Chapter 850: Bitten by All Ghosts

"When dealing with this kind of beast, you will naturally understand it!" One of the Eight Great Ghosts drew around and drank with a whisper, even though he was carrying Yue Xiao's soul, flying through the huge black vortex flying to the void.

At this time, the dark emperor of the dark camp stepped forward, held his fist in front of Shi Feng, and said:

"The Emperor, the three of the Bright camp, must be rushing to Zhongzhou now. At that time, without our brothers sitting in town, I am afraid that the dark camp will suffer calamity. Now that we are here, let's say goodbye!

If there is any need in the future, as long as this piece of jade is crushed, a few of our brothers will certainly arrive as soon as possible. "

As the concubine said, he handed a jade bamboo slip to Shi Feng.

Shi Feng reached out to take it, and handed one of his jade pieces to the concubine, saying, "Since you have important things in your body, I will not leave you. But if the three of them return with the six great emperors When you come to Zhongzhou, you are afraid you will lose your power. Seven of you will obey! "

Shi Feng said, glanced at the remaining seven ghosts, and drank.

"The end is here!" Hearing Shi Feng's applause, the seven ghosts will hold their fists at the same time and should drink.

Shi Feng reiterated: "You, together with the Dark Lord and the Destruction Lord, go to Zhongzhou to help them and kill the clutter of the Bright Camp!"

"Last general!" The Seven Great Ghosts once again shouted in unison.

"Emperor, if you let these seven generals go to Zhongzhou with us, then if those mean men return to invade you again?" Hearing Shi Feng's order to the seven ghosts will destroy the emperor's face , Showing the color of worry, said.

After hearing Ming Tian ’s words, Gui Jie, one of the eight ghosts, laughed: "Brother, you do n’t have to worry! We are afraid of these clutter and dare not enter this Nether Purgatory! My big array in Nether Purgatory has not yet I heard that no one can survive! "

Shi Feng also nodded and said, "Yes! As long as they dare to enter this nether purgatory, they are seeking their own way."

"Then I'll rest assured." Extermination nodded.

"It's not too late, let's go!" The ghost of one of the eight ghosts followed.

The Dark Lord and Nocturne nodded at the same time, followed closely, the two peerless Emperors of the dark camp, and the seven ghosts under the throne of the Nine Great Emperor, the nine peerless powerhouses, broke through at the same time, and quickly flew away.

After the departure of the nine strong men, Shi Feng looked again at his three disciples and said, "Let ’s go, follow the teacher and go to Nether Purgatory!"

"Yes!" The three disciples should drink, and immediately followed, the four of the teacher and apprentice broke through at the same time, flying into the huge black vortex that went up into the sky.

"Whew! Wow! Ahhhhh!"

In the gloomy world, the extremely bleak gust of wind was whistling fiercely, and there were stern whispers of ghosts, and in front of them, dense white ghosts danced continuously in the void.

It seemed as if the breath of life was found, and those dense ghosts dancing in a turbulent wave, rushing towards the four people of Shi Feng.

Each of the white and stern faces was full of shit.

"These wicked obstacles! For so many years, I have forgotten who the owner of this place is!" Looking at the rushing ghosts, Ling Yefeng sang with a cold drink, followed closely, and his hands were moving in the void, a white forest. The rune appeared before him.

The rune he drew was twisted and twisted, like a command word, which was the ten thousand ghost orders taught by Emperor Jiuyou.

Upon seeing the ghosts of the ghosts, those rushing ghosts immediately shook their bodies, their terrible white faces were exposed with extreme horror, and then one by one, they bowed down in this direction.

All ghosts worship!

"Let's go!" Shi Feng said quietly, and said to his three disciples. Then, the four stopped paying attention to the worshipping ghosts, stopped and moved again, and continued to break away.

Along with flying through the sky, Ling Wanfeng's Wangui Ling always followed, and wherever he went, he met the ghosts and immediately bowed down one by one.

"Ah! Ahhhhh! Kill me! Ah! Nether! You kill! Kill me! Ah! Get out! You guys! Get out of this seat! This seat is a peerless sword Emperor! Ah! "

When several people flew across a sky, and a blood river below, there were screams of incomparable screams.

The soul of the sword emperor Yue Xiao is falling into that blood river, where thousands of evil spirits have gathered, opened his mouth wide, and bit the Yue Xiao soul in the blood river.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" From this scream of screams after another, you can see how violent torture is being suffered at this moment.

"Huh! Dignified sword emperor, this is the time to deserve it!" Staring at the dense group of evil spirits in the blood river below, Luo Qingchuan calmly voiced.

Hearing the screams of Yue Xiao, I feel really happy!

It was these few beasts that harmed the master and made the master fall then!

"These residues, one day, I will let them all gather here and try the pain of the bite of all ghosts!" Ling Yefeng also said with resentment.

"Hmm! They thought that they could work together to harm the master, so they could sit back and relax. Who knows that the master Ji has his own sky, and even if he is dead, he can be born again!" Mo Xiaoyao followed Lengheng.

Later, Mo Xiao looked at Shi Feng, asked the doubts in his heart, and asked, "Master, the few of us that year passed the mark of Jiuyou, but they really felt you. In that year, the soul flew away, you How did you get born again? "

Upon hearing Mo Xiaoyao's words, Ling Yefeng also said: "Yes, master, I can't figure this out! And I feel that you are not taking away the flesh of others, is there a rebirth in this world? Just say? "

"Actually, I do n’t understand why I was born again. There are so many strange things in Tianheng mainland that we do n’t know.

At that time, the teacher was indeed a ghostly spirit, and it should be completely destroyed, but just a year and a half ago, the teacher awakened the memories of that year on the body of the teacher. "

Shi Feng said.

Then, Shi Feng said, "Perhaps, it has something to do with the source of everything that I got for the teacher!"

"Source of all things!"

"Source of all things!"

Hearing the words "source of all things", Ling Yefeng and Mo Xiaoyao, followed by an exclaim, they naturally heard something. Sixteen years ago, their master Jiuyou Emperor gained success in the wild wasteland. The source of all things the mystery of God.

"The source of all things is rumored to have the secret of becoming a god. Did the master learn the mystery of rebirth in the source of all things?" Ling Yefeng asked.

"The origin of all things is very weird. Although it was obtained by the teacher, it is not controlled by the teacher. For so many years, he has not even cracked a secret!" Shi Feng said.

Then, Shi Feng said, "Okay, let's not talk about that, you two, can you hear from your other teachers and brothers?"

(End of this chapter)

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