Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1104: promise

Wang Daoyuan was very satisfied with this little great-great-great grandson, and within a few years, he would be able to use puppet art to make money.


   If he is given enough time and resources, he should be able to create a new type of puppet, a puppet inheritance unique to the royal family.


   In a short time, the effect of puppetry is not too great.


   But in the future to fight the battle of luck, puppetry is very important.


   The combat power of a puppet is not much worse than that of a flying warship.


   also saves refining materials, and the time-consuming is shorter.


  The only downside is that the durability is not good.


   If it is a Tier 6 puppet, the method of casting is based on the power of the law, and the consumption of spiritual power is not very important.


   At this time, the importance of puppets exceeds that of flying warships.


   Therefore, few forces will build a large number of Tier VI flying warships.


   After all, no one can bear to ruin the materials of the sixth-order refining device.


   Right now, the other children of luck have not grown up yet.


   If he fully cultivated Wang Xuanlie, he should be able to cultivate to the Mahayana realm before the battle of Qi Luck broke out.


   A Mahayana monk who is proficient in puppetry can form an army of seventh-order puppets.


   Wang Xuanlie was a little confused: "Old ancestor, even if my puppet uses a higher-level monster soul, it is difficult for them to inscribe the fourth-order weapon pattern.


   With the current strength of the family, the value of magical items below Tier 4 is already very low.


   Is there any way you can improve the consciousness of puppet art?


   Let them refine fourth-order magical artifacts, or even fifth-order magical artifacts by themselves? "


   The core part of the puppet is still the inscriptions on the laws.


   It would not be impossible if all the inscriptions of these laws could be understood, and then improvements could be made to create stronger puppets.


   Of course, this is also a very large project.


   With Wang Daoyuan's current level, it is naturally not a problem to improve an ordinary sixth-order magic weapon.


   But to improve a large and complex magical tool like Puppet, it can't be done overnight.


  Especially the battle puppets, it took many generations of improvements to reach their best condition.


   It is very difficult to make a big change.


   Moreover, this matter is not a priority.


   The puppet inheritance of Shen Lianzong is already unique in the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm.


   If you continue to invest more energy, there will not be much progress.


   Instead of this, it is better to focus on other places.


   My main energy is still to focus on cultivation.


   After the cultivation base reaches the peak of the **** transformation, it can completely sweep all the opponents in the Qixing Sea Cultivation Realm. There is no need to waste so much effort to study the puppets.


  Wang Daoyuan patted Wang Xuanlie on the shoulder: "You have done a good job. It is not easy to improve two types of puppets in just a few years.


   I don’t have a deep research on puppetry, I'm more of a gourd drawing, and I can't give any good suggestions.


  You have this talent, don't let it go.


  In the future, I will provide you with the materials needed to refine puppet art in unlimited quantities.


   You can improve the puppet at will, and it’s no big deal if it fails.


   With my financial resources, supporting you to improve the puppet is just a piece of cake. "


   After that, he took out more than a dozen jade bottles: "There is a chalcedony pill for cultivating the essence, and the puppets are refined, so don’t fall behind in the practice.


   The real core of the puppet is those law inscriptions. With your current cultivation level, you can't even understand the law inscriptions.


   It is impossible to make deep improvements to the puppet.


   Practicing as soon as possible to the realm of transforming the gods, thoroughly understand the law inscriptions.


   At that time, you can improve the rule inscription in the puppet and create the puppet you want in your heart. "


   Wang Xuanlie took the jade bottle and bowed and said, "Thank you for your ancestors for cultivation."


   Wang Daoyuan nodded in satisfaction, took out a token and a Qiankun ring: "If you have any needs in the future, just send me a letter.


   As long as I can satisfy, I will try my best to satisfy you.


   With your talent, as long as the resources are sufficient, the state of transforming the gods is not a problem.


   It is not impossible to break through to the Mahayana realm in the future.


   I look forward to the day when you break through the Mahayana realm and become a seventh-order refiner. "


   Received Wang Daoyuan's unlimited supply of resources, and this treatment is only available to the most core children of the Wang family.


   The original Wang Mingbian and Wang Mingxian also existed, but they were cut off their extra resources because of mischief.


  Like ordinary family children, they can only earn cultivation resources by doing things for the family.


   Wang Xuanlie was extremely excited. Both his parents were ordinary people, and he had no support in the family.


   just because the talent is not bad, got some extra favors.


   But these things are completely incomparable with the real core members of the family.


   "My ancestors can rest assured, I will definitely cultivate to the realm of transforming gods."


   Wang Daoyuan encouraged a few more words, then left the earth fire room and returned to his cave.


   has an extra puppet genius in the family, and he is in a good mood.


   When I arrived in the cave, I saw that Zhou Luan was still cultivating, so I didn't bother.


   Yuanshen entered the Lingzhu space and checked the situation in the Lingzhu space.


   Yunyi, the fat tiger's cultivation base, has reached the fifth-tier top grade.


   His own sacred animal has insufficient blood, and the blood of the white tiger is not like the dragon species, it has natural dragon energy to supplement it.


   For the dragon species, living in a place with strong natural dragon energy has the same effect as eating blood pill.


   Therefore, in the history of the immortal world, records of dragon species turning into real dragons are not uncommon.


   However, it is extremely rare that the hybrid descendants of other beasts turn into real beasts.


   Fortunately, the spirit veins on Tianfu Island also have natural dragon energy, otherwise the flame dragon would not make a home here.


   is just a lot worse than the Yuquan Peak of Beiyuan Xiu Xianjie, relying on natural dragon energy to cultivate, it may take many years.


   In addition to the dragon species, the descendants of the Golden Crow mixed blood also have the means to enhance their own blood.


   Just like Akabane Crow, basking in the sun all day, the cultivation base can be improved at an extremely fast speed, and the blood will become more and more pure.


   Yunyi doesn't have this condition anymore, his cultivation base wants to go further, it is very difficult.


   Unless it is to find the white tiger demigod, use their essence and blood to refine the bloodline pill.


   Otherwise, you can only rely on Yin Qi to pile up.


   For thousands of years, there is hope for a breakthrough.


   There are very few tiger monsters in the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm. It is still very difficult to hunt and kill tiger semi-divine beasts here.


   Wang Daoyuan checked the previous harvest, but the life spirit fire has an extraordinary effect. The Yujingchun tea tree sent by the Dark Dragon organization is now alive.


   As for the tea that will be produced in the future, it is still hard to say.


   The Xuanyin Guisang sent from Beiyuan Xiuxian Realm was transplanted by him to the vicinity of Guishui Mingyan.


  Xuanyin Guisang really likes the environment here. After a year or so outside, the mulberry tree has grown to more than ten feet tall, and it has reached the fourth-tier top grade.


The rank of    Nether Silkworm is the same, but it is not yet time to cocoon.


   Those spirit creatures with higher ranks, such as Xuantian Bi Lingtao, have reached the sixth rank middle rank.


   The largest yellow spring willow has also broken through to the sixth rank middle grade, and the branches have all reached the sixth rank low grade.


   can be used to replace soul crystals to refine the core components of Tier 6 puppets.


   The two avatars are working hard to refine magical artifacts and pill. They are now doing business with the Wenjia, Qixinghai, and Minglong organizations at the same time.


  The demand for magical implements and medicine is very large, but fortunately the materials are sufficient, so don’t worry about the refining materials for the time being.


   When organizing a transaction with the Underworld Dragon, he got a piece of profound thunder stone.


   The value of this thing is extremely high. When refining the thunder attribute magic weapon, if a part of the profound thunder stone is added, it can greatly increase its power.


  Wang Daoyuan had a lot of thunder-attribute materials in his hands, mainly obtained by slaying two scorpions when he was looking for immeasurable water on Fire Lotus Island.


  In the past few years, only a few scales have been used. The dragon bones, dragon horns, and dragon **** have not been used yet.


   Now that you have profound thunder stones, you can take these things out and refine some powerful sixth-order thunder attribute magic weapons.


   Thunder attribute is very threatening to any monk, especially to restrain evil cultivation.


   Yulingzong and its vassal Zhenhaizong are masters at playing corpses.


   Moreover, Wang Daoyuan has always suspected that Zhenhaizong hides a particularly powerful corpse refining.


   Otherwise, there is no need to stay in the Ten Thousand Devil Islands.


  Wang Daoyuan was dedicated to destroying the Yulingzong. If Zhenhaizong came out with a ten-thousand-year-old corpse, he wouldn't be able to deal with it.


   It's natural to kill it, but it's a bit difficult if you don't want to expose too much strength.


   As soon as the Yinglong Slashing Devil Sword is released, it may be possible to kill the ten thousand-year-old corpse.


   But there is a dragon pattern on the Demon Slashing Sword, which is unavoidable to be recognized.


   Earlier, he flicked the Wenjia and revealed the story of the son of luck.


   If you use the Yinglong Slashing Demon Sword and be recognized by others, I am afraid that you will become the public enemy of the entire Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm.


   Therefore, Wang Daoyuan intends to refine a sixth-order thunder attribute magic weapon to deal with corpse refinement.


The unicorn of   夔蛟 is suitable for making long swords or spears.


   However, if he is a sword repairer, it is better to make a long sword.


  The single horn of the sixth-order low-grade kuaijiao can be refined into a sixth-order middle-grade artifact.


   With Wang Daoyuan's current level, he can refine twelve or three prohibitions at most.


   Before that, I still have to practice as much as possible, there are still a lot of sixth-order dragon scales in my hand.


   Yuanshen spent more than ten years in the Lingzhu space, and finally refined an eighteen forbidden shield, which is also the strongest level of the sixth-order middle-grade magical artifact.


   One more restriction is a sixth-order high-grade magic weapon.


   This shield is also made from the scales of Tier 6 Jiao Jiao, and the number of banning evil thunders alone has reached ten.


   Moreover, one or two profound thunderstones were incorporated into the refining.


   Then, he began to refine the long sword.


The corners of   夔蛟 are not big, it is only four feet long, and there is no need to reduce it specially.


   Wang Daoyuan used this single horn to refine the spine of the sword, blend it into two or two black thunderstones, and burn it with spiritual fire.


   Jiancong is mainly made of falling star **** iron with a little auxiliary material forging.


   The sword is fused with the spine to form the complete blade.


   In order to increase the strength, when smelting, a lot of small scales on both sides of the sword body are incorporated, and the entire sword body is covered by layers of dragon scales.


   The decoration of the sword grid and the hilt are all made from the bones of the kaijiao and some metal materials.


After the refining of the artifact embryo is completed, Wang Daoyuan's primordial spirit continuously injects thunder-attribute spiritual power into the sword to enhance the power of the sword embryo.


   Shan Yun raised sword embryos for more than 30 years.


   The material of this long sword has both water attributes and thunder attributes. After being cultivated, the water attributes hardly exist.


   In the entire sword body, UU reads www. is full of thunder attribute spiritual power.


  After years of cultivating, the power of    is not comparable to that of direct refining as soon as it is created.


   is like the Guiyuan sword embryo created by the forging gods when they practiced hands.


   Then came the cohesion prohibition, Wang Daoyuan also used all his best to successfully condense eighteen prohibitions.


   Among the eighteen prohibitions, three are to increase the strength of the sword, three to increase the sharpness, and the others are all prohibitions to increase the lightning attribute attack.


   After condensing the restraint, Wang Daoyuan put the entire long sword in the forging celestial cauldron for storage.


   This accumulation is another ten years.


   Wang Daoyuan took out the long sword, and the entire long sword was faintly shining with blue electric lights.


   The long sword is very weird. The white bony hilt and grid, plus the black body covered with scales, appear very evil.


   The blue electric light on the top has a gust of heavenly majesty, which makes people feel a kind of awe-inspiring majesty.


  Wang Daoyuan’s primordial spirit injected a large amount of power of divine consciousness into it, refining the prohibition in it, and making it recognize the master.


   Two days later, all the restrictions were refined.


   a little bit of thunder spirit power was injected, and the entire long sword was thunderous.


  Wang Daoyuan was very satisfied: "I have played my current highest level, so I will call you the Thunder Dragon Bone Sword in the future."

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