, endangering the lives, and even the old women and children.

For my continent, even other continents, this is a scourge. "

Shi Feng said this coldly.

Those magicians' crimes on the mainland of God of War were indeed witnessed by him.

When killing people in a battle of gods, it is completely annihilating human nature.

In the endless sea battle, he led all living creatures to slaughter millions of magicians. Those guys were the ones who died.

If you really die here, then there will be magicians who will enter the battle of God one after another to do things that are not human.


"At...under..." At this moment, Diceka was still talking.

He struggled in his heart and was making some kind of difficult decision.

In the end, his old face must be, said to Shi Feng: "I know now.

The next three people are willing to go to the Holy City with you. "

Chapter two

"Come on, stop talking nonsense."

After hearing the words of Diceka, Shi Feng said.

After saying this, he flew in the direction of the Holy City with a move.

Seeing Shi Feng moved, Leng Aoyue followed closely behind.

Following this, Muliang dragged Xiaohei, and flew quickly.

"Wang Wang Wang Wang! Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang!" Xiao Hei is still calling, he, still reluctant to his food.

Xiaohei was dragged, and the red and white sword companions naturally had to follow.

On the last side, the city owner Disaica, the Prophet Giorro, and the ten housekeepers Chicaru followed.

"Citylord, have you really decided?" Giorro Di Saika said.

"No way, it must be so." Disaca slowly returned.

"But once this is the case, there is really no turning back, this time, it is equivalent to betting." Giorro said again.

"I know!" Di Saika nodded and said again.

"However, if you want to let the Nine Nine Saint Ancestors take action, that will be the case.

We can only gamble.

If you win, the spirit demon continent will be completely free and lose. It’s no big deal. When the time comes, I will exterminate the spirit demon directly and wipe out this piece of the world. Hey! "

Talking, Di Saika sighed again.

"City Master!" Chikaru also shouted at him, and there was a lot of complexity on his old face.

"Okay, you old man, don't worry about your young wife who just married the door."

Unexpectedly, Di Saika said so angrily to him.

"Hey!" Chikaru sighed deeply after hearing Di Saika's words.

It seemed that he was really told by him.

The ten stewards of this sacred city have no other hobbies, but they prefer beauty.

In fact, he just wanted to tell the master of the city if he could delay it so that he could go home and carefully prepare to follow him to death.

He said that the meticulous preparation is to go home and fight with the young and beautiful wife happily and sweat.

Lest life, leaving that regret.

At this time, the color really does not change.


Shi Feng and his party gradually approached the sacred city.

Soon, that huge white city appeared in their eyes.

Like a white behemoth, Yang Tian growled.

The city is as its name is, full of sacredness, and full of majesty.

"Holy City!" Shi Feng stared at the sacred city, his figure sullenly, murmured these four words in his mouth.

"This is the sacred city." Leng Aoyue also secretly spoke.

Not long ago he had been on his way, in order to come to this sacred city.

Mu Liang didn't say a word, but his face became abnormally dignified, and his eyes were still staring closely at the Destiny Plate.

As he flew to this place just now, the Destiny Divine Plate is a turbulent one.

"Brother Yuming, remember, be careful!" Mu Liang still lowered his head, but he reminded Shi Feng of this sentence.

"Huh!" Shi Feng's complexion became dignified at the moment, said.

"Master Lord! Look, Lord Lord!"

"Yes, it's really the Lord of the City, our Lord of the Holy City!"

"It's really rare to see! I was only lucky to see the Lord of the City Lord the year before when I was in the holy Dabi.

I did not expect to see you again today. "


Disca, who was flying behind Shi Feng, was immediately recognized, and someone exclaimed.

And when one person exclaimed, he immediately glanced and gathered here.

There are more and more exclamations.

There are more and more people looking to this side.

"Okay, at this moment, we have no choice."

Di Saika, and then said to Chiluca, Gioro.

Today, so many people have seen themselves with this Nine Nine Saints.

And this Nine Nine Saints Ancestor, will have a decisive battle with the three Protoss.

So, then someone will know that it is themselves and brought this Nine Nine Saints Ancestor here.

"Who are these people? These must be the adults of the Protoss?"

"It must be! Didn't you see the great sacred city lord, who followed him?

In addition to the powerful Protoss, who else can there be. "

"Uh... this is also true!"

"It was rumored that in the Battle of the Gods Continent, our Spirit Demon Continent lost millions of magical legions, and a very powerful and horrifying existence of a Protoss fell.

After that, there are stronger gods who come to our spiritual demon continent, I am afraid these are the ones! "

"But... there are a few, it doesn't seem to be very good to cultivate?"

"Huh... Do you think that a real strong man can make you see his true cultivation behavior?

Having said that, the smaller people in your eyes are the smallest, and I am afraid they are the strongest.

Take the black dog for example. Although it is no different from the ordinary black dog, it is very likely that it is a horror beast from the God Race.

Once transformed, it is extremely powerful! "



After seeing Di Saika, the crowd looked at Shi Feng in front of Di Saika with their respectful eyes.

They dare not respect.

The Protoss is their master.

Moreover, there were people who once showed a bitter gourd face to a **** clan, and the result was just seen by the **** clan. As a result, the man... was linked to the nine clan.

It really is a terrible thing.

Shi Feng has always been looking at the sacred city, and has been sensing the powerful Protoss in this city.

It's just that, under his powerful induction, he couldn't feel the breath he wanted to feel.

From this, he felt more that the protoss strong in the city might not be easy.

After a while, Shi Feng withdrew the power of the soul, then turned around, looked at the holy city master, and said to him:

"Okay, you ask them to come out and meet me."

"Let's make a call..." After hearing Shi Feng's words, Disaca's old face moved again.

"Do you want me to call in person?" Shi Feng asked him.


But soon, Disaera turned his attention to the top ten housekeeper Chicaru.

Di Saika hadn't spoken yet, and Chicaru looked like he was empathetic. He nodded to Di Saika and respectfully said, "Okay, Lord Lord."

After he had finished speaking, he moved and flew towards the sacred city there.

There was some loneliness and loneliness in Di Saika's eyes.

Looking at the old figure, Shi Feng began to wait.

Waiting for that battle!

"This battle must be won!"

Di Saika looked at the old familiar figure away, and secretly prayed in her heart...

(End of this chapter)

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