Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1119: resolution

  The three people of Broken Soul were finally relieved to find that God Mo Jiao did not chase him.

   If you keep chasing and killing him, you may have to pay how much to escape.

   Sky Bow God asked: "Should we go to meet other people?"

  The God of Broken Soul shook his head: "Don't think about it, the old Mo Jiao ghost is always treacherous.

   If you don't continue to chase us down, you must go to deal with other people.

   We are not strong enough now, and we will only put ourselves in a dangerous situation in the past.

   The three of them died. Although the three of us suffered heavy losses, as long as we are still there, the Seven Star Alliance can still keep it.

   If the three of us are also left here, the Seven Star Alliance might not even be able to guard the seven big islands.

   Whether it can survive or not depends on their good fortune.

   Let's go back and discuss with others about how to deal with the blood shark thief in the next step. "

   Heavenly Bow God Lord sighed: "My Heavenly Scroll Sect previously damaged a Dragon Slaying God Lord, and now I have damaged a mid-stage **** transformation.

   They all had the hope of breaking through the late stage of transformation, but now they are all gone. "

   Hundred Treasures God also looked unlovable. He had collected many artifacts for many years and threw out several pieces at once.

   Sixth-order low-grade artifacts, one piece can also be worth millions of high-grade spiritual stones.

   The ones he detonated were all of Tier 6 middle and top grade.

   Just take out one, it can also be worth tens of millions of high-grade spirit stones.

   In addition, Tianji Palace is likely to damage a mid-level transformation monk, and his mood is even worse.

  The God of Broken Soul controlled the Yuhaizhou and flew all the way north.

   Three hours later, a flying warship came to the north.

   There were three people standing on the bow of the boat. An older monk asked, "Tiangong, how is the situation?"

  Heavenly Bow God sighed: "Uncle Earthbreaker, the monk who besieged Qizhen Island, there are only three of us left."

  The old man was taken aback: "Where are the dozens of flying warships?"

  "Blood Shark Thieves dispatched six battle powers in the late stage transformation, and three battle powers in the middle stage transformation.

   There is also Jin Jian, the guy in the early stage of the transformation, who was hit hard by me.

   Mo Jiao old ghost chased us for a while, so he stopped chasing and killing us.

  If he returns to Qizhen Island, none of the flying warships can escape. "

   "Where is my iron-armed disciple?"

  "The three of them were chased by the blood puppet **** and Zhenhaizong's late transformation cultivator, the broken star god.

   Among them, the Broken Star God Lord also brought a ten thousand-year-old corpse puppet and a sixth-order high-grade puppet.

   They were forced to flee westward, and they may be gone now. "

   The old man froze and almost fell to the ground.

   After a long time, he said like a madman: "When I came, the soul card in the clan hadn't broken yet.

   Iron Arm is still alive, I want to save him. "

   In-person disciples are like their own sons, this old man has a very high level of generation, and there is not much life left.

   At this time, the loss of a direct disciple is tantamount to bereavement in old age.

  The God of Broken Soul hurriedly persuaded: "Fearing fellow Taoist, Old Ghost Mo Jiao has a golden furnace.

   That thing is quite extraordinary, it should be the foundation of the seventh-order magic weapon.

  The Taoist fellow of Kaiyangzong was taken into the furnace, and he didn't even hold on to his five breaths.

   Tianbong shot an arrow with his natal arrow, and the golden furnace hardened, unscathed.

   Blood Shark Pirates has six late-stage combat powers of the **** of transformation, plus the golden furnace, let's pass together, and we are not opponents.

   If something happens to us again, there will be no hope for the Seven Star Alliance. "

   Baibao Shenjun also persuaded from the side: "Split the earth, fellow Taoists, and change in sorrow.

  If you want to save people, you have to call up people first.

   I have sent a letter to the Tianji Palace, asking the hidden cultivator of God to come over.

   The Daoist Friend of God Judgment has also sent a letter, letting the Daoist of Yuheng Sword Sect come over.

   Kaiyangzong and Shendanzong have no late stage cultivators, so don't care about them for the time being.

  Wait for them to come, after we discuss together, we will save people. "

   A few people took turns to persuade, and the Lord of Splitting Earth stopped insisting.

   Everyone returned to Tianshu Island and came near the gate of Tianshu Sect.

   Tianshu Island is the southernmost one of the seven big islands in the Seven Star Sea. On the entire island, there is only one power in the face of Tianshu Sect.

   Of course, other forces will also do business here.

  Because of location, after the two sides went to war, Tianshu Island became the former enemy's headquarters.

   Various sects sent many disciples to sit near the Tianshu Sect.

   Here, backed by the Tianshu Sect’s guarding formation, I am not afraid of being attacked.

   After all, there are too many ways to steal the blood shark, and there is nothing wrong with being cautious.

   After everyone returned to Tianshu Island, they came to the headquarters under the Tianshuzong Mountain Gate.

   After the gods of the cracked earth, the gods of broken souls and others returned, they sat in the conference room of the command headquarters and said nothing.

   There are two cultivators in the early stage of transforming gods here.

   Two and a half days later, Kaiyang Sect, the farthest away, also came.

   This person is a monk in the early stage of transforming gods. Since the Kaiyang Sect, there has been only one monk in the early stage of transforming gods.

   Each big power will hide a part of its strength. Although Kaiyang Sect is not strong, it is good at doing business and has accumulated a lot of resources.

  It is not surprising that two cultivating monks can be cultivated.

   After the crowd arrived, the Lord of Broken Soul stood up and said: "The staff of all sects are all here, and I will also talk about the situation this time.

   The blood shark thief took out all the methods at the bottom of the box.

   Three ten thousand-year-old corpse puppets, a sixth-order high-grade puppet, two late stage god-transforming monks, and the Mo Jade Flood Dragon, with a total of six late stage-transforming **** puppets.

   Especially the gold furnace of God Mo Jiao, Taoist Xuyang of Kaiyang Sect was put into the furnace, and there was no movement after a few breaths.

Daoist    Heavenly Archer used his life arrow and was also taken in by the golden furnace, without causing any damage to the golden furnace.

   There are six cultivators of the late transformation of gods sitting there, and dealing with them is not a big problem.

   But if this golden furnace had no countermeasures, we wouldn't be able to kill many people. "

   A monk dressed similarly to the God of Broken Soul asked: "I heard that a strange unicorn appeared before the blood shark thief captured Qizhen Island.

   This may be the birth of some kind of strange treasure, could it be this gold furnace? "

   Baibao Shenjun shook his head: "Absolutely not. Although this golden furnace is brilliant, there are some gods and beasts on the furnace cover.

   But those animal patterns are just decorations, without the charm of any beasts.

   That strange unicorn is so powerful, the magical tool that can appear this kind of vision, the body will not be without the slightest charm of the beast. "

  The God of Cracking Earth asked: "How did you escape from under the golden furnace?"

  Sky Bow God Lord replied: "My spiritual power arrows can carry a lot of sea water. At that time, Mo Jiao God Lord wanted to chase us, so he used the golden furnace to pick up my spiritual power arrows.

   As a result, the golden furnace was filled with sea water.

After   , I fired a few arrows to slow down their pursuit speed, and the old ghost Mo Jiao gave up the pursuit.

   If I really want to defeat them, but relying on my spiritual power arrows is of no use at all. "

  The God of Broken Soul asked: "Our major forces have explored the Seven Star Secret Realm for many years. Has anyone discovered a seventh-order magical weapon?

   This is not the time to hide privates, if there is no seventh-order magic weapon, we can only give in. "

   Everyone present didn't say a word, and they hadn't heard of any force with a seventh-order magic weapon.

   Baibao Shenjun shook his head: "If the Seven-Star Secret Realm has a seventh-order magical device, 80% of it is also in the Ziwei Hall.

   I heard the monks who entered the Ziwei Temple said that they saw a great cauldron, and the flames sprayed out were extremely terrifying. It used to be a seventh-order magic weapon.

   Unfortunately, it was taken away by the kid of unknown origin.

Outside of    Ziwei Hall, even if there are seventh-order magical artifacts, they won't fall into our hands.

   The Seven-Star Secret Realm has been opened for more than 50,000 years, and there were no forces like us at that time.

   There are really good things, and they have all been taken away by those forces back then.

   Yulingzong has a long history, and the golden furnace is probably obtained in the secret world back then. "

   The hidden monk in Tianji Palace asked, "Then what shall we do? If it is really time to do it, someone must be able to suppress the golden furnace, right?

   Otherwise, we simply don't have the strength to compete head-on with the blood shark thief. "

  The God of Broken Soul thought for a long time, and said: "The Wen Xuan Hai of the Wen family should be able to suppress one or two. The last time he explored the secret realm of Qizhen Island, he was about to break through the late stage of God Transformation.

   got a few strains of purple jade dragon ginseng, one strain should be able to break through.

  His method is mainly to ban. It should still be possible to freeze the golden furnace in a short period of time with the spiritual arrows of the daoists. "

  As soon as this remark came out, everyone thought it made sense.

The history of    Wenjia is not short, not much worse than Yulingzong, and has been staying in the depths of the endless ice sea, and has not received much impact.

   If it weren't restricted by the ice and sea environment, maybe he could compete with Yulingzong.

   They have mixed up with the Seven-Star Secret Realm for tens of thousands of years, and they should have gotten a lot of good things.

   The cultivator of the Sword Sect of Yuheng nodded repeatedly: "Or, let's go and drag Wen's family into the water?

   There is also the Royal Family of the Diyan Islands. Although it has just been established, Wang Daoyuan is not weak.

   The last time he escaped from the secret realm of Qizhen Island, he was only slightly injured.

   Even with the credit of the Talisman, it is not easy.

   Even if his strength is not as good as the late stage transformation, at least among the cultivators in the intermediate stage transformation, he can still be ranked. "

   Tian Bow Shenjun nodded: "It's good that Lavin's family is in the water, but Wen's and Wang's are not stupid. Will they be willing to join us?

   Maybe it will cost a great price. For how much we can pay, you have to have a charter, and you have to send someone with status to talk to them. "

   Soul Broken Lord nodded: "Leave it to me what you talk to them. After all, in the secret realm of Qizhen Island, I have fought side by side with them, and it’s a bit of friendship.

   How much we can pay, we have to discuss it carefully.

   My Yuheng Sword Sect’s attitude is that they must never be allowed to encroach on the seven big islands.

   Although neither the Wen family nor the Wang family has any grudges against us, once the foundation is laid on the big island, our life will be difficult. "

   Everyone was convinced, Baibao Shenjun continued: "Some islands in the western and eastern waters of the Seven Star Sea can be let out.

   There are not many good things over there, we are badly injured now.

  Even if the blood shark thief was eliminated, he didn't want to manage it, so he simply handed it over.

   If the blood shark thief can really be eliminated, there will be a lot of oil and water in the southern waters.

   When the time comes, just allow them to fight for the southern waters.

   Anyway, they are far away and intervene in the southern waters, and the cost is much higher than ours. "

   A monk in the early stage of transforming gods asked, "Will there be another blood shark thief?"

   Someone immediately retorted: "We have a **** feud with the blood shark thief, but we don't have the Wen family and the Wang family.

   Besides, both of their forces are in family form.

Although a force like    is very stable, its growth rate is very slow.

   As far as I know, the literary family has only mastered millions of ordinary people.

   The Wang family has just established a foothold, and it has only survived tens of thousands of people.

   If a power wants to rise, it needs a lot of monks and A family power needs a hundred times as many monks to train a large number of monks.

   Except for the seven big islands, there are not many places suitable for ordinary people to survive.

   I want to train a large number of ordinary people, it is just a dream.

   Besides, it takes thousands of years to cultivate elixir and other things.

   After thousands of years, they will become a climate, how can our various forces be worse than them? "

   The one who said this was the Shen Danzong monk, he knew it in his heart.

  Shen Danzong is the same as Kaiyangzong, not very strong, and he is also a younger brother in the Seven Star Alliance.

   If it weren't for the blood shark thief, I wouldn't bother to take care of these messy things.

   Anyway, being suppressed by the forces of Tianji Palace, there is no future.

   The rise of the Wang family and the Wen family are just like being younger brothers.

   When the two sides fight in the future, maybe they still have a chance to rise.

   Everyone agreed that it would take thousands of years for these two families to become a climate.

   I want to clean them up, sometimes it's time.

   Soul Broken Lord nodded: "Since everyone has no opinion, let's do it.

   I will talk to the two companies, if they have other requirements, I will send you a letter to notify you. "

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