Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 806: Nether Purgatory

Chapter 806: Nether Purgatory

Now that he knows that this cruel boy is from Wanjianshanzhuang, and for the corpse of Wanjianshanzhuang, he can destroy the gate of Yuzong Zongman. It can be seen that this person's relationship with Wanjianzhuang is no small matter.

Although Wanjianshanzhuang has been destroyed, Luo Kun, the master of Luo Shengmen, still calls Yun Yimeng the main in front of this cruel boy.

This is the deterrence caused by Shi Feng's strength.

"What! No Yun Yimeng's corpse!" After hearing Luo Kun's words, Shi Feng followed.

When he came to Wanjian Shanzhuang, he said that he wanted to see people when he was born, and dead people when he died!

Subsequently, Shi Feng stared coldly at the thirteen people in front of her, saying coldly: "You are all factions near Wanjian Mountain Villa. Do you have any news? Yun Yimeng is dead or alive!"

When Shi Feng said, a sudden murderous spirit was released and swept away towards these people.

Suddenly, they felt a cold chill coming from all over the body, and the white-haired old man quickly said, "I don't know! I also heard Luo Kun's words just now that I knew that there was no Lord. Corpse. "

"Sir, me too! I don't know until now."

"Master, that demon commander, it is rumored to be the son of the demon emperor, and the demon devil is desolate. At that time, the emperor Jiuyou beheaded the demon emperor in Tianyao Mountain, and the master was the disciple of the emperor demon. Come up, maybe .. Maybe, after the monster desolation is killed, the corpse from the Lord is brought back to Tianyao Mountain. "

"Maybe, the Lord is actually not dead yet, but was defeated by the demon wasteland and captured Tianyao Mountain."

At this time, these people began to speak. As for Yun Yimeng's traces, whether they are dead or alive, or where they are, it seems that they do not know.

"Tian Yao Shan, Shao Di Yao shortage!" Shi Feng murmured coldly. In my heart, I have made up my mind. With today's strength, it is time to return to my former territory, and you are infernal purgatory!

As long as you return to the Nether Purgatory, you can summon hundreds of millions of ghost soldiers who once had your Majesty, the eight ghost generals, set foot on the demon mountain this day, and kill the seven **** Emperor Wudi who had harmed himself.

Will come to the Tianheng continent again!

Then, Shi Feng said to the thirteen people in front of her, "Okay, now you will arrange manpower to move the body of Wanjian Shanzhuang people to Ben Shao!"



"Do it now!"

Shi Feng's voice fell, and these people responded quickly. Then, the figure flew out in all directions, and flew towards his gate, calling people away.

Immediately after, Shi Feng's front convenience was empty, and thirteen people had already gone.

However, Shi Feng is not afraid that these people will never return, and there is a lesson from Yu Zongzong's car, and they dare not give them ten guts.

At this time, Shi Feng suddenly felt the power fluctuation in the ground below, looked down, and saw Luo Qingchuan sitting on the ground with her knees on her knees, her body suddenly shone with a white light!

Luo Qingchuan, from the realm of Samsung Wudi, successfully broke through to the four-star Wudi.

After Luo Qingchuan successfully broke through, he looked up and looked up into the sky, looking at the way in his mind, like a demon, with a very tall figure.

When seeing Luo Qingchuan, Shi Feng said, "Four-star Emperor Wudi is just a new beginning for you. As a teacher, I hope you will soon enter the peak of Jiuxing Wudi!"

"Qing Chuan must live up to the high expectations of the master! He must not let the three guys keep walking in front of me!" The three guys Luo Qingchuan referred to were his master Ling Yefeng and his second brother Mo Happy, three brothers Leng Aoyue.

Originally, the martial arts practice of Yun Yimeng, his sixth division brother, was above him, but now, the life and death of Yun Yimeng is unknown.

Shi Feng nodded slightly to Luo Qingchuan below, and then calmly said, "After the people of Wanjian Mountain Villa are buried, you will come back to Nether Purgatory with me!"

"Return to Nether Purgatory!" When Luo Qingchuan heard these five words, he suddenly followed with a shock. You should know that the Nether Purgatory of Megatron's entire Tianheng continent, where is it? Few people know about the entire Tianheng continent. It has always been a legend and a mystery.

Even among their seven disciples, only their master brother Ling Yefeng followed the master!

At that time, they heard Ling Yefeng said that the road to the ghostly purgatory was full of crises. Even he, who had already entered the Eight-Star Emperor's realm at that time, could be in a different place without notice, and it was an absolute fierce land.

At that time, Luo Qingchuan thought about what kind of road that would make the masters of the Eight Emperor Wudi Realm might fall! Is there a Jiuxing emperor-like creature there?

As one of the disciples of Emperor Jiuyou, Luo Qingchuan naturally fantasized about that fierce road, and he also dreamed about it one day.

Thinking of this, Luo Qingchuan spoke again and asked: "Master, the way to enter the Nether Purgatory, I am qualified to go now? Have I heard the master say that he should almost fall down that road!"

"You! You can!" Shi Feng said, "The path to the Nether Purgatory will be your path to experience, not only you, but me too!"

Naturally, even Shi Feng said so, Luo Qingchuan would not shrink back, nodded firmly to Shi Feng above, and said, "Nether Purgatory, I am willing to go with the master!"

Shi Feng slowly turned around, looking into the endless void, looking into the endless distance, as if looking at the place where he once knew, whispered, "Nether purgatory, this seat is coming back!"


In the dark world, the dense white shadows were flying, showing the miserable white faces, "Ah! Aah! Hahaha! Hahahaha! Roar! Roar!"

The sound of weird sounds constantly sounded and echoed in this heaven and earth, adding strangeness to this already strange world!

At this time, a man wearing a black battle armor, mighty, majestic, and cold-faced, swiftly galloping in this heaven and earth, and the gusty winds came on, blowing his long hair constantly. Agitation.

And this man, as if not aware of it, still looks cold and cold! And those dense white shadows, seeing the black armored men flying, screamed aloud, and hurried away, and naturally gave him a way!

This is true of the men in the black armor! Without a white shadow, dare to stop him.

Immediately after, a huge statue, as if connected to heaven and earth, appeared in front of the man.

This is a statue of a man like a demon. It is lifelike, standing in the dark armor, standing between the heavens and the earth, looking pale, not angry, looking down at the world.

When the black armored man saw the statue in front of him, a look of respect appeared on his grim face. This statue was the statue of the most respected person in his heart!

The Lord of Heaven and Earth, Emperor Jiuyou, Nether!

(End of this chapter)

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