Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 851: Reborn! Spread all over the world!

Chapter 851 Rebirth! Spread all over the world!

Shi Feng looked at Ling Yefeng and Mo Xiaoyao and asked, "You two, can you hear from your other teachers and brothers?"

"A few of them!" Ling Yefeng shook her head and said, "The situation between our dark camp and the light camp is very tense these years. I have been in the middle of the battle with the light camp. Brothers, I have rarely met. Already.

Xiaoyao, just passing through Zhongzhou, was sensed by me, and then sent someone to inform him of the master's rebirth! But I got the news. Just a few days ago, the Wanjian Mountain Villa of Yunyi Meng of the Sixth Division was degraded by the son of the demon's demon emperor and leveled to the ground.

A few days ago, I sent my relatives to the Western Regions, and my relatives reported that Wanjian Mountain Villa does not exist any more. Tombstones are standing in the former Wanjian Mountain Villa! "

Ling Yefeng talked about the encounter of Wanjian Shanzhuang, and her sadness gradually appeared on her white face.

After listening to Ling Yefeng's words, Mo Xiaoyao's face changed, and he exclaimed: "What! Sixth Master's Wanjian Villa, Sixth Master!"

Shi Feng nodded and said, "Wanjianshanzhuang has also been a teacher. The people in Wanjianshanzhuang have indeed been the poisonous hands of the demons, but when he arrived, he did not see Yun Yimeng's body. Whether it is life or death is still unknown, but it is still more fierce than good! "

"Ten days! As a teacher in this nether purgatory, just stay for ten days! After ten days, the teacher will take the three of you to go to Tianyao Mountain, kill the demon son of the demon emperor, and draw his soul. , We can know that Yun Yimeng is life or death! "

As soon as Shi Feng said this, his three disciples nodded in unison and responded, "Hmm!"

Followed by, Shi Feng looked to Mo Xiaoyao and said, "You are the most free, the most chic, and the most love to travel. Have you met Xiao Tianyi and Qin Rufan in these years?"

"The fifth division brother Xiao Tianyi, I met him two years ago in Nanyu. Seventh division brother Qin Rufan, I heard a few years ago that he had been looking for the legendary elixir. I have never seen him in these years. . "Mo Xiaoyao said.

"It is estimated that the news of rebirth of the teacher has been thoroughly spread in Tianheng mainland. When they know it, they will definitely find a teacher." Shi Feng said.

At this moment, the black figure below rushed straight up, and soon flew to Shi Feng's body and stopped. The visitor was the only ghost who remained in the Nether Purgatory.

Gui Gui yelled at Shi Feng, holding his fist: "The emperor, the soul of this evil animal, will be dealt with in the end!"

"Huh!" Shi Feng nodded and said, "Ghosts around, you go to guard the entrance to Nether Purgatory. If the rest of the animals dare to come to our Nether Purgatory, let them go back!"

"The commander-in-chief!" The ghost whispered again, his body moved, and he flew towards the entrance of Nether Purgatory and the outside world.

After the ghost walked around, Shi Feng looked again at his three disciples and said, "Let's go! Take you to the Nine Nether River for your teacher!"

"Jiuyou River!"

When Mo Xiaoyao and Luo Qingchuan heard these four words, their faces did not change much. Although they were ghost disciples, they had never been to ghost purgatory and did not know what the Jiuyou river was.

But Ling Yefeng is different! In that year, he was unable to break through in the realm of Emperor Wuxing, and after soaking in the nine nether rivers for three months, he finally entered the realm of Emperor Wuxing and became a peerless emperor.

"Go!" Shi Feng whispered, his figure moved, and her stagnant figure flew forward again in a hurry.

Then, his three disciples quickly followed, followed behind him, and quickly hurried forward.


At this moment, Dong Yu.

"The Emperor Jiuyou has been reborn! The rumored Emperor Jiuyou of that year has been rumored, but now it is said that the emperor is born again!"

South domain.

"The Emperor Jiuyou is born again!"

Western Region.

"The Emperor Jiuyou is born again! The news has spread all over the world!"

North domain.

"Jiuyou Emperor, it is rumored that he has been resurrected!"

Zhongzhou, the bright camp!

"Damn! I heard that Jiuyou Emperor, once the greatest power of Tianheng continent, was born again. This turned out to be true! His big disciple is the death emperor Ling Yefeng of the dark camp! He will certainly help their dark camp to attack us! "

Diablo camp.

"Great! Great! Jiuyou Emperor, the Emperor was born again! The return of the Emperor will definitely help our dark camp to deal with the light camp, and the light camp is about to die! Great!"

The rebirth of Jiuyou Emperor, the first power of the former Tianheng continent, is like a turbulent tide, surging across the entire Tianheng continent!

All at once, the world knows!

Light camp, light hall!

The hall was filled with a holy light.

At this moment, the bright hall is exuding a powerful breath. Today's bright hall is different from the past, with only nine people! Nine Nine Star Emperors!

The bright emperor Jing Tianyu sat high on the bright **** chair in the hall, and eight figures floated in front of him.

At this moment, the nine people who returned from killing Shi Feng in Nether Purgatory did not look very good. In this operation, they thought it was foolproof, but they couldn't think of it. Not only did the ghost of rebirth not die, they also damaged a nine-star sword emperor, Yue Xiao!

"This nether world is really fatal. In the past, it was easy for me to be killed by seven people and my spirits were scattered. In this way, I can still be reborn! Damn it, really **** it! I can't wait to cramp this evil animal!" In all ages, his face drank angrily.

Followed by, the thunder **** Emperor Ao Laixing also said, "This ghost is inseparable, we are really sleepless! We thought that even if he was born again, we intercepted at the entrance of ghost purgatory, this time he was dying, but it was unexpected. Killed these obstacles halfway. "

Ao Laixing said, gazing at Wu Yanxuan with a cold face, and rebuked, "It is rumored that your destiny, the great Emperor Wu Xuan, is not in control of fate, everything is in your control. Why this time? There is no calculation of these evil barriers coming! "

After hearing Ao Laixing's words, Wu Yanxuan turned her head, still with a cold face, and said coldly: "Although this seat controls the destiny! But the ghostly fate can be controlled so easily! This seat can Calculate the Ghost Rebirth, you know, how much it cost this seat!

Don't understand fate, just shut up this seat! "

"Okay! Don't quarrel anymore! Whistle in the light temple of this seat, quarrel, what's the use!" Looking at the arguing Ao Laixing and Hao Xuan Xuan in front of each other, Jing Tianyu said, and she sang in a loud voice. .

Then, Jing Tianyu said:

"The Emperor has sent someone to the other four realms to spread the ghostly rebirth, and our bright camp, and the six of you are ready to join forces to kill the ghostly. Presumably, the news will soon spread throughout the entire Tianheng continent. If you have the heart to fight with us, you will definitely come to Zhongzhou to join us! "

(End of this chapter)

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