Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 819: Reply strength!

Chapter 819: Regaining Strength!

Stupidly, Shi Feng opened her eyes, the eyes were blurred, and the phantom layered.

Just then, a little girl's exclaimed sound suddenly: "Grandpa, grandpa, he's awake! He opened his eyes."

"Huh?" When she heard that voice, Shi Feng frowned slightly, and the phantoms stacked in front of her eyes soon overlapped, and her vision gradually became clear.

Appearing in front of Shi Feng was a head, a round face, a very cute little girl, and the two words immediately blurted out of Shi Feng's mind: "Linger!"

"Huh?" The little girl heard Shi Feng's call, crooked her head, muttered her mouth, a confused look appeared on her face, and said in a low voice, "What spirit? I'm Xiaobao!" "

With the sight completely clear, Shi Feng could see clearly. This little girl is indeed not Linger, just a little bit as big as her younger sister Linger, with a flesh like a small face.

Soon, Shi Feng also saw where he is now. This is a humble wooden house, which is no different from the home in Xiuling Village.

And myself, lying on a broken bed in this wooden house.

Then, Shi Feng saw an old man with gray hair enter the house, looked at himself, and said, "Sir, you are awake!"

In this world of house respect, the warrior is absolutely respected. The old man knows that this boy is a warrior, and it is natural to call him an adult.

"Grandpa!" Xiaobao saw the grandfather, and hurriedly trot to the old man. He ran and shouted, "Grandpa, this guy is so strange. He just called me a little bit."

Hearing what Xiaobao said just now, the old man lowered his head and looked over to hug his own Xiaobao and said, "Xiaobao, don't be so impolite in front of the guests."

"Old man, did you save me?" Shi Feng said, looking at the old man.

"Oh, I just watched you fainted in the mountain forest alone, and there were wolf tigers and leopards in the mountains at night, so I took you home." Said the old man.

"Oh." Shi Feng nodded slightly, then said, "Thank you!"

Shi Feng also recalled the events before her coma. She was in Xuanyuan City and urged her full strength to burn her destiny, broke Xuanyuan Changyun's blow, and then escaped with the technique of nine light rays.

Due to exhaustion, he passed out unconsciously.

"Well, you just woke up and take a good rest. I'll bring it after dinner. Xiaobao, let's go, don't disturb the adults."

"Oh! Good grandpa." Little girl Xiaobao nodded obediently, and then went out with the old man. Soon, only Shi Feng was left in this room.

"Xuanyuan! Changyun!" Shi Feng's face suddenly followed the cold, and spit out the name fiercely.

In Xuanyuan City, if he hadn't burned his own destiny and escaped by the technique of nine light rays, he would probably have died in the hands of this little cub.

Emperor Wu Xing! immortal! Xuanyuan Changyun!

"Little Bunny, one day, sooner or later, I will chop you like I did with your grandpa!" Shi Feng said fiercely in her heart.

But now the most important thing is to restore the vitality of the body first.

Using a silver sickle to launch a powerful blow, the power in Shi Feng's body has been exhausted and the innate essence has been burned. Shi Feng's martial realm has also fallen from the five-star Emperor's realm to four stars Wu Di peak.

However, Shi Feng's destiny is not too much burning ground. In the martial arts realm that fell, he has a large number of Yuan Shi. By absorbing the majestic strength of the world, he should be able to recover within three days.

Then, Shi Feng tied his handprints with both hands. In this room, a simple enchantment was laid. If someone enters this room, he can sense it.

Subsequently, the scarlet stone inscription in the heart of Shi Feng ’s left hand floated out, and then, a strong and bright blood color shone on Shi Feng's body, and Shi Feng disappeared into it.

A vigorous and majestic void world, a snake girl, Ziya, sits cross-legged, above her, a red, blue, purple, three-colored three-headed snake circling.

Since Ziya told Shi Feng later that her realm can make rapid progress, that is, at midnight, the zombie avatar will release the brilliance. As long as she absorbs the brilliance, she can strengthen her internal strength.

So Shi Feng also put this three-headed snake into the space of the Scarlet Stone Stele.

Although there is no day or night here, as long as the outside world arrives in the middle of the night, the three big snakes will also release the red, blue and purple brilliance.

Today, Ziya absorbs these three-colored brilliance, and absorbs the richness and richness of this space, like the current of the heavens and the earth, and it is so much faster than before.

Cultivation during this period of time has entered the realm of the Eighth Star Emperor Wuhuang and entered the realm of the Eighth Star Emperor Wuhuang.

At this time, a **** light flashed, and the purple ya being being practiced sensed that someone was coming, slowly opened his eyes, and shouted, "Brother Shifeng!"

Immediately after, Ziya's snake tail under Ziya swung abruptly, and flew in front of Shi Feng. Then she turned pale Shifeng, showing concern and worry, and asked softly, "Brother Shifeng, what's wrong with you? You look very poor."

The Serpent Girl who has been practicing here does not know what is happening outside.

Shi Feng looked at the beautiful young girl who cared about herself, shook her head with a smile, and said, "I'm fine, I just got a few minor injuries, and I can recover soon. You continue to cultivate and break through to Wuzong as soon as possible."

"Oh, just fine." When Shi Feng said that it was fine, Ziya breathed a sigh of relief slowly, then nodded smartly.

He also said in his heart: Brother Shi Feng is so powerful, he said it's okay, it should be okay.

Later, Ziya flew back, continued to sit under the three big snakes, closed her eyes and began to cultivate.

Shi Feng sensed the strong vitality of the world. He closed his fingerprints with his hands and sang suddenly with a loud voice: "Suck!"

Under Shifeng's applause, this space immediately produced violent earthquakes, fluctuations, and a thick and dense atmosphere, just like the river-like vitality of the earth, and was immediately drawn by Shifeng.

From all directions, madly rushing towards Shi Feng, Shi Feng's body was absorbed into Shi Feng by the touch and reached Dantian.

And Shi Feng ’s body is like a bottomless pit. He can never be filled. The majestic vitality of the world constantly flows in, in, and in again!

With the influx of a lot of heaven and earth vitality, the breath of Shi Feng also gradually climbed back.

(End of this chapter)

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