Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 897: This seat is the Nether

Chapter 897: This Place Is Nether

However, no matter how unwilling the spirit shortage is and how cruel and cruel it looks, it is no use. In this world, there is no regret medicine!

That young man who he could kill at random a year ago, he can no longer kill, and his spiritual waste has been reduced to a disabled person.

"Linglei! Slut! Slut! If it wasn't for you **** to stop, this beast, I would have killed it a year ago!" The violent Linghuang scolded in his heart. The figure of the woman appeared in his mind, and then in the mind of Linghuang, he tore the woman to pieces.

Before she was torn into pieces, give her back. .

. .

Over Lingyin Peak, the powerful men led by Shi Feng turned around at the moment, looking at the same sky as Shi Feng, in the same direction, they had sensed that in the void ahead, there were ten Several powerful breaths were approaching quickly in this direction.

After those dozen breaths, there are countless breaths to follow, it seems that the strong man of this spiritual family has already dispatched almost all members and is killing to the side where he is.

"Fifteen breaths! This Ling family, I took a Lingsang, killed two old men, and there are still fifteen strong men in the nine-star Wudi realm! It is worthy of the descendants of Lingwu the Great!"

Shi Feng said, saying. But immediately following, Shi Feng's face changed, her mouth twitched, and she smiled coldly: "After today, the Ling family will completely disappear into the history of my Tianheng continent!"

Shi Feng's bland tone, and the grotesque words she uttered, echoed between this world.

The young men over there, after hearing this young man's words, each one's face changed with the big changes again, and then clenched his fists one by one, full of anger!

Arrogant! This man is so arrogant!

"What a great tone! Today's seat is for you to see, how do you make my spirit family disappear today!"

"My husband is also curious! A arrogant child, what can I do to make my spirit family disappear!"

"Breaking into my spirit family! Kill my spirit family children! Break into my spirit family Lingyinfeng heavy ground! Kill my two spirit family elders! Each of these counts adds up to death!"

Immediately after, one after another the sound of drinking rang, and then, one after another, appeared on the other side of the void, followed by, and appeared in the eyes of Shi Feng and others.

In the forefront of the Ling family, fifteen peerless powerhouses from the nine-star Wudi realm arrived. Standing at the center were three middle-aged men with similar looks. The remaining twelve were all gray-haired. Is an old man who has lived a long time!

Behind them was the densely packed martial arts warrior who followed them.

Shi Feng's gaze gazed at the three middle-aged men. Eventually, the gaze focused on the man in the center, and he said coldly, "Presumably, you are the head of the spiritual family, and you're stunned!"

"This seat is exactly! What kind of people are thieves and so on! They even broke into my spirit house and killed my spirit house! Damn it!" The spirit house owner was indifferent and answered coldly.

"As the owner of the spiritual family, you have no way of discipline. You have acted arrogantly, and the evil is full, and the animal that even the 80-year-old wife has not let go. This visit to your spiritual family this time is to ask your spiritual family to ask for an explanation. ! "

Shi Feng said, suddenly the **** light flashed in front of him, and the light dissipated, revealing a figure of howling, kneeling on his knees to the warrior of Lingjia.



"Cousin Lingsang! He! He!"

Everyone in the Ling family exclaimed when they saw Ling Sang kneeling in front of Shi Feng.

There were a few young masters from the Ling family, and when they saw Ling Sang, they followed them quickly and exclaimed. This boy not only killed the two elders with extraordinary powers in their spiritual family, but even Uncle Lingsang, who had not been seen for many days, fell into his hands.

Father Lingsang! That is also a generation of arrogant figures of the spirit family, who stepped into the peerless power of Jiuxing Wudi.

And at this moment, the heavenly pride in their hearts turned out to be a disappointment, and they were at the mercy of the people, kneeling in the void. This made them unacceptable for a while, and it was even more difficult for them to accept than Ling Lingsang's killing.

"You! You let him go!" The spirit family's master was full of spirits. When he saw the Lingsang, his face was full of anger, and his right hand condensed his sword and pointed at Shi Feng.

"The evil man that Ben Shao said to be evil-doing is this beast! Today, your spiritual family, no matter what, give me an account!" Shi Feng said to the Lingsang leisurely.

Lingsang, how can he say he will pay it back!

"You!" Linghun said "You", followed by his eyes, and he looked coldly at Shi Feng, followed by a cold voice: "Are you, the Nine You Emperor who was reborn in the rumor, Nether!"

When Lingsang left Ling's house that day, others didn't know it, but Linghun naturally knew it.

When Ling Sang left, he told him the Great Emperor Jiuyou and the call of the strongmen in the Zhongzhou Bright Camp, but Linghun didn't care.

Goodbye Lingsang now, it seems that Lingsang has not been killed, but captured.

"Nine You Emperor! Nether!"

"Nether! It is rumored that the Nine You Emperor Nether is reborn in this world, is it him?"

As soon as the lingering words came out, the crowd of spirits behind him suddenly burst into exclaims.

"What! Is he the Nine You Emperor Nether? No!" The young masters also exclaimed in exclamation.

"The Nine You Emperor Nether! Nine You Emperor Nether! He is the Nine You Emperor! Nether!" At this time, even Luo Qingchuan pulled out his tongue and broke the spiritual wasteland of Dantian, saying in disbelief.

Then, it was "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" ", full of fury and madness.

"Ah! Nether! Nine Nine Great Emperor Nine! Almost so little! Just a little bit worse! I was so scared that I killed the reborn Nine Nine Great Emperor! Ling Lei Ling Lei! You stinky Son! It's all you! It's all your stinking bitch! If there is something wrong with my spirit family today, you are a sinner that our spirit family will never forgive! "

When Linghuang heard that the master of the family was insane, saying that Shi Feng was the legendary reincarnation, he was even more unwilling.

At this time, it was a questioning question, and Shi Feng said, "Yes! This is the ghost!"

Followed by, Shi Feng said coldly again: "This seat will lead an army today to slay your spiritual family! If you break Dandan yourself, this seat will spare him! If not, the soul will fly away!

Become a waste or a ghost, you choose! "

After speaking, Shi Feng looked down at the Fang Ling family and looked serious, as if waiting for them to make a decision!

(End of this chapter)

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