Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 808: Heaven Frost, Frost Slaughter!

Chapter 808: Sky Frost Sect, Frost Slaughter!

Shi Feng looked at the thirteen people in the front of the crowd and said, "How many black coffins are there in the Imperial Clan?"

Upon hearing Shi Feng's question, a responding middle-aged man, the master of Tianshuang Sect, quickly answered:

"Master, those black wooden coffins are basically here. There are only 532 pairs left in the basement of Yu Zong Zong."

"There are five hundred and thirty-two?" Shi Feng murmured, and then said to the man who had just spoken, "Let people bring the black wooden coffins."

"Yes!" The middle-aged man responded quickly, then turned his head and yelled at the disciples of Tianshuang Zong behind him:

"Go to 532 people and bring all the remaining black wooden coffins over."

"Yes!" Tianshuangzong crowd cried out in unison, and then shot out 500 or so, flying into Yuzongzong.

Then, Shi Feng stared at Shuangzong's lord that day, and opened his mouth again, and asked him, "How many black coffins here, plus those five hundred pairs?"

"Twenty-two thousand forty-four pairs, sir!"

"Twenty-four thousand and forty-four pairs!" Shi Feng's head lowered, glancing at the densely packed black wooden coffin.

These black wooden coffins exude the power of the cold, suitable for ghosts, and the army of his corpses to enter for cultivation, even himself, can lie in it during cultivation.

After glancing at the black wooden coffins for a while, Shi Feng looked up again and looked at the crowd in the sky, and said, "You deploy yourself, divide into groups, and groups of people, and put the body of the man in Wanjian Village Move out of those black wooden coffins.

Another group of people, according to the number of these corpses in Wanjianshanzhuang, brought ordinary coffins and buried them at the original Wanjianshanzhuang hill. "

"Yes! Arrange it right away."

"Do it now!"

"Listen to dispatch!"

As soon as Shi Feng's voice fell, the thirteen people responded quickly. Then, proceed to arrange the disciples under their door.

Shi Feng's order was given, and the disciples of Zhongzongmen shuttled and began to get busy.

Not long after, the 532 black wooden coffins remaining in the Yu Zong Zong were moved out by the disciples of the Tian Shuang Zong and placed outside.

After Shi Feng gave the order, she no longer cared about the others, and released the power of the soul. She shrouded the Quartet and sensed a black wooden coffin. Soon, Shi Feng felt that in each black wooden coffin, All have the banning power of the corpse to make dead bodies.

"Nine Youzhen Soul Seal! Broken!" Shi Feng groaned, and the Nine Youzhen Soul Seal of the power of the seven-star holy spirit stunned in all directions. Thousands of black wooden coffins were immediately restrained by Shi Feng Broken.

Then, the power of Shi Feng ’s soul continued to spread out in all directions, and she drank in a low voice: “Jiuyou trembles the soul seal, shock!”

"Nine Youzhen Soul Mark, Shock!"

Soon, the corpse in the tens of thousands of black wooden coffins was banned and shattered by Shi Feng.

I have to say that the efficiency of these 13 disciples is still good. Soon, there are dense figures in the distance, and a coffin is standing above each figure, facing the corpse. This side is flying.

Seeing the warriors who came back with the coffin, the warrior on this side also started to move, holding a corpse with a man from Wanjian Shanzhuang, and flew towards the warrior holding the coffin.

Shi Feng looked at the evacuated black wooden coffin, and his thoughts moved again. He was flashed with **** rays. Those black wooden coffins whose bodies were evacuated were taken into the world of the Scarlet Stone Tablet by Shi Feng. In.

As the corpse was constantly being removed, the **** light continued to shine. Soon, the black wooden coffin in front of the gate of Yuzong Mountain had been swept away by Shi Feng.

Later, Shi Feng looked up and looked at the figures of the warriors holding coffins one by one, and said coldly: "They must bury their corpses well, and there must be no mistakes. If you dare to sacrifice the sun, then the corpse sect is your end. . "

"Master, rest assured that this matter will definitely be done."

"It must be done! Your peace of mind!"

"The things that adults explain must be done properly!"

Shi Feng's voice sounded again. The thirteen doormen responded respectfully and quickly, saying that the last sentence was the Lord of the Frost Sect of the day, and Shi Feng's eyes were gazing at the Lord of the Frost Sect. Body.

Shi Feng said, "What's your name?"

"Ah? Lord, are you asking me?" After hearing from Shi Feng, the Shuangzong lord suddenly stunned and said quickly: "Under the Frost Slaughter!"

"Oh! Frost Slaughter!" Shi Feng nodded, remembering the name, and then Shi Feng said, "You are very clever. From now on, you are the ruler of this area. These gates belong to you. Command. "



When Shi Feng said this, the 13 doorkeepers' faces changed greatly.

Even Frost Tu, the party concerned, exclaimed, "Let me be the overlord of this area!"

Let Shuang Tu be the hegemon of this area and take over the place of the former Wanjian Mountain Villa. This is like a dream to him.

As far as the thirteen forces are concerned, Tianshuangmen ranks only eighth, and Frost Tu's martial realm is only one star Wudi realm.

After the accident at Wan Jian Shan Zhuang, he never thought about it. He Shuang Tu became the hegemon of this area.

Of the 13 sects, Luo Kun, the most powerful of Luo Shengmen, and Ouyang Sheng, the lord of Tianxin, have something to say and refute, but after thinking of the ending of Yuzong, the two Stiffly stopped the words to be spoken.

"Yes, from now on, you are the overlord of this area!" Shi Feng repeated again, and then he glanced at the other twelve people. Finally, his eyes fell on Frost Tu again, saying:

"Ben knows that if you want to be the hegemon in this area, there must be a lot of people who don't agree with you, but in the future, if you dare not accept you and obey your commander, then the corpse is his end.

After saying this, Shi Feng shook his fingers and touched the green awns, ejected from Shi Feng's fingertips, and ejected to the barbara.

"Huh?" Looking at the green mang ejected by Shi Feng, Frost Tu's face changed slightly. When Green Man reached his body, Ba Tu reached out and grabbed the green man. Looking down, it was a jade bamboo slip.

Looking at the jade slip in his hand, Frost Tu's face showed doubt, and he looked at Shi Feng, and asked, "Master, is this?"

Shi Feng said, "In the future, if there is anyone who disagrees with you, as long as you judge this jade bamboo slip, Ben Shao will be able to sense it. By then, Ben Shao will come to decide for you!"

"Master Xie! Lord Xie! Lord Xie!" Frost Tu said again and again at the words of Shi Feng. Shi Feng said that it was for him who dares not to obey him, so he destroyed that person!

(End of this chapter)

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