Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 201 The Secret Base in the Canyon

Near noon, the city gradually woke up and became more and more noisy.

A heavy truck shuttled through the traffic, it was Lanmu.

With the newly updated supercomputer, Lanmu can invade the world's network only through WiFi.

The countless invisible signal lines spreading in the air seemed undefended, allowing his strong signal to insert.


"According to the information provided by the informant, the lost vehicle is Western Star 4900..."

"Someone reported the incident at Butte Auto Repair Factory. Thugs vandalized the factory maliciously and fled the scene driving a Western Star heavy truck."

"The witnesses provided incorrect information and the license plates did not match, but the appearance was fairly consistent with the missing vehicle."

"...Tracked the target vehicle! Surveillance shows that the target is on the main street of the old city..."

"What happened? We got hacked!"

The unmanned heavy-duty truck broadcasts information about the police tracking down the lost vehicle.

Lan Mu immediately hacked into the monitoring system, causing the electronic eyes in the entire old city to fail, and at the same time, the previous videos could not be retrieved.

However, although he can easily block the surveillance, so that the police can't find his detailed location, but as a car, he will inevitably encounter a miserable incident.

traffic jam.

I don't know what kind of ghost event is being held on this avenue. A convoy occupies most of the avenue, mostly double-decker buses, with music playing from huge speakers, and a group of men and women in costumes dancing on the roof.

Coupled with the fact that there are too many vehicles, Lan Mu's heavy truck was helplessly blocked on the road, and he could only go with the flow, even if he wanted to overtake.

In the crowd, there are still many passers-by, so Lan Mu can't directly rocket into the air, can he? Or deformed to stand up and cross traffic?

The traffic jam severely limited Lan Mu's speed, and when the traffic flow relaxed a little, he found a police car coming this way through his electronic eyes.

"It's really troublesome, it seems that I have to leave the city as soon as possible..."

Lan Mu turned his head and drove into a large parking lot on the side of the road, parked steadily, and while no one else was paying attention, the car miraculously began to change color.

Just like special effects, it transformed from a domineering heavy truck into a half-scrapped broken truck with a very sci-fi effect.

It was tattered and dirty, and looked as if it was covered with dust. Even the brand was different, including the license plate number he spoofed before, and it became a normal prefix.

The local license plate is used, the big numbers are short and conspicuous, and there is a string of English underneath.

After a while, two big-armed policemen walked into the parking lot, and an enthusiastic passer-by beside them pointed inside and said, "I saw that car go in with my own eyes! Absolutely!"

"Very good! Thanks for the information."

The two policemen began to check the vehicles in the parking lot, and soon found a truck, which was the one Lan Mu allegedly disguised.

"For heavy trucks, this one seems to be the only one..."

"Haha, how is it possible? This broken car has been here for at least several years. Look, it's rusted and almost scrapped."

"That's right, the lost vehicle is a brand new Western Star, and the gap between this one is too far."

"Look, its license plate number is 233, not what we're looking for..."

"Okay, let's go upstairs and have a look."

The two policemen compared Lanmu's car with the car in the photo, and immediately left with a smile.

They then searched the entire parking lot, but did not find the heavy truck.

"How could it be? I clearly saw a Western Star driving in!"

"Boy! How dare you trick the police? Did you know I could charge you with obstruction?"

The policemen were very upset and spoke viciously. As for the witness, he looked aggrieved. He knew it would be so evil, so he was not enthusiastic about giving directions.

But they didn't know that the dirty, broken car downstairs suddenly started to drive by itself and left the parking lot.

The policeman standing outside looked up and saw that it was such a broken car, so he didn't care anymore.

Lan Mu left so generously, and soon drove to the wilderness road.

The appearance also changed at the same time, and it turned into a domineering western star again, and the red and blue flame spray paint was also shiny.

As he got farther and farther away from the city, through the satellite map, he was constantly calculating where he was when he first transformed.

"Before transforming, I deliberately stopped to count silently. I remember it was a grand canyon, but there are so many canyons in the west, which one is it?"

The high-efficiency computer quickly checks each canyon, and according to the distance from Las Vegas, and the scenery in the satellite photos, it corresponds to Lan Mu's memory.

Three targets were quickly identified, and all three of these places may be where he first became the core energy.

"The nearest one is more than 100 kilometers away, go and have a look!"

"Best metal and space ring must be found no matter what!"


In the wilderness, Lan Mu has left the road and is galloping freely on the Gobi Desert.

Suddenly, five off-road vehicles were found in front of them, all of which were top-notch off-road vehicles with one of the best performances.

Some young people were sitting in the car, shouting and driving the car very fast.

They enjoy the feeling of bumping in the desert, where they can drive freely without worrying about traffic rules.

However, Lan Mu was obviously faster than them, and a heavy truck just overtook all the off-road vehicles one by one.


The heavy truck sped away between the five off-road vehicles, kicking up a pile of gravel.

"WTF? Truck?"

The young people in the racing car stared blankly at being overtaken by a heavy truck!

They are a group of rotten dudes who often race in the wilderness of Las Vegas. Sometimes they deliberately use supercars, and they have scrapped several of them. Today they agreed to race with off-road vehicles. How could they know that the race was halfway through? , A heavy truck came in?

"It's faster than us? Faster than him!"

Of course they couldn't see that there was no one in the car, they only thought that the driver of a passing heavy truck saw them racing and couldn't help but intervene.

This group of people is not willing to be surpassed by others, and they will surpass them no matter what they say. So the speed was pushed to the limit, and he just caught up with the heavy truck.

When Lan Mu found out that they were chasing after him, he couldn't laugh or cry, and said to himself that he was really just passing by, why are you following me?

Drag racing gangs don't care if you're passing by or not, if you overtake them in front of them, it's a malicious provocation, and you can never let it go.

This group of young people ignored the violent bumps of the vehicle. Even though they were wearing seat belts, they still jumped up and down, shaking so much that they were almost thrown out.

"Hurry up! Overtake him!"

What was originally a race within five cars has now become a duel between them and a passer-by truck.

Lan Mu was not interested in comparing speed with them, so after thinking about it, he directly turned on the liquid nitrogen rocket thruster.

Although this car has been remodeled, its stability and speed have been greatly enhanced, but it is still in the category of a car, and it is not against the sky.

Lan Mu was going to the Grand Canyon to find the lost containment items, and he didn't want to waste time with this group of people, so he planned to get rid of them directly.

"Don't follow..."

"Boom! Woooooo..."

The heavy truck accelerated instantly and quickly opened the distance. The four nozzles at the rear of the car emitted red and blue flames to push the car.

In the blink of an eye, a large section of the five off-road vehicles was thrown away, so fast that they were about to fly, bouncing around like floating on the bumpy road.

Gradually drifting away, soon only a shadow can be seen.

"Shet! What kind of nitrogen do you put on a broken truck to accelerate?"

"That doesn't seem to be accelerated by nitrogen, right? Why is it like a rocket?"

"Could it be a rocket?"

"Are you still chasing?"

"How to chase! You can't even see it!"

The five off-road vehicles stopped and looked at the heavy truck going away in frustration. They completely lost interest in continuing the competition.

"Let's go back and gamble..."


An hour later, Lan Mu came to the first canyon, looking at the charming canyon style, Lan Mu kept scanning, looking for two contained objects.


After searching several times, Lan Mu left here and went to the next location.

A small carved wood ring, which is not made of metal, is particularly troublesome to find.

Not to mention Best Metal, the most inert metal in history, cannot be detected by metal detectors, and must be searched inch by inch with infrared cameras and capture cameras.

After transforming into a silicon-based life form, the mental power fails, and even those blood clones can't sense it.

His five senses come from various mechanical devices, and machinery, programs and network signals are his areas of expertise.

Lan Mu can only rely on the various small instruments he made to find slowly.

Instead of finding the contents, he found an airport runway.

As soon as he arrived near the second location, Lan Mu saw that the road ahead was blocked by roadblocks.

The guards equipped with high-tech equipment indifferently warned Lan Mu: "Stop! No access ahead, get out of here!"

"Where is this?" Lan Mu asked with a horn protruding from the door.

Unexpectedly, the guards didn't answer at all, just pulled out a pistol and pointed it at the ground, saying, "Leave immediately! Second warning!"

"OK! OK!" Lan Mu reversed the car and retreated.

Next, even if he didn't take the road and approached the canyon from the desert, he could still see barbed wire fences and patrolling guard vehicles.

Those guard vehicles also have extremely advanced infrared tracking equipment, and they can always find Lan Mu's truck and give stern warnings.

As a result, Lan Mu no longer approached this area, and wandered a kilometer away.

He found that there are red prohibition signs everywhere in the vicinity, such as no photography, no entry, and even a sign that reads: "Authorized to use lethal weapons."

"Huh? There are secret bases in such a desert?"

By calling commercial satellites, Lan Mu discovered that this mysterious airport located in the desert, in a canyon southwest of the airport, which is the second canyon that Lan Mu is going to, has a secret base, but it is all hidden in the canyon mountain Inside, it is invisible through satellites.

"This base is completely disconnected from the Internet! Interesting, are there any bases that don't use the Internet?"

Although the underground base is not connected to the Internet, it still has electromagnetic signals and various radiations, which at least shows that the base is not completely operated manually.

It was these signals that allowed Lan Mu to discover the specific location of the base, and through infrared scanning, a part of the steel wall could be seen through the mountain.

"If I hadn't come here in person, I would never have found this base from the satellite."

Lan Mu intercepted some of the signals emitted by the base. The content of the signals was chaotic and obviously subject to advanced encryption.

The content of the signal was decrypted with a computer, and various methods were tried without success.

Obviously, what this base uses is not any kind of encryption method known in the world, but an extremely complex encryption method created by itself.

"It's really troublesome. It seems that the security level of this base is very high... Could it be CANC's secret base?"

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