Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 4035: Devouring heaven and earth, people who are exhausted!

Chapter 4035 Devours the world, the exhausted!

In the land of endless darkness, a young dark figure stretches across.

Flying all the way down, still the same.

Basically, no living creatures have been seen.

It seems that the creatures of this world have been evaporated.

The flying figure suddenly stopped at this moment, and Shi Feng was suspended in the void, again, quietly sensing all directions.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Shi Feng frowned.

At this time, he discovered that, unconsciously, the energy in his body was slowly and slowly draining.

It was because the lost ground was too fast and slow, so he hadn't noticed it just now.

However, Shi Feng didn't care either, the Nine Nether Techniques secretly operated, and began to swallow the power of the heaven and earth.

This flow of energy can be replenished as long as it swallows the power of heaven and earth.


"It's weird!" Shi Feng twisted his eyebrows.

Running the Nine Nether Powers swallowed the power of the yin between heaven and earth, and when it entered the body, it turned into useless air.

The energy consumed has not been replenished.

Subsequently, a yellow pill was taken out by Shi Feng and stuffed into his mouth.

As a result... this pill for replenishing vitality, once dissolved, it... also turned into air, and disappeared directly into the throat.

"What's the matter?" Shi Feng tightened his eyebrows. It was the first time he encountered this strange situation.

Obviously, it's the relationship between this ghost place!

" me..." Suddenly, Shi Feng heard an extremely weak call that came into his mind.

It feels faintly empty.

"Who? Who is it?" Shi Feng asked quickly.

However, that voice has been silent.

Shi Feng wanted to follow that voice, but as a result, it was directly dissipated and could not be captured at all.

"Where are you?" Shi Feng said.

This voice echoed in this world.

Ripples for a long time, not dissipated for a long time.

At the same time, the power of his soul was still raging between heaven and earth.

You must find the person who makes a sound to yourself and asks for help.

Finally found a living creature, still understands human language.

If you find him, maybe you will know more about this ghost place.


Suddenly, that faint voice appeared in Shi Feng's mind again.

At this moment, Shi Feng, who had already prepared, immediately caught it!

"There!" With a deep voice, Shi Feng's suspended body suddenly violently rioted and rushed out.

Shi Feng's flight was enough to fly out a hundred miles, and fell below, with a violent "boom", landing strongly.

The whole land was shaken up wildly.

This land, even though it was empty and lonely at first glance.

But Shi Feng can be sure that the person who transmits his voice is here.

Shi Feng's soul power was still sensing, and his right foot lightly lifted, and then slammed down.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, shaking the sky!

The ground under my feet cracked instantly.

The gap was still widening under his spare power.

Immediately dividing this land into two, this rift can contain rivers, and it seems extremely hideous.

Shi Feng's right hand became claws, and he sucked sharply downwards!

In the dark cracked hole, the wind was strong, and the wind gusts.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a messy, dilapidated, old body that seemed about to wither, slowly rising from the cracked hole.

It was him who sent towards Shi Feng for help.

He was actually in this underground.

It's just that the old, dry body that is floating up is really weak, and the whole person is tightly curled up, motionless.

It looked as if the animal was in hibernation.

Shi Feng could see that he was in an extremely tired state because of exhaustion of all his energy.

If this state continues, I am afraid it will really die.

Shi Feng remembered this weird world.

Although, the energy loss is very slow now.

However, if you stay in this world, your body's strength will be lost and it will be extremely replenished.

I am afraid that one day, it will become like this.

Shi Feng picked him up, flew over a piece of land, put him down, and asked him: "How are you now? Can you still transmit your voice to me?"

"After coming out...well...much better," the man replied.

Still speaking to Shi Feng without opening his mouth.

It seems that his physical strength has been completely exhausted, only the soul still has a trace.

"Have you not walked out of this world and the energy in your body is exhausted?

Then why are you underground? "Shi Feng asked him.

Regarding the previous question, I have actually thought it would be like this.

But I couldn't understand why he had to go underground.

Moreover, from his words, he was even weaker after entering the ground.

"I was besieged in this world until my strength ran out.

Later, I discovered that the reason why this piece of heaven and earth is so, all this piece of earth, swallowed my strength.

After that, I was unable to fly and fell into the ground. It slowly swallowed my whole person into it.

Until, rescued by you. "This thought came into Shi Feng's mind.

"It turns out!" Shi Feng's face was stunned when he heard this.

"How long have you been here? Do you have any clues to leave here?" Shi Feng asked him.

Although he asked, Shi Feng felt that he should have no clue.

Otherwise, it is impossible to be trapped here and become this pair of people who are not like people, and ghosts are not like ghosts.

"I have... a little clue..." the man replied.

"A trace?" Shi Feng said: "Let's talk about it."

"Now, the time has not come." He said again.


"Really... it's really not... the time, when the time... comes, I... will tell you." The man said again.

In fact, Shi Feng also understood.

He was afraid, if he told himself, he would leave him behind.

Also, he may not have a clue at all, so that he will not let himself be left here.

Seeing himself, he might have a glimmer of hope alive in his heart.

Otherwise, he can only wait for death under the ground.

"This land, the reason why there are no living creatures, and no bones.

It seems that they have all been swallowed by this land, right? "

"I just arrived in the eleventh realm and saw the ruined city, which is enough to see. In fact, there were creatures living in this area, and it will become like this later."

"But, why did it become like this? What caused it, this piece of heaven and earth, swallowing life energy, and this piece of earth, will devour life."


These thoughts flashed in Yu Shi Feng's mind.

"Take me to the sky... Let me take a look again, this day."

At this time, the person spoke to Shi Feng again, and the voice seemed to be pleading.

Without saying much, Shi Feng directly bent down and grabbed him, violently moving into the sky.

In an instant, the two have arrived, suspended in the sky, still...

(End of this chapter)

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