Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 896: Raging spirit waste

Chapter 896: Raging Spiritual Wasteland

The two white-robed old men from Jiuxing Peerless Emperor Wudi's realm joined forces to make a full blow, and they felt that the young man who had sought his way to death would surely die without any suspense of surviving.

This is the power of both of them, with absolute confidence!

Both of them are peerless powerhouses who have entered the realm of Jiuxing Wudi for several years. The palm print they have worked together is one of the martial arts skills of the spiritual family. Even if the young man is in a vertical position, he is very young. Stepped into the realm of Jiuxing Wudi, but how could he be his rival.

Facing the joint attack of the two of them, he had to die!

Shi Feng looked at the huge cyan palm print that was banging at him, but sneered sneerly: "Is the two old things combined to strike such a force? These years of cultivation seem to be cultivation Go to the dog! "

When talking, Shi Fengfei's body didn't stop at all, clenched his right hand, and came to the huge cyan palm print towards the bombardment, and a punch burst out suddenly.

"Break me!" Shi Feng gave a low drink when his fist collided with a huge palm print.

At the same time, the two old men in the front of the Ling family changed their faces immediately, and they sensed that the boy was bombarded with the power of their punches.

"No! Impossible! How could such a force exist in the world!"

"The punch that he launched surpassed you and me together! This ... how is this possible!"

The old men of the two spirit families were full of horror, and they couldn't believe it, murmured.

Immediately after, the facts appeared in front of the two old men. The power of Shi Feng's punch immediately broke through the huge cyan palm print, and the figure passed directly over the cyan palm print. Under it, the huge cyan palm print disappeared without a trace.

"Two old immortals, take your life!" After blasting the green palm prints of the two old men, Shi Feng continued to rush forward towards the front and continued to the two old men.

At this moment, Shi Feng's disdainful smile even worse.

"Fast! Rewind! Let's go and meet other people!"

The two old men showed panic when they saw that the boy continued to rush forward. They just realized that the boy wasn't trying to find a way out, but had the strength to kill both of them with one person.

Following this, their bodies quickly retreated toward the rear to avoid fighting with Shi Feng.

"Huh, want to run ?!" Just then, among the crowd behind, Shi Feng, the fifth disciple of Shi Feng, issued a disdainful hum.

Following this, Xiao Tianyi attacked with a soul, Jiuyou shocked the soul mark, and shocked the two old men who retreated.



Suddenly, the two regressive old men suddenly trembled and stopped flying, showing pain in their faces, and a painful roar came out of their mouths.

Xiao Tianyi, the world ’s first master of master craftsman Xiao Tianyi, although it ’s not long before he first entered the ninth-order emperor's practice, it does not mean that his soul power has just entered the emperor-level.

Before many days, Xiao Tianyi, who practiced the spirit of Jiuyou Gong, had entered the Nineth Order Emperor Power. Now, his soul power has reached the Nine-star Emperor level!

It can be said that in this world today, he is not only the world's first master practitioner, but also the most powerful soul. There is no one!

Under the bombardment of Xiao Tianyi's nine-star emperor-level soul, the two retired old men had been wounded in the silence.

And Shi Feng, who rushed towards them, naturally would not let go of such great opportunities. He clenched his fists in his hands and quickly rushed to the two old men. Two fists rushed towards their heart, suddenly Shelled out.



Then, two screams, and yelled from the mouths of the two old men, and when they regained consciousness, they had seen their own doom.

His heart has been brutally penetrated by Shi Feng's fist.

"You can all die!" Shi Feng said coldly to the two old men. Then, the two old men only felt that their whole blood was boiling violently, going up against the current, and converging towards the heart that was penetrated.

An unspeakable pain spread throughout their bodies. Then, their bodies were drying up quickly, and their consciousness gradually became blurred until it dissipated.

The soulless Jiuxing Peerless Emperor Wudi, two unknown old men, fell!

The blood of the two corpses was swallowed and cleaned, and Shi Feng quickly swallowed their power of death, the power of soul, and then, shaking their hands with one hand, threw the two dried corpses on their hands to the bottom. Earth.

At this moment, Shi Feng's eyes were condensed, his body turned to the right, and his gaze turned to the front: "Huh? It's getting in the way again! It seems that the real battle is about to erupt here! ! "

And in the void not far behind Shi Feng and others, young figures lurking secretly. But at this moment, the faces of these young people, these young masters of the spirit family, were extremely terrified and horrified.

these people! wrong! this person! Just this young man, with his own power, even killed the two elders who guarded the spirit Yinfeng!

As the people of the spirit family, they all know that the elders of the two guardian spirits Yinfeng and their martial realm are all in the realm of Jiuxing Peerless Emperor!

But now in this world, the two who have the highest level of martial arts. He was killed by his own power!

This boy has reached such a level of strength! This. . This is what Linghuang said, is the warrior **** from that barren land in the Eastern Region?

This. . Can this be called slag?

At this moment, their eyes were all focused on the spiritual waste.

Although Lingtian was abolished and his tongue was pulled out, at his request, he still called a master of the Ling family, without having to send him to the medical hall, and let him bring him here directly.

Lingxia wants to see with his own eyes, how these people who break into the spiritual family, those who make themselves a waste, died tragically in the hands of their strong family.

But Lingxia didn't think of it, he never thought of it anyway. The man who had been in the Eastern Regions in his eyes but was no different from the ants, just killed two strong men in Jiuxing Wudi Realm just now!

Seeing the spiritual shortage in this scene was like a dream, and felt extremely unreal. At that time in the Eastern Region, in that small country, that person was just a small martial artist in the realm of Wu Zun.

At that time, if it wasn't for Ling Lei to stop himself, at that time, he should have beheaded the animal to kill him, how could he make him so mad now! Where can I become like this!


Think about a year ago, think of yourself who is now in such a state, and suddenly, the spiritual waste has become violent! His eyes were flushed, his face became haggard again, and his mouth shouted "ahhhhhh" again.

He is not reconciled! He is not willing!

Had it not been for that **** of Linglei who was holding herself back then, she could have killed this little animal at that time!

(End of this chapter)

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