Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 849: Sword Emperor

Chapter 849 Killing the Sword Emperor

Emperor Xiaoyao Mo Xiaoyao is rumored to be the best talent among the seven disciples under the seat of Emperor Jiuyou.

Although Ling Yefeng is a big brother, in terms of talent, the Emperor Jiuyou once spoke and commented. Compared with Xiaoyao, Ye Feng is still inferior.

Emperor Xiaoyao Mo Xiaoyao, not only martial arts stepped into the peak of Jiuxing Wudi, among the seven disciples of Emperor Jiuyou, he is also the only one. The physical body achieves the existence of the celestial body, Jiuyou body, martial arts, physical body, and both of them The power of the flesh has also reached the level of Jiuxing Emperor!

To the west, two forest white streamers bursting out of the air, approaching, swiftly swooped down towards the ground below, and two rays fell at the same time in front of Shi Feng.

Mori's white light disappeared, revealing a black and white figure, wearing a black robe, is the great disciple of Emperor Jiuyou, the death emperor Ling Yefeng.

And the person in the snow-white robe, his loose hair fluttered slowly with the breeze, a handsome and elegant look, he is the Emperor Xiaoyao, Mo Xiaoyao!

At this moment, Mo Xiaoyao's right hand was carrying a nose-swollen face and a swollen face, looking at the body full of disgrace, it was the famous Peerless Emperor Wu Xing, the Emperor Yue Xiao!

And Yue Xiao, obviously suffered a severe meal!

"Master .. Master!" Mo Xiaoyao looked at the young and strange face in front of him. On his chic face, an excited look suddenly appeared, and he shouted with excitement, his knees moved, and suddenly knelt down towards Shi Feng!

There was a loud bang, and the earth covered with bleakness once again sent out a fierce roar, and a sudden earthquake.

"Master, Tuer is here to see you at ease! Tuer thinks that in this life, you will never see your elderly!"

Shi Feng looked at the disciple who was kneeling in front of him. This disciple treated him most severely for no reason, because he was the laziest, the most diligent, the most romantic, and the least rooted among the seven of them. But he is the most talented person.

"Well, now you have become a peerless powerhouse. Don't look like a child, get up." Shi Feng said calmly.

"Xiaoyao has today. Thanks to the teacher's teachings for many years, the master is like a father. The master has always been like a strict father in Xiaoyao's heart. Now he can see him again and receive a happy worship!"

Mo Xiaoyao said, his head was so deep that he bumped into the ground, and then he uttered a gurgling sound.

Staring at the disciple in front of her, Shi Feng's gaze turned to Ling Yefeng and Luo Qingchuan. There was a feeling in my heart that these disciples today have grown up.

Think of the once, immature faces, now mature. They have become one party figure, the overlord, and are respected as the emperor.

Shi Feng stepped forward, stretched out his hands, and lifted up Mo Xiaoyao who worshipped himself.

With the help of Shi Feng, Mo Xiaoyao slowly got up, followed, and stretched out his right hand. He put the sword emperor Yue Xiao in his hand in front of Shi Feng and said:

"This time I came here in a hurry and did not prepare a gift for the master. This animal was treated as a gift to the master. I also hope that the master smiled! The master has just explained to Xiaoyao about the fall."

Looking at this embarrassing Yue Xiao, the once high sword emperor, Shi Feng grinned, and smiled coldly, saying, "This gift is accepted for the teacher!"

Talking, Shi Feng stretched out his hand, took Yue Xiao, took it in his hand, and looked at Luo Qingchuan beside him, saying:

"Qing Chuan, as a teacher, behead and kill this animal, wait for you to run Jiuyou Gong, devour the power of this animal's death, go through the road of Huangquan, and then watch the battle just now, presumably you will step into the six-star Wudi No problem! "

"Jiuxing Wudi! There is no problem in breaking through nature! Not only that, but the children should be able to reach the peak of Six-Star Wudi! Thank you Master Chengquan!" Luo Qingchuan said.

"That's good!" When Shi Feng spit out the two words, he banged, the sword emperor Yue Xiao in his hand, all over his body, and instantly burst into flames of blood and turned into a **** fireman!

"Ah! Ahh! Ahh! Ahh!" For a moment, a scream of utter sorrow resounded. In that year, he was killed and killed himself. This Yue Xiao was one of the emperors. Shi Feng naturally wanted to kill him.

However, before killing him, naturally he will not let him die.

"Yu! You! You must not die! You must die! Ah! Ah!"

Hearing the screams of wailing sorrow, Shi Feng hummed coldly: "Huh! It's your sword emperor that isn't going to die today, Yue Xiao!"

"Ah!" After the last screams of screams screamed loudly, the world returned to silence.

Luo Qingchuan's nine meditation powers worked, devouring the power of death. Immediately, a white light flashed on his body, and the martial arts realm directly entered the realm of six-star Wudi!

After experiencing the road of Huangquan, and then experiencing the outbreak of the battle of the twenty-one peerless nine-star Emperor Wudi just now, Luo Qingchuan ’s martial arts perception has already reached a new level, breaking from the five-star Emperor Wudi to the six-star Emperor Wu, and devouring Yue Xiao After the power of death, Nine Nine Nether Powers in Dantian reached, and they naturally broke through.

Then, the blood flame in Shi Feng ’s hand rolled back toward his right hand, and was quickly taken back into his body by Shi Feng. At the same time, Shi Feng ’s body also shone with a white light and walked in Qixing Wudi Realm.

In the Western Regions, after Shi Fengyu killed Xuanyuan Changyun, he reached the edge of breakthrough. Now, it is the blood of Jiuxing Wu Emperor Yue Xiao, and the breakthrough is naturally no suspense.

"Great, the master also broke through! It's a step closer to the peak of Jiuxing!"

"Congratulations on the breakthrough!"

Shi Feng broke through and everyone present was happy for him! They seemed to see that the return of the first strongman that year was not far away.

Although Shi Feng's **** flame in his right hand disappeared, a white ghost was still in his heart. At this moment, the ghost was struggling in Shi Feng's heart, and made a sharp voice: "Ghost, you Kill if you kill! "

This white ghost was exactly the soul of Yue Xiao. Shi Feng killed him and burned his body, but was not devoured by his soul.

"Kill you?" After hearing Yue Xiao's words, Shi Feng smiled coldly again, and said, "This seat once said that as long as this seat is not dead, you must put you dregs Emperor Wu into purgatory purgatory forever , Affected by the bite of all ghosts, your Yue Xiao is the first! "

"Ghost around!" Shi Feng said in a deep voice.

"The end will be here!" One of the eight ghosts walked out, clenched his fists in front of Shi Feng, and cried in a deep voice.

"How do you know this evil animal?" Shi Feng asked. Then, throw the soul in your hand towards the ghost!

The ghost stretched out his hand to catch it and said, "When dealing with this kind of animal, you will naturally understand!"

(End of this chapter)

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