Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1103: Puppet magic

When Wang Shouye recalled the situation in Wang Daoyuan's growth process, there were indeed many things that could not be justified.


   It is difficult for outsiders to notice, but my family can still reach a lot.


   For example, using inexhaustible training resources, giving yourself a variety of spiritual wines, dozens of altars at a time.


   Although he said that all the four ways of the pill and amulets were connected, the elixir for wine making could not be bought casually.


   Especially this time doing business with the Minglong organization, I took out so many magical instruments and medicines at once.


   Even if you don't do anything all day, and all your energy is put on the alchemy refining device, it is difficult to do this.


   If there is a Secret Realm, then everything makes sense.


  A variety of elixir can be planted in the secret realm, and the clone can be used for alchemy and refining, these pill magical devices can also make sense.


   "No wonder your cultivation speed is so ridiculous, the cultivation speed of the Five Spirit Root monks is slow in the early stage.


   Since the opening of the Purple Mansion, his cultivation speed has been very fast.


   After reaching the Golden Core Realm, the cultivation speed is not inferior to those of Heavenly Spirit Roots.


   In the early 400s, he broke through the realm of the **** of transformation.


   At this cultivation speed, there is no such powerful person on the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm.


   There are also Wang Minglong and Molong you raised, and they can cultivate so fast, it seems that it is also because of the spiritual spring water in the secret realm. "


   Wang Daoyuan nodded: "These two guys are soaking in the sixth-order spirit spring water all day long."


   Wang Shouye looked yearning: "I also want to soak in the spring water."


   "The spiritual spring water I gave you is enough for you to soak in the bath. When I turn around, I will refine a few spatial artifacts. When there are clansmen transporting goods, let them bring you some.


   I really don’t lack this thing, just use it as ordinary water. "


  The water area in the Lingzhu space exceeds 10,000 acres, and even the water spiritual vein next to Wuliangzhen Water has reached the fifth-level top grade.


   It won’t take long to break through Tier 6.


   When the time comes, the rate at which the water volume increases should be able to reach another big step.


   Wang Shouye nodded: "The spiritual spring water prepared for me next time, preferably the spiritual water that just gushes out, I don't want to drink bath water."


   Wang Daoyuan took out a Qiankun ring: "Don't worry, it must be prepared for you.


   I have put a lot of medicines and magical implements in the shop, enough to sell for several years.


   This is a Tier 5 high-grade flying warship. When there is not enough magical equipment and pill, or when you get a precious spiritual item, you can let the puppet and a few people take the flying boat back to Tianfu Island.


There is still a token in   , but it is still not possible to communicate directly with Tianfu Island.


   I will establish a communication formation along the way, and when the formation is completed, this token can be used.


   Please take care of you here, I will go back first. "


   "You have left me so many good things, if you can't keep a small shop, then I will be too wasteful."


   Wang Dao left Lone Star Island and headed northwest.


   He did not return directly to Tianfu Island, but looked for a place suitable for the arrangement of the communication formation along the way.


  Ten Thousand Beasts Valley’s formation inheritance, the best transmission formation can receive transmissions within 300,000 miles.


  In other words, as long as the two communication formations are not more than 300,000 miles apart, they can communicate with each other.


   Beiyuan Cultivation Realm is dominated by land, and the distance between the strongholds is not far, and the requirements for the communication formation method are not high. In this respect, it is really not smart.


   The letter transmission formation on the side of Wen's house can directly transmit letters from Xuan Iceland to Lone Star Island.


   Although this distance is not a million miles, it is also seven to eight million miles.


   However, Wang Daoyuan got the formation inheritance of Yin Yang Formation Immortal before.


  Although there is no record of brilliant communication formations, the formations always have similarities.


   In the inheritance of the yin and yang formations, there are more insights and skills.


   These things are of no use to beginners.


   But for an experienced array mage, it is a rare gem.


   When improving the transmission method, you can also refer to these experiences.


   During this period of time, apart from cooperating with the blood spring to refine the flying warship and alchemy, the clone demon also took the time to deduce a more sophisticated method of spreading letters.


   At present, the fifth-order high-grade transmission line has been deduced, and the transmission distance has reached more than four hundred thousand miles.


   It is only necessary to arrange two communication formations between Tianfu Island and Lone Star Island to allow direct communication between the two places.


   The transmission formation can be very concealed, even if it is hidden deep underground, it can also play a role.


   As long as it is hidden deep enough, there is no need for someone to guard it.


  Wang Daoyuan rode on Lei Peng Feizhou, patrolling on the ice field, looking for the fifth-order spiritual vein suitable for the arrangement of the communication formation.


   Soon, he found a small fifth-order high-grade spiritual vein that was only more than 30 miles long at a distance of four hundred thousand miles from Lone Star Island.


  The rank of the spirit channel determines the quality of the aura, and the scale of the spirit channel determines the amount of the aura.


   More than thirty miles of spiritual veins, the spiritual energy produced may also be able to support two or three Yuan Ying monks to practice.


   However, it is more than enough to support a communication formation.


   In this ice field, there are no monks resident, and no monsters are found nearby.


  Ice attribute escape technique is farther away. Although not very intelligent, there is no big problem of passing through the ice.


   cast the ice attribute escape technique and came below the ice layer.


   The ice of the endless sea of ​​ice still failed to completely freeze the seawater. There are hundreds of feet of seawater under the ice.


   Wang Dao dived far to the bottom of the sea, escaped into the seabed, and came near the spirit vein.


   only then sacrificed to the dust flames, burned an underground space, and arranged a letter transmission formation in this underground space.


   The formation of the letter transmission is not a complicated formation. The formation made by the clone demon **** only took more than an hour to complete the formation.


   Go back above the ice and send a letter to the twelfth uncle.


   Soon, Uncle Twelve got a reply.


  This shows that the function of the transmission array is normal, and Wang Daoyuan also left here to continue looking for the next place suitable for the formation.


  After flying for a long time, he found a small island completely covered in snow and ice.


  The spirit veins on the island are not large in scale, but they are enough to arrange the formation.


   Wang Dao escaped into the mountain's belly and arranged a second communication formation.


   Gu sent a letter to the twelve uncle here, and soon he wrote back.


   This second communication formation is less than 200,000 miles away from the Diyan Islands, and more than 400,000 miles away from the first communication formation.


   The ability to transmit letters between the two formations proves that this transmission formation can also receive information from more than four hundred thousand miles away.


   On the Diyan Islands side, naturally it is not a problem.


   The matter of communicating between the two places has been completed. If there is any problem on Lone Star Island in the future, we can support it within two days.


   Now there is no force that will blatantly deal with the Wang Family. The dangers facing there are mainly some powerful casual repairs and the possibility of monsters attacking the island.


   As long as there is no such thing as a god-shifting cultivator, it shouldn’t be a problem to stand there for two days.


   After finishing the formation, Wang Daoyuan returned to Tianfu Island.


   just fell, before he had time to return to the cave mansion to talk to Zhou Luan about his ideals in life, he was stopped by a junior.


   This person is Wang Xuanlie, a refiner who is obsessed with puppet art.


   I had consulted on the puppet refining device before, and now that I am so eager, it may be a breakthrough in the puppet technique.


   When this guy saw Lei Pengfeizhou, he knew Wang Daoyuan was back.


   flew all the way from Huolong Mountain to Wang Daoyuan: "Old ancestor, you are back."


   Listening to his tone, Wang Daoyuan was taken aback: "What's the matter?"


   Thinking about it again, this is not right.


   If something major happened, it shouldn't be Wang Xuanlie's technical house to inform.


   "Is it your puppetry that has made new progress?"


   Wang Xuanlie nodded again and again: "There is indeed a new breakthrough. I want to let the ancestors help you to see it.


   Please come with me to the Fire Room. After all, it is a new breakthrough and cannot be leaked out temporarily. "


   "Okay, let's go to the fire room and have a look."


   received Lei Pengfeizhou and entered the Fire Dragon Pass with Wang Xuanlie.


   After passing through the spiral corridor, he finally came to a small ground fire chamber above the middle of the ground fire chamber.


   There is still 1,700 feet away from the lava below. The firepower here can allow the Jindan monks to practice for a long time without feeling uncomfortable.


   For Wang Xuanlie, this early golden core cultivator, it was pretty good.


   In this small fire room, there are also tight formations.


   Wang Xuanlie took out the token, and after unlocking the formation, the two entered the small fire room.


   There are three puppets working in the fire room with a square of ten feet.


   A puppet is forging a piece of refining material with more impurities, and it seems to be purifying the material.


   The second puppet is forging a shield. It should be a forging tool embryo.


   What surprised Wang Daoyuan the most was that the third puppet was actually engraving the shield on the shield.


   This is not a simple outline of stripes. Everywhere on this device, the power of divine consciousness is integrated.


   Moreover, the texture of this vessel is not low, and it has reached the second-tier top grade.


   This puppet outlines the device pattern, it doesn't seem to be strenuous, and it even seems easy to do.


   If it is to challenge the limit, it should be possible to try to outline the third-order inferior artifacts.


   Although the puppetry of God Refining Zong is brilliant, it focuses on fighting.


   Fighting between puppets of the same rank, those puppets of Yulingzong can be abused into scum.


   In terms of functionality, there is nothing extraordinary.


   is like farming puppets, if it weren't for the cooperation of the spirit gathering beads, these puppets would not be very easy to use.


  Wang Xuanlie started to introduce these puppets. He pointed to the puppets made of purified materials: "Ancestor, this is a power puppet.


   The purification materials have relatively low requirements for wisdom. When refining the core of the puppet, I used less soul stones and simplified some of the patterns and formation patterns near the core of the puppet.


   Soul Stone is more precious, and it is too wasteful to be used to refine this kind of poor puppet.


   In addition, I also specially adjusted the pattern that absorbs spiritual energy, and added the pattern that enhances the strength on the arm.


   Compared with ordinary puppets of the same rank, he exerts the same power and only consumes about 70% of the spiritual power.


   If it consumes the same spiritual power, the power it exerts is more than 40% higher than that of a normal puppet. "


   Wang Daoyuan nodded repeatedly: "Yes, it is not easy to make so many improvements in such a short time."


   Then, he pointed to the third puppet and said, "The puppet with the forged tool embryo has not made any improvements.


   In the process of forging the tool embryo, I have requirements for spiritual power and spiritual consciousness, and I don't have any ideas for improvement.


  I have spent a lot of thought on this puppet inscribed with the pattern.


   The puppets inscribed with instrument patterns have very low requirements for power, but extremely high requirements for divine consciousness.


   Therefore, UU reading www. I will adjust the distribution of spiritual power.


   More than 70% of the spiritual power poured into the core of the puppet.


   I learned from the artifact patterns on the Spirit Gathering Orb, and engraved a lot of spirit concentrator patterns near the core of the puppet to ensure that the core of the puppet can gain more spiritual power.


   The soul of the puppet can absorb spiritual power and transform into a small amount of power of divine consciousness.


   After I increased the input of spiritual power, the power of spiritual consciousness produced by the soul of the puppet was obviously much more.


   At present, the power of the spirit of this puppet soul is comparable to that of the peak monk of the base building, and there is no problem in trying to refine the third-order lower-grade magical artifacts.


   The raw material for the soul of the puppet is only the soul of the second-order high-grade monster beast.


   If you can use a higher-rank monster soul, you should be able to try to refine a third-rank high-rank magic weapon. "


   Wang Daoyuan was a little shocked. Wang Xuanlie's adjuster pattern and formation pattern sounded simple, but they were actually very difficult.


   I don’t know how much work it took when I made Feiyu by myself.


   Puppets are similar to flying warships, requiring the coordination of formations and weapon patterns, making it more difficult to improve.


   The most important thing is that the last time I pointed him to him was a few years ago.


   In just a few years, such a great progress has been made. This is really a puppet skill.


   If it is not for insufficient cultivation and unable to understand the law inscriptions, he might have to change all those law inscriptions.



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