Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1096: Xingming Pavilion

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Wang Daoyuan also knew what Wen Chengtian was worried about, and he was afraid that the blood shark thief would suddenly be softened.

At that time, you will have to release the news of the son of luck.

"If you can't hold it, you can accept it. It's a big deal to get rid of the matter of the son of luck.

As long as we can kill the son of luck of the blood shark thief, most of our goals will be achieved.

When the Seven Star Alliance was scattered, the blood shark thief was wiped out, and the Seven Stars Sea was about to rise together.

Our two families are deep in the ice and sea, even if they can't swallow the seven-star sea area, at least self-protection is not a problem.

The feeling of sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight is still very good. "

Wen Chengtian laughed: "Yes, we are standing on the dry shore now, watching two tigers fighting in the mud pit.

No matter how happy we are, as long as we don't want to take the initiative to enter the mud pit, we can continue to stand on dry shore.

By the way, Fellow Wang, is the relationship between my sister and brother-in-law okay? "

Wang Daoyuan's expression was a little weird: "I can't say whether this is good or not."

"What's so bad about that?"

"When I came, they hadn't left the bridal chamber.

I’m the eldest brother, I can’t listen to the wall, right? "

Wen Chengtian thought: It's as if you haven't heard of it before, forget it, and listen to it yourself, it's better not to mention it.

Take out two jars of wine: "It looks like they are in a good relationship, let's not talk about it, let's drink two glasses.

True Monarch Xian Feng came and went in a hurry, and he didn't take a leisurely drink. You can't run away.

This is the ice and fire of my literary family, and it is also the premier wine in the entire Qixinghaixianxian realm.

The benefits for cultivation may not be as good as Wang's Baiguo Nong, but the taste is definitely not bad.

These two jars were brewed by myself and have been kept in the wine cellar for more than 500 years.

Most people want to drink 500-year-old Binghuo, so don't even think about it.

But you have to be careful, this wine is a strong drink, not many people can drink a jar.

Even if it uses spiritual power to dissolve alcohol, it is more laborious than ordinary alcohol. "

Wang Daoyuan took over a jar of wine: "I have been drinking since I was sixteen and I have only met two opponents in the past few hundred years.

One is my twelve uncle, and the other is my Taoist companion.

No matter how strong his wine is, it is not much different from white water in front of me. "

After all, open the wine jar, lightly pick the sword finger, and a water polo the size of a longan flew out of the wine jar.

The water ball fell into the entrance, and a feeling of coldness came, as if there was a piece of black ice chalcedony in his mouth.

After a while, the cold feeling completely disappeared, and a burning sensation struck, reminding Wang Daoyuan of the feeling when he refined the Chiyang Real Fire.

This feeling of duality between ice and fire, even if Wang Daoyuan was physically strong, he felt a little uncomfortable.

After a few breaths, the burning sensation subsided.

A sip of wine turned into a warm current, slowly sliding down the throat, and the whole body was warm.

Wang Daoyuan opened his eyes sharply: "It really is a good wine."

Wen Chengtian smiled proudly: "That is, this wine was obtained by chance when my ancestor of the Wen family was traveling abroad more than 30,000 years ago.

Over the past 30,000 years, my literary family has improved this wine recipe dozens of times before it has the current effect.

Is the name of Qixinghaixiuxian's No. 1 wine?

Here, let's do this altar. "

Wang Daoyuan picked up the wine jar and touched Wen Chengtian's wine jar, and then both of them drank it in one fell swoop.

Wang Daoyuan breathed a sigh of relief after more than ten breaths of recollection: "It is indeed a good wine. Although it is not very helpful to cultivation, this taste is truly amazing."

Seeing that he was not at all drunk, Wen Chengtian also praised: "Sure enough, I drink well. People in my literary family generally drink well.

There are many people who can drink a jar of ice and fire.

But if I drink an altar of ice and fire, I can still be unaffected by it. At present, my literary family is only me and the second elder Taishang. "

"My drinking is also less than rivals, are you still burning more?

If there is surplus, sell me a few altars.

If I swallow this kind of good wine alone, I'm afraid the Twelve Uncle will have to trouble me when he learns about it. "

Wen Chengtian took out a storage bag: "Don't worry, I've already prepared it for you.

Last time I saw fellow Taoist Wang Shouye, I knew he was a good drinker.

Although this ice-fire burning is not ordinary, it is far less precious than Baiguo, and hundreds of altars can be brewed every year.

There are twenty altars here, I will give it to you. "

Wang Daoyuan didn't decline either. They were all big powers, so something like this was nothing.

Received the storage bag: "Thank you, I have to go back to arrange the establishment of a shop on Lone Star Island, so I won't stay here for long."

Wen Chengtian also handed his hands and said, "In this case, I won't keep Daoist friends anymore.

On the Lone Star Island, there is a monk Yuan Ying from my Wen family who is sitting here, and I have already said hello.

When you choose a store over there, you can ask him to help. "

"Don't worry, I stayed there for a while.

Although the name of the Wang family is not very loud in the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm, it is not a problem to frighten those small forces on Lone Star Island. "

After all, he flew out of Wanghailou and took a flying boat to the southwest.

This time he didn't hide himself, Lei Peng Feizhou flew at full speed.

The distance of 300,000 miles took less than six hours.

After the flying boat fell, Wang Daoyin greeted him.

"Second brother, you can count as coming back.

I need some Tier 5 refining materials, but they are not in the treasure house of the family. I want to ask for some from you. "

Wang Daoyuan was taken aback: "What's wrong? When I came here, I didn't even say that as long as I didn't refine the equipment, I could do anything?"

Wang Daoyin's face flushed, and he hesitated for a long time before he said: "The bed is broken, I will refine a new bed with a fifth-order magical artifact."

"Hahahaha..." Wang Daoyuan patted his brother on the shoulder: "Yes, I have your old brother's demeanor."

Having said that, take out a Qiankun ring: "There are some fifth-level lower-grade refining materials, totaling more than a thousand catties.

You use it to refine a sturdy big bed, and strive to add another descendant of heavenly roots to the Wang family as soon as possible. "

"No, I didn't..."

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Yes, yes, I know, it's all my guesses, let's refining the magical tool bed."

Wang Shouye walked out of the family executive hall, and said with a smile: "Unexpectedly, Dao Yin, a sincere child, has really opened up his mind."

"Dao Yin is honest, and not stupid. There are illustrations in those double cultivation techniques. Can you understand this?

Previously, the Seven Star Alliance sent a cultivator at the beginning of the transformation to the Seven Star Alliance, hoping to pull our king's family into the Seven Star Alliance.

I took him to Xuan Iceland, and now we have reached an agreement that our Wang Family and Wen Family will sell magical artifacts and pills in the future.

The trading location is on Lone Star Island, which is next to Sunset Abyss, and there are a lot of precious refining materials on the bottom of the sea.

Opening a shop over there should be of great benefit.

It's just that someone needs to sit there too.

Daoyin will go to the hot spring island to sit there in the future, and I can only ask you to get old for matters on the Lone Star Island. "

Wang Shouye looked nonchalant: "I am the same everywhere, as long as I have enough spiritual spring water and spiritual wine, I can do anything."

Wang Daoyuan took out his storage bag: "This is the icy fire purchased from the Wen family. I drank a jar before. The taste is not bad. It is much stronger than our Baiguo Nong.

This alcohol is too strong, don't drink too much at once. "

Wang Shouye took the storage bag, opened it, and nodded in satisfaction: "Yes, there is a good wine and I know that I think about the old uncle.

When I first came, I asked what kind of spirit wine Qixinghai had.

Almost all the information points to Wen's family, but unfortunately this thing is too expensive, and I am reluctant to buy it.

Don't worry, I can tell the priorities.

I have been the prime minister in Yan State for one or two hundred years, and I have never missed anything because of drinking. "

Wang Daoyuan took out another Universe Ring: "There is a fifth-order peak sword puppet. You use the clone to raise souls and refine it into a clone.

There are nearly a million miles from Tianfu Island to Lone Star Island, and the Seven Star Sea Immortal Realm is not peaceful now. If there is no expert guarding it, flying warships would be unsafe. "

Wang Shouye nodded: "Don't worry, I know it in my heart."

"You go find a few clever juniors. Let's go to Lone Star Island to find a shop and set up the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce sign."

An hour later, Wang Daoyuan sacrificed Lei Peng Feizhou, took three golden cores, and a dozen members of the Zifu clan, and headed southeast.

A day and a half later, Lei Pengfeizhou came to the sky above Lone Star Island.

The casual cultivator on Lone Star Island was also a little surprised.

After all, most people have never seen a flying boat with such a strange shape and such a terrifying speed.

At this time, a cultivator of the late Yuanying stage came into the sky.

This person looks like a middle-aged person, and he looks young.

When he came to Lei Pengfeizhou, he said, "Dare to ask, but the senior Diyan Islands King has arrived?"

Wang Daoyuan showed his figure: "It's me, who are you?"

The Yuan Ying monk handed his hands and said: "If you go back to the predecessors, I am Wen Chenglin, the Wen family.

The owner of the family passed a letter saying that the king of Diyan Islands wanted to open a shop here, and ordered me to beat Senior Wang. "

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand: "My younger brother took a lady of the Wen Jiazhi generation, and we are also the same generation. You don't have to be polite, just call me a Daoist friend."

Wen Chenglin took out a few jade slips: "The younger generation dare not. These are some empty shops under the name of the Wen family. If Senior Wang is eye-catching, you can pick a few at will."

Wang Daoyuan secretly said in his heart that this literary family really knows how to do things.

Finding a new store on Lone Star Island is not too much trouble, but it will always take some time.

The Wen family’s help is ready, as long as the house is cleaned up, it will open in a day or two.

Moreover, the Wen family has taken the shot, and the shop given to it is absolutely not bad.

It’s not a big deal to accept the amount of the shop. When helping to refine the flying warship, it’s worth dozens of shops.

"Since the Wen Patriarch has a good intention, I can't help but know what is good or bad."

After I took the jade slip, I checked it carefully.

The locations of these shops are good, they are all near the center of Fangfang.

Suddenly, Wang Daoyuan saw a nice shop.

It's not that the location of this shop is good, but Xingming Pavilion is next to this shop.

When I came to Luoriyuan to search for the sixth-order pure yin and pure yang, I went to Xingming Pavilion to find out the news.

At that time, I felt that the Xingming Pavilion was not simple, not to say how good the news of Xingming Pavilion was.

It's just that the Nascent Soul monk who received him at that time had a wave of pure star power on his body.

Wang Daoyuan has only seen this kind of fluctuation in Star Core and Xuan Jiuxiao.

A group of Wang's children came down from the flying boat. Wang Daoyuan took the flying boat and said with a smile: "It's the shop next to Xingming Pavilion."

"Senior Wang has a good eye, this place is really good."

A group of people walked towards the shop and soon came to the front of the shop.

The shop was very clean, and a group of Wang's children entered the shop and began to decorate the furnishings in the shop.

Wang Daoyuan, Wang Shouye and Wen Chenglin came to a cave in the backyard of the shop. After opening the formation restriction, Wang Daoyuan asked: "Do you know the details of Xingming Pavilion?"

Wen Chenglin was taken aback, and it seemed that Wang Daoyuan would ask such an irrelevant question.

Then he said: "I know one thing or two, this Star Ming Pavilion is an ordinary intelligence shop on the surface, but there is actually a huge intelligence network behind it.

Moreover, this intelligence network is not independent, but belongs to an assassin organization.

This organization is called Minglong. It is said that the founder has the bloodline of the blood eye Minglong ~ However, this force is not too strong, and I have not heard that there is a monk of the **** of transformation.

Moreover, their scope of activity is mainly in the southern part of the Seven Star Sea.

The reason why Xingming Pavilion was established on Lone Star Island was only to collect information on the side of Luoyangyuan.

Because Xingming Pavilion didn't dare to hit my literary family's idea, my literary family never moved him. "

Wang Daoyuan took out two tokens and handed them to Wen Chenglin.

"The Dark Dragon organization you mentioned, does the token look like this?"

Wen Chenglin glanced at the token: "Yes, this true dragon with blood-red eyes is the Blood-Eyed Dark Dragon.

In this organization, the code names of core members all bear the word ‘dragon’.

The members of the guarding party bear the word ‘jiao’.

The code names of ordinary members all carry the word ‘snake’. "

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