The three of them collected the flying boat and landed in front of Wanghai Tower.


   Wen Chengtian took the two to the top of Wanghai Building, and Zhenjun Liaofeng looked around on the viewing platform.


   "The view that the scenery of the hot spring island is the most icy sea is indeed not groundless.


   I had heard this statement in the early years, but at that time the cultivation level was too low to pass through the vast ice sea and come to the vicinity of Xuan Iceland.


   Later, the cultivation base was brought up, but he was also busy with the affairs of the clan and no longer had time to travel around.


   The dream more than a thousand years ago has finally come true. "


   Wen Chengtian smiled and said: "If the Taoist friends like it, staying here for a few more years is not a problem.


   On the edge of the hot spring lake, there is also a shop opened by Wang Daoyou's family.


   Especially the Zuixianlou, the cuisine is superb. "


   "Unexpectedly, Wang Daoyou still has such a method. If you have the opportunity, you will definitely taste it.


   However, now the war on Qizhen Island is going on, and I have no intention of staying here for long.


  Since the words of the Wen family and the Wang family are all here, then I will not hide it.


   I’m here to invite your two to join the Seven Star Alliance and fight the Blood Shark Pirates with us.


   As long as the two can agree, your status in the future will not be lower than my Tianshu Sect. "


   This condition is indeed not low, and it is very attractive to writers.


   After all, the Wen family has been trapped in Xuan Iceland for many years, and there is not much room for expansion.


   If you want to go further, the best choice is to do something in the Sea of ​​Seven Stars.


   It's just that the Seven Star Alliance and the Blood Shark Pirates have been at peace before. The Wen family is not as powerful as these two, so naturally they dare not enter.


   Especially in the past few hundred years, there have been two disputes between the patriarchs in the Wen family, and the Yuan Ying monks in the family have been purged twice.


   His strength was severely damaged, and he is still in the stage of recuperation.


   If there is a chance to occupy a place in the Seven Star Alliance, there must be many benefits.


   But now the Seven Star Alliance and the Blood Shark Pirates have all played out their brains, and now they are taking refuge in the past, that is proper cannon fodder.


   Wen Chengtian sighed: "The conditions given by fellow Taoist Liao Feng, I am indeed very moved.


   Unfortunately, the timing is wrong.


   My literary family went through two seizures of power, and Yuanying people suffered heavy losses.


   Now is the time when the family is weakest, even if it is expansion, it doesn't make much sense.


  Moreover, my literary family and the blood shark thief have never had a holiday.


   It's also a bit unethical to beat them suddenly.


   Therefore, I can only understand the kindness of fellow Taoist Liu Feng. "


  Wang Daoyuan had already passed qi with Wen Chengtian before, so he still had to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.


   When necessary, you can give some help to the Seven Star Alliance.


   But no matter what, it can't end now.


   This is very clear. You can consider joining, but fighting is definitely not acceptable.


   Hearing this, Mr. Feng Feng heaved a sigh of relief.


  He came here just to pull the Wang family into the water, but he didn't dare to pull the Wen family into the Seven Star Alliance.


   If it weren't for Wang Daoyuan's insistence, he wouldn't come here if he was killed.


   Now that the Wen Family Patriarch has refused, he doesn't have to worry that the Wen Family will squeeze into the Seven Star Alliance with a face.


   If the Wen family is really shameless and insists on joining the Seven Star Alliance, then the Seven Star Alliance high-level officials will have to fight for power and profit, and fierce conflicts will erupt.


   However, the play still has to be a full set.


   "It's a shame that Wen Dao friends don't want to join.


   However, I came here on behalf of the fellow daoists of the Seven Star Alliance, and I still have something to ask for. "


  Wang Daoyuan knew that the drama was coming. The previous words were all courtesy for a long time, and now it's the matter of business. .


   Wen Chengtian smiled and said, "It’s okay to say that it’s okay to fellow Taoists."


   "Actually, I am here this time, in addition to inviting the two to join the Seven Star Alliance, I have plans to ask for help."


   Wang Daoyuan answered: "Friends of the wind, the former fellow Wen Dao has already said that our two are not strong enough and have no intention of mixing up the fight between the Seven Star Alliance and the Blood Shark Pirates."


   Qifeng Zhenjun said quickly: "Wang Daoyou has misunderstood. It is not that Wen and Wang are involved in the war, but they want to buy some pill and magical items from the two.


   Although the Seven Star Alliance has a big family, it is far better than the Blood Shark in terms of resources.


   But after all, it is not a single power, but a joint formation of many sects.


   When it came time to come up with resources, all of them were digging out.


  Because of the problem of resource value, I have been clamoring all day long.


  We have no other choice. The top executives can only order, and each family will take out some spirit stones to purchase resources from outside.


   In the entire Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm, you are the only ones who can provide a large amount of supplies. "


   There was a price problem with the pill and magical instruments, so I took out the spirit stones, which saved a lot of disputes.


   Wang Daoyuan pondered for a long time before he said: "In this way, we will offend the blood shark thief.


   Although the blood shark thief is far inferior to the Seven Star Alliance, it is far better than my Wang Family and Wen Family.


   If they are hated, the life of our family will probably not be better in the future. "


   Fengshenjun smiled and said, "This battle originated from the sudden attack of the Blood Shark thief decades ago. My Seven Star Alliance is not fully prepared.


   The blood shark thief dared to do it, indicating that they are fully prepared.


   Although my Seven Star Alliance is strong, but the hearts of the people inside are uneven.


   Without adequate preparation, if there is no foreign aid, it is very likely that they will be destroyed one by one by the blood shark thieves.


  Wang Daoyou came here for the first time, and may not know much about Blood Shark Pirates.


   This blood shark thief is the Yulingzong of the year. The Wen family also has a history of tens of thousands of years. It also experienced the days when the Yulingzong was the dominant family.


   Although Yu Lingzong is far inferior to my Seven Star Alliance, it is mainly due to resource constraints.


   How strong the inheritance of Yulingzong is, the literary family also knows well.


   If the blood shark thief breaks the Seven Star Alliance, relying on the inheritance of the Yulingzong, it will not take many years to reproduce the grand occasion of the year.


   When the time comes, the Wen family may never have a chance to leave the extreme cold ice field.


   Most of the leading forces in our Seven-Star Alliance have disagreeable enemies with the Yulingzong.


   Once the blood shark thief gains power, we are bound to perish.


   The five powers of the Seven Star Alliance were destroyed, and other powers could hardly become powerful weapons.


   When the time comes, the Seven Stars Sea Cultivation Realm will be the leader of the Yulingzong family, even better than before.


   It is not impossible for them to accumulate enough power to expedition to the endless sea of ​​ice and conquer Xuan Iceland. "


  Wang Daoyuan interjected again: "What fellow Daoist said is reasonable. If the blood shark thief defeats the Seven Star Alliance, our two families will not be safe.


   But if the Seven Star Alliance eliminated the Blood Shark Pirates, the life of our two families would also be difficult. "


   The true monarch of the wind was taken aback for a moment.


   "Wang Daoyou, don't worry, it's not that I exposed my family's ugliness, the hearts of the people in the Seven Star Alliance are not uniform.


   There is not much difference in strength between Tianshu Sect, Tianji Palace and Yuheng Jianzong, and I often fight for power.


   After the Yulingzong was destroyed, the three sects met each other in battle.


   If it were not for the remnants of the Emperor Lingzong to regroup, the three sects would be divided into life and death back then, and there would not be the same situation as the enemy now.


   Shen Danzong and Kaiyangzong, although their high-level strengths are weaker, and their inheritance is not as good as our three, but their ambitions are not small.


   The two families are twisted into a single rope, and their strength is no weaker than any of our three families, forming the fourth faction.


   Other small forces are all acting in our four factions.


   Now it can barely maintain stability. Once the blood shark thief perishes, I am afraid that the Seven Star Alliance will fall apart in an instant, and the four factions will be in their own hands.


   The environment on the Seven Star Sea is much stronger than the endless ice sea.


   Rather than expedition to the ice sea at a huge price, it is better to seize the territory of the sea of ​​seven stars first. "


   Wen Chengtian also nodded: "Friends of the Wind Daoist made sense. When the Imperial Spirit Sect was prosperous, it was not just the Megatron Seven Stars Sea.


   The entire Seven-Star Sea Cultivation Realm, including the endless ice sea and the Ten Thousand Demon Islands, was overwhelmed for breath.


   My literary family did not dare to do business in the Qixing Sea area at that time, at most it opened some shops on a few small islands on the edge of the ice sea.


  If the blood shark thief gains power and rebuilds the Yulingzong, my literary family really doesn't want to see it.


   Doing some business with the Seven Star Alliance, we have no objection.


   It's just that the grade of this material has to be determined. "


   Wencheng Tian let go, Zhenjun Feng was overjoyed, and he finally came out empty-handed this time.


  "The Wen Family and Wang Family shouldn't care about ordinary spiritual relics below Tier 6.


   I want to ask if I can sell some Tier 6 spiritual objects. "


   Without waiting for Wang Daoyuan to speak, Wen Chengtian replied first: "This is difficult for us. The sixth-order spirit plant can only be raised for thousands or even tens of thousands of years, and no power will sell it.


   Tier 6 monster materials are also extremely precious.


   As for the sixth-order magical artifacts, my literary family has a wealth of so many years, and there are not many sixth-order magical artifacts. How can it be easily sold? "


   For Wang Daoyuan, it is nothing to sell some sixth-order lower-grade magical artifacts.


   The price of a sixth-order magic weapon, to say nothing, would cost millions of high-grade spirit stones.


   To Wang Daoyuan, it was just a piece of dragon scales plus a small amount of refining materials.


   The water area in the space of the Lingzhu of these New Years is getting bigger and bigger, and it has exceeded 10,000 mu.


  Gold and silver corals also reproduce in large numbers, and there are now thousands of clumps.


   A small amount of gold and silver corals have grown to the fifth-tier peak. If you smelt these corals, you can also get some fifth-tier peak metal materials.


  It is also a piece of cake to use these materials to refine the sixth-order lower-grade spirit weapons.


   The time of the Lingzhu space accelerates, and in a few years, there will be a lot of gold and silver corals at the fifth-order peak.


  Wang Daoyuan will no longer lack the materials for the sixth-order spiritual weapons. If he can sell some sixth-order lower-grade magic weapons, there is nothing wrong with it.


   It's just that the Wen family is a little worried. After all, the sixth-order spiritual weapons are not ordinary things. If the Seven Star Alliance's strength increases, the Wen family and the Wang family will be unlucky.


   Wang Daoyuan also echoed: "The sixth-order spiritual relics are too scarce. Even the Wen Family and the Seven Star Alliance's tens of thousands of years of family background are not enough.


   My Wang Family has just been established, so naturally it is extremely lacking.


   You can sell some spiritual objects below the sixth order, but there is nothing I can do about the sixth-order spiritual objects. "


   True Monarch Qifeng didn't expect to be able to buy a sixth-order spiritual weapon, so he just asked casually.


   But he still pretended to be disappointed, wanting to make the two companies make more concessions.


   "That's really a shame, I don't want to think about the sixth-order spiritual creatures, and the fifth-tier spiritual creatures have to make some concessions."


   Wen Chengtian nodded: "It's not a problem, except for those extremely important strategic materials, there is no problem in selling some of the fifth-order spiritual artifacts."


   Fengshen Jun tentatively said: "I wonder if I can help refine some Tier 5 high-grade flying warships? In these years, there will be a large number of flying warships on Qizhen Island every day.


   The Blood Shark Thief is backed by the Qizhen Island Defense Array, and our losses are very large. "


   Wen Chengtian thought about it for a long time before he said: "I have no opinion. As for whether to sell, it depends on the meaning of Wang Daoyou."


   Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "It is naturally not a problem to refine Tier 5 flying warships, but my Wang family does not have enough materials."


   Fengshenjun patted his chest and promised: "Wang Daoyou rest assured, the materials are from our Seven Star Alliance, two materials and one warship.


   Moreover, the bid for all the spiritual things was 20% higher than the market price. "


   Wang Daoyuan nodded in satisfaction: "So, I have no opinion on me."


   Fengshen Jun was overjoyed: "The Lone Star Island is a land without a master, and the Wen family opened a shop there. How about doing business there in the future?"


   Lone Star Island is not bad, close to Sunset Abyss, UU reading can get a lot of high-end materials.


  Wang Daoyuan plans to open a shop there in the next step. Trading on Lone Star Island is also a good choice.


   Wen Chengtian smiled and said: "Then follow the instructions of the Taoist friends, and trade on Lone Star Island in the future."


   Wang Daoyuan also nodded: "My Wang family also plans to do business there."


   "That's good. I will go back and announce the good news to the rest of the Seven Star Alliance. I will bring the spirit stone over in a while, and I hope that the two Taoists will prepare supplies."


   After finishing speaking, Lord Fengshen left Wanghailou, driving Ling Hai Fei Shuo to the south.


   Wen Chengtian sighed: "Let's help the Seven Star Alliance, I hope the blood shark thieves can hold it."



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