Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1112: The Might of Dragon Scale Darts

After thinking about it for a while, Ming Jiao nodded: "Junior Brother's statement is reasonable, let's go to the Ten Thousand Demon Islands first.

There is no big unified force over there, and it can be easier when doing things. "

The flying boat adjusted its direction and headed southeast.

If you continue to the south, you will enter the sphere of influence of the blood shark thief.

Originally planned to do something in the blood shark thief site, now that he has decided to go straight to the Ten Thousand Demon Islands, naturally there is no need to provoke the blood shark thief.

To make a detour to the southeast, it is necessary to take a wrong road, but it can save a lot of trouble.

From the Seven Stars Sea to the Ten Thousand Demon Islands, the risk is still very high along the way.

Not only are there very few islands where you can rest, but there are also many sea areas where monsters and beasts are rampant.

If you don't have strong strength, you need to avoid dangerous seas, and monsters chase and kill, you can walk for a year or two.

Of course, Ming Jiao and Xuan Chen didn't need to worry about a sneak attack by monsters.

On a flying boat, there are more than 30 Yuan Ying monks sitting.

Even if it comes to a Tier 6 low-grade monster, they may suffer a heavy blow to it in a group fight.

The general fifth-order monsters come only to give food.

Feizhou came to the vicinity of Fire Lotus Island in just over a month.

Xuan Chen asked: "I remember that Brother Lei Jiao was framed and sent to the vicinity of the Fire Lotus Island. I wonder if the leader of the Fire Lotus Island branch is he?"

Ming Jiao shook his head: "How can it be so easy? The juniors who were framed back then are at best the commanders of the second-tier divisions.

In such an important place as Fire Lotus Island, how could the elders allow him to be the leader.

Junior Brother Lei Jiao has worked hard for many years, and now he is the deputy commander of Fire Lotus Island, who still has little real power. "

Xuan Chen looked resentful: "Those **** elders, Senior Brother Lei Jiao was only drunk and misled.

It's not a big deal. Generally, a few years' salary is fine.

It is not enough to be distributed to the wild land of the Ten Thousand Demon Islands, and he has to be an idler with duties and powers.

Thinking about it, Senior Brother Lei Jiao has also suffered a lot over the years.

By the way, since Senior Brother Lei Jiao has been emptied, the leader of this place should not be from the Ming family. Which family is he from? "

Lei Jiao nodded slightly: "It is a member of the great elder. I have sent him a letter telling him that the second and third elders have rebelled.

I also sent a letter to Junior Brother Lei Jiao before, but now the commander here is also skeptical.

Let's enter the branch, coupled with the cooperation of Junior Brother Lei Jiao, playing hard is not a problem.

Moreover, the seal that my father gave me can also close the communication formation here.

Even if we kill all the people who are loyal to the Great Elder here, the surrounding branches will not get news. "

With a sneer on Xuan Chen's face, he had already made a decision in his heart.

Back then, the mentor and brothers practiced together, and the relationship was still good.

Now my brother has been bullied by others for hundreds of years.

If you don't kill the old man who framed him, this resentment really can't be suppressed.

Ming Jiao commanded: "Elders and brothers, please wait outside the island first.

Brother Xuan Chen and I first entered the Fire Lotus Island branch and discussed the matter with the leader here.

After discussing it, let's arrange your positions. "

Afterwards, he and Xuan Chen took a small flying boat to Huolian Island.

The monks on Fire Lotus Island are mainly casual cultivators, and a few powerful monks only do business here.

It is absolutely impossible to call the shots.

Therefore, the two don't need to be too careful, as long as they don't stimulate the leader of the Fire Lotus Island branch.

Ming Jiao sent a letter to the commander again, this time as the new Master Ming Long, he came to inspect the Fire Lotus Island branch and negotiated to put down the rebellion.

The Fire Lotus Island branch is hidden in the market, and on the surface is a workshop.

And under the fire room, a huge underground space has already been dug out.

Ming Jiao and Xuan Chen came to the door of the refining workshop, and the shopkeeper immediately came out to greet them.

Xuan Chen almost burst into tears when he saw the shopkeeper.

This shopkeeper is his senior brother Lei Jiao, the dignified cultivator of the late Yuan Ying, and the deputy commander of the Fire Lotus Island branch, who actually acted as the shopkeeper here.

In order to avoid extra branches, he can only suppress the anger in his heart and pretend to be nothing.

The three of them entered the underground space through the fire room, and soon came to a palace-style building.

At this time, a middle-aged monk with a sharp-mouthed monkey gill was sitting high in the main seat.

Seeing Ming Jiao coming in, he didn't stand up and salute.

He just bowed his hand: "Young Master, you said that the second elder and the third elder rebelled and attacked Lord Dark Dragon and the great elder. I wonder if there is any evidence?"

Ming Jiao has announced his succession to the throne and is supported by Ming family members.

The middle-aged monk called him the young master, but he bowed his hands and did not even get up. This was completely disregarding him.

Xuan Chen angrily reprimanded: "Presumptuous, you are the leader of a first-level branch, and your status is one level lower than the elders of the headquarters.

Not to mention that the young master has succeeded to the throne, even if it is only the young master, his status is comparable to the great elder.

You sit high and directly question the young master, is it because you want to betray the Underworld Dragon organization. "

The middle-aged cultivator snorted coldly, "Who am I, isn't this Master Minglong sitting down, Chen Jiao, the most talented disciple?

If someone asked me a crime of disrespect, it would be excusable.

But you injured the young master and abolished the son of the great elder. Is this your respect for the young master? "

This commander was also one of the people who framed Xuan Chen back then.

Coupled with his brother being so suppressed, he couldn't get angry in his heart.

"You and I know what happened at the beginning, but the elders are narrow-minded, jealous and capable, and specifically framed me.

You seemed to be involved in the original thing, right? "

The middle-aged monk smiled wickedly: "The truth is right and wrong, Lord Minglong and the elders have long been fair.

Your Star Ming Pavilion is just a second-level branch, one level lower than mine in terms of status.

In the first place, you should be punished with a capital crime for hurting the young master.

Master Minglong and the elders are magnanimous, and you not only don't want to repent, but you openly insult the elders.

This clearly wanted to betray the Underworld Dragon Organization, come, and take down this rebel. "

Before the words were over, five Yuan Ying monks walked up.

Lei Jiao's expression changed drastically. He didn't know Ming Jiao and Xuan Chen's plan, so he was really worried about fighting.

Hurriedly interceded: "Master, my brother and sister have nothing to hide, and there is no intention of betrayal.

Now that the second elder and third elder are rebelling, we are here when we are employing people, so we must not fight internally. "

Ming Jiao also said: "My younger brother has a straightforward temperament, please lead me.

Now that we must counter the rebellion, it is time to employ people, so let's talk about cooperation first. "

The middle-aged monk sneered: "It's not that I don't give face to the young master, but that Chen Jiao is not a good person.

In the event of a reversal, the impact on us will be great.

This person is very hostile to our line and must not stay.

As long as the young master informs to kill this lizard, the fire lotus island is willing to obey the young master's instructions. "

He sneered in his heart: Regardless of whether the death of the Great Elder was true or false, Chen Jiao would never be wrong.

Lei Jiao is a tolerant person, but watching Junior Brother die in front of him, I don't believe you will be indifferent.

As long as you do it, I will kill you together.

Kill all the people around the young master, even if you really want to quell the rebellion, you can only rely on our family.

Even if the rebellion succeeds, it is not certain who will have the final say in the future of the Minglong organization.

If the young master lied, the great elder was still alive.

That would be even better. Killing Chen Jiao and Lei Jiao by himself was a great achievement.

Ming Jiao also started acting, looked at Chen Jiao, and then at the commander, with a very tangled look on his face.

It seems that he is very tempted by this proposal, but he is not willing to kill Chen Jiao.

Seeing him in this way, the leader is a bit contemptuous: they all say that the young master is a waste, and it seems that it is true now.

With the identity of a young master, his own strength is not weak, but he was forced to such a situation by a few words of his own.

The more he thought about it, the more proud he was: "Young Master, think about it.

This Chen Jiao is not a good stubble, I dared to attack you in the first place.

Now that the strength is stronger, who else can stop him.

If you kill him, not only will the Fire Lotus Island branch be willing to be loyal to you.

Even more than a dozen branches around Fire Lotus Island are all driven by you.

There are more than a dozen branches, isn't it more than one..."

Just as he was talking happily, three dark shadows flew out of Chen Jiao's body suddenly.

I saw a dark shadow passing in front of the commander, and a white mask shone out of his body.

But the white mask just appeared and disappeared instantly.

In front of this dark shadow, he didn't even hold his breath for half of the time.

Then, a head fell on the ground and fell into two pieces.

Yuan Ying fell out of the disclosure and was neatly cut in half.

At this time, the commander's face was divided into two halves, still retaining the triumphant look from before.

The five Yuanying monks called out by the leader were all stunned, but his own leader was a dignified late Yuanying monk and the nephew of the great elder.

There was a life-saving spirit thing on his body, so it was gone, and he didn't even make a sound.

Even if Monk Yuanying was beheaded, Yuanying could escape.

Moreover, it is difficult to retain the metaphysical infants by ordinary means.

Unexpectedly, the three black shadows passed by, and even Yuan Ying could not escape.

With their mid-primary infant realm, they couldn't even see what the dark shadow was.

The five Yuanying monks hurriedly sacrificed the magical instruments to protect themselves.

The formation of the main hall has been opened, and there is no hope at all to escape.

Of course, they are not without resistance.

As long as I am not attacked, five to three, the advantage lies with me.

Xuan Chen himself was also surprised, but he didn't expect this magic weapon to be so powerful.

Of course, the consumption is not small.

With the Yuan Ying's later cultivation base, urging the sixth-level lower-grade artifacts, it is almost a bit of a meaning.

At this moment, his spiritual power and divine consciousness have consumed about one-third.

Ming Jiao quickly took out the token and closed the communication formation in the Fire Lotus Island branch.

Seeing that the leader is dead, Xuan Chen asked, "Brother Lei Jiao, what are the identities of these five people? Are they available?"

Lei Jiao shook his head: "They are all members of the great elders, and they usually follow the commander and do the best.

Now that the leader is beheaded by you, this is endless, and they can't follow us. "

Xuan Chen nodded lightly, and then three dark shadows flew out again.

In an instant, all five Yuanying monks were beheaded.

At this moment, Xuan Chen's face was pale, and he gasped for breath.

He didn't care about anything else, took out a few pills and took it, meditating on the spot to recover.

Ming Jiao took out the token and sent a letter to the Ming Family Yuan Ying monk waiting outside the Fire Lotus Island, asking them to come and help clean up the clansmen of the Great Elder.

Soon, twenty-nine cultivators of Ming Family Yuanying came here.

Ming Jiao commanded: "Junior Brother Lei Jiao, from the Fire Lotus Island branch, you should know who should be cleaned up and who should be left behind.

Take the Ming family members and clean this place again. "

Lei Jiao said yes, and walked out with a group of Nascent Soul cultivators.

Soon, there were fighting, crying, and harsh screaming from outside.

Hearing these voices, Ming Jiao's expression was very calm.

He didn't feel bad about it in his heart, but felt very happy.

Because of those people who stayed at the headquarters, UU reading will only be worse than these people.

After a quarter of an hour, Lei Jiao brought everyone back to the hall.

"Young Master, all the rebels have been beheaded."

Ming Jiao nodded: "There are more than a dozen small branches around Fire Lotus Island, and Junior Brother Xuan Chen and I have to hurry to solve other branches.

How many manpower do you need to win these branches and ensure that everyone can use them for me? "

Lei Jiao thought for a moment: "Give me five people. The branches around Fire Lotus Island are mainly responsible for collecting intelligence.

There are no masters at all, and there are not even a few Yuan Ying cultivators. It couldn't be easier to clean them up.

Over the years, I have also cultivated some cronies and asked them to take over the branch and continue to collect information. There is no problem at all. "


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