Non-human Gene Complex

Chapter 202 Area 51

Lan Mu temporarily gave up exploring this base, who made this transformation not as powerful as before, and his hiding ability and combat ability are not very strong.

Especially the way of fighting is okay to bully ordinary people, but it is very troublesome to deal with regular troops.

He himself is also using science-level weapons. If he encounters an aircraft attack or missile bombing, although he can deceive the missiles through signal interference, it will be very difficult to escape.

"Let's go to the third canyon first..."

Lan Mu suppressed his curiosity, bypassed this area, and immediately rushed to the third location.

"It should be impossible to fall into this canyon, otherwise I couldn't have found the base when I was in the blood race state."

Lan Mu basically ruled out the possibility that the contents were lost in the second canyon, but he was a little relieved.

It is more important to retrieve the lost containment as soon as possible. If it is really lost here, it may have been discovered by such a secret base personnel long ago.

Sure enough, as he expected, after searching for a long time at the third location, he finally found Best Metal and a space ring nearby.

"Great!" Lan Mu was delighted.

Transformed into a tall robot, picked up two contained items with a suction cup, a window on the chest popped open automatically, and placed them in a small locker inside.

Lan Mu was very relieved to find the two lost containment items without causing any bad consequences.

However, the secret base that he encountered by accident before has always lingered in his heart, like a stick in his throat.

"Is that a containment base?"

"Is it CANC's or America's own?"

"If it's the United States itself... By the way, blood clans are all over the United States, and even the military and Congress have infiltrated many blood clans. Why don't you just ask them?"

Lan Mu secretly smiled in his heart, he is no longer the lone traveler he used to be, but he has a large group of descendants under his command, and his power is not what it used to be.

"Beep beep..."

I called Bai Ze directly through the satellite, and it was connected quickly.

"Who?" Bai Ze asked.

"It's me, Lan Mu."

"Really?" Bai Ze was puzzled, he could hear the synthesized voice here.

"Tsk tsk, do you really want to feel the burning sensation in your soul? Are you a masochist?" Lan Mu said angrily.

If he hadn't transformed into a silicon-based creature, his soul and body were gone, and he couldn't even sense the soul contract, he would have passed the punishment of a soul long ago.

After transforming into a silicon-based creature, the life form made Lan Mu very uncomfortable. Except that the main consciousness was still himself, everything else was very awkward.

The five senses rely on technology, and he has also lost his mental scan. The feeling of omniscience and omnipotence in the past is gone, which makes him feel weakened several times.

"Are you really the master?" Bai Ze didn't wait for the soul punishment, so he really couldn't believe it.

"Bai Ze...are you a pig? When I change back, you will know what pain is!" Then Lan Mu scolded him furiously, so that Bai Ze thought that there would be my secret number in this world and he would scold me like this The only one who doesn't explain is probably the owner.

So Bai Ze hurriedly said: "Don't scold Master... I know it's you!"

Lan Mu hummed, he wasn't angry, but since he couldn't use the soul contract to prove himself, he didn't bother to explain, so he deliberately used this method to let Bai Ze know that he was Lan Mu.

"Let me ask you, Lincoln County in southern Nevada, 130 kilometers southeast from downtown Las Vegas... What is this place?" Lan Mu asked directly.

Bai Ze was taken aback, thinking how would I know? But he still said: "This range is too big, master, what do you want to ask?"

Lan Mu found a dry lake next to the base through the satellite, and said: "There is a lake next to it, called Groom Lake. The place I am talking about is a secret base, which cannot be found on the satellite, but a military airport can be seen .”

"Uh...Master, is the place you mentioned the Amy Grant Valley?" Then Bai Ze reported a series of coordinates, and Lan Mu quickly found the corresponding place, which was the airport.

"That's right, is that a containment base?"

Bai Ze smiled wryly: "I really don't know... There are too many containment bases in CANC, many of which are top secret, and I'm not a senior member..."

Sensing the silence on the other end of the phone, Bai Ze hurriedly said: "But I can check! Master, give me a little time. Today, two senior advisers from the Ministry of National Defense happened to become fourth-generation blood clans. I will go and ask now."

Then Lan Mu waited silently, and after about twenty minutes, Bai Ze spoke again.

"Is the master there?"


"I asked about that place. It's famous, but I didn't remember it just now..." Bai Ze said in embarrassment.

"Oh? Famous?" Lan Mu was stunned.

"Yeah...that's Area 51!"

"Oh!" Lan Mu suddenly realized that he did know this place.

Area 51 has always been a curious and mysterious area in the United States. It is a secret base with a high level of security. Legend has it that it shoulders a heavy responsibility related to the fate of the United States.

There are many folk legends about it, and many UFO and alien incidents are always linked to it. It is often rumored that mysterious and abnormal phenomena appear in the area near it, so almost everyone knows its name.

In the end, almost any strange things among the people have to be related to Area 51, otherwise no one will believe it.

The media has exposed several leaks about the secrets of Area 51, and they were all later deemed to be man-made spoofs. In fact, Area 51 has never been really exposed.

Only those who are ordered by the highest level of the military, the highest level of intelligence agencies, the highest level of the Ministry of Defense, or the president can enter it. No one else is allowed to enter, no matter how high your rank is or how much lifeline you hold.

As a reporter, Lan Mu used to pay attention to various rumors in Area 51 with some curiosity and interest, but after many years, he came outside Area 51 in person, but he did not know him anymore.

Hearing the confirmation from Bai Ze's mouth, it was only then that he recalled, isn't Area 51 in the desert of Nevada?

"What's in Area 51?" Lan Mu asked curiously.

"There are alien objects..." Bai Ze said.

"What else? What about the aliens? What about the spacecraft?"

Bai Ze grunted and said, "Only one of the two senior consultants has entered Area 51. He said there might be aliens and spaceships inside, but he couldn't be sure. The only thing he saw with his own eyes was an alien object. It's a physics laboratory."

"Why do you say it's an alien item?" Lan Mu asked.

"Because that laboratory can simulate the laws of physics 100% realistically. On the surface, it is a room of ten meters by ten meters by ten meters. The physical constants of the interior space of the laboratory can be adjusted at will, including the speed of light, the gravitational constant, and the Prom Gram constant, basic charge, strong force, weak force." Bai Ze continued: "The consultant saw a large dog used for experiments outside the observation window of the laboratory, and the volume continued to shrink as the speed of light continued to decrease. , the reaction force also dropped significantly, and finally the body distorted and collapsed into a black hole."

"The staff in Area 51 detect the radiation level of the black hole and record the data after the speed of light is restored. For physicists, this is the perfect testing ground. They can obtain a lot of precious data, which is of great help to the progress of scientific research. The fact is that the military has achieved a lot of military results."

Bai Ze added: "Even if it takes another two hundred years for human beings to manufacture such a laboratory, the technological content contained in it has exceeded the understanding of scientists in Area 51, so it is called an alien item... By the way, that The consultant didn’t know the containment existed, so he should have been deceived by the so-called alien object, that is a containment that is helpful for scientific research!”

Lan Mu asked: "After a long time, it's still a containment object? Are there any aliens?"

Bai Ze said: "I really don't know... But what can be confirmed is that this is not the containment base of CANC, because CANC will not allow the containment base to be controlled by the American military from scientific research personnel to security personnel."

"This is America's own containment base? The second Qianlong?" Lan Mu was stunned.

"It can be understood in this way... I guess this is a research conducted by the United States in private, which violates the agreement with CANC."

Lan Mu suddenly became worried, and asked: " it only the physical constants in the room that are changed? Will it affect the outside world?"

If the containment is in the hands of CANC, Lan Mu knows that the organization will take good care of it, but now it is in the hands of the American military, which immediately makes Lan Mu feel worried.

Bai Ze said: "For the time being, it doesn't seem to have any effect... But if such a containment has side effects, it will definitely cause terrible consequences..."

Lan Mu knows the danger of the containment. A containment that can change physical constants and even slow down the speed of light to create a black hole. If a disaster erupts, it will definitely be doomsday...

The United States is using it to study military technology. In case of any consequences due to abuse, Lan Mu said that he does not want to lie down.

Looking at his mechanical body, Lan Mu felt a little helpless. It was definitely not feasible to drive a truck in and grab it.

So he asked, "Does CANC have a reporting line?"

"Ahem!" Bai Ze choked, and said speechlessly, "Master, we are the containment organization, why should we call for reporting?"

"Let me just say it casually...mainly because I am in an embarrassing state now."

Lan Mu briefly talked about his current transformation, and Bai Ze was both surprised and delighted.

"Master! You have turned into a silicon-based creature! My God! Isn't the Internet your back garden? Mechanical technology is far beyond the current civilization?"

Lan Mu said: "Did you forget that I don't have memory inheritance? Although my body's technological content is already very high, I don't know much about high technology. What I rely on is the magical transformation energy that uses a little bit less."

"The only thing I can do is to transform low-level technology into high-level technology, and hand over the finished product to your scientists for reverse research. Maybe it will be helpful."

Bai Ze was slightly disappointed: "Is this..."

But then he cheered up again, excitedly said: "Master! Material! It's material!"

"What?" Lan Mu was stunned.

Bai Ze shouted: "Transformable metal material! If we can research this thing, we can create an army of deformable machines!"

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