Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 891: Ready to start, new battle!

Chapter 891 Ready to start, a new battle!

"Oh? Can it be repaired?"

Hearing that Xiao Tian also said that the blood stone stele could be repaired, Shi Feng looked moved and said.

This blood stone is indeed a treasure. It has infinite space and is extremely easy to use. It's like a small world.

However, since it was obtained, it has been damaged. Shi Feng had also worried that it would be completely damaged and could not be used again.

"As for the complete repair, it is naturally impossible to do with my current practice. But a little repair and stabilize it, so as not to continue to break, I can still do it." Xiao Tian He answered truthfully.

After a pause, Xiao Tian followed, "I felt it. The blood stone now can exert the power of a one-star Emperor Wudi, but the damage is too serious. If it is started again, it will be completely damaged.

After my tinkering, I am confident that the power it launches can reach the power of Samsung Wudi, and it will not be destroyed. "

After listening to Xiao Tianyi's words, Shi Feng nodded and said, "Okay! Then in these days, you will start repairing this blood stone monument!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Tian also responded, and then began to repair the blood stele, with a bang, a blaze of snow, burning from his palm.

Followed by, a snow-colored device furnace was also taken out of the storage ring by Xiao Tian.

"Huh?" And at this moment, when Shi Feng felt the energy fluctuation not far away, her eyebrows froze suddenly, and the direction of the energy fluctuation was exactly where Luo Qingchuan was.

Shi Feng quickly said to Xiao Tianyi: "There are movements over your four elder brothers, so go and see for the teacher first."

"Come on, Master!" Xiao Tianyi said lightly, still proceeding in an orderly manner in his hands. Shi Feng's words did not affect his practice at all.

Followed by, Shi Feng's body moved quickly and broke into the direction where Luo Qingchuan was.

When Shi Feng arrived, he not only saw Luo Qingchuan, who was sitting on his knees, but even Ling Yefeng, Mo Xiaoyao, and Ning Cheng were also here.

All eyes gathered on Na Luo Qingchuan's body.

At this moment, in the nether purgatory, a stream of extremely cold cathode energy, just like the tumble of the tide, surged from all directions towards Luo Qingchuan, and Luo Qingchuan's body was like a big mouth. Enjoying that surging energy.

"This boy has finally reached this step!" Shi Feng looked at Luo Qingchuan, who was devouring energy, and muttered.

And just as Shi Feng's murmur fell, in this void, Luo Qingchuan, who sat for nine days as soon as he sat, suddenly flashed a white light on his body.

Nine days ago, under the guidance of Shi Feng, Luo Qingchuan stepped into the realm of Jiuxing Wudi half a step. Today, nine days later, he has completely stepped over the remaining half steps. The state of Jiuxing Wudi became a peerless powerhouse of Jiuxing Wudi!

The white light fell, and Luo Qingchuan's figure appeared again in the sight of everyone. A strong breath rose in Luo Qingchuan's body.

Those polar cathode cold energies rushing towards the rapids also dissipated, closing the eyes of Luo Qingchuan with their eyes wide open.

"Haha! Hahahaha! Hahahahaha!" Luo Qingchuan at this moment, regardless of the eyes of those in front of him, laughed at himself.

"Strength! Strength! I feel a powerful force like never before!" Luo Qingchuan clenched his two fists, feeling the powerful power contained in his two fists, and continued to laugh.

And his whole person's breath followed the great changes, his long hair and his robes danced without wind, only showing the style of a peerless power!

"This boy, today, stepped into the realm of Jiuxing Wudi, he is crazy!" Mo Xiao looked at Luo Qingchuan in front of him and said with disdain.

"How unhappy he was! I met the master six months ago, but in the realm of Samsung Wudi, and only followed the master, he entered Jiuxing Wudi in six months.

In this world, geniuses who have worked hard and gradually become stronger step by step. If someone hears that they have stepped from Samsung to Jiuxing within half a year, they must be hit hard. "Ling Yefeng followed.

"Hahaha, master! Brother! Brother two! You are here." At this time, Luo Qingchuan noticed Shi Feng and the others in front of him, laughing at them, and sitting with their knees crossed, followed. Slowly stood up, standing proudly in this dark void.

"Master, Tuer did not live up to your expectations, and finally entered this step!" Luo Qingchuan said with excitement and joy at Shi Feng.

"Huh!" Shi Feng nodded indifferently, and said, "I have known for a long time that one day you will definitely have such achievements.

In the next few days, you will be in a stable state. After seven days, you will all travel to the Northern Territory with your division to fight for the spirit family! "

"At that time, Qingchuan will do her utmost to sweep out all the enemies for the master!" Luo Qingchuan said firmly, "There are still the remaining five scum emperors, and one day, they will be ordered to ambush! "

The seven great emperors who had assaulted Shi Feng that year, now killed the sword emperor Yue Xiao, and the thunder emperor Aurora Star, are being tortured by all ghosts, and five more!

When Ling Yefeng heard Luo Qingchuan's words, she said to Shi Feng:

"Master, just now I heard from the dark camp that we sent someone to the five ancestral gates and territories of the past, but the five did not return and are now missing. It seems that they know we will not Let him go, and I don't know where to flee. "

"These five dregs are no surprise to us. Ye Feng, you send someone to keep an eye on the mountain of destiny. As soon as there is a trace of the old man, let him immediately inform us. "Shi Feng said.

Tianheng is so big in the continent. If the five people really want to hide, it is really not easy to find. But if you find the old man of the day, that is, the old man of destiny, with his control of the way of destiny, it will be different.

What's more, there are two disciples who are still missing and whose lives and deaths are Leng Aoyue and Yun Yimeng. They have to rely on that old man.

"I understand Master!" Ling Yefeng nodded at Shi Feng.

Then, a dark stone was taken out of the storage ring by Ling Yefeng, a mysterious mark, and Ling Yefeng entered into it, and a dark light flashed on the dark stone.

Ling Yefeng, through this mysterious dark stone, has passed back to the dark camp what she needs to send someone to do.

"The next seven days, you will prepare for each of them! Seven days later, we will fight the hidden family in the Northern Territory, the spirit family!" Shi Feng looked at his three disciples, one apprentice, and said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" The four responded!

(End of this chapter)

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