Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1117: All the cards

This Thunder Dragon Ball is refined from a sixth-order pseudo-dragon ball, and is taken from a sixth-order low-grade lightning dragon.

To restrain the refining of the corpse, you can use the means of the yang attribute or the means of the thunder attribute.

Yang attribute spiritual objects and exercises are relatively rare, and the effect is not necessarily stronger than thunder attribute.

Although the raw materials of Thunder Dragon Ball are only low-grade Tier 6, the Baibao Divine Sovereign's natal magic weapon Baibao Iron Box is not an ordinary thing.

Hundred Treasure Iron Box is a special spiritual weapon, it has no offensive and defensive effect, and its only function is to contain other magical weapons.

As long as the magic artifact is put into the Baibao iron box, when the Baibao iron box is stored, the other magical objects in it will also be enriched.

Moreover, the magical artifacts contained in the Baibao Iron Box can be manipulated, whichever is given priority.

To put it bluntly, this thing is similar to a gourd, but it is much smarter.

In order to maintain the effect, the general culture gourd only raises one magical tool.

And this Baibao iron box has a huge internal space. Although it is called "Babao", it is not impossible to store more magical artifacts.

Seeing him take out Thunder Dragon Ball, God Mo Jiao's face changed slightly.

To deal with Ten Thousand Years of Corpse Refining, unless you have the strength to crush, it is impossible to kill forcefully, and it is even difficult to break the defense.

The way to deal with corpse refining is usually to trap it and slowly consume it with Yang attributes or thunder attributes.

No matter how much corpse energy and death energy accumulated in his body, once there is no source, it will be exhausted.

And the less corpse energy and death energy, the lower its physical strength.

When it drops to the point where a monk of the same rank can break the defense, it can be destroyed directly.

The Thunder Dragon Ball can just be used to consume the corpse energy and death energy of ten thousand years of corpse refinement.

Hundred Treasures God pours the spiritual power of wood and fire into the Thunder Dragon Ball to activate the Thunder Dragon Ball.

This Hundred Treasure God Monarch is not a monk with a thunder attribute, but a monk with five spirit roots.

The monks who can spur various magical artifacts can only be the five spirit roots.

The Thunder Dragon Ball is a masterpiece of light. The Thunder Dragon Ball, which was originally only about three inches in diameter, formed a blue-white Thunderball with a diameter of more than one foot.

With a movement of Baibao Shenjun, a long spear composed of thunder and lightning flew out of the thunderball and attacked Wannian Refining Corpse.

No one dares to carry thunder attribute spells hard.

Although the thunder spear was released casually, it hurt the cultivator in the later stage of the transformation, and there was no problem at all.

Coupled with the paralysis effect of the thunder attribute, even the body refiner cannot effectively resist this effect.

If you really want to say that it is more resistant to thunder, it is this kind of ten thousand years of corpse refinement.

Although the lightning attribute consumes corpse energy and death energy quickly, after all, he has more energy in his body.

Ordinary people will suffer serious injuries if they carry this thunder gun.

And it shouldn't be a problem to carry dozens of corpses for ten thousand years, it's just that the fruits accumulated for many years will be consumed a lot.

If it is unowned thunder and lightning, it can be introduced into the water.

But this thunder gun is controlled by someone, even if it escapes into the water, it can only slightly disperse the power of thunder, but cannot completely deflect it.

The lightning spear was extremely fast, and a moment after it was fired, it came to Wannian's corpse refining.

This 10,000-year corpse refining is a corpse puppet, with the ability to refining corpses and puppets at the same time.

It not only has the growth of corpse refining, but also has various methods of puppets.

However, puppets are not good at speed either.

It is impossible to avoid lightning guns.

The corpse puppet did not evade, but poured a large amount of corpse energy and death energy into the long sword in his hand, and swung the sword to the thunder spear.

With a "boom", the thunder gun shattered.

But the countless thunder spirit power on the thunder gun was not in vain, all fell on the long sword of the corpse puppet.

Countless Lei Mang followed the long sword and washed the whole body of the Wannian Corpse Puppet.

The black energy on the corpse puppet disappeared instantly, and then appeared again.

The corpse puppet let out an angry roar, although this blow did not hurt it, but it consumed a lot of corpse energy and made it extremely angry.

Seeing Hundred Treasure God Lord with a single blow, the God Lord of Broken Soul is not far behind.

"The strength of Baibao Daoist fellow has improved a lot, and I will show it to fellow Daoist."

After the gray long sword in his hand was released, after the Soulbreaker God infused some spiritual power, a large gray mist was released from the sword.

Subsequently, these gray mists slowly condensed and formed, turning into a dozen gray long swords.

The long sword formed by the gray mist is exactly the same as the main body.

A dozen long swords flew out together, pointing directly at the Mo Yu Jiaolong.

The method of breaking the soul is mainly to attack the soul, and the soul of the monster beast is far inferior to the human race, and there is no protection of the soul.

As long as you take a sword, you will be seriously injured.

The gray long sword rushed towards Moyu Flood Dragon, so God Monarch Mo Jia couldn't look at his dragon clone being damaged.

He took out a small black iron bell that was a bite and a foot tall, and after infused with spiritual power, the bell quickly grew bigger and soon grew to a height of tens of feet.

Zhongkou faced the many gray swords of the God Broken Soul, and wanted to include the gray swords in them.

God Broken Soul was disdainful, and he didn't even evade.

More than a dozen long swords entered the black iron bell, only to hear the "dangdangdang..." after a few muffled sounds, there was another "boom".

I saw the entire black iron clock collapsed, and only one of a dozen gray long swords remained.

God Lord Mo Jiao's face changed drastically. He also knew that Soul Broken Lord was powerful, but he didn't expect a Tier 6 high-grade magic weapon to be so useless.

Soul Broken Lord took back the gray long sword: "Although the blood shark thief has inherited a lot of Yulingzong's inheritance, our Seven Star Alliance has also snatched a lot.

I know exactly how powerful the artifacts left by Yu Lingzong are.

This broken clock can block my full blow, which is pretty good.

With such a powerful attack, I can use it more than ten times. I wonder how many Tier 6 high-grade artifacts you Old Mo Jiao still have? "

The cultivator has a strong control over the power of the law. When casting spells, most of them use the power of the law, and their spiritual power is not much consumed.

Just like Wang Daoyuan, a full blow with the Yinglong Slashing Demon Sword in the Yuan Ying Period would consume 80 to 90% of the spiritual power in his body.

The only way to break through the realm of the gods is to use the Yinglong Slashing Demon Sword to hit with all strength, and even 10% of the spiritual power can't be consumed.

Most of the cultivators of the gods are very durable in fighting, because the spiritual power is hard to exhaust, so it is easier to escape.

God Lord Mo Jiao coldly snorted: "Old Ghost Broken Soul, I underestimated your strength.

There are indeed not many high-level artifacts left in my Yulingzong, but there are still some.

It is enough to deal with your soul-broken god.

If you want to cut my Mo Jiao clone, you can try. "

At this time, the four mid-level transformation cultivators of the Seven Star Alliance were fighting around the blood puppet **** of the blood shark thief.

The blood puppet **** has two corpse puppets, but the strength of the corpse puppets is generally inferior to the monks of the same rank.

Unless it is a ten thousand year corpse puppet, the defense is super strong.

Normal corpse puppets encounter monks of the same rank, which means they can be beaten.

The blood puppet **** is three to four, and now he can only parry, and has no power to fight back.

Hundred Treasure Gods are still using Thunder Dragon Balls and Wannian Corpse Puppets to consume them. The power of the Corpse Puppets is not strong. If the spells are too far away, they will be unable to control.

Baibao Shenjun is also an old treacherous and cunning, always keeping a long distance from him, relying on the advantage of attack distance, slowly consumes ten thousand years of corpse training.

Tian Gong Shenjun held the bow in his left hand, and held a fundamental life arrow in his right hand, and placed it on the bow.

As long as there is a mistake on the side of Mo Jiao, he can shoot his opponent at any time.

His natal arrow is extremely powerful, even if it is a monk of the same rank, if there is no extremely strong means, I am afraid it will be impossible to escape.

God Broken Soul saw that the battle was going well, and there was nothing to worry about.

"Since Old Ghost Mo Jiao has this interest, I will accompany you to have fun."

He repeated his old tricks, once again condensing more than a dozen long swords with the gray mist.

Only this time, the body of the gray long sword did not go out, but continued to be held in his hand.

More than a dozen gray swords flew towards the Moyu Flood Dragon, and the Flood Dragon raised its head and let out a roar, and opened its mouth to spit out a lot of black water.

This black water fell into the sea, and instantly dyed the sea black.

The gray sword approached, and the black water in the sea was like boiling, and waves of hundreds of feet high continued to gush out.

The power of this big wave is extraordinary, the gray sword is photographed by the big wave, and its power will be greatly affected.

Up to three big waves can destroy a gray long sword.

The gray long sword of God Broken Soul soon left only one.

God Lord Mo Jiao smiled, and he couldn't take it with the full blow of Soul Breaker God Lord.

But Mo Jiao has this ability, the magical power of a semi-divine beast, it's not a joke.

There was only one grey long sword left, but Soul Broken Lord was still very calm, as if he was holding a winning ticket.

Mo Yu Jiaolong controlled three huge waves and shot at the last gray long sword.

This long sword didn't mean to dodge at all, and went directly to the scales under the Mo Jade Dragon's jaw.

Three big waves slapped on the gray long sword, and the last long sword did not shatter.

It's just that the gray mist on the surface dissipated, exposing the sword body like a gray rock.

God Lord Mo Jiao was taken aback, this grey sword was real, and the one in the hands of God Broken Soul was fake.

If left alone, this sword can completely damage the Mo Jade Flood Dragon.

However, he did not panic at all, a stove more than three inches high appeared in his hand.

The stove is golden all over, with three legs and two ears, and the stove body is carved with strange flowers and weeds.

On the same golden furnace cover, there are also carved dragons and phoenixes and other rare and exotic animals.

The stove lid was slightly open, and a strong suction appeared out of thin air.

The gray long sword of the God Broken Soul changed its direction under this suction.

Instead of attacking the Moyu Flood Dragon, he flew into the Golden Furnace instead.

"Old Ghost Broken Soul, I think you have nowhere to run this magic weapon."

After a while, the gray long sword had reached the mouth of the furnace, and it was about to be taken in.

At this moment, the gray long sword collapsed and turned into a gray mist.

The real gray long sword returned to the hands of God Broken Soul.

"It's a good thing to transform the virtual reality and the virtual reality, the old ghost of the broken soul is a good thing."

God Broken Soul said with a smile: "Don't dare to be, it's incomparable with your golden furnace.

It's not that I am proud, even the sixth-order peak magic weapon can't suppress my soul-breaking sword.

Your golden furnace can completely suppress the Soulbreaking Sword. It used to be a Tier 7 spiritual weapon, right? "

God Mo Jiao nodded slightly: "Of course, my Yu Lingzong has dominated the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm for more than 30,000 years. If there are no such good things, wouldn't it be laughable and generous?

Since the bottom of the press box is taken out, you can't let me go back empty-handed, right?

I reluctantly accepted the four little friends from the early stage of transforming gods. "

Before the words were over, the golden furnace flew out, covering the four Seven-Star Alliance cultivators who had besieged the blood puppet god.

God Lord Tiangong saw the opportunity, pulled the Bihai Liuli Bow into a full moon in his hand, and shot towards God Lord Mo Jiao.

At this time, the gold furnace had flown far away.

It is too late to come back for rescue.

The Wannian corpse puppet was entangled in a blue and white thunder dragon at this time, and couldn't get out at all.

Although Mo Yu Jiaolong is powerful, but if he holds the arrow hard, he is in danger of falling.

The azure blue arrow flew out, not as majestic as the spirit power arrow before.

On the entire arrow, there was not a trace of spiritual power fluctuations.

Except for the extremely fast speed, it is no different from the arrows shot by ordinary people.

God Lord Mo Jiao did not panic, and a big man dressed like the previous ten thousand-year corpse puppet appeared out of thin air.

He held a long sword surrounded by black air, and swung it down at the blue arrow that came from the blast.

Hearing a "click" sound, the blue arrow shattered, and the black long sword blade also shattered.

The face of God Broken Soul changed drastically: "Another ten thousand-year-old corpse puppet, is this the confidence of your blood shark thieves?"

At this time, an elderly man with a long beard wearing a blue robe fell from the Nine Heavens Gang wind layer.

"Yu Lingzong is more than this ability? Zhenhai Sect Broken Star, I have met fellow Taoists."

After that, he took out a ten thousand-year-old corpse puppet and a sixth-order high-grade puppet.

Baibao Shenjun's face changed slightly: "I traveled through the Southern Wilderness back then, but I had heard of a True Monarch Broken Star.

It is said that he was a genius, but he died in the assassination of Demon Flame Sect.

Unexpectedly, it was actually a fake death to get out, secretly practicing to the late stage of transforming the gods. "

The God of Broken Soul smiled and said: "My Yulingzong talent is withered, and now there is only so much money left.

Now take them out all at once, and try to see if you can keep all of you. "

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