Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1118: escape

Right now, there were three ten thousand-year-old corpses on the blood shark thief, as well as a sixth-order high-grade puppet.

In addition to the God Sovereign Mo Jiao, God Smashing Star God, and Mo Jade Dragon, there are a total of six late stage transformation powers.

The blood puppet **** is carrying two corpse puppets in the middle stage of transforming gods, which is the combat power of the three stages of transforming gods.

And the four mid-level transformation cultivators before the Seven Star Alliance had no time to entangle with the blood puppet god.

God Mo Jiao sacrificed a golden furnace, which used to be a seventh-order magic weapon.

Even now, the rank has fallen to the sixth-order peak, the power is not comparable to ordinary sixth-order magical artifacts.

The man who controls this golden furnace is another veteran late-stage cultivator of God Mo Jiao.

With the Golden Furnace in hand, even the Divine Lord of Cold Star in the Secret Realm of Baicao, Divine Lord Mo Jiao can deal with him.

It should be known that the strength of the **** of cold star, even the **** of soul-breaking is not qualified to fight him head-on.

Several cultivators in the middle stage of transforming gods are no different from delivering food in front of others.

If they go out together, the four of them work together, and they can hold it a few times.

But these four were from Tianshu Sect, Tianji Palace, Yuheng Sword Sect, and Kaiyang Sect.

They belong to different forces, and there is still a bit of enmity between each other, and it is impossible to work together.

The four were divided, the blood puppet **** and his two corpse puppets entangled the three, and the golden furnace covered the last one.

This person is wearing a blue robe with a golden sun embroidered on the robe.

This is the iconic costume of Kaiyangzong, and he is also the only monk in the middle stage of transforming **** on the face of Kaiyangzong.

Within the Seven Star Alliance, among the five great transforming **** forces, Kaiyang Sect and Shendan Sect were the weakest.

Therefore, it is often suppressed by the three forces such as Tianshu Sect.

God Mo Jiao naturally knew the inside story, and attacked the Kaiyang Sect's transformation cultivator first, and no one else would risk saving him at all.

It is not easy to kill the cultivator of the gods, and you have to see who will kill it.

The lid of the golden furnace flew out, and at a very fast speed, it covered the head of Kaiyangzong Huashen monk.

A beam of light is released from the furnace cover, which has a strong deterrent effect on people.

After being covered by the furnace cover, the speed of escape of the cultivator was greatly reduced.

Subsequently, the furnace body of the gold furnace caught up with it and directly loaded it into the furnace. The furnace body and the furnace cover were combined into one.

The cultivator of God in the furnace trembled violently, and after a few breaths, the tremor stopped.

A cultivator in the middle stage of transforming gods just disappeared.

The remaining three cultivators in the middle stage of transforming gods had already fled, the blood puppet **** and the two puppets were chasing after them.

God Broken Soul and the three of them winked at each other, quickly cast their escape technique, and headed to the north.

The opponent's six deities' late-stage combat power, plus a terrible golden furnace, with the three of them, they are not opponents at all.

Continue to stay, there is no chance of winning at all.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Golden Furnace is not finished, there is a greater chance of success in escaping.

Once the gold furnace had finished refining the mid-level transformation cultivator, no one else was sure to resist.

Qizhen Island is more than 300,000 miles away from Tianshu Island, the big island in the north. For the Yuan Ying monks, this distance is difficult to cross.

But for the cultivator of God, flying over this distance is not a problem.

God Lord Mo Jiao rode Mo Jiao, chasing him to the north, and shouted: "Faldiary Daoist Broken Star, you go and help the blood puppet chase and kill those three mice.

I took the Mo Yu Jiaolong clone and two ten-thousand-year corpse puppets to hunt down the three late stage cultivators.

Even if you can't keep them, you have to make them hurt.

Those three middle-stage cultivators must stay.

This is also our last chance to defeat the Seven Star Alliance. If we let them escape back, and each family sends out the hidden monks, our trouble will be serious. "

The Broken Star God Lord sacrificed a shuttle-shaped magic weapon, and then took a ten-thousand-year-old corpse puppet and a puppet, chasing after the three escaped mid-transition cultivators.

Before leaving, he said: "Friend Mo Jiao can rest assured that these three little guys can't escape my palm."

In order to avoid the golden furnace, the three cultivators of the Seven Star Alliance flee to the west and northwest.

And the important strongholds controlled by the Seven Star Alliance are basically in the north.

It is simply unrealistic to want to escape back to the big island.

Without the defense system of the big island as a backing, even if they fled to the small and medium-sized islands occupied by the Seven Star Alliance, it would be difficult to block the attack of the late stage combat power of many Hua Gods.

When Broken Star God was chasing them, he consciously blocked their escape route to the north.

At this time, the three men of Broken Soul couldn't take care of the three middle-stage cultivators.

They are performing the escape technique, fleeing to the true north with all their strength.

The cultivator of the **** transforms his escape method with all his strength, and the speed is faster than the flying magic weapon.

If he sacrificed his flying magic weapon to escape for his life now, he would soon be overtaken by God Mo Jiao.

Of course, it will not last long to perform the escape technique with all its strength.

God Mo Jiao and two puppets of ten thousand years old were all riding on the back of Mo Yu Jiaolong.

He casually moved, and the golden furnace followed.

Without this thing with him, even with two ten thousand-year-old corpse puppets and a black jade dragon to help out, he would not have the guts to chase down and kill the three people.

The speed at which the Jiaolong casts the technique of imperial sky is much faster than that of the general cultivator of God.

In addition, the size of the dragon is extremely large, and the spiritual power contained in the body is very large.

Even if your spiritual power is exhausted, you can burn your essence and blood to perform the escape technique.

Such a large body has much more blood and essence than the human race.

The distance between the soul-breaking **** and others and the Mo Yu Jiaolong was slowly pulled in.

Originally, the distance between the two parties was only more than three hundred miles. If it weren't for God Monarch Mo Jiao who was not good at attacking from a distance, he could definitely attack them.

If you continue to draw closer, God Lord Mo Jiao can release the gold furnace to clean up them.

Tian Gong Shenjun is a little anxious: "I said Baibao Laogui, don't hide your privates now.

Throwing a few artifacts in the past blew themselves up, temporarily preventing them from chasing and killing them. "

Hundred Treasure God Sovereign was a little bit reluctant, but the magical tools in the Hundred Treasure Iron Box were all accumulated by him over thousands of years of hard work.

"Tiangong boy, your bow and arrow are good at long-range attacks, why don't you give that dragon a few arrows?

Anyway, your natal arrow can regenerate, what are you afraid of? "

God Lord Tiangong glanced at him: "Do you think I don't want to? All my spiritual power now is used to perform escape techniques.

If you were distracted and opened your bow, you might be caught up in an instant.

When the time comes, I will deal with the four of them myself, plus a golden furnace.

You explode a few magical weapons first, keep a distance from them, and then let Broken Soul release the flying magical weapons.

After we got on the flying magic weapon, I dared to deal with them with confidence. "

Although Baibao Shenjun was reluctant to give up, he also knew that this was the only way.

He input a ray of spiritual power into the Baibao iron box, the iron box opened, and one of the fiery red beads flew back.

When Mo Yu Jiaolong got close, the beads burst open.

God Mo Jiao controls the gold furnace and covers the beads.

This flaming red bead is also a sixth-order middle-grade spiritual weapon, but in front of the golden furnace, it is nothing.

This magical weapon did not have any effect on the speed of Mo Jade Flood Dragon.

God Lord Tiangong continued to shout: "Old Baibao ghost, don't let things go.

If we can't escape back, no matter how many magical items you leave behind, they will be stolen by the blood shark.

One self-explosion is useless at all, try throwing a few more. "

Baibao Shenjun glanced at him: "It's not your thing, you don't feel bad about it."

After finishing speaking, six various magical artifacts were sacrificed, the lowest being the sixth-level middle-rank, and there were two sixth-rank high-rank ones.

Baibao Shenjun gritted his teeth, threw the six magical artifacts behind, and then detonated.

Six sixth-tier middle and high-grade magical artifacts detonated together, and God Mo Jiao didn't dare to accept it.

Control the Mo Yu Jiaolong to turn around and avoid the area where these six magical artifacts exploded.

The speed is also greatly affected by this change of direction.

God Broken Soul took this opportunity to release a small boat that was more than two feet long.

This small boat is different from the flying boat in that it has no complicated formations and is just a simple flying weapon.

But such flying instruments are generally not bad at speed.

The three of them got on the boat and headed north.

Soul Broken Lord urged with all his strength, the speed was less than sixty thousand miles an hour, which was much worse than the speed of the previous few people.

"The limit speed of my Yu Haizhou is fifty-seven thousand miles in an hour.

Compared with the Mo Jade Flood Dragon clone of Old Ghost Mo Jiao, it was still a lot worse.

Tiangong, it's up to you whether we can escape. "

Shenjun Tiangong nodded and walked to the stern.

Take off the Bihai Liuli bow slung on the shoulder, take a natal arrow from the quiver, and place it on the bow.

Pulling away the longbow with all his strength, only a blue shadow flew out.

God Lord Mo Jiao had also been on guard for a long time, and the golden furnace opened the lid and greeted him with the blue arrow.

The strong suction power released from the furnace, even if the Heavenly Palace God urged with all his strength, he couldn't let the arrow escape.

There was a sound of "dang", the arrow fell into the golden furnace, and there was no sound anymore.

The Lord of Broken Soul asked: "You use your natal arrow, which is more powerful than my full blow, how effective is it?"

Tian Gong Shenjun shook his head in frustration: "The Golden Stove is the foundation of the seventh-order magic weapon, even now it is also the sixth-order peak magic weapon, much stronger than my bow arrow.

My arrow only caused it to lose a little spiritual power, and it didn't hurt the golden furnace at all. "

God Mo Jiao sighed: "Then you don't waste your life arrows anymore. Now you can use them and they won't have much effect.

Good steel is used on the blade, and it will not be too late when we fight back.

Just use spiritual power to condense the arrows, your spiritual power arrows can condense the spiritual power in the sea, and win by quantity.

When they caught up, the Daoist Baibao exploded several magical weapons.

The two of you take turns, there will always be times when the golden furnace cannot hold it.

I have already heard the news that it only takes three more hours before someone will come to rescue us. "

The **** of heaven bow did what he said, condensed the arrows with his spiritual power, and shot towards the Mo Yu Jiaolong behind.

God Mo Jiao still swallows the arrow with the golden furnace, but the arrow carries a lot of sea water, and the space in the golden furnace is also limited.

The sea water and spiritual power carried by an arrow almost filled the entire golden furnace.

God Lord Mo Jiao wanted to pour out the water in the golden furnace, but it was a pity that God Lord Tiangong had already started a burst.

An arrow can be shot in a breath, and he has no time to pour water.

With a single arrow, Tian Gong Shenjun can also catch up with the power of 80 to 90% of the full blow by the monks in the later stage of the transformation of the gods.

Although the lethality is not too terrifying, the arrow carries a lot of sea water and has a strong impact.

If Mo Yujiaolong were to take action, it would definitely affect the speed very much.

He can only throw out the gold furnace, relying on the furnace body to carry it hard.

When the second arrow came, he controlled the golden furnace top to go up.

The arrow of spiritual power can't hurt the Golden Furnace, but the Golden Furnace is recoiled back by the huge impact.

God Monarch Mo Jiao and two ten thousand-year-old corpse puppets joined forces to forcefully strengthen the impact.

But the third arrow came one after another, and there were a few arrows behind it. It was too late to sacrifice the golden furnace, and it could only be resisted by two corpse puppets.

Wannian corpse puppets are strong in flesh, and their spiritual arrows can't hurt them.

But the huge impact still repelled them far away.

Mo Jiao was also affected a bit, and his speed slowed down.

On the side of Broken Soul God, he urged Yu Haizhou with all his strength, and opened a distance.

This kind of continuous shooting, Tian Gong Shenjun is also a bit overwhelmed.

After five consecutive shots, UU read and he stopped and gasped for a breath: "Babao, the other side will catch up again. I will leave it to you. I will take a break.

Spiritual power is still sufficient, but the physical body and meridians are a bit unable to hold it. "

After that, take out a few pills and take it, and start refining.

The **** Mo Jiao in the back knew that they still had enough energy, and after chasing them tens of thousands of miles, he set a puppet to return to Qizhen Island.

The Seven Star Alliance is not limited to these cultivators, and dozens of Tier 5 flying warships.

There are also a large number of Golden Core cultivators and a few Nascent Soul cultivators, leaving them all behind can greatly weaken the strength of the Seven Star Alliance.

He himself took the Mo Jade Flood Dragon and another corpse puppet to hunt down the three middle-stage cultivators.

If you can't keep these three mid-level transformation cultivators, when the Seven Star Alliance reacts, the blood shark thief is unfortunate.

Please remember the domain name of this book's first publication:. _wap.

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