Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1110: Next hand of the Ming family

Xuan Chen looked at Ming Jiao and felt that this senior man was not so simple on the surface.

Although his ability to do things is average, he holds his thighs very accurately.

"Brother, I haven't been in the headquarters for many years, and I don't know the specific situation of each branch. Which branch shall we go to first?"

Ming Jiao didn't even think about it: "Go to Cangshan Island first."

Xuan Chen was a little puzzled: "I remember that the core site of the Ming family, except for the branches on the large islands south of Tianquan Island, should be Ruyi Island in the south of the East China Sea.

There has always been the Ming family's most important stronghold in the eastern waters, in charge of more than a dozen secondary branches around it, while Cangshan Island has only one secondary branch.

Regarding the size of the island, Ruyi Island has five or six Cangshan Islands.

Why not go to Ruyi Island and instead go to Cangshan Island? "

Ming Jiao smiled and said: "That's the news from you hundreds of years ago. In order to increase the strength of the Ming family, my father has been expanding northward.

Now Cangshan Island has also become a first-level branch, managing more than a dozen second-level branches in the surrounding area.

Moreover, several fifth-order mineral veins have been discovered near Cangshan Island. "

Xuan Chen nodded: "That's not bad, Cangshan Island is very far away from the seven big islands.

In addition, Cangshan Island is not big, and all forces don't pay much attention to it.

If there are mineral veins, it is a good place to start. "

"More than that, now the commander of the Cangshan Island branch is my uncle Minglin.

The other tribesmen in the branch are also descendants of the Ming family.

This was also a back hand left by his father. When he was preparing to deal with the elders, he transferred most of the family's direct line from the headquarters.

More than 90% of the Ming family who left the headquarters are placed near Cangshan Island.

Over the years, Ming Family has invested a lot of resources here just to guard against the current situation. "

The flying boat heads east first, then turns south.

After flying for seven or eight days, a large island appeared to the southeast.

The island is small in size, less than two thousand miles long from east to west, and a thousand miles wide from north to south.

The island is full of hills, large and small, only in the northwest direction of the island, there is a plain with a radius of less than a hundred miles.

Ming Jiao breathed a sigh of relief: "I finally arrived at Cangshan Island."

After that, he took out Master Minglong's token and sent a letter to Minglin.

Without too many meetings, a flying boat flew out from Cangshan Island.

After a while, he greeted Ming Jiao's flying boat.

Two monks, one old and one young, appeared on the bow, both of them wearing white robes and white hats on their heads.

It can be seen that this is Dai Xiao.

Ming Jiao quickly got up and saluted: "Second Uncle."

The elderly monk quickly asked, "Ming Jiao, brother, is he really?"

Ming Jiao nodded: "Second Uncle, my father was besieged by those rebels and died of exhaustion."

The old monk's eyes welled up with tears, he wiped his tears, and then said, "Go inside and say."

Two flying boats landed on the northwestern part of Cangshan Island, Ming Jiao, Xuan Chen, and a child of the Ming family who had been controlling the flying boat, followed Ming Lin and circled the mountains a few times.

In the end, he entered an underground space.

The underground space here is very spacious, with spiritual fields, springs, pavilions, and a huge fire room.

There are mines near Cangshan Island, and this should be the place for smelting.

Everyone didn't care about these things, and went straight to a stone house.

After entering the room, Xuan Lin opened all the formations.

Then he asked: "Ming Jiao, you have caused the eldest brother to have an accident. Tell me about the situation up to now."

Ming Jiao nodded, and explained the funeral from his father, the process of escape, and the matter of holding his thigh on Xingming Island.

After hearing this, Ming Lin nodded: "Big Brother was already preparing to deal with the elders more than a thousand years ago.

He was worried that he would not be able to fight them, so he asked me to bring most of the Ming family's direct line to this Cangshan Island to take root.

He did a lot of preparations, but he didn't expect to fail. "

The young man who accompany Minglin to greet Mingjiao asked: "Brother, before uncle is dying, let you ask Wang Daoyuan for help. Is this king's way far reliable?

That treasure, but our Ming family's hope of cultivating a cultivating monk.

If he accepts the treasures from our Ming family's ancestors, and doesn't help with affairs, we will be completely hopeless. "

Ming Jiao glanced at this young man and nodded firmly: "Senior Wang is extremely capable and extremely generous in his shots.

If we don't rely on him, can our Ming family find other backers?

Without a backing, with our Ming family's own strength, we can't beat those elders at all.

Now the headquarters is in their hands. If we can't take advantage, they will be able to control most of the divisions of the Dark Dragon organization after a period of time.

Although our Dark Dragon organization is not strong, in terms of intelligence, no one in the entire Seven-Star Sea Cultivation Realm can securely defeat us.

The intelligence organization is in the hands of the rebel elders, where can we hide?

At that time, we will be forced to have nowhere to escape. Isn't it to sacrifice the treasure and find a backer to save our lives?

It's too late to pay when you have the chance to turn over, and when there is nowhere to go. "

After being reprimanded by him, the young man's face was a little uncontrollable: "Even if you are looking for a backer, wouldn't it be good to seek refuge in the Seven Star Alliance?

No matter how strong Wang Daoyuan is, can the Seven Star Alliance be strong? "

Seeing that the two quarreled out of anger, Xuan Chen hurriedly ended the battle: "Which Junior Brother is?"

Minglin answered, "This is my youngest son, Mingshan, the most talented among my many sons.

Now that he is in his early five hundred years, he is already at the mid-Yuan Ying cultivation base, and it is not far from the late-Yuan Ying. "

When speaking, there was a sense of pride in his eyes.

There is no doubt that this is the descendant he values ​​most.

Generally, the talents of monks who can break through the Nascent Soul are certainly not too bad.

At least he was also a three-spirited monk with a main spiritual root over seven inches.

Such a talent is not bad if he can break through Yuan Ying at the age of seven or eight hundred.

A monk with a main spiritual root over eight inches can break through the Nascent Soul realm at the age of more than 500 years.

Those who broke through the Nascent Soul before the age of five hundred, if there is no adventure, at least they are very close to the roots of Tianling.

Most of those who can break through the Nascent Soul Realm before the age of four hundred are Heavenly Spiritual Roots.

Mingshan is more than five hundred years old, and his cultivation can be close to the late Yuan Ying, and it should also be a spiritual root.

This cultivation speed belongs to the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm.

The time of breakthrough is also related to the technique and resources.

The exercises are smarter, and the speed of cultivation will be faster.

If Qixinghai's inheritance level can catch up with Beiyuan's side, the cultivation speed of the cultivator will also rise to a big step.

Xuan Chen smiled and said: "Junior Brother Mingshan is indeed talented, and he is almost catching up with me.

As far as I know, Wang Daoyuan should be less than five hundred years old now, and he is already in the middle stage of transforming gods. "

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was stunned.

Mingshan reacted first: "How is it possible? The cultivation of the Nascent Soul Realm is very slow.

Even if there is no shortage of resources, it will take hundreds of years to cultivate from the beginning of Yuanying to the peak of Yuanying.

The cultivation speed at the realm of transforming gods is even slower.

Senior Brother Xuan Chen, I know that you are the most talented among the disciples accepted by the uncle, and you are stronger than me.

But you should also know that there can be no people in the world who can cultivate so quickly. "

"When he was at the peak of Nascent Soul, he once came to Lone Star Island Xingming Pavilion to inquire about news.

At that time, he could not completely evade my probing.

I can clearly sense his situation. He was definitely less than five hundred years old at the time.

At that time, it was less than fifty years ago.

In these fifty years, he went from the peak of Yuan Ying to the middle stage of transforming gods.

To tell the truth, if the elders did not betray, Senior Brother Mingjiao would succeed to the throne normally.

I will leave the Dark Dragon organization directly and be the guest of the Wang family. "

Minglin thought for a while and asked: "Do you believe in Wang Daoyuan that way?"

Xuan Chen muttered in his heart: People have friendship with the direct descendants of my ancestors. I am a branch, and I can only rely on him if I want to recognize my ancestors and return to my ancestors and get the proper cultivation techniques.

"I don't know much about him, but there are some things I can say.

You should also know about the secret realm of Qizhen Island.

The Seven Star Alliance, the Blood Shark Pirates, the Wen Family, and the Wang Family, each of the four transformation **** forces have two transformation **** cultivators to explore.

However, they encountered danger inside.

The Dragon Slaying God of the Seven Star Alliance died in battle, and the Soul Breaker lost several Tier 6 magical weapons.

The blood shark thief's Lord Ling Hai died in battle, and the Lord Mo Jiao broke a clone of the late transformation stage.

On the Wen family's side, Wen Xuanyan broke his arm and heard that he also lost his family treasure.

But Wang Daoyuan and his wife finally escaped, and he himself suffered only minor injuries.

It is said that he used two twinkling ten thousand li talisman and lost a life-saving thing. "

Mingshan looked disdainful: "What's the matter? It's not his own ability to save his life by the blinking ten thousand li talisman."

Minglin glanced at Mingshan: "You know what a fart, if you can come up with two instantaneous ten thousand li talisman, you are not ordinary people.

Other people also have the means to save their lives, but they are still deadly and seriously injured.

He was the last one to escape, and he must fight against the existence in the secret realm.

The soul-breaking gods were all seriously injured, which shows how strong the existence in the secret realm is.

He was only slightly injured, his strength was extraordinary. "

Xuan Chen continued: "The news on Cangshan Island may not be very good, and there are many things that I don't know yet.

Soon after that, the Wen family married a monk Yuanying to Wang Daoyuan's younger brother as his wife.

I think, what does Wen Jia mean, you should be able to understand a little bit? "

For any big power in the Seven Star Sea, the Nascent Soul monk is an existence that cannot be ignored.

Most Yuan Ying Nv Sisters knew some of their own secrets, and they would definitely not marry out easily.

Willing to marry her own daughter out of her marriage is inherently flattering.

They don't understand the Wang family, but they understand the Wen family.

The overlord of the endless ice sea has dominated the ice field for tens of thousands of years.

Although not particularly powerful, the family background is much stronger than any sect of the Seven Star Alliance.

Such a big force, the Underworld Dragon organization is simply incomparable.

The literary family is willing to marry Yuan Yingnv and cultivate to please the Wang family, and the Ming family is half dead. What's the problem with pleasing the literary family?

After a long time, Minglin nodded: "In that case, there must be something extraordinary about the Wang family.

At least in terms of background, it makes writers quite jealous.

We have also done business with the Wang family before, and being able to come up with so many Tier 5 magical instruments and pills is indeed not something ordinary people can do.

Anyway, our Ming family has reached such a point, since we want to take refuge, we should take refuge in a powerful force.

The Seven Star Alliance and the Blood Shark Pirates are fighting, and now relying on them is likely to become cannon fodder.

Only the Wen Family and the Wang Family can choose.

The literary family pleases the Wang family, and the Wang family is the best choice.

Ming Jiao, just do as Senior Wang ordered.

You can use the property on Cangshan Island as you like, and the survival of the Ming family is here in one fell swoop. "

Mingshan was a little unhappy: "Father, you have been running Cangshan Island for thousands of years.

If it weren't for you, this Cangshan Island would only have a second-level branch. "

Minglin glanced at him coldly: "Shut up, I'm not dead yet, Cangshan Island will not have your turn to call the shots."

Ming Jiao arched his hands and said: "Second uncle, don't worry, UU reading according to Senior Wang's plan, there should be no problems.

I first acted according to Senior Wang’s plan, and needed to take some Yuanying people away. "

Ming Lin nodded: "There are 25 Yuanying people near Cangshan Island. You can take them away except me and Mingshan."

Afterwards, he took out a letter-passing jade talisman and sent the message out.

After half an hour, twenty-three people came to the stone room.

Minglin pointed to Mingjiao and said, "This is Minglong, the eldest son of Minglong. Now is the time for our Ming family to survive and die.

You follow the Ming Jiao, what he asks you to do, do what you do, there can be no mistake. "

The crowd shouted in unison: "Yes."

After a while, a flying boat with twenty-six Yuan Ying monks left Cangshan Island and headed south.

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