Chapter 4036 forgot him

"Ok... for a long time... no such... feeling..."

"Really...want to die...I am..."

Facing the cold wind blowing from the heavens and the earth, the exhausted person in Shi Feng's hand made such an emotional voice.

Perhaps for him, burying in the ground and seeing the sun again, it really feels like a new life.

"How long have you been underground?" Shi Feng asked him.

"I... have been buried there, the ghost knows... how long it has passed," he replied.

However, it is said.

Often buried underground, there is an endless darkness of reincarnation, whoever changes it will not count the days.

But judging from his appearance, he should have been underground for many years.

"What about? We will wait here? When the time you mentioned comes?" Shi Feng asked him again.

"Don't... wait..." He said, "You take...I... rush forward... want us... to actively look for... that opportunity..." he said.

When Shi Feng heard this, he felt that this guy probably had no clue at all.

He wanted to take him with him, and continue flying in this world.

Go ahead and try this luck.

"If this continues, I'm afraid it won't work at all." Shi Feng frowned again and said in his heart.

If this continues, it will be the same as him, and its strength will be exhausted.

Then, I really have to wait to die.

"Brother You Ming!" But at this moment, Shi Feng's mind suddenly remembered a young voice.

After hearing that call, Shi Feng's face suddenly moved.

"By the way, how can I forget him at this critical moment!" Shi Feng said quickly.

It was Mu Liang who was in Mount Xumi who called him just now.

Mu Liang, with the destiny in his hand, he can turn a good fortune in every case, yes, point to the clear road for himself.

Thinking of this, Shi Feng's heart immediately moved, and a white light flashed in front of him instantly.

When the white light fell, Mu Liang appeared in front of him.

"Brother You Ming, it's not quite right." When Mu Liang saw Shi Feng, he spoke and said to him.

"Huh?" When he finished speaking, he suddenly found that Shi Feng was holding a broken object in his hand and took a closer look.

"Brother You Ming, what are you doing with this specific corpse? Just dug up?" Shi Feng asked puzzledly.

"Your sister is the corpse! Your whole family is the corpse."

As a result, as soon as Mu Liang's voice fell off, he heard a weak and angry voice in his mind.

"This... this corpse? Did you cheat the corpse?" Mu Liang was suddenly startled when he heard that.

"Don't worry about him." Shi Feng said to Mu Liang.

Can't blame Mu Liang for being so exhausted, it's no different from a corpse.

"The energy in your body is also losing? Just now in Mount Xumi, it was losing?" Shi Feng asked him after seeing Mu Liang's situation.

"Right." Mu Liang nodded, "Originally, I swallowed the pill you gave me, and the energy in my body surged and my cultivation level improved.

As a result, all of a sudden, the energy not only disappeared, but also the energy in my body.

So I asked if it was your pill that had any side effects. "

"No." Hearing his words, Shi Feng shook his head and said:

"We have entered the eleventh domain of the empty world. Now, not only the energy in your body is losing, but also me.

And him. "

As he said, Shi Feng pointed to the depleted body he was holding in his hands, and said, "He, just didn't get out of this world and became like this."

"So, he is not a corpse? If we stay here, we will become this ghost?" Mu Liang was surprised.

"You are a ghost! You are a ghost!" Hearing Mu Liang's words, the depleted man retorted him.

"Ahem, ahem!" Mu Liang coughed awkwardly when he heard this, "I'm sorry, I said something wrong."

"Okay, don't care about this. Whether we can get out or not depends on him." Shi Feng said to the exhausted man this time.

"Look at him? Humph!" After hearing Shi Feng's words, this exhausted person, Shi Feng made a voice of disdain.

"Even I couldn't leave this place back then. If he is a half god, he can leave? It's a dream!"

Mu Liang's eyes began to scan the world.

He was in Mount Xumi just now, and he was just feeling the magical effect of the pill disappear and the energy in his body was lost.

He didn't care about other things, and the destiny disk had never been taken out.

At this moment, while scanning the world with his eyes, the Destiny Disk quietly appeared on his right hand.

As soon as the sacred disk appeared, Shi Feng saw that the sacred needle on the sacred disk turned wildly.

"Sure enough, it's a place of great evil!" Mu Liang said in a deep voice, saying this sentence.

"What is this kid doing? He really has... the ability to... take us out?"

At this time, the depleted man, as if gradually seeing something, asked Shi Feng.

"Don't disturb him!" Shi Feng said to him.

"Oh!" Hearing Shi Feng's words, the exhausted person also calmed down.

Quietly, looking at Mu Liang.

As time passed slowly, however, Mu Liang's eyes had not removed the destiny disc in his hand.

Shi Feng saw that his young face had become more and more solemn.

It seems that even if he is in control of this destiny, it will not be so easy to leave this place.

"In the midst of fierceness, I haven't seen auspiciousness!" After a while, Shi Feng heard this, and Mu Liang said such a sentence.

"What do you mean?" Shi Feng asked him.

Mu Liang slowly raised his head, looked at him and said, "In other words, there is no way out here!"

"There is no way out!" Shi Feng's face moved immediately.

"There can be no way out!" It's just that when Shi Feng's words fell, the depleted man hurriedly said this to him.

"The kid back then left here.

Here, there must be a way out! There is definitely a way out! "The exhausted person, this transmission is extremely firm.

"No!" Then, they heard Mu Liang's call suddenly.

"There is a line of life! There is a line of life!" Mu Liang said immediately.

"Can you find this way of life?" Shi Feng asked Mu Liang hurriedly.

As long as there is a way out, that's good!

"I will try!" Mu Liang said.

After speaking, his left hand was placed on the plate of destiny.

Immediately afterwards, his left hand moved abruptly, changing ancient and mysterious handprints.

In an instant, the hand shadow flashed again and again.

As for the Destiny Pan, with the changes of Taoist mudra, it oscillated slightly in Mu Liang's hand.

A mysterious light flashed from above the disc.

Shi Feng has never seen the color of this light before, nor does it know how to define it.

Very mysterious, extremely psychedelic, with a breath of vicissitudes...

(End of this chapter)

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