Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 890: Asking Lingsang

Chapter 890: Asking Lingsang

Lingsang saw the crowd of evil spirits, surging wildly towards himself, but without the slightest resistance, he was frightened.

Ling Sang looked up and shouted at Shi Feng above: "Nether, you have something to say! But is it news about the evil barrier? Let me tell you! If you want to know, I will tell you all!"

Now Lingsang, I dare not continue to be angry!

At this time, Shi Feng heard the words of Lingsang, but he shook his head slightly and said:

"Want to say it now? But I'm sorry, it's too late. I think that it will let you taste the bite of being bitten by all ghosts, and you will be more honest!

And you, Tianyao Mountain intercepted this seat with those dregs at that time, you should have received such punishment!

Well, stop talking nonsense, you can try it with interest! "

After Shi Feng finished speaking, her face disappeared with a playful expression, and turned into a cold color.

"No! No! No! Don't!" The rushing ghosts have surrounded Lingsang's soul, Lingsang showed a terrible look, his eyes widened, and he screamed exhaustedly. .

Immediately afterwards, the rushing evil spirit group drowned Lingsang in an instant.

"Ah! Ahh! Ahhhhhh!" A scream of utter screams echoed the world.

Shi Feng still looked down coldly, waiting for Lingsang to become honest under the bite of thousands of evil spirits.

After the soul experienced this pain, no one would want to try again, and they would harden their mouths!

As soon as Shi Feng waited, she waited for an hour. After an hour, Shi Feng whispered, "San!"

The evil spirits below heard the sound of that majestic dementor. Suddenly, a ghost with a horrified and terrified appearance retreated in all directions. Soon, Lingsang's soul appeared again. .

But at this moment, Lingsang has become full of brokenness, beyond recognition, like a candle in the wind.

"Return to the soul!" Shi Feng screamed again, Lingsang's remnant soul under the manipulation of Shi Feng's mind, floating up, until drifting into the physical body, soul and flesh of Shi Feng still grasping In Shi Feng's mind, they quickly and completely merged together.

The body of Lingsang I saw suddenly trembled, and the soul returned to the flesh. Due to the severe wound of the soul, his complexion became pale, white as paper, and the whole person seemed to have a serious illness.

Subsequently, Ling Sang's eyes slowly opened.

"How was it just now?" Shi Feng asked Ling Sang with a cold smile on his face.

"Ghost! You!" Ling Sang looked back from Shi Feng's words and looked at Shi Feng again, his face full of resentment, the resentment, as if he really wanted to swallow the person in front of him.

The kind of pain I just suffered, the whole person seemed to be torn and bitten by those evil spirits. It's simply better to die than death. Lingsang had no idea what punishment was more painful than the soul being bitten by thousands of evil spirits.

"It seems that your torture is not enough!" Looking at Ling Sang full of resentment, Shi Feng's face also changed, and said to Ling Sang coldly.

When Ling Sang heard Shi Feng's words, his face changed again. The resentment disappeared from his face immediately, and in a pleading tone, he quickly said to Shi Feng: "No! Enough! Enough! Enough!"

"You pick up the daughter of Lingxuan from the Ling family, how is it now?" Shi Feng asked the question again. His younger sister, Shi Ling, was what he was most concerned about now.

"Very! Very good! Once she returned to our spiritual house, our spiritual house, she gave her the best cultivation resources to enjoy." Ling Sang replied.

"You give her the best cultivation resources to enjoy?" Upon hearing Ling Sang's words, Shi Feng's brow froze slightly, revealing her suspicion. Then, what did Shi Feng think of, and she asked Ling Sang again, "For what purpose are you?"

"I ... our spirit family ..." Lingsang appeared hesitant when he spoke again.

Seeing Lingsang's appearance, Shi Feng said impatiently: "If this seat asks you again, you can talk about it again and again, next time, you will be like them, forever and ever, stay here!"

Shi Feng said, pointing to the blood river below, where the evil spirits are dense at the moment, biting the remnants of Mo Fanchen, Wu Yanxuan and others.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, Ling Sang shook a body again. He knew that the person in front of him was a real ruthless man and could really do anything. Quickly said again:

"No! I dare not! I really don't dare! I must know everything and I can't say anything! We have a jade pendant from our ancestor Lingwu, but we ca n’t start that jade pendant. She can really start it. "

"What secret does that jade pendant have?" Shi Feng asked again.

"That ... that jade pendant has not only the peerless techniques and martial arts skills passed down by the ancestors, but also rumors of the burial place of the mystery of the **** and the ancestor's artifact. When she entered the nine-star Emperor Wudi, Can really completely open the mystery of jade pendant. "Ling Sang said.

"Jade of the Ling Family!" Even though Shi Fengxuan thought about it, when the mother picked up Xiao Shiling, she wore a jade with the word "spirit" on her chest. She had also explored this jade, but there was only one The powerful force prevented himself from exploring at all.

Only Shi Ling can get the information in this jade pendant.

"That being said, the girl is now under the control of your spiritual family. When she steps into Jiuxing Wudi, you will force her to tell her the secret before beheading her!" Shi Feng asked coldly again.

However, with this, he was relieved in his heart, so that his sister Shi Ling would not be in danger for the time being.

"Yes! That's it!" Lingsang answered truthfully.

Then Lingsang said, "That's it! I've told you everything. Now, can you let me go? I swear, I will not be against you in this life, if I violate the oath, I will be the strongest Robbery, it's gone! "

"Released you?" After hearing Ling Sang's words and hearing his vows, Shi Feng sneered: "On that day, if the mountain was in your hands, would you let it go? Since you want to The life of this seat, then you must be prepared for death.

After a few days, this seat will go to your spiritual house, when that time, I will kill you again! "

After Shi Feng finished speaking, she stopped talking to Ling Sang, grabbed Ling Sang, and quickly broke into shape again. Soon, she found Xiao Tianyi who was studying Shi Feng's ancient treasures with a flash of blood. Ling Sang was put into the blood stone monument again by Shi Feng.

At this time, Xiao Tianyi, who saw Shi Feng's arrival, suddenly said to Shi Feng: "Master, I have studied this few days. The broken blood stone monument, with my current practice, should be a little bit better. Fix it! Don't make it so broken. "

(End of this chapter)

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