Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1111: Phase 1 plan completed

The Nascent Soul monk that Ming Jiao brought out from the headquarters was still controlling the flying boat.

The 23 Ming family children brought out from Cangshan Island were all staying in the cabin.

Ming Jiao and Xuan Chen sat cross-legged on the bow of the ship.

Xuan Chen smiled and said: "It's also a good start to get the support of Cangshan Island.

If we can win over the Ming family members on Ruyi Island, our strength will be very impressive. "

Ming Jiao also nodded: "Ruyi Island is the earliest offshore site of the Ming family, and it has been in business for more than 20,000 years.

There are a lot of Ming family children over there, and most of the Yuanzhi people are on Ruyi Island and the surrounding waters.

The head of the Ruyi Island branch is a cousin of mine. "

Xuan Chen's expression relaxed a little: "So, Ruyi Island should be very relaxed?"

Ming Jiao sighed: "You think too much. Although my uncle's father and my grandfather are brothers, they have a bad relationship.

Ordinarily, that line should also be the Ming family's direct line, but when my grandfather expelled that line from the headquarters, they can only be regarded as the Ming family branch.

My second uncle has a closer relationship with me, and he has a very good relationship with my father.

Even so, there is such a guy as Mingshan who disregards the overall situation.

The two of us have been separated for more than two thousand years, and it is still unknown whether we are willing to listen to me.


This means that if they don’t agree, they will be killed with a dragon scale dart, and a tribe will be left to replace it.

Xuan Chen nodded slightly: "Understood, I will see the timing."

The flying boat continued to fly south, and there were many small islands passing by on the way.

There are even branches controlled by the Ming family on some islands.

But these small branches are not the main target.

The two most important strongholds in the eastern waters of the Qixing Sea are Cangshan Island and Ruyi Island.

There are no masters in the small strongholds on other islands.

Even contact with the headquarters depends on the high-level communication formations on Cangshan Island and Ruyi Island.

As long as Cangshan Island and Ruyi Island can be conquered, these small islands can only surrender.

Moreover, even if the rebellion elders sent people out to contact them, they would have limited contact with those important branches and would not manage these small branches.

Feizhou flew south for five or six days, and a large island appeared in the distance.

The shape of this island is like a jade Ruyi, long from east to west and narrow from north to south. This is Ruyi Island.

The easternmost Ruyi head has a diameter of more than two thousand miles.

Adding Ruyi handle, the area is about five or six times that of Cangshan Island.

Ming Jiao entered the cabin and arched his hands towards everyone: "Everyone, Ruyi Island is ahead.

There are Seven Star Alliance cultivators stationed on this island, and if Feizhou pass directly, the risk is too great.

You first go to the Jasper Island in the southeast to rest. The island is very small, and it is usually only haunted by hunting monsters. Neither the Seven Star Alliance nor the Blood Shark Pirates occupy that island.

After I have discussed with my cousin, I will meet you on Jasper Island. "

An older Ming family member smiled and said, "My nephew, you can go ahead and we will just wait."

Ming Jiao nodded: "We're leaving now, goodbye."

Afterwards, Ming Jiao and Xuan Chen left Feizhou and headed for Ruyi Island in the southeast direction, and Feizhou headed for Biyu Island in the southeast direction.

Now it is wartime, and the guards on Ruyi Island are relatively tight. There are small formation guards on the island, and flying boats patrolling back and forth.

Of course, there won't be too many Yuan Ying monks here, at least there won't be masters.

Ming Jiao and Xuan Chen were both from an assassin organization, and the means of concealment were not weak, and it was not a problem to conceal a monk whose cultivation base was weaker than their own.

They hide their figures and come to Ruyi Island.

Ming Jiao did not send a letter to the leader of the Ruyi Island branch, but went directly to the entrance of a cave, which was the entrance of the branch.

At this time, he sent a letter to inform the cousin.

Soon, three Yuanying monks came out of the cave entrance.

One of them had white temples and wrinkles on his face. They were not young, and the other two were middle-aged monks.

Xuan Chen smiled and said, "Uncle Master, don't you ask us to go in and sit?"

There are people from the Seven Star Alliance on Ruyi Island, talking about things outside, and they are likely to be discovered.

The old man just snorted coldly: "Follow me."

Five people walked into the cave. The cave was very small, and the more you walked in, the more spacious it became.

In the end, everyone came to a vast space.

This underground space is much larger than that of Cangshan Island.

Many people are busy here, and there are even many ordinary people living here.

These ordinary people are also distant branches of the Ming family. Since the Ming family established a branch here more than 20,000 years ago, there have been people living here, and it is normal for some ordinary people to live here.

Everyone came to a stone room. After the old man opened the restriction, he sneered and said: "Back then, your grandpa and my father fought for the position of the dark dragon, but your grandpa won.

At that time, your grandfather let out a big talk, saying that he is much better than my father.

It seemed that it wasn't too strong anymore, even the Ming family's earliest foundation was lost. "

Xuan Chen laughed and said, "Master, you can't say that.

Master, he also wants to take back his power. Once he succeeds, he will benefit the entire Ming family.

After the elders are dealt with, the Ming family must be used as elders. You are also good, isn’t it? "

The old man sneered: "The idea is very good, and you have cultivated a few disciples. Your strength is good, at least far above me.

Unfortunately, he thought too much.

If we can put this mind on our brothers of the same race, it will not arouse suspicion.

There is indeed no outstanding person in the Ming family, but there are still people who can be used, and it will not arouse the vigilance of those elders.

Maybe he can make a breakthrough in transforming gods.

To put it bluntly, don't you distrust us people from distant tribes? Fear that we usurp power and seize power.

It’s broken now, knowing to beg us? "

Ming Jiao had to laugh with him: "Uncle Wu, I am not sure what my father thinks.

But now things have reached this point, you can't help outsiders, right?

No matter how much hatred we have, it is still a family.

Those rebellious elders don't care about the things between our two lines.

As long as it is named Ming, they will not let it go. "

The old man was silent, and Ming Jiao's words came to his heart.

Xuan Chen struck the iron while it was hot: "Uncle Master, Senior Brother Mingjiao and I have already taken refuge in the royal family of the Diyan Islands.

At present, in addition to the demonic powers of the Ten Thousand Demon Islands, the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm has only four powers of transforming gods, namely, the Seven Star Alliance, the Blood Shark Pirates, the Wen Family, and the Wang Family.

The Seven Star Alliance and the Blood Shark Pirates are fighting, and the Wen family is making an alliance with the Wang family.

Moreover, the Wang family's background is unusual, and the literary family is also a bit flattering.

Even if Shishu wanted to find a backer to protect himself, there was nothing more suitable than the Wang family.

Not long after the establishment of the Wang family, Wang Daoyuan was also quite ambitious.

He wants to expand his power, and incorporating the Dark Dragon organization is the best choice.

Let us take refuge in the past together, and we will surely be reused.

After the Wang family grows up, there will be more power to take refuge in.

They are all Ming family members, and they should fight for their interests in a group. "

The old man thought for a long time before he said: "I can help you, but I must promise me a condition."

Ming Jiao was overjoyed: "Uncle Wu, you said, as long as I can do it, I will never refuse."

"This time all elders with foreign surnames participated in the rebellion, and these elders will be cleaned up after the rebellion is countered.

From now on, among the elders of the Dark Dragon organization, my line must be the majority.

There were eleven elders in total before, and my line accounted for at least six. "

Ming Jiao promised: "No problem, I can also make you or your descendants the elder.

Anyway, it's all from our Ming family, no matter what, it won't be cheap to outsiders.

I have already taken refuge in the Wang family, and the Dark Dragon organization will become an affiliate of the Wang family in the future, and I am not worried that your line will rebel.

Unless your line is capable of overthrowing the king's family, it doesn't matter if my descendants become a vassal of the fifth uncle of your line. "

The old man achieved his goal, but he always felt a little unhappy.

"Just do what you said, what should we do next?"

Xuan Chen replied: "Except for Cangshan Island and Ruyi Island, the branches controlled by the Ming family are on seven major islands.

In the past, it would be directly into the arms of the Seven Star Alliance.

Senior Brother Ming Jiao had already sent a letter to those branches before, and they were the Ming family after all, even if they didn't listen to the greetings, they would not collude with the rebellious elders.

Previously, the Second Senior Uncle had sent a letter to those branches, expressing support for Senior Brother Mingjiao.

Now you send a letter to those branches, telling them that you also support Senior Brother Mingjiao.

What do you think will happen to the heads of those branches? "

The old man glanced at Xuan Chen: "I am the leader of the Ming family branch, and Ming Lin is the leader of the Ming family's direct line.

Both of us support Ming Jiao, and more than 90% of Ming clan members will support him.

It seems that my cousin still has some truth in accepting someone with a foreign surname as a disciple.

Sure enough, he is an individual talent, not only strong in strength, but also better in mind.

Unfortunately, your surname is not Ming.

Otherwise, even if you are not a direct line, I will support you to inherit the position of Lord Dark Dragon.

The nephew of Mingjiao has your help, so he should be able to do something.

Minglin sent me a letter. There are not many Nascent Soul cultivators on my side, and the situation is more complicated.

In addition to the necessary self-protection power, only five Yuan Ying monks can be handed over.

However, I can help you send letters to other branches and stabilize those branches that are loyal to Ming's family. "

Soon, five Yuanying monks came here.

Ming Jiao arched his hands and said, "Fifth Uncle, with the support of you and your second uncle, the Ming family members should know which side they are on.

With the support of the Ming family members, the first phase of the plan is complete.

I have to hurry up to complete the second phase of the plan, and I will stay soon. "

The old man nodded: "Go ahead. If there is anything I need to do, just send me a letter.

If our two veins are not in harmony, we will be the Ming family after all. "

Ming Jiao nodded solemnly, and then left with Xuan Chen and the five newly joined Yuan Ying monks.

In order to avoid being targeted by the cultivators of the Seven Star Alliance, the seven of them split into three waves to leave and meet on Jasper Island.

Thirty-one people took the flying boat and headed south.

After completing the first phase of the plan, Ming Jiao was a little confused: "Brother, I am a little confused now. I don't know if I should go to the southern waters or go directly to the Ten Thousand Demon Islands.

If I go to the Ten Thousand Devil Islands, I am worried that the round trip time is too long. If the rebellious elders send personnel to contact the branch under their control, we will be in trouble.

If you go to the southern waters and then to the western waters, you can hope to control the situation before the rebel elders take action.

But the risk is also great, and it may be picked up by the Blood Shark Pirates and the Seven Star Alliance accidentally. "

Mingjiao's ability to execute orders was good, but when it came time to make a plan, he was a little at a loss.

Xuan Chen smiled and said, "Brother, you are a little greedy.

We have now received the support of most of the Ming family and have reached the minimum goal.

With the basic disk and the support of Senior Wang, we are invincible.

If we win another division, we are all earning. There is really no need to take risks and act under the eyelids of the two major forces.

It is safer to go to the Ten Thousand Demon Islands. After we have resolved all the branches of the Ten Thousand Demon Islands, we will return to level the western area of ​​the Seven Star Sea.

At that time, we will win.

Although the branches on the Big Island are the most important, they are small in number.

Even if it is completely destroyed, it is easier to rebuild.

Even if you want to take risks, arrange these Ming family members first.

When the time comes, the two of us will take risks and it will be easier to get out.

Moreover, you have sent a letter to fool other branches before.

Those elders of the rebellion were reluctant to send a direct line of personnel to contact them, and would not be able to subdue those branches for a while. "

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