Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1102: Master Dark Dragon's plan

Wang Daoyuan was stunned when he heard it, this dark dragon organization was even more decayed and darker than the Netherworld Sect and Blood Shadow.

Although the Netherworld Sect is the highest level controlled by the four families of Mingluo Zhonggu, the position of suzerain can only be born from these four families.

But at least the masters and deputy masters of each hall can still have foreign surnames.

The same goes for the blood shadow, the power belongs to the Zhang Xu family, and other people who are not in the direct line can also be the elders in real power.

Even the director of the blood wolf, the real power comparable to the second elder and the third elder, was handed over to Wu Xiang, a foreigner with a surname.

The masters of each branch are mainly non-primary.

Even so, the middle and lower-level monks in these two forces were already very dissatisfied.

In Yan Guo, although the power is in the hands of the Wang family, there are also many foreigners in the middle and high levels.

The guards of the counties are basically the leaders of the various forces that belong to them.

There are more seniors in Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce than Wang's family.

Within the Wang family, the clansmen want to become high-level people, and first of all, they look at their ability.

The high status of parents only allows future generations to obtain more resources, rather than directly arranging their children to be elders or patriarchs.

Unexpectedly, the direct line of the Underworld Dragon organization did so well, and even the middle level was almost occupied.

This method has played a role in drawing salaries from the bottom of the tank, and those who have the power are my people.

Outsiders have no power, and naturally there is no power to resist.

But if things go on like this, the Dark Dragon organization will not have any vitality.

It's not like a sect-type power, but a union of multiple families.

The elders are still fighting for power, everyone's eyes are fixed on the organization, wanting to get some oil from other elders, no one wants to expand their power.

Indeed, as Xuan Chen said, it is very difficult to maintain the Underworld Dragon organization, let alone enterprising.

Instead of that, it's better to break up.

"Then what's the matter with you? If you can't stay in the Dark Dragon organization, just run away.

A mere underworld organization, it hasn't reached the level of covering the sky with one hand. "

Xuan Chen smiled bitterly: "For people like Senior, the Underworld Dragon organization is really nothing.

But to us Nascent Soul cultivators, that is a huge monster.

Leaving the Dark Dragon organization may face endless pursuits.

The current Lord Dark Dragon is still a talented person who wants to solve the dilemma of the Dark Dragon organization and abolish the hereditary system of various elders.

Therefore, he accepted a few talented disciples from the bottom cultivators of the Dark Dragon organization.

According to the rules of the immortal world, the status of a personal disciple is comparable to that of a son, second only to the eldest son.

Master Minglong intends to get rid of some particularly unspeakable elders, abolish their positions, and use his own personal disciples as elders. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded slightly. Inside the Dark Dragon organization, the elders were like feudal kings, and the entire Dark Dragon organization had been divided up by these kings.

The current Lord Dark Dragon is also an aspiring person, who wants to cut down the feudal clan and take power into his own hands.

"In this way, you should also be one of Minglong's personal disciples."

Xuan Chen replied: "I am indeed a personal disciple of Master Minglong, and I am the one with the best talent.

Master Minglong has high hopes for me, as long as I cultivate to the peak of Nascent Soul, he will explode some elder's black material.

When the time comes, the status of this elder and his tribe will be abolished, and I will be able to serve as an elder smoothly.

Although the elders didn't have much ability, they were extremely capable of infighting.

The suzerain took a few disciples with good talents, and they were still training as their own sons, and they felt that something was wrong.

In order to eliminate the threat, they set off these disciples.

Once they make a big mistake, there will be no threat in the future.

Just send it to a certain branch as the commander, and let him stay in charge.

As the most talented disciple of Master Dark Dragon, I am naturally the focus of their care.

They failed to design it several times, so they sent someone to assassinate me.

At that time, I only had the initial cultivation base of Yuan Ying.

Fortunately, I am good at strength and injured a few masked men.

Unexpectedly, these masked people are descendants of various elders, including the son of Lord Dark Dragon.

Master Minglong’s son was broken by me, and the eldest son of the great elder was crushed by me.

These people insisted that I attacked them, and the other elders would fan the flames and kill me.

It was the Great Manpower of the Dark Dragon that I survived, and I was dispatched to this Lone Star Island to collect information for the Dark Dragon organization. "

Xuan Chen was silent for a while, and then continued: "Master Minglong is so kind to me. Without his support, I will definitely break the pill and form babies.

Up to now, I have been the treasurer of this Star Ming Pavilion for more than three hundred years.

Master Dark Dragon is already over 1,950 years old, not far from the 2,000-year-old limit.

Monk Yuan Ying struggled a lot in his life, and it was inevitable that he would be left behind.

I originally wanted to leave the Dark Dragon organization after Master Dark Dragon sits down.

Refuge in other forces, or find a place to live in the Ten Thousand Devil Islands. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "The treasurer Xuan is also a rare talent. After the teacher sits down, he can come to my Wang's house to be a guest clerk."

Xuan Chen was overjoyed and had this plan originally.

If he can stay in the Dark Dragon organization forever, he also relies on Master Dark Dragon to protect him.

After Master Minglong sits down, those elders will definitely do it on themselves.

At that time, it is absolutely impossible to stay in the Dark Dragon organization.

Originally wanted to find a way out, now Wang Daoyuan took the initiative to speak, he was naturally very happy.

"Thank you, senior, for your love, that Silver Jiao is still waiting for me in the Star Ming Pavilion.

If there is nothing wrong with senior, I will go back first. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Go ahead."

After Xuan Chen left, Wang Daoyuan was a little surprised.

He was a little puzzled, what exactly did the current chief of the Dark Dragon organization think?

If you want to smooth out the elders and hold the power in your own hands, there is no need to do this.

Training disciples directly and forcibly seizing the authority of the elders is forcing the elders to rebel.

Of course, it is possible to cut the feudal clan, but there are two necessary conditions: status and strength.

As the leader of the Dark Dragon organization, Master Dark Dragon has no problem in terms of status, but he shouldn't have enough hard power in his hands.

The Dark Dragon organization has been inherited for tens of thousands of years, and the structure should be very mature. It should be normal to have more than a dozen elders with real power.

Even if he has the name of a great leader, the strength he holds in his hand should not be dominant compared with all the elders.

Under this circumstance, if you dare to train disciples to replace the elders, don't you want to force the elders to lift the table?

This method of him is exactly the same as that of cleaning up blood shadows.

But at that time, relying on the absolute advantage of the cultivation base and the Xu family's refuge, he also attracted a group of non-primary elders, so that the Zhang family did not dare to lift the table.

What kind of support does this leader have?

Could it be that there is a powerful magic weapon, or the hope of breaking through the gods?

If you are in this environment, you don't have absolute strength.

Only secretly train manpower, and then catch the fault of each branch leader.

After they have been taken down, they will be replaced by their own.

Through this method, slowly weaken the power of each elder and increase the strength in his own hands.

You have to catch one of the most excessive elders and clean them up, and after they completely emptied him, keep his position as the elder, and then deal with the next elder.

Only in this way can all the elders stay together and deal with themselves together.

Cultivating direct disciples and forcibly replacing the elders will only cause a strong backlash.

Originally, I wanted to support Xuan Chen and become the leader of the Dark Dragon organization. Later, I could reproduce the routine of conquering the blood shadow and use my family to replace the positions of the elders.

At that time, I didn't expect that the inner dragon organization could decay to such a degree.

It is impossible to reproduce the method of conquering the blood shadow, Xuan Chen does not have such a high prestige.

The breakthrough point remains the same, but Xuan Chen is still supported, and then he can only take one step and look one step at a time.

Wang Daoyuan left his cave and came to the gate of the Twelve Uncle's cave.

At this time, the twelve uncle was practicing.

Wang Xuanlong also turned into a human form and meditated on the side.

In the inheritance of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley, some exercises suitable for the cultivation of spirit beasts are also recorded.

The spiritual power escaping from the two of them converged into a water-blue spiritual power group between the two.

This spiritual force group can continuously extract the surrounding spiritual energy, and the two of them extract part of the spiritual energy from the spiritual force group for refining.

It's no wonder that with natal spirit beasts, the cultivation speed of the master and spirit beasts has increased.

This spiritual force group can assist in refining spiritual power, and at the same time can absorb the spiritual power that escapes from itself.

With the extension of the training time, the aqua-blue spiritual power group is getting bigger and bigger, and the effect of assisting the training is getting stronger and stronger.

In the end, both were surrounded by the spiritual force.

The whole person is wrapped in spiritual power, so the speed of cultivation needless to say.

After Wang Xuanlong's realm breaks through the fifth stage, the Twelve Uncle's cultivation speed should be greatly improved.

After waiting for a long time, they stopped running the exercises and slowly absorbed the spiritual power group.

After the spiritual force group disappeared, Wang Shouye opened the door of the cave.

"Dao Yuan, just ask me if you have anything to do, what are you waiting for here."

The two entered the cave, and Wang Shouye opened the restrictions in the cave.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "I also want to see how fast a cultivator who has a beast of life is in his cultivation.

After doing business with the Minglong organization, I should also go back to Tianfu Island. If you stay here, I have to prepare some means for you. "

Wang Shouye waved his hand: "Don't be so troublesome, I have a sixth-order low-grade dragon scale shield in my hand, below the gods, no one can hurt me."

Wang Daoyuan still took out a black token with a large palm: "It's okay to bring one more thing, anyway, I don't lack this kind of thing.

This is the Guishui God Thunder Talisman, which is the same as the previous one. It is full of spiritual power and can be used three times.

The released Guishui God Thunder can severely damage the early monks of the Huashen.

But your divine consciousness is not enough to lock the cultivator of the **** of transformation, it is okay to use this thing to deal with the lower-rank monster beast of the sixth order, and the cultivator of the **** of transformation is fine.

You can replenish your spiritual power by yourself, but it takes a long time.

You can also soak him in the spiritual spring water, the recovery speed is much faster. "

This Kuaishui **** thunder talisman was made casually when he improved the talisman level before.

I tried many times, only this time.

The Divine Thunder of Guishui was deduced by supernatural powers, and it was very difficult to refine it into a talisman, and Yuan Ying monks did not have this method.

However, Wang Daoyuan is a cultivator of God, who controls the power of law.

As long as you are willing to take the time to deduce your own magical powers to rune patterns, and then refine the five-element domain charms, it is not a problem.

The little God Thunder of Guishui is naturally nothing.

Wang Shouye smiled and said: "The spiritual spring water can be used to improve the cultivation level, but it can't be so bad. I should personally supplement him with spiritual power."

"I have so much spiritual spring water in my hands, there is no need to save in this area.

How much is your gourd spirit spring water left, I'll add more to you. "

Wang Shouye took out a fifth-tier middle-grade blue gourd: "There are about 20% left, mainly because Xuanlong is too good to drink."

Wang Daoyuan directly collected the gourd into the spirit pearl space, and took it out after a few breaths. The gourd was already filled with spirit spring water.

Wang Shouye's face was full of shock. He looked around and confirmed that the prohibition in the cave was opened.

Then he asked in a low voice, "Do you have something similar to the Ten Thousand Spirit Pagoda?"

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "That's I can practice so fast, in addition to talent and desperation, this portable secret realm is also of great help."

It's not a big deal to reveal some news about the Spirit Orb space to the core members of the family.

They are already familiar with the Wan Ling Pagoda, and they wouldn't find it too strange. After all, there are 18 small secret realms in the Wan Ling Pagoda, all of which are hundreds of miles in radius.

"How old?"

"More than 10,000 mu."

Long Wang Shouye breathed a sigh of relief: "It's a pity, it's not as big as the eighteen secret realms in the Ten Thousand Spirit Pagoda.

I have also been in the secret realm in the tower, and Mingchen planted some spiritual plants in it. "

"There is a lake in my secret realm with this kind of spiritual spring water inside.

I don't lack this thing, just use it, Wang Minglong and Molong both grew up drinking this spiritual spring water. "

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