Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 807: Eight Great Ghosts

Chapter 807: Eight Great Ghosts

As if on the top of a huge statue connected to heaven and earth, there are seven figures standing at this moment. All seven are wearing black heavy armor and black cloaks. They look cold and distant, as if waiting for something.

Among the seven people, six were men and only one woman. The woman was fair-faced, her lips were rosy, her appearance was charming, and she had a charming charming look.

The black armor on her body is naturally different from other people. It is specially made for women. The white arms and slender white thighs are exposed, showing her devil-like figure, especially the height of her chest. The two mountain peaks seem to be coming out of armor.

The scattered blue silk and the black cloak behind him, with the cold wind blowing, are even more heroic and cool!

"Guijie is back!" Suddenly, suddenly, looking at the charming woman in the distance with others.

The seven of them saw the same black armor figure appearing in the void in front of them, rushing towards the sky.

Soon, the shadow reached the top of the statue and landed in front of them.

At this time, one by one, Shen Shen asked: "Gujie, how are you listening? Emperor, really not dead!"

"Onsuke, is that news true?"

Just a while ago, a message came into this Nether Purgatory, the Nine Nine Emperor Nether, reborn again!

The eight ghosts will hear it, and then they will be shocked and happy! My heart seemed to stir up a thousand layers of waves!

Each of them can remember that after following the Emperor that year, they battled the North and South, killed countless powerful enemies, destroyed countless forces, and achieved their own great names. As for today, who knows the eight ghosts of the Nine You Emperor!

Billions of ghost soldiers led by their eight!

After receiving the news that Jiuyou Emperor was reborn, Guisuke, one of the Eight Great Ghosts, immediately went out of Nether Purgatory in person and went to Tianheng mainland to inquire.

Looking at these seven cold faces, anxiety, anxiety, nervousness, concern, and anxiety appeared at the moment, and Guijie grinned, without speaking.

"Guisuke, you bastard, what do you say! What happened to the emperor!"

"Yes, Guisuke, until now, what appetite do you still have to tell you, if the emperor is not reborn, be careful we will join you!"

"Yes! Onsuke, hurry up! Don't become dumb."

"Guisuke, you mother-in-law, you have done this for ghosts."

"Well, you all shut up Lao Tzu one by one, don't make a noise." Gui Jie hummed coldly and said.

Then he said to the seven of them: "The news of the rebirth of the Emperor is from the mouth of Zhongzhou, the destiny of the bright camp. There should be no falsehood."

"The destiny kid!" After a ghost would hear the name, he smiled immediately: "If it really comes from the destiny kid, there should be no fake!

Although this boy has never seen him in this seat, his fate of cultivation is unpredictable, and the emperor sent to Zhongzhou to help his disciple Ling Yefeng deal with the light camp. I have eaten this Boy's big loss! "

"The Emperor, really reborn! Haha! Hahaha!" A ghost will laugh and exhilarate: "The emperor is indeed the emperor! The nine ghost stones are broken, and it should be the soul that is flying, but our emperor is still born Now. "

"Okay! Now that the emperor is born again, I am here to talk about ghosts. In the future, if anyone still wants to fight for the position of the Lord of Nether Purgatory and attack other people, then I am ghosts and do n’t spare him!"

"I walk around ghostly, too!"

"Since the Emperor has been reborn, I will wait for the return of the Emperor, and regain control of the Nether Purgatory! Whoever has a different heart will never cut it off!"

Eight men, seven men said swearingly.

Sixteen years ago, Emperor Jiuyou fell, and their eight ghosts attacked each other to fight for the Lord of Nether Purgatory. A dozen of them were 16 years!

And the only female general, Ghost, ignored these men, and looked into the distance alone, looking at the endless void, and whispered, "Is that you, are you really back?"

In her mind, a figure like a demon emerged, exactly like the huge statue they stood at the moment!

Looking down at the world!

. .

The western part of the Tianheng continent, in front of the gate of Yuzong Mountain.

After the leaders of the 13 schools left, they came with their disciples. Soon, a dark wooden coffin was placed on the ground in front of the mountain gate.

Shi Feng and Luo Qingchuan, looking down at the dense black wooden coffin below, Luo Qingchuan's face is full of sadness!

Wan Jian Shan Zhuang, he has been here many times before, how powerful and talented was then, but now, only a corpse in this coffin remains.

He has also learned from Shi Feng's mouth that his sixth-class brother Yun Yimeng has disappeared, and life and death are unknown!

Shi Feng's body floated down and fell between the dense black wooden coffins. These black wooden coffins made Shi Feng feel a strange wave of power.

Seeing that Shi Feng was interested in these black wooden coffins, the white-haired old man immediately opened his mouth and said to Shi Feng:

"These black wooden caskets were handed down from generation to generation by the Yu Zong Zong. The people of the Yu Zong Zong regarded it as a treasure and did not know what it was made of. They heard that the corpse slaves they manipulated were made with these black wooden coffins Made. "

After listening to the old man's words, Shi Feng stared at one of the black wooden coffins, and then stretched out his right hand to touch it. When he touched the coffin board, Shi Feng felt a chilly coolness!

"This black wood has a special material, but it is suitable for death creatures!" Inducing the coldness and coldness at the place where she started, Shi Feng said lowly.

Then, Shi Feng grabbed the coffin board, opened the black wooden coffin, and for a while, revealed a body lying in the coffin.

This corpse is a young man, with both hands and feet gone, and a large hole in his chest with a fist. His death looks very miserable.

From the corpse of the youth of Wanjianshanzhuang, we can see the tragic war that day.

However, the body was lying in the black wooden coffin, and there was no trace of rot and no rancid smell.

Immediately after, Shi Feng sensed that in this black wooden coffin, there was a mysterious restraint. Under the movement of the restraint, the young man's body was shaking his fingers slightly.

"As the old man said just now, this black wooden coffin was used by the Imperial Corps to make a corpse slave. This person's body is slowly becoming a corpse slave!"

"Broken!" Shi Feng drank coldly, only to hear a "click", a crisp sound, ringing in this black wooden coffin.

The restraint in the black wooden coffin was immediately broken by Shi Feng, and the corpse of the young man of Wanjianshanzhuang, with his slightly trembling fingers, was standing still.

Then, Shi Feng raised her head and looked at the dense crowd, falling on the thirteen people in front of the crowd ...

(End of this chapter)

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