Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 818: Old man and girl

Chapter 818: Old Man and Girl

Xuanyuan City General Yun Yun led 30,000 gold armored soldiers after leaving.

The head of Xuanyuan City, Xuanyuan Changyun, still looked coldly in front of his face, and once again spoke coldly, "Zhuge Xiao!"

"Weichen is here!" At this time, behind Xuanyuan Changyun, a young man, about 28 or ninety years old, dressed in white, holding a fan, and dressed as a scribe.

This man has a mysterious background and does not know where he is from. He is now serving as a military division in Xuanyuan City and under Xuanyuan Changyun.

There are even more rumors in the world that Xuanyuan Changyun's murder of Xuanyuan Zheming was the idea of ​​Zhuge Xiao.

Xuanyuan Changyun said to Zhuge Xiao: "You take a person, find the people in the city, ask the two people what they look like, and ask the artist to paint their appearance, issue a wanted order, send it to the nearby cities, and find the two people. The reporter of the whereabouts rewarded 50 million Yuanshi. Those who captured those two people paid 200 million Yuanshi! "

"Weichen understands!" Zhuge Xiao should drink again, and then took two Qianjinjia soldiers and fell into Xuanyuan City.

Soon, a large net to catch the two people of Shi Feng was unfolded in Xuanyuan City and the surrounding 53 cities under the control of Xuanyuan Changyun.

. .

Among a mountain peak, an old man took his granddaughter, who was only seven years old, to chop wood in the mountains.

The little girl was very obedient. He followed the old man and helped him pick up firewood. She felt a little tired. The little girl found the stump and sat down, looking at the grandfather who was still busy.

"Grandpa, when Xiaobao grows up, he is as tall as the brother Zhigang next door, he will help you cut firewood, and then you will sit at home and have a good rest." The little girl said in a young voice to the busy grandpa .

"Ha ha!" After hearing the granddaughter's words, the old man turned his head and looked at his little granddaughter, his wrinkled old face smiled comfortably, showing a kind smile, and said softly:

"When Xiaobao grows up, he will go to the private school to study hard with his husband. In the future, Xiaobao should not think about cutting firewood for his grandpa, but think about how he can become a promising person."

After listening to Grandpa's words, the little girl muttered her mouth and said, "No! Xiaobao wants to cut firewood for Grandpa, Xiaobao doesn't want to make Grandpa always so tired in the future, Xiaobao should not leave Grandpa, Xiao Bom will be with Grandpa. "

"Stupid boy, how could you possibly be with Grandpa!" The old man shook his head and said with a smile.

Although he said so, his heart was still sweet when he heard the granddaughter's words of filial piety just now.

Then the old man sighed deeply in his heart.

His wife died early, and his only son, daughter-in-law, died a few years ago because of some accidents. Now, in the family, he is left with only his little granddaughter.

"Oh!" At this moment, the little girl suddenly looked up at the sky, and suddenly shouted with joy: "Meteor, grandpa, look at me! It's a meteor! I heard that when I see a meteor, I only wish to make a wish Can be achieved.

Meteor! Meteor! Please bless Xiaobao to grow up and grow up quickly, so that grandpa will chop wood early! "

"Oh, silly girl, in the daytime, where will there be meteors." Upon hearing the words of the little granddaughter, the old man followed with a smile, but he also looked up.

"Oh!" The old man also followed with a sound of suspicion. He did see a meteor flying in the sky, and a white meteor.

"How can there be such a meteor in the daytime!" The old man exclaimed, but he was seeing that white meteor, which was moving towards the mountain at the moment, and fell down quickly, and soon fell on it. In the mountains not far ahead.

There was a violent trembling in "Boom", and the whole mountain trembled with a violent earthquake, like a major earthquake.

"Ahhhhhh!" The little girl hurriedly fluttered a panic under the tremor of the mountain peak.

The old man quickly put down the hatchet in his hand and flew towards his little granddaughter. He held the little granddaughter tightly in his arms, held it, and then buried his head deeply, using his own body to protect With his little granddaughter.

The tremor in the mountains came quickly and quickly, and soon subsided.

When the movement stopped, the old man raised his head slowly, looking at the little granddaughter in his arms safely and sighing slowly.

"Whew ... whew ... you scared Xiaobao just now." The little girl patted her little breast and said.

Then, the little girl looked at her grandfather hugging her and asked, "Grandpa, are you okay?"

"Grandpa is fine." The old man answered. Following this, the old man turned around and hugged the little granddaughter, and looked forward. Just now he saw that the falling meteor should not be far away.

"Grandpa, I saw it just now, it seems that the meteor fell over there." The clever little girl, as if seeing through Grandpa's mind, forwarded with her little finger, childishly.

"Let's go and see." The old man nodded and said. Then hugged the little granddaughter and walked towards the forest in front.

In a dense bush of thorns, a blood-colored figure was lying in it, his body motionless, as if passed out.

Immediately afterwards, the old man held his dear little granddaughter and came to this thorn bush, but when the little girl saw the thorn bush's body, he quickly pointed at him and said to the grandfather holding himself: "Look, grandpa, Someone! Why is he here, meteor? "

The old man looked around and looked at the area carefully, but he didn't see the meteor in the imagination, he only saw such a person wearing a **** armor.

In the end, the old man's gaze focused on that person again, saying, "Is that the light, this person, presumably, he is a warrior."

"Warrior? Grandpa, what is a warrior!" After listening to the old man's words, the little girl asked with a blank expression.

The old man squatted down, placed the little girl in his arms slowly on the ground, and then said to her:

"Warriors, those are some very powerful people. They can knock down a big tree with one punch, and they can break a huge rock with one punch, and then a powerful warrior can fly around and do everything."

"Wow! This is so amazing!" After listening to Grandpa's words, the little girl exclaimed, then rounded her cute little face, showing a yearning look, and said to Grandpa, "After Xiaobao, I want to be so Great warrior.

By that time, when Grandpa cuts the tree, Xiaobao can knock down the big tree with one punch, and Grandpa does not need to cut it. Moreover, Xiaobao can fly in the sky like a bird. "

After listening to Xiaobao's words, the old man touched her head fondly, but his heart was grinning: "Silly girl, ordinary people like us, how can you become such a high-level warrior! And, can still fly to the sky That kind of warrior. "

(End of this chapter)

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